Ah yeah, that makes sense. I wanted to move a certain feature into a new plugin I'm going to release, but I guess it has to be implemented in this one for the code to work.Every time I use item on my pokemon this happens.
[2024-06-27 11:23:11 +0800]
[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.9]
Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2)
Battle_ActionUseItem:77:in `pbUseItemMessage'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [001] Midbattle Overwrites.rb:248:in `pbUseItemOnPokemon'
Battle_AttackPhase:77:in `block in pbAttackPhaseItems'
Battle_AttackPhase:70:in `each'
Battle_AttackPhase:70:in `pbAttackPhaseItems'
[Deluxe Battle Kit] [003] Command Menu Refactor.rb:406:in `pbAttackPhase'
Battle_StartAndEnd:339:in `block (2 levels) in pbBattleLoop'
PBDebug:6:in `logonerr'
Battle_StartAndEnd:339:in `block in pbBattleLoop'
Battle_StartAndEnd:324:in `loop'
I added the code back in, so it'll work now.