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Search results

  1. BubbleMage

    Resource New Trainer Card & League PC

    this plugin is now broken with the latest update of the badge case plugin, when trying to register your trianer card! any tips to at least try to fix this myself? might have to discard this plugin entirely if it's broken :S
  2. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    that worked, thank you for your help!!
  3. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    alright reinstalled the entire script again, did what you told me and now it works, but i get a different error hahahaha
  4. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    i did change it :(
  5. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    same error :SS
  6. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    i just updated the plugin and this happens... that's weird? it crashes while compiling the game by the way
  7. BubbleMage

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    Hi! I'm using this plugin alongside another one called Voltseon's Pause Menu, and the game sends this crash message when for example I use all my potions from the bag so I run out of that item. It has something to do with a Fade animation? What should I do?
  8. BubbleMage

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Game also crashes when for example I have 2 potions (happens with any item when you run out of it), and use those potions so I run out of potions, the game sends this error maybe it has to do with a FadeOut animation or something? I'm also using another plugin called Interactable Bag Screen as...
  9. BubbleMage

    Resource Better Speed Up

    sorry i dont understand where the "game_temp.rb" and "ui_options.rb" are :( your plugin only has a file called "01_speed_up_v3.rb"
  10. BubbleMage

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Game crashes when you edit one of your Pokemon members via debugging and then return to your pause menu!!! it happened to me a few times when I changed my Pokemon statuses for example, I guess the plugin doesn't update stuff if you edit Pokemon via the debug menu?
  11. BubbleMage

    Resource New Trainer Card & League PC

    I'm using this plugin, but I don't understand: you don't need to register at all, as the player already starts with a trainer card and a badge case (I'm using the badge case plugin as well, and also Voltseon's Pause Menu plugin), so how could I prevent that? I want the player to have the badge...
  12. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    Okay I fixed it myself, turns out the plugin has like 17 badges or so defined in Badgecase_Badges, BUT I think the problem was that: · in Badgecase_UI, line 10 -> def getBadgePositions(badgecount=8), the 8 might have been the problem? All I did was not change the 8, but instead delete ALL badges...
  13. BubbleMage

    Resource Badgecase

    I followed every step, I even started a new save file, and it breaks when I either try to open the Badge Case menu from Voltseon's Pause Menu or when I give the player a badge using a script like "pbGetBadge("THUNDERBADGE")" in an event... :( what am I missing here? Also the icon for the...
  14. BubbleMage

    Resource [v19+] Time of Day Introduction

    does time pass while a cutscene with Move Routes etc is running? because maybe that automatic transition could break cutscenes
  15. BubbleMage

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    hi!! i cant seem to find a way to place dolls on top of the big bricks for example, or tables, why is that? i set their (tables/bricks) terrain tags to 28 so supposedly i should be able to place decor on top of those, but it won't let me? it does let me place dolls on top of chairs tho, and they...
  16. BubbleMage

    Resource Better Speed Up

    3.0 crashes for me, it says speed_scale is not defined!