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Overview Thread
Pre-Result Discussion Thread
Game Jam channel in the Relic Castle Discord!
Another game jam has come to an end! Thank you for your patience as our judges played through 29 entries!! With last year's Winter Game Jam starting with a steady 12 entries, we had no idea this year we would more than double that number. I hope your used your time wisely to play through the entries because it's now your turn to vote for the Community Spotlight!
While you could guess who has earned the Judge's Spotlight through process of elimination, let's announce the winners! Apologies as we decided to give judge's spotlight to one sixth of the entries, which means five winners! Here we go, in order of release:

The annual Professor Convention is approaching, and the great Dr. Professor needs your help acquiring the perfect item to show off - a jam so jammy that it is only spoken of in legends - the Perfect Jam.

Click here to view the thread!

It's Fairyland's 3000th anniversary, and what better way to celebrate than with a Fairy Feast? Fairy food, Fairy lights and tons of Fairy games -- it's going to be nothing short of an amazing time! However! Trouble lurks in the form of the Evil Fairy Imogen and her Impidimp team, who are hell-bent on ruining the Feast at all costs! With their friends in distress and the Feast preparations gone awry, it's all up to the indomitable duo of Serafina & Sylveon to set things right and save the day!

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In this game you play as Giselle, a Ranger for Cypress Park. There is no shortage of work to be done, but Giselle has grown somewhat bored of these tasks. So, her boss gives her a challenge. By dealing with various shenanigans related to her job, Giselle can earn Park Points. These, in turn, can be used to buy Ranger Badges. Gather all 10 to become the Ultimate Park Ranger of the Universe! Or... something. Giselle's boss wasn't exactly clear on what collecting them all would accomplish...

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One day, you are visited in your dreams by a voice telling you to meet it at the Sacred Grounds. This is the beginning of your fate, your fate to save the world.

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The story of Pokémon Bushido revolves around you, the child of the Royal Samurai. After training under Sensei Sukiro for years, the time has come for you to get a Pokemon and become an official Kenshi. However, upon attending the Kenshi Initiation Tournament, you experience an unexpected turn of events, causing your journey to take you throughout the major villages of the Aisho Region! You will challenge all the various clans and earn merit for yourself while stopping the Akui Clan in their tracks. As you travel the region, you will meet new friends, and enemies, who will shape your adventure.

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Pokémon Villain Jam is a short 30-40 minute game, where you can play as 1 of 8 characters (the main Pokémon villains) in an all-out randomized tournament.

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The year is 198X. A team of top-class scientists (and one nurse) from across the globe are anxiously waiting for the storm to end. They're one of the few to work in Antaxius 'overwinter' - it's the last region to be discovered by man, an icy waste where the nights are a month long. Once the weather finally clears, an icebreaker ship can make it to the mainland and deliver valuable equipment. Among the cargo is the Re:Vive - a machine that promises to magically heal any Pokemon, and any ailment. Resident nurse Aida has been working here for 20 years, and out of all the miracle cures she's seen, this one could be for real. She knows it'll change the field of Pokemon care forever, and possibly the rest of the world. No more panic, no more stress, no more death, even.
But how will she spend the last week before that change happens, knowing things can't and shouldn't go back?

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Are you prepared to see what it's like to live among the microscopical? After some science stuff gone wrong you find yourself lost in the Quantum Realm! Explore new types of Pokémon in this exciting short lived story!

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A resource management game where you own an apiary. You and Herdier farm honey and sell it in the nearby city. Use that money to buy more nests, upgrade your team, or stimulate the bees! The hook: You have 9 days to get enough money to pay off your rent! Get enough money, and become a multi-millionaire from selling honey!

Click here to view the thread!
And that's it! That's all for the Relic Castle Winter Game Jam #2, a record-breaking event with 29 game entries and 58 voters, casting a total of 206 votes! A big congratulations to the 9 winners this year, and an equally big congratulations to all the participants who managed to get a game out there within the time period.
Thank you all for participating and making this event the success it is, and we hope to see you again soon!