Aight, I've been struggling with this for a week now so I might as well ask. I've been trying to utilise the choice key to command stat raises, and I got it working, but for only one battler, and it's a double battle. I've tried many different structures to try and get it to raise 2 at the same time, but it either raises one battler, or none at all. If anyone could help, that'd be greatly appreciated!
Here's the script:
setBattleRule("midbattleScript", {
"RoundEnd_1_foe" => {
"setChoices" => [:reason, 2, {
"We got lost?" => "What?! That's total Tauros!",
"We're here to beat you." => "H-Huh? You two have got some nerve, then."
"setSpeaker" => "LUXIO",
"editWindow" => "Luxio",
"speech" => ["Hey!", "What are you two doing up here?!", :Choices]
"ChoiceRight_reason" => {
"setBattler" => [:Opposing, :OpposingAlly],
"battlerStats" => [:SPEED, 2]
"ChoiceWrong_reason" => {
"setBattler" => [:Self, :Ally],
"battlerStats" => [:DEFENSE, 1]
"BeforeLastSwitchIn" => {
"setSpeaker" => "LUXIO",
"speech" => "You lot are too weak!",
"playSE" => "shout",
"editWindow" => ["Luxio", "shout"],
"speech" => "GET OUT OF MY WAY!"
"LastUserHPHalf" => {
"setSpeaker" => "LUXRAY",
"playSE" => "shout",
"playCry" => :LUXRAY,
"editWindow" => ["Luxray", "shout"],
"endBattle" => 1