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In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

v21.1 In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1] v2.0.1

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
Pokedex Data Page for v21.1
Adds a new page using Modular UI Scenes to display a ton of in-depth info for each species in the Pokedex.

This plugin showcases the potential of my Modular UI Scenes plugin by utilizing it to add a brand new "Data" page to each species' Pokedex entry in the Pokedex. This new page hosts a plethora of in-depth info about each species that is normally not displayed to the player. If you're like me, and is someone who feels that the Pokedex is deeply lacking in useful content despite the fact that it's literally supposed to be the "Pokemon encyclopedia", then this plugin will probably be for you.

Here is a quick list of the types of data that can be viewed on this page:

  • The number of times you've captured or defeated a species.
  • The capture rate of a species.
  • The gender ratio of a species.
  • A list of species that are in this species' family (for base species).
  • The evolution method to obtain this species (for evolved species).
  • The Mega Evolution or Primal Reversion methods for this species (for Mega/Primal forms, respectively).
  • The habitat a species is found in, as well as all other owned species that share that same habitat.
  • The color and body shape of a species, as well as all other owned species that share the same color and body shape.
  • The egg groups of a species, as well as all other owned species in compatible egg groups to that species.
  • The base stats of a species, represented both as bar graphs and as raw numbers. The base stat total is included, too. In addition, all other owned species that share one or more of those base stats can be viewed.
  • All items a species may be naturally found holding in the wild, if any. Also displays details about each item and its rarity.
  • All abilities a species may have, including hidden abilities. The descriptions of each ability is also displayed.
  • All moves a species may learn through level-up, TM's/tutors, or through breeding. The details of each move and how they are learned are also displayed.

Plugin Features
  • Uses my Modular UI Scenes plugin to add a new Data page to the Pokedex. This plugin will have full compatibility with any other Pokedex UI mod that also utilizes that plugin.
  • Showcases a ton of in-depth information for each species.
  • The ability to toggle the availability of this new page with a switch.
  • The ability to toggle Egg Group names between their default names, and alternative names that I came up with. You may also change these alternative names as you please.
  • The ability to set description text for each Evolution handler to be displayed in the Data page. You can even add this feature to any of your custom Evolution handlers to have custom text appear for those methods.

  • First, download and install the latest version of my Modular UI Scenes plugin, if you don't already have it. This is required for this plugin to run.
  • Next, download this plugin using the link provided and extract its contents to your root Essentials folder so that both the Graphics and Plugins folders in the download merge with their equivalent folders in your project.

Plugin Tutorial

Accessing the Data Page

You won't be able to view this page in the Pokedex by default. To turn it on, you must first toggle the appropriate switch in a script or event. The number used for this switch is saved in the setting POKEDEX_DATA_PAGE_SWITCH, which can be found in [001] Page Setup at the top of the script. This is set to 60 by default, but change this to whatever you want if this conflicts with an existing switch number in your game.

After you turn this switch on, the Data page will become available to all species in the Pokedex.

Data Page Overview
When viewing the Data page, you can press the UP and DOWN keys to scroll through each species registered to the Pokedex, like you can on every other page. However, when you press the USE key while viewing this page, a cursor will appear that allows you to highlight certain sections of this page to view more specific details about each section. Here's a detailed breakdown of what information is displayed in each section, and what will be displayed when highlighting them:

General Statistics

This section appears as a bar at the top of the screen that displays the basic overview of the species you're viewing. This includes its name, its typing, as well as the gender of the specific form of this species you're viewing. If the species you're viewing has no differences at all between each gender, then both gender icons will be highlighted to indicate that there is no difference in this species regardless of gender. However, if the species does have gender differences - even if they're purely cosmetic differences - then the specific gender icon of the form you are currently viewing will be highlighted, while the other gender icon will be grayed out. If the species is genderless, then both icons will be grayed out to indicate this. Note that if you do not own the species youre viewing, its typing will not be displayed.

If you're viewing a Mega form of a species, then a Mega icon will be displayed next to the type icons to indicate that it is a Mega form. The same is true if you're viewing a Primal form, and a Primal icon for that species exists.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display the capture rate of this species, as well as its gender ratio. These will both appear as percentages to make them easier to understand at a glance. If you do not own the species, this will just display as "Unknown" instead.

Related Species/Evolution Method

This section appears differently depending on the species you're viewing. When viewing an unevolved species, it will appear as a single box containing the icon of that species. However, if it's an evolved species, it will instead display as a series of boxes that display the icons of the entire evolutionary tree that led up to that species, with arrows indicating the order of evolution. In either case, the box that contains the current species you're viewing will always be blue, while any other boxes will be white. If you have not yet seen the previous form of the species you're viewing, then the "?" icon will appear in the white boxes instead of their species icon.

If you're viewing a Mega or Primal form of a species, these will count as "evolved" forms, and display the base form as the previous evolutionary form of that species.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display different information depending on the species you're viewing. When viewing an unevolved species, this will display a list of the names of all other species that appears in this species' family. For example, when viewing Bulbasaur, it will list Ivysaur and Venusaur as related species. For species with branching evolutions, it will display the names of each branching evolution as well. Note that if you have yet to record those evolved forms in your dex yet, the names for those unregistered species will just display as "????".

While viewing an evolved species, however, this will instead display the evolution method required to obtain that species. For example, if you're viewing Raichu's data, the message in this box will indicate that Raichu is obtained by using a Thunder Stone on Pikachu. If you somehow haven't registered the previous form of a species before obtaining its evolution (say, if you captured Kakuna without ever seeing Weedle), then instead of displaying the name of the previous form, it will just display "????" as the name of that species.

Special Notes
When viewing a Mega or Primal form, the message box will instead describe the Mega Evolution or Primal Reversion methods required to obtain those forms, as seen below.



This section is a single box that contains an icon related to the habitat that this species is found in. An icon is included for each habitat, including the "None" habitat, which will just be a question mark icon. If you have any custom habitats in your game, you can include icons for those by adding them to the "habitats" graphic, located in Plugins/Pokedex Data Page/Graphics. If you're viewing a species that you have only seen, but not caught, this icon will default to the "None" icon.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display a blurb describing the type of habitat this species is found in. If you have other owned species in the Pokedex that are also found in this habitat, the line "View Compatible" will appear in blue text in the top left corner of the box. If so, this indicates that you can view a list of species that also appear in this habitat. To do so, just press the USE key while highlighting this section to open a sub menu that will display the icons of those species. You may use the arrow keys to navigate through this list of sprites, or even use the JUMPUP and JUMPDOWN keys to scroll through entire pages of sprites at once. If you do not own the species, this message box will just display "Unknown" instead.


This section is a single box that contains an icon related to the body shape of this species. This uses the default shape icons that come included with Essentials. Unlike with most other information on this page, a species' shape becomes known just upon seeing it, so you don't need to own the species to view this data.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display a blurb describing both the color and body shape of this species. If you have registered other species in the Pokedex that share both of these same attributes, the line "View Compatible" will appear in blue text in the top left corner of the box. If so, this indicates that you can view a list of species that also share this same color and body shape. To do so, just press the USE key while highlighting this section to open a sub menu that will display the icons of those species. You may use the arrow keys to navigate through this list of sprites, or even use the JUMPUP and JUMPDOWN keys to scroll through entire pages of sprites at once.


This section is a single box that contains icons related to the egg groups of this species. An icon is included for each egg group, including a "None" group which is added by this plugin. I've also included icons for alternative names for all egg groups, which can be toggled with the ALT_EGG_GROUP_NAMES setting found at the top of the [001] Page Setup script. These are alternative names that I came up with that can be used instead of the default names, since the official names for a lot of the egg groups are frankly really confusing or redundant, since half of them are just named after existing types, species, or are extremely ambiguous, such as "Water 1" and "Water 2".

Here is a list of all of the alternative names I came up with for each group, and what they look like in-game. Note that some names remain unchanged:
Undiscovered => "Infertile"
Monster => "Monster"
Water 1 => "Aquatic"
Bug => "Insect"
Flying => "Avian"
Field => "Animalia"
Fairy => "Pixie"
Grass => "Plant"
Humanlike => "Bipedal"
Water 3 => "Primordial"
Mineral => "Inanimate"
Amorphous => "Amorphous"
Water 2 => "Marine"
Ditto => "Replica"
Dragon => "Draconic"

If you wish to rename any of these alternative names, you may do so in the [000] GameData script. To edit the icons for each egg group, or to add your own custom ones to the list, you can edit the "egg_groups" graphic located in Plugins/Pokedex Data Page/Graphics.

Note that while viewing a genderless species that have egg groups (besides Undiscovered and Ditto), the "None" group icon will appear (represented as "????") instead of their normal egg group icons. This is because I feel it's pointless to display these groups for these species when they can't even breed with anything besides Ditto, anyway. This same icon will appear when viewing species that you have yet to capture.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display a blurb listing the egg groups this species belongs to. If you own other species in the Pokedex that are in a compatible egg group (except for Undiscovered), the line "View Compatible" will appear in blue text in the top left corner of the box. If so, this indicates that you can view a list of species that can be bred with this species. To do so, just press the USE key while highlighting this section to open a sub menu that will display the icons of those species. You may use the arrow keys to navigate through this list of sprites, or even use the JUMPUP and JUMPDOWN keys to scroll through entire pages of sprites at once. While scrolling through the list of species, the name of any egg groups they share with the species will be highlighted in blue. Note that any species in the Ditto egg group will always be considered compatible for every species capable of breeding. Genderless species that are capable of breeding will only ever display species in the Ditto egg group in this list. If you do not own the species, this message box will just display "Unknown" instead.

Held Items

This section is a single box that contains an icon related to the held item this species may be found carrying in the wild, if any. If this species doesn't carry an item, or you do not yet own the species you're viewing, this box will be blank. For species that may be found carrying multiple held items, it will simply display whatever the rarest item is that can be found, or whatever appears last in their list of possible items.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display a list of all the potential items this species may carry. If the species doesn't carry any items, this list will just display "---" instead. If you do not own the species, this message box will just display "Unknown". If the species has at least one potential item, however, the line "View Details" will appear in blue text in the top left corner of the box. If so, this indicates that you can view the description and rarity of all the items this species may carry. To do so, just press the USE key while highlighting this section to open a sub menu that will display a list of these items. Move the cursor up and down to scroll through each item to view its description. A box to the left of each item name will also be displayed that indicates the rarity of each respective item. This can be either "Common", "Uncommon", or "Rare". Uncommon items are displayed in a blue box, while rare ones are displayed in a red box. Common items are given a normal white box.

When viewing Mega or Primal forms that require a held Mega Stone or Orb respectively to trigger those forms, that item will be displayed in this section instead of the items the base species would normally be found with. These will always be listed as "Common" items for that species.

Base Stats

This section appears as a large blue box on the left hand side of the screen. In it, you'll see the names of each stat, with a corresponding bar next to it. These bars indicate the quality of each of the species' base stats. The more filled the bar is, the higher that corresponding stat is. If the bar is completely filled, this indicates that a Pokemon has at least 255 points in a given stat. If you do not own the species you are viewing, then all of these bars will be empty.

Data Notes
While highlighting this section with the cursor, the data that appears in the message box will display the raw numbers for each of the species' base stats. In addition, the base stat total will also be displayed in red text. If you have registered other species in the Pokedex that share one or more similar base stats to the species, the line "View Compatible" will appear in blue text in the top left corner of the box. If so, this indicates that you can view a list of species that share similar base stats. To do so, just press the USE key while highlighting this section to open a sub menu that will display the icons of those species. You may use the arrow keys to navigate through this list of sprites, or even use the JUMPUP and JUMPDOWN keys to scroll through entire pages of sprites at once. Each stat that is shared in common will be highlighted in blue. If the species share the same base stat total too, then the total will be highlighted in blue as well.


This section appears as just a button to indicate that a submenu can be opened to view more data.

Data Notes
If you own the viewed species, pressing the USE key while highlighting this section opens a sub menu that will display a list of all of the abilities this species may have, including hidden abilities. Move the cursor up and down to scroll through each ability to view its description. A box to the left of each ability name will also be displayed that indicates the category of each respective ability. This can be either "Slot 1", "Slot 2", "Hidden" or "Special". Slot 1 and Slot 2 indicates which ability slot that ability occupies, while "Hidden" indicates a hidden ability. The last category, "Special" is reserved for very specific cases - notably Battle Bond Greninja and Own Tempo Rockruff. Both of these abilities are neither normal or hidden abilities, but instead tied to specific forms that normally do not appear in the Pokedex. Because of this, I decided to list them as "Special" abilities, and listed them along with the base species' abilities.

When viewed, Hidden abilities are displayed in a blue box, while Special abilities are displayed in a red box. Normal abilities categorized as Slot 1 or Slot 2 are given a normal white box.


This section appears as just a button to indicate that a submenu can be opened to view more data.

Moves Page
Pressing the USE key while highlighting this section opens a new menu used to display a list of all of the moves this species may learn, including level-up moves, tutor moves, and egg moves. You can use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to scroll between each of these three lists of moves, and the UP and DOWN keys to scroll through each move in these lists to view its description, stats, and other details. You may even use the JUMPUP and JUMPDOWN keys to quickly scroll through moves. To the right of each move, the way in which the Pokemon may learn a given move will be displayed, depending on the list you're viewing.

Level-Up Moves
If you're viewing level-up moves, then the level which the species learns each move will be displayed. If the species automatically knows a move at level 1, then the level will just display as "---". If the species learns a move immediately upon evolving, instead of at a specific level, then the level will display as "Ev." to indicate this is an evolution move.


TM/Tutor Moves
If you're viewing tutor moves, then the specific TM which may be used to teach the species that move will be displayed. If the player does not yet own the TM that teaches that move, then "??" will be displayed instead. This means that tutor-exclusive moves that do not have any TM's associated with them will always display as "??".


Egg Moves
Finally, if you're viewing egg moves, then an egg icon will simply be displayed next to each move.

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Last update


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