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  • Eevee Expo's webhost has been having technical issues since Nov. 20th and you might be unable to connect to our site. Staff are also facing issues connecting, so please send a DM to Cat on-site or through Discord directly for faster service!

Released Games

Projects with at least a playable demo go here. If your game is still in development and you don't have a public playable release, you should start a thread in the Games in Development section instead.
Introduction: This game is a double-battle focused Pokemon game, with the option to fight alongside Partners that join you throughout your Journey. You'll be able to view and level your Trainer's Pokemon as well as adjust them by using TM's and giving them held items. With adjusted experience formula, you'll be able to train up Pokemon under level 50 quickly so you can adjust your party to beat specific opponents. Starters: Kirlia, Absol, Riolu Plot: Various things have been disappearing all over Orange Peak. Is it a Pokemon? A thief? Investigate with Yuki as one discovery leads to a never ending spiral of mystery. Features: - Partner's Pokemon party screen (Can use TMs and have them hold Items) - Your Partner's Pokemon can level up - Switch between multiple Partners - Control your Partner's Pokemon in Battle - Almost every trainer battle is Double Battle - New experimental Fishing mechanic - Skip certain long cutscenes by holding the down key (at the beginning of each cutscene) - Gen 7 Pokemon and Abilities - Adjusted multiple Pokemon to evolve normally by leveling without having to trade, happiness, etc. To do's and Known bugs - Can't use items on Partner's Pokemon in battle. - Plan to further customize your Partner's Pokemon (Change name and Remember moves) - Update various art assets (In battle Partner sprites, etc) - Pokedex UI update and number adjustments - Plan to add more NPCs - Aquarin Town is under extreme construction (no content) - Possible plan to disable use items in Battle and possibly focus on use of berries - Plan to add more Partner content. - Autosave and ways to back up trainer data. This game is at its experimental stages. It is bound to have multiple bugs and not very much content. It's my first Pokemon game so I thought I'd post here and get some feedback before I advance my game further. Please save often and consistently check your Partner's Pokemon party to check for errors. Since I'm working on this game alone, I predict that my progress with this game won't be as fast as I would like... I would appreciate it if I can get some help from others in scripting, plot progression and battle balancing. Some known bugs and possible fixes: Q: In battle, the buttons get stuck and I can't move around A: This game has an option to use the mouse cursor in battle to click on buttons. Try moving the mouse cursor away from the game screen (or at least away from the buttons) Q: This game is laggy A: There are some locations where the game slows down (notably Clary Town). Fix coming in the future. v0.22 Update v0.3 Update v0.22 Download Link (A Fresh download, use this instead of the old client): Download (700mbs) v0.32 Minor game patch + mkxp Game port release: [REMEMBER: Back-up your save before entering new content!]
Welcome to Kimo! Pokémon Libertas is a semi-open world Pokémon Fangame aimed to let the player explore an entire region in many different orders, while still having a lot to see and do. You are an aspiring trainer who've been in contact with Professor Fumu, who agreed to help you move into Kimo to start your new journey. Today is the day you settle in. Who you were and what you want to do from here is up to you. Last Updated: 12 Feb 2024 (Version 1.9.0 Update) This game features: Starly, Roggenrola, and Timburr as starters A fully explorable region from the start, featuring 10 Gyms which all scale up with your badge count Gen 7 Mechanics as a base Mega Evolutions & Z-Moves included Some Gen 8+ stuff tacked on (moves, abilities, items primarily) ~94% of all Gen 7 Pokémon (aiming for 100% on game completion) Buffs & changes to a lot of Pokémon's movesets, stats, types, abilities Also major are changes to the type interactions of Fairy, Bug, Poison, and Ice Changes to evolution methods (No trade evolutions, evolving to different forms, and lowered levels for some Unovan Pokémon) Natural Field Skills to replace HMs The ability to see all encounters in your area via the Pokegear Following Pokémon Speed Up (Cycled with Q) A more comprehensive list of features and changes are listed in the Features & Changes.txt file provided within the download With plans for: A Doubles-centric League A new UI More sidequests in general, and making them more elaborate A postgame island featuring a Battle Frontier and PWT A Champion Title Defense Mode LINKS Download via Dropbox GDrive Mirror Discord Server OST on YouTube Author's Note Hello there! This is my first Pokémon fangame (and also finished game), and it's been in private development since October of 2020 with some of my friends volunteering to playtest the game and help hunt for bugs. While all the gyms are finished, I'm currently starting work on the league and post-game, so it's not quite done yet, but at this point I'm willing to show what I have. Apart from the plugins and resources used, this project is entirely solo, so a relatively long development time should be expected before I release another update, as this project has been in development since October of 2020 and is only now arriving here in terms of progress. Feedback is very much appreciated both here and in Discord (though I check Discord much more often), and I'm looking to soon overhaul many parts of this game, primarily some of the old maps. maybe some sprites, and later remake most of the UI, so don't be afraid to shoot some suggestions and ideas for those, and I'll see if: 1. I can do them, and if, 2. I like them enough to put them in. Anyways, that's all. Enjoy! Developed with Pokémon Essentials v20.1 | RPG Maker XP CREDITS
(Discord links are currently being kept private due to my account getting hacked) Download link! POKÉMON PLASMA - Made on Pokémon Essentials Choose between Mossloth (Grass), Nymbi (Fire) and Selphin (Water). These Pokémon will be your partner everywhere you go. New Plasma forms: Higher stats, but the Pokémon disobey. No Elite 4, instead, an Elite Labyrinth is used. Go through places you'll find familiar, but with much higher level Pokémon and trainers until you reach the champion. Pokémon Contests are back. Show how cute, tough, beautiful, cool or your Pokémon is by performing amazing moves. Team Neo Plasma comes from the Unova region to give power to the Pokémon, but make them unfriendly, known as the Plasma forms above. GTS: Online trading! Demo 3.2 goes until Sprout Tower. (3 Gyms) Screenshots: Credits:
================================= Project Title: Project Untamed ================================= Team Name/Team Members: Team Untamed Full credits attached in a text file ================================= Kit used: Pokémon Essentials v20.1 ================================= Project Description: Have you heard of the Mazah region created by Jack on the Subjectively YouTube channel? If not, take a look at this playlist! We are making this hypothetical region a reality! " ================================= Plot Outline: “In ancient times, the Mazah region was divided into two distinct societal groups: the Imata tribe, and the Katalu empire. The Imata were a peaceful people, living off the land and following the Pokémon that shared their desert home. The Katalu ruled over the vast jungles and established a sprawling empire with cities and structures that towered over the land. Each civilization followed the teachings of a separate deity. The Katalu were followers of Hylarmos, the first hunter. The Imata worshipped Maripome, the first hunted. The story goes that when the Mazah region was inhabited by only Pokémon, Hylarmos and Maripome set the ecosystem in balance. Hylarmos as the first predator, and Maripome as the first prey. When humans began to inhabit the land, some favored the ways of the predator: stagnant, unchanging, and always hungry for more. Other humans sought out the life of prey: ever moving, in fear of being caught, looking forward to a better future. After some time, the Katalu began to exhaust their resources. Depleting their jungle home of food, they sought to conquer what little the Imata had. They unleashed Hylarmos using special jewelry to control it. The Pokémon wreaked havoc over the land, laying waste to both the jungle and the desert, consuming everything in its path. In a desperate attempt to save their people, the Imata released their guardian, Maripome. Enticed by this ultimate prize, Hylarmos pursued its ancient rival. The ensuing chase caused more destruction than either civilization anticipated, and they were forced to work together to seal away both Pokémon in a sacred tomb. As the years went, by the remnants of the Katalu and Imata civilizations slowly unified. The land was no longer divided, and it adopted a new name: the Mazah region. While the empire of the Katalu and the tribes of the Imata have faded into history, their mentalities persist in their descendants. Some believe the only way to succeed is to remain hungry and ruthless. Change brings about destruction, and tradition must reign supreme. Others live more progressive lives, seeking to break out of the routines of old and blaze a new trail for the Mazah region.” The contrasting themes of the Mazah region are modernism versus tradition. Professor Ceiba of the region is researching the relationship between Pokémon and the culture of the region. She wants to find out how Pokémon influences the traditions of people. For this reason, she gives the player a starter Pokémon from a set of three that have historically contributed to the culture of the region. She also advises that the player take on the gym challenge to learn more about the culture of each town and learn more about Pokémon. Evil Teams: Eon Faction (Traditional): They are inspired by the old kingdom of Katalu that worshiped Hylarmos. They believe their way of thinking is correct and that breaking out of routine is dangerous for the region. They have ignored new ideas even if they benefit the Mazah region and its people. The current Eon Faction are landowners and usually pass down their accumulated land through generations, hoarding property and housing and making affordable housing impossible in some areas. Neo Collective (Progressive): They are inspired by the old tribes of Imata that worshiped Maripome. Although they are progressive and believe in breaking out to find new ways of improving the old, they will sometimes ignore traditions such as respect for ancestors and their way of life, even when those traditions provide a moral compass. They are more technologically advanced but never stay in the same place for more than a while which makes it difficult for their families to take root and develop a strong bond with their region. They go around the Mazah region looking for opportunities for progress (new tech and business opportunities, sometimes at the inconvenience of the local residents). ================================= Current Features: Objective (Quest) log - we plan to have many side quests in addition to the main quest line, and the main objective to progress in the story will remain tracked so players can check up on their objective and remember what to do after taking a break from the game Following Pokémon Pronoun selection Normal/Hard Difficulty New region, new fakemon and regional variants, of course (check them out on the Subjectively YouTube channel) Planned Features (subject to change): Number of Towns: 7+ Number of Cities: 3+ Additional Pokédex entries are planned for some Pokémon. These "CultureDex" entries add to the lore of the region and unlock via optional quests as rewards at times. This is planned because the region's professor studies how the Pokémon in the region have influenced the culture. Mega Evolution (+ new megas) Camping + Pokémon Amie Pokémon Contests ================================= Progress/Screenshots: Done with the first demo! Demo includes first two towns and a couple other areas. ================================= Method of Contact: If you would like to join, accept this invite to the Discord server, and take a look at the server rules and FAQ! https://discord.gg/4QfgJ26PWa ================================= Additional Information: We all respect each other's opinions and provide constructive criticism while we work as a team. Started in May 2022 and almost done with the demo! Woo! We like to have fun of course. Otherwise, we wouldn't be making a fan game! ================================= How to Play the Demo: Version 1.0.2 of the demo is out! NOTE: it's still in development stages and you might get stuck somewhere 1. Delete the entirety of the game you have so far if you have it. This will not delete your save file. This must be done to avoid any clashing of project versions. 2. Download the zip file here: 3. Extract the zip file and double-click Game.exe 4. NOTE: If you are on MacOS, you might need to download a program called Wineskin Winery to run .exe files.
A Pokemon fangame by RegalSword, created using the Pokemon Essentials v20.1 starter kit. Story "You won a pair of tickets for a cruise? Count me in!" Little did you know, a simple trip was about to turn into so much more. After an unfortunate event leaves you and your childhood friend Barley stranded in the foreign Asteria region, the two of you decide to work together to find a way back home. Along the way, you'll clash with Team Exodus, a strange organization whose motives remain shrouded in mystery. Defeat the Gym Leaders, challenge the Championship Tournament, and leave your mark on Asteria! This is the start of the greatest vacation yet! Features Generation 9 mechanics FRLG style visuals 440 obtainable Pokemon Terastal Phenomenon Speed up Quicksave Exp. All Battle Tower Project Status Disclaimer: the below information is subject to change without notice. Current release: v7 which goes up to the Hall of Fame. Planned: v8 which will add post game content. Note: Version number formatting is x.y.z where "x" represents a new major update while "y" or "z" represent a patch (bug fixes, etc). Warning It is recommended that you save the game and stop playing after entering the Hall of Fame. This way, you will be able to access v8 post-game content without issue. There are, however, three pieces of post-game content that you can play right now. They are as follows: Battle Tower Battle Factory Alcan's Epilogue. Visit Forgotten Clearing after entering the Hall of Fame to start the event. Reward: Note: These are perfectly safe to start and will not cause issues with v8. Download v7.9.4 | Join the Discord Click me to download patch ?.?.? Gallery Click me to access a playlist of video guides made by RegalSword. Click me to access a playlist of (almost) every soundtrack used in Pokemon Itinerant. Credits
Perihelion Productions is proud to present our flagship project! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION Immerse yourself in the beautiful Leneka Region and discover tons of new wild Pokémon around every corner. Build your favorite team of Pokémon and battle your way to the top by challenging experienced Gym Leaders throughout the region. Encounter mythical legendary Pokémon and keep those who seek to do harm from reaching their goals! You’ll face many challenges along the way, but if you work hard enough, you will succeed in your quest to be the greatest Pokémon trainer ever! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORY Legend tells of an ancient Pokémon with the ability to travel between the world of the living and the world of the dead. It is said that long ago, our ancestors used to summon this Pokémon with a relic, and on rare occasions, it would appear and bring one who had passed back to the land of the living. When the common people had heard of this great power, wars broke out over the want to bring the dead back. The monks who guarded the relic decided that the power was too much for any to hold, and broke the relic into four parts, and scattered them across the region. Legend also tells of four fearsome beasts who guard each part of the relic. These fabled sites have become known as “Ethereal Gates”. You begin your Pokémon journey in a rather unexpected way--you’re dragged along by a friend with a bit too much passion for Pokémon research. But before long you become enthralled with Pokémon as well, and begin working for the Pokémon Professor, Hawthorne, on completing his Pokédex project. To test your strength, you encounter Gym Leaders throughout the region, and you also encounter the evil Team Mythos, whose nefarious plans just may put the entire world in jeopardy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meet your first partner! Fernling ♦ Kittorch ♦ Bubull --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS In Pokémon Ethereal Gates, you have a choice to play as either a boy or a girl. Like in most Pokémon games, this character is the silent protagonist--sort of a blank slate that you can imprint yourself onto. We have taken great care in crafting our cast of memorable characters! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAILER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS The Perihelion Productions Team Evan Starr Mark Baldino Aaron Schmitz Sean Petersen Josh Leung Pokémon Essentials by Flameguru Poccil Maruno Other Script Thanks to Klein Studio Luka S.J. Dragonnite Spriters-Resource Shiney570 KCG Pokémon by GAME FREAK Nintendo Creatures inc. Additional Thanks to Marc Azria Scott Geldzahler Sam Gelman "Senor Shyza" "Squirt05" "DRaB" Eric Chen Alessio Zisa Rob Wickline Amanda Spivack DOWNLOAD LINKS!!!! FOR PC: http://goo.gl/6cXtQA FOR MAC: http://goo.gl/ok8zUg INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAC: https://www.reddit.com/r/legendsofthearena/comments/1yga3w/tutorial_to_play_on_mac/
DEVELOPED BY: BIGFriv - Mapper/Eventer/Writer Aboodie - Pixel Art The Story: It's your 18th birthday, and you finally have the chance to search for your mother, who's been missing for as long as you can remember. Taking the League Challenge is nothing but an excuse to explore more locations and search far and wide. But you soon find out there are bigger problems starting to ravage the region. You begin to learn of the origin of the Canòrr region as it's known today and the history of its current King and Queen. As the hidden secrets become divulged, the dots to your missing mother connect more and more. A prophecy older than time, ancient inscriptions, a mysterious royal plot, divination, and magic new and old all collide in a clash that shakes everything you have ever known. Features: Gen 1-8 Field Effects Regional Pokémon New Items galore (there's gonna be a lot) Cybernetic Pokemon & Runic Pokémon Level Caps & Updated Exp Formula EV Slider Balance Changes (to Pokémon; Moves; Abilities & Items) DOWNLOAD: v0.1 Download Here orro ereH daolnwoD Canorr Region : In-Depth info: Regional Forms: Credits: Discord | Twitter
Prelude (3/12/24) Thank you to everyone who has been playing Reconquered! We were just recently involved in Eevee Expo 3 during their sizzle reel. You can find them on Twitter by following the below linked tweet (like the tweet while you are there) and see all the other games featured! I also wanted to announce a new update will be releasing in the near future, featuring a newly revamped final story episode!! Stay tuned and keep an eye out! Eevee Expo’s Reconquered Tweet Pokémon Conquest For those that don’t know, Pokémon Conquest was released in 2012, developed by Koei Tecmo, and published by Nintendo for the DS. It’s a crossover between Pokémon and Koei Tecmo’s Nobunaga’s Ambition series, using the gameplay and characters from NA and 200 Pokémon spanning from Gen 1 up to Gen 5. It flew under the radar, only recently gaining more and more traction within the Pokémon Community. Today I’d like to present you with my take on the Ransei Region… Story In a distant land and in a time not too long ago, far away from the modernized world of Pokémon, lies the Ransei region. Home to 17 Kingdoms, filled with Pokémon and Warriors. Some are content with living their lives out, but most dedicate themselves to combat, using their ability to connect with a Pokémon’s mind, body, and soul. Legend has it that if all 17 kingdoms are to be united under one banner, a powerful Pokémon will bestow them with a wish. You’ll be playing through the many tales of the Warlords of the Ransei Region, warriors that hold the most power over their kingdoms. Will you be able to finish the story? Features New Pokémon - 4 New Pokémon were added in v2.0, Dunsparce, Golett, Golurk, and Absol. With v3.0, 5 new evolution lines are being added! R-Style Pokémon - Pokémon that have adapted their body and battle style to the Ransei Region. Move and Ability Changes - An overhaul of Pokémon moves and abilities to better fit both the Pokémon and the game itself. New Moves - Moves not in the base game have been added to spice up the move pool and create interesting new strategies. Reconquered Moves - Moves made for Pokémon Conquest: Reconquered that allow for new experiences. Modernized Stats - Pokémon have stat changes that reflect their Gen 9/8/7 main game counterparts. Harder Difficulty - Teams have been curated to create a rewarding challenge, requiring strategy and quick thinking. Minor Tweaks - Changes that help streamline gameplay such as evolution conditions or warrior skills. Creative Base - Reconquered can be used to influence and inspire ideas that can further build the Pokémon Conquest romhacking scene. v3.0 Updates! (Released 3/24/23) Pokémon Conquest: Reconquered v3.0 Coming Soon! Since v2.0 was released in June of last year, I've been debating with myself on what I'd like the future of Reconquered to look like. I had plenty of ideas but was worried about how to execute them. But now, I know exactly what the game plan is...so I want to present v3.0! Below is a list of all new inclusions and changes that'll be in your hands soon! New Pokémon One of my favorite aspects of v2.0 was the addition of the new Pokémon. I knew I wanted v3.0 to include even more so with the help of some fantastic spriters (Snap, Doanmit, and Soulja), I can make that a reality! The new Pokémon include: Dudunsparce Snom Frosmoth Jangmo-o Hakamo-o Kommo-o Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Ferroseed Ferrothorn Heracross That's right, 5 full new lines (6 fully completed with Dudunsparce) all playable! The v2.0 Pokémon also features new and updated sprites thanks to their creator Snap! New R-Style Forms! 4 new R-Style Forms now populate the roster, 1 of which is hidden unless you find it in-game (it is listed in the doc normally so be warned). I love the idea of R-Style forms so adding in more mattered a lot to me. Buffs and Nerfs! I like to say I'm more confident in the balancing gameplay-wise. Some moves and Pokémon needed to be knocked down a peg but some needed that boost! Episode Rebalancing! With the introduction of new Pokémon and player feedback, the main story and post stories receive modifications to feature a better flow. I highly recommend restarting or playing a different file just to see what kind of experience you have! Future Updates Due to the small scale of Pokémon Conquest romhacking, some changes are currently impossible and being investigated. Here is a list of things that cannot be changed but when possible, will be changed: AI Pokémon Ability Effects The amount of Pokémon But I will try my best to update along the way to bring the best possible experience. How was this possible? How? Well with RanseiLink of course! RanseiLink is an incredible program created by Deijin. She spent many hours working on this editor that is the backbone of this project. Without Deijin or RanseiLink, we wouldn’t be this far in Conquest modification. To find RanseiLink, you can either follow the documentation below or by following this link: https://github.com/Deijin27/RanseiLink Documentation Documentation such as the Read Me, FAQs, Changelogs, etc. are all in the linked Google Drive. Here you will also find the .rlmod file, for Reconquered. Please note this requires a rom of Pokémon Conquest, which I cannot provide. THE CURRENT VERSION IS v3.2 (UPDATED 4/20/2024) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Gh0d4FjFJPvngSO0pz4Z9-ZpavEdF-PA?usp=sharing Contact You can contact me on discord (WhatAUsernameIHave#0437) or on Twitter (@WhatAUsernameSD)! https://linktr.ee/whatausernameihave I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read this, I hope you enjoy Pokémon Conquest: Reconquered! User out.
"Six months after Team Plasma defeat against the Hero, the grunts try to start a new life after everything that happened. You are a young grunt who tries to forget their duties and move on their new life, without knowing that right now, a small group loyal to Ghetsis tries to rebuild the organization..." Pokemon Ex Plasma is a fangame made by myself, Seth with the help of Hystrucgon on Pokemon Essentials v.20.1, this is a demo so the future update will be released a while later. Please also comment any noticeable bug or glitch to fix as soon as possible. Features 50-60 min of gameplay Unova Dex (Based on BW, future update will add BW2 Dex)
Made for the Insert Name Jam #1 Explore Hoenn during the medieval times! Made Using: Pokémon ES V20.1 Discord Game Download: Here The game is only a demo. Update 1.1.0: Fixed some typos. Major rebalancing: Update 1.0.3: Fixed a major softlock at . Update 1.0.2: Fixed a typo. Fixed "The wild the wild {Pokémon name}" message in some wild battles. Update 1.0.1: Fixed a crash when interacting with rock smash rocks. Game description: You have been sent by Arceus to Hoenn in the past to help with something called the "Seasons Stone". The usefulness of this thing is currently unknown. But there is one thing that is sure, if you want to go back home to the modern Hoenn, you will have to find it. During your adventure in the medieval time, you will meet many familiar faces from the modern world. If you can guess each one, congratulations. Team: @CelestialFearow @Enigma Notes: This game is a mix between Pokémon Bushido, and Pokémon Legends Arceus. So that means this game could be Pokémon Legends Hoenn or something. But that's not really the case since this game is trying to do its own thing and its own story.
Pokémon Terrarium Made using RPG Maker XP and Essentials v21.1 By StarWolff and Dada Made for Insert Name Jam 2024 In this jam game YOU are the Professor! Your mission is to create new exclusive Pokémon for the next trainer generation, Explore the Terrarium and collect Cores to achieve your scientific task. Unique Features: Pokémon creation System Shifted roles (trainer and professor) Custom tiles and Battlebacks 12 new starters! DLC was discontinued due to my loss of passion for developing pokémon content, really sorry, I was exited w it too Game Link (Mega)
DEMO: Windows x86 | Windows x64 | Mac | Linux Discord | Wiki Credits: Base: Audino Code/Script: PsyCommando AntyMew Palika Parakoopa Rev Trio~ Rings Buwwet Graphics/Music: MusicalCombusken SilverDeoxys563 Fable Lurils Rao Kurai Skelothan Chi Lovi Zefa Reppamon +2 Anonymous Translation: Van-Tazen lagpu1 Dask DSgamer93 Lars Preston Scout P1ka Squishy Barry Dew AthalePrime Mario Brand PikaNiko キヌ Aligatueur Kurama Vioshim Discord:komischertypus KomischerTypus Discord:glaiver. Glaiver Discord:youka0 Youka Discord:veemaru Mathieu "Maru" V Discord:digital_hazard Digital Hazard Discord:saiphdeer Saiph kaitensekai@qq.com 域外創音(IkigaiSouon) Alicia Chehra Blackun Buxrart Tabarnak Rockdu +1 Anonymous Original Media: Chunsoft Creatures inc Nintendo GAME FREAK inc Falcom Modding: -Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Origins supports modding, and can be started in Developer mode with a full array of editors. -Mods can be exported as standalone games of their own and be released as separate games! Just be sure to include the proper credits for the engine. -To learn how to use the engine, start with the Modding Intro -We also have a Wiki, containing tutorial and reference pages on how to edit and script! -The full source of the game, containing all assets and code, is available to view and fork on Github: PMDODump and its submodules PMDC and DumpAsset. They use the MIT License. -As development on the game continues, unreleased data will appear on these repositories and be viewable before official release. You are free to spoil yourself on what is uploaded if you believe it enhances your experience with this project. Do not ruin the experience of others. Roadmap: -One additional demo is planned for the future. It will feature changes from demo feedback and bug reports that are actionable in the short term. -Another demo, v0.8, will add beta content that consists of the full game, but with temp text for initial impressions. This is expected in the spring of 2024. -The full release will then follow. It will finish the minimalistic storyline and include most postgame challenges. -If I can afford the time and effort, I will include a final postgame conclusion.
Made with Essentials v20.1 Features: -Over 55 Shadow Pokémon to capture and purify -A game filled entirely with double battles -Over a dozen brand new Shadow moves -Various Pokémon from every single generation -Poké Spots, but this time without the waiting Team: Mak Notes: I poured probably way more time into this than I really should have. But I think the end result ended up polished and entertaining. Hope you enjoy. If you don't................. ok. Download Link (v.1.0.13) Make sure to download the bugfix patch as well if the listed versions are different!!! https://www.mediafire.com/file/0dpy8mnr2clp091/Tales_of_the_Outskirt_Stand_v1.0.13.rar/file Bugfix Patch - v1.0.14 (Updated 5/3/24) If you have an older version of the game installed, download this, drag the extracted folder into the main project folder and click Yes when it prompts you to replace files. https://www.mediafire.com/file/anpypscdpqsc7am/Patch_v1.0.14.rar/file Resource Pack https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1356/ Credits
There's an ENGLISH PATCH inside this file. It has been translated by @taynathon , but be aware that you'll find some unaccuracies and typos. Pokémon Estelar is a fangame developed with PKMN ESSENTIALS GSC KIT, with a lot of changes and new features that ensure hours of Gameplay. Download - Beta 2.1(english and spanish!) Link to Estelar Discord for Questions and Help Link to Estelar Twitter for news and updates Features Pkmn Estelar main feature is that practically all Pokémon change their appearance, types and characteristics, making capturing, training and fighting much more entertaining. Other aspects to take into account are: GBC games graphic and sound style with some improvements. Game mechanics updated to the latest Pokémon games. Completely original region. Optional side quests that give access to Move Tutors and rare items. Along with the regional forms, there will be several Fakemon, including the starters, and regional evolutions. More than 200 obtainable Pokémon. Lot of them are collaborations with top Pkmn/Fkmn designers like Goompy, wild.hoenn, cerulebell, Zimmly... Medium difficulty so that the game does not become a button masher. Starters have two different final evolutions. New moves and abilities. Varied and interesting NPCs: tutors, Pokémon trading, sale of rare items... Improved interfaces that make easier choice of movements and type knowledge. Texts: humor, jokes and continuous references to 90s and 2000s Pop culture. Plot Your adventure takes place in the Astromia region, on Estelaria Island. Here, practically all the Pokémon are different from how they are outside of it for an unknown reason... Your job as a trainer is clear: register them all in the Pokédex and become the best by surpassing the gyms and the Pokémon League, but it won't take long to find obstacles to your purpose, as both a wild biker gang and the mysterious Team Zodiac will stand in your way. Game current state: Beta 2 released at Nov 2023: 4 gyms 4 main events 6 Sidequests +200 Pkmn catchable Slowly working on stuff for Beta 3.
Battle Gem Ponies! The fully-animated action-packed RPG adventure! An evolved version of a Pokemon fan-game turned indie project. Rotation battles, specialized move slots, new types, gym leaders specializing in strategies instead of types, EVs & IVs that can be altered with a slider instead of breeding, a balanced roster without intentional tiers, and a version of Eevee that can switch between any of the types at will. All ideas that went into this project's conception. Sound good? Then come along for the ride! Developed by the YotesMark team with the Unity Engine Version 0.5.6 Play the Latest Demo Here! INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the official Battle Gem Ponies Pre-Alpha thread! BGP has been an idea swimming in my head for years before finally starting development in December of 2014. It was inspired by a Fire Red version ROM Hack called Ponymon where the Pokemon were replaced with My Little Pony characters. The hack went unfinished for years and the story didn’t seem to do much more than name swap and make friendship references. I wondered how cool it would be to see that MLPxPokemon idea taken all the way and fleshed out into a completely new adventure. Fan games like Pokemon Uranium and Fighting is Magic inspired me to take up programming in high school so I could make fan games of my own. Specifically, I always wanted to make my own Pokemon game that did away with all the parts that annoyed me in the main series. Things like grinding, HMs, boring/easy fights, and evolution lines with stats too low for competitive viability would be no more! The first attempt at making such a game didn’t go too well, being just a kid with one java class and a C++ tutorial under his belt. So I spent the next 7 years practicing game development (even getting a degree in Gaming & Simulation) to build the skill necessary to craft a full-blown RPG like this. Over the years the game has gone from overambitious Pokemon fan game to legally safe overambitious Pokemon clone with its own characters, world, logos, assets, and so on. Measures have been taken to make sure this is a Cease & Desist-proof original property inspired by Pokemon that's made from scratch. Lots of blood, sweat, and tears are going into making this game a success. I hope Battle Gem Ponies is turns out as good as the game I saw in my head all those years ago. I can’t be the only one who would like to play a game like this, right? Thanks for checking out the project and enjoy the demo! -- Tony Yotes -- BREAKING NEWS: The Battle Gem Ponies Kickstarter is COMPLETE!! (138% Funded!) The Battle Gem Ponies Kickstarter has ended with 414 Backers that pledged $34,695.50!! For anybody late to the party, Our Patreon is up so you can pre-order the game there as well. We couldn't be any happier with how this turned out. Flew past every Launch Day Stretch Goal with an extra month's budget to spare! It's all an indie team could ever want. Thank you. Thank everyone who pledged, followed, shared, liked, or anything to support us and show that we aren't just shouting into the void hoping someone out there cares. This campaign proved to us this game has an audience. And now we have names and faces for the people we're building this for. We won't let you down. CONCEPT: Command super-powered, shape-shifting ponies in strategic turn-based RPG combat. The battle system is a variation of Pokemon's Rotation Battle in that matches are 3 vs 3 and either player can swap out their current fighter at the beginning of the turn (but at the cost of attacking last). Your pony will shapeshift between these 3 forms until each one's individual HP reaches zero. Each pony has access to 4 moves in battle. A Light move (weaker attack able to be used many times), a Heavy move (stronger attack with limited uses), a Status move (usually a buff/debuff or non-damaging move that affects battle), and a Tutor move (taught by a trainer that the pony can't learn naturally). Each type of move has its own slot in a pony's moveset that only attacks of that type can fit into. This encourages some creative strategies and also makes more of the overall movepool useful in battle. Having a special Tutor move slot also gives ponies with trainers an advantage in battle. To catch wild ponies to add to your team, you have to weaken them and use capture gems that "download" the opposing pony's data and allows your pony to transform into it. In order to complete the capture process though, the wild pony needs to be defeated. There are 18 elemental classes each with their own strengths and weaknesses. In place of the "Normal type" there is a neutral class with no special advantage or disadvantage, thus being able to cause a regular amount of damage on anypony. The classes are Fire, Aqua, Surge, Plant, Ice, Ki, Toxic, Earth, Air, Esper, Bug, Ghost, Draco, Steel, Light, Dark, Chaos, and Magic. A major aspect of battle is the Ultra transformations. Like with mega evolution, finding special objects in the overworld will allow you to transform any one of your party members into a powered up version of themselves (sometimes with alternate elemental types too). Another big difference between this game and the series that inspired it, is the absence of grinding. Battle Gem Ponies is designed in such a way that the player's time never feels wasted. Wild encounters are more sparse (they're also visible and avoidable), EXP is more generous and always shared with your entire pony collection, boss battles are varied and challenging, no amount of grinding will make milestones a cakewalk (battles for badges have your levels rounded out), and hidden stat values can be tweaked with a simple menu interface instead of a complex and random breeding process. In Battle Gem Ponies the focus is on the fun of these Rock, Paper, Scissors RPG battles. The story, interactions, and animations will make you fall in love with the characters. The mechanics, challenges, accomplishments and surprises will make you fall in love with the gameplay. STORY: In this world, ponies are supernatural beings that draw power from magical gemstones on their bodies. Often aggressive and always striving to prove themselves through combat, ponies can be observed clashing with one another in the wild. If a pony was ever to trust a human it deemed worthy, they would become a bonded pair and the pony would fight under the human's strategic command. Many people often dream of encountering a pony of their own and being chosen to become its trainer. You’re the new kid in town and your parent just landed a job working for one of the world’s leading pony gem researchers. Being this close to so many ponies could finally be your chance to make a bond with one… Embark on a journey to become the best pony trainer in the world and protect the world from those who want to use the Legendary Alicorns of the Sun and Moon for evil. A mysterious organization known as the Paragon Cartel is launching a global takeover and plans to use genetically engineered ponies and mind control technology to command ponies by force! FEATURES: Fully Animated Battle RPG! Every single pony and attack is uniquely animated to bring these pixel art battles to life! Explore a Vast World! An enormous, vibrant region awaits! Travel through deserts, mountains, forests, graveyards, and underwater temples on your quest through the Pinto region. Power Up Your Pony! Form a powerful bond with your shapeshifting pony companion and watch it grow stronger, learn awesome new moves, and take on the toughest of enemies. Travel with Your Pony! Surf across oceans and lakes with any swift-swimming ponies. Teleport to the nearest Health Center whenever you like with a simple phone call. Even have whatever pony is with you smash any boulders in your path, just because they all can! Customize Your Team! Choose who you take into battle from a selection of 60 Ponies and their Ultra Forms. You can alter their moves, stats, and equipment to become an unbeatable trainer! Hundreds of Different Moves! Using attacks grouped into Light, Heavy, Status, and Tutor slots that make you think more carefully about which moves to take into battle. Discover the Secrets of the Legendary Alicorns! Powerful, winged unicorns that embody the Sun and Moon are said to be the strongest ponies to ever live. People have wanted to harness their power for personal gain since ancient times. With recent advancements in technology, however, it might be easier than ever for their power to fall into the wrong hands... Collect Badges and Save The World! You’ll have your skills tested by expert Mavens and fight for your life against the evil Paragon Cartel. Simple story objectives that fans of Monster RPGs will be familiar with, but perhaps with a few surprises along the way... THE PINTO REGION: Just one corner of a brand new world… H - Rest House G - City Gate C - Celestial Shrine P - Paragon Cartel Secret Base (start in Honeydew and venture around) A colorful and varied region with a gemstone motif and mysteries scattered across the map. It's meant to be an adventure lasting at least 6 hours on average. Preferably longer, and extended indefinitely with post-game content. The environments should be visually varied and filled with enough story content to keep the player interested in progressing. Every single section has at least a handful of notable experiences within. The scope has been thought out and written in a 200+ page long game design document along with every other aspect of the game. SCREENSHOTS: SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow the game on your favorite social media sites to get the latest news and have your burning questions answered! Interact with Yotes Games on any of the sites below. Find Yotes On:| Linktree | Alternatively, you can just email mailbox@yotesgames.com DOWNLOAD LINKS: The latest current build is the 2021 Combat Overhaul Demo, now available on Itch.io! Available for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Overworld Demo 2017 contains 3 areas, 12 ponies, and a Random Battle Now mode. (Combat calculations may exhibit bugs.) Magfest Demo (02/12/23)Download: https://yotesmark.itch.io/battle-gem-ponies CREDITS: Engine, Development Tools, & Plugins provided by Unity3D and its Asset Store Orchestral Composition & Soundtrack Eric Eom (Euleom) Chiptune Composition, Soundtrack, & Sound Effects Justin Heng (bluco) Game Design, Production, Marketing, Pixel Art, Animation, Writing, Programming Tony Yotes (YotesMark)
Download: Beta Version 4 Save every day! Just in case you run into a game-breaking bug. The Story: A humble small town seeks help managing its brand-new Pokemon Gym. After accepting the offer, you are tasked with hiring a Gym Leader and managing a roster of Gym Trainers each day. The ultimate goal of the gym is to fashion itself as a reputable gym and attain accreditation. Each day, competitors will line up to challenge the Gym and its trainers. Upgrades to the gym are made after every successful day, and prize money can be used to improve the teams of the Gym Trainers through multiple methods: buying items and TMs, or adopting Pokemon to add to your trainers' teams. Everything about the progression of your gym is completely randomized, from the Pokemon type of your gym to the trainers that you face each day. In my own experience testing the game there is a significant amount of skill that goes into making the best decisions with available choices, and being adequately prepared for each day's challenge. Your gym trainers are AI-controlled in battle. All trainers start with a skill level of 1 that can be improved with random "Skill Ups" from the daily upgrade selection. Improved trainers will start hunting type mismatches, while beginner trainers will make many more mistakes. If all of your Gym Trainers are defeated in a day, the game is over. It wouldn't be a true roguelike without permadeath! The game will continue infinitely, but the "final boss" is on day 100. Other Features: Multiple save files. Elite Battle system from Luka SJ Speed up script, press Q to toggle game speeds (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x). You CAN turn off AI-controlled allies and issue commands for their Pokemon, but I don't recommend it. The difficulty is balanced around the auto battle mechanic. Other Screenshots: Discord: Credits, Scripts: Thanks in advance for giving it a try!
➡️DOWNLOAD⬅️ Twitter/X 🤖Discord🤖 Features: Original Story: Forget gym leaders and embark on an entirely new adventure. Unmatched Cast: Meet quirky characters with diverse personalities and ideals. Heroism: Each character will see you as either a hero or a villain in their story, depending on your actions. Pokémon from all generations available. Challenge Tailored to You: 3 difficulty levels, and enemies adapt to your Pokémon's level. Both Mandatory and Optional Bosses. Scripted Battles: Adding strategy and narrative to encounters. Hidden Areas: Uncover Zorua's illusions, revealing treasures and mysteries. Missions and Achievements. Extensive and Detailed Map that you can traverse with soaring in the sky. Battle Interface that allows you to see all information during combat. Challenges, Puzzles, and Riddles that will test your strength and intelligence. Many more mechanics like Pokémon following you, seeing the Pokémon available on each route, Mugshots, etc. Plot: On a dawn that marked the end of an era, the ancient chronicles of the Pokémon Hero materialized into a tangible and terrifying reality. This legendary being, who had protected the heart of Ratsel Island for eons, had awakened, wielding a power so immense that it threatened humanity. The Alliance, a conglomerate of the most influential figures from all regions of the Pokémon world, tried to stop it by all means, but to no avail. A last glimmer of hope shone when the ingenious Professor Palma delivered a speech that would revolutionize the entire world: Professor Palma: "Cross the seas to Ratsel Island! Face its fierce beasts, decipher its ancient enigmas, and overcome its challenging trials. And when you reach the dark heart of the island... capture the Pokémon Hero! Whoever delivers it to us will gain eternal glory, limitless power, and any wish will be granted. What are you waiting for? Will you continue to be an insignificant blot in history, or do you have what it takes to become legendary heroes?" That speech moved the souls of thousands of trainers, giving rise to the epic odyssey known as: The Hunt for the Pokémon Hero. If you see an error in credits, please let us know! [/SPOILER] I hope you enjoy the game.
Pokémon Lark is a Pokémon fangame created in RPG Maker XP using Pokémon Essentials v20.1. The game is made with a mixture of Gen 3-4 tilesets and contains a Regional Pokédex with various Pokémon from Gens 1-8. Pokémon Lark is planned to include a full 8 Gyms, Elite Four, Champion, and some Postgame Content. This game is supposed to feel more like a personal journey than an arduous challenge, so it's intended for less competitive-minded players (or those who just need to slow down and smell the flowers a little!), though it's not meant to be "easy". This is what I personally enjoy in a Pokémon game, so I hope this project will reach other people like me. Take things at your own pace, talk to people and Pokémon to learn more about the region. You never know what you'll discover! Current Features (v0.1.1): 🌸24 available Starter Pokémon! 🌸 🌻 3 unique towns/cities, including 1 Gym Leader (rematchable daily)🌻 🌺 5 Accessible Routes and 3 other, non-route locations.🌺 🪻 Time-based interaction events with major characters (yes, the Gym Leaders actually leave their gyms!) 🪻 🌸 A new, improved Region Map (though its contents are still subject to change)!🌸 🌻Major characters' ace Pokémon are nicknamed so they're harder to identify in Switch Mode.🌻 🌺The ability to pet (or un-pet) cute Pokémon for flavor text!🌺 🪻Interacting with a Pokémon in the overworld marks it as "seen" in your Pokédex!🪻 🌸 The ability to rename Pokémon in the menu, or change their Pokéballs from the Bag!🌸 🌻Loosely customizable player outfits!🌻 🌺251 Unique Pokémon from Gens 1-8 (and counting!)🌺 🌻Welcome to the world of Pokémon!🌻 Jump into the region of Regiona, a peaceful peninsula with completely inconspicuous naming conventions! The people of Regiona strongly value close bonds with their Pokémon, whether they choose to partake in battles, contests, or simply companionship. How you explore & interact with the region is up to you! You will play as a young child hailing from Stardina Town, an up-and-coming village slightly off the beaten path. 🌺Friendly Faces!🌺 Along your journey through Regiona, you'll meet several colorful characters with interesting things to say. You'll have two main rivals throughout the game, a set of twins from the next town over. Several of their interactions (and battles) will be unavoidable, but the vast majority of them are planned to be optional (and even entirely missable if you're not exploring thoroughly)! Meet Liv! Meet Leo! 🪻And... others?🪻 You may also run into some... unsavory characters during your journey. A new gang is on the rise, calling themselves Team Trouble- and they're after money, resources, and a mythical Pokémon that's gone unseen for centuries. Will you fight for the honor of the Pokémon they might harm in the process? 🌸Gallery🌸 🌻Known Issues🌻 Some move animations are off- specifically, certain moves will show their animation in the corner of the screen and not on the Pokémon in question. This appears to be an Essentials issue and not a "me" issue, but I'll have to look into fixing it. Some time-based events have yet to be playtested, though most of them are optional interactions and shouldn't interfere with gameplay too much. If there's something absurdly game or immersion-breaking that I missed, I'll be sure to patch it out. 🌺 FAQ 🌺 "Why is Skitty on the title screen? Is it important?" (Silly Answer) Skitty is forever important in my heart <3 (Professional Answer) Skitty is one of my favorite Pokémon, and it's available pretty early in the game. I just like it. "Where does the game get its title?" (Silly Answer) It's called "Pokémon Lark". My name is Larky. I'm sure you can figure it out. (Professional Answer) This world & its characters are extremely important to me, and I'd consider them a piece of myself. As such, I'm trying to put myself in the game as well. "Why do the names of your region/towns suck?" (Silly Answer) That's not a question <3 (Professional Answer) Because I'm bad at names. I'm not going to pretend they're good names. I didn't try to make good names, and I don't really plan to change them. "How long until the next update / final game / etc?" (Silly Answer) Idk lmao (Professional Answer) You can't rush art, my friends. Hyperfixation is an experience I fall victim to very often. But I've been coming back to this project for several years at this point without sharing it with anyone, so I'm pretty confident I'll keep working, even if it takes ten years to finish the game. "Will there be Fakémon / Regional Forms in this game?" (Silly Answer) lmao no (Professional Answer) I haven't had any inspiration to do so, and at this point, I've got enough developed that it would be weird from a game-structural standpoint if I started adding them now. So no, probably not. 🪻Future Plans🪻 Long-Term Goals: 8 Full Gyms, Elite 4, and Champion, all with custom sprites and unique interactions outside of battle. Before battling a Gym Leader, they will be in their Gym at all times (unless a specific interaction is required to unlock their Gym Fight). After defeating a Gym Leader, they will be placed on a schedule for unique interactions. This schedule may change throughout the game, depending on how many badges the player has obtained. There will be at least one opportunity to rematch each Gym Leader before the postgame. These casual rematches are done outside the League's jurisdiction, and as such, they are not locked to a single type. After completing the main story, players will be able to rematch each Gym Leader at their full strength. Full storyline involving Team Trouble and their shenanigans. A few interactions and battles locked behind the postgame. Mega Evolution! Late-game bosses and postgame rematches will include Mega Evolved Pokémon, and the player will be able to unlock Mega Evolution as well (though the question of "when" is still undecided). Short-Term (Next Game Version) Goals: An additional city, including 1 Gym Leader & her timed events. The new city will be much larger than Fergem, as it's one of the larger locations in the game. The remainder of Token Tunnel, as well as the other half of Route 4 Routes 5, 6, and 8. Potentially part of Route 9 (including the Daycare) also. Route 6 will include several battles against Team Trouble. This is the first time players will see the bad guys. More Pokémon to obtain in the new routes. Some post-gym content, primarily backtracking. New timed events for the rivals, which will be locked behind the second Gym Badge. A couple of new trainer classes, which I'll probably also release as a free resource. I already have the data for them in the game, they're just not able to be encountered yet. Obtain a Fishing Rod! Because that's what everybody wants in their Pokémon game! Fishing! 🌸Downloads🌸 🌻Credits🌻 (If I used your resource and somehow forgot to put the credits down here, PLEASE message me and I'll fix it!!) Pokémon is owned by: The Pokémon Company Nintendo Affiliated with Game Freak This is a non-profit fan-made game. No copyright infringements intended. Please support the official games!
Pokémon Burning Lotus is a short comedic Pokémon fan game that takes place in the brand new Lotus region. Lotus is a small region not too far away from the Hoenn region, the region is filled with Pokémon from every previous generation including new species as well. You take control as either a male or female protagonist and there's 8 Gym Leaders who are all returning leaders from previous games. In this region lurks an insane evil team known as TEAM BLITZ it's a terrorist organization entirely ran by Pokemon, not that much is known about them aside from their hatred towards humans they're a strange bunch and IT'S UP TO YOU to but a stop to them. DOWNLOAD LINK View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o50jgO3MszS4AKs0gQRfh7_LM_vuG9-P/view SCREENSHOTS View: https://imgur.com/a/AB2E5z2 FEATURES Animated Intro FMV Very basic character customization (With place holder sprites) Anime cries for Pokemon Gen 1 - 5 Wonder Trade System Animated Sprites for Pokemon Gen 1 - 5 and a few forms Animated Sprites for some of the Fakemon Following Pokemon Gen 9 Pokemon Every starter is available from the start including the new ones Safari zone with starters available 8 Gym Leaders Elite 6 Battle Frontier Mutiple Rival Battles 2 Rivals 7 - 8 hours of content You can press the "Q" key to toggle the game's speed Pokemon Amie Overworld Encounters New Mega Evolutions Convergent zombie Pokémon
This mod is an updated version of the Challenge Mode that was inserted into the game up till version 4.9.2 after which it was removed following the update to a newer essentials due to code incompatibilty. It is intended to play after the player has reached the endgame of Infinite Fusion. You need to have the original game downloaded. -These battles are now quite more challenging: - Elite 4 + Champion - Gym Leader Rematches @ Vermillion Fight Arena - Mt. Silver Summit Final Boss (unlocked after completed the previous 2) -The hard mode can be activated and de-activated via a new npc in the Pokemon League Lobby. -De-activating hard mode, reverts all affected battles to their normal versions. -Unlike the previous iteration of this mode, the opponent levels are now equal to the highest level of your party. You no longer need to somehow get your team to level 100 to enjoy this challenge. -Set mode is forced, Items cannot be used from the bag during battle, for both sides. -The AI's decision making is more consistent, through the code of my Consistent AI plugin -A slight accuracy boost is present for both the AI and the Player (damaging moves only) so high power moves are more consistent to use. -The dominant fusion types return! - During the time the "Hard Mode" switch is turned ON, the dominant fusion types that were scrapped as of Infinite Fusion v6.0, will work again, and obtaining/fusing any pokemon that was affected by them, will result in having the types it used to have. Those types will persist even after the hard mode is turned off. (For example a Steelix will always give the steel type no matter if its head or body). This mod's code is contained in external files and does not alter the game's scripts files, aside from adding a single line in 999_Main that allows the external files to be able to function. The data for the mode's trainer fights is contained in a new file called trainers_challenge.dat However it slightly edits the following maps: These edits have no effect if the Mode is disabled except the mod handler NPC that will always be visible. If you want to remove this mod, all you have to do is remove the files in the "Mods" folder. [CAUTION: Make sure to turn Hard Mode OFF by interacting with the NPC in the Pokemon League Lobby too] LONG TERM NOTICE: If you play a version of the game that is beyond 5.3.1 and encounter an issue related to battles, and especially the bosses, FIRST remove this mod,, and IF the problem persists, THEN report it to their discord. Download Link: For this mode to work you just need to extract the .zip file into the game's main directory, replacing everything when asked. IF YOU ARE PLAYING ON ONE OF THESE: -Infinite fusion v6.0 and above -IF Kuray's Mod v0.7.8 and above (IMPORTANT: KURAY'S MOD 0.8.1+ HAS THE ENDGAME CHALLENGE IN IT SO YOU DON'T NEED TO DOWNLOAD. ALSO IF YOU UPDATE TO 0.8.1 FROM A LOWER VERSION WHILE HAVING THIS MOD INSTALLED, DELETE THE MODS FOLDER) https://www.mediafire.com/file/oj86s2itrqeu63d/InfiniteFusion_EndgameChallenge_6.0.4.zip/file IF YOU ARE PLAYING ON ONE OF THESE: -Infinite fusion v5.3.0 -IF Kuray's Mod v0.7,7 and below https://www.mediafire.com/file/sh7l68mt3cs9ggv/InfiniteFusion_EndgameChallenge_Older_Versions.zip/file Last updated: 24 February 2024