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SOS Battles [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

v21.1 SOS Battles [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] v1.0.9

This resource pertains to version 21.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v21.1 ✅
SOS Battles for v21.1
An expansion plugin for the Deluxe Battle Kit which adds the SOS mechanic to your wild battles!

This plugin adds the SOS mechanic introduced in Pokemon Sun & Moon to your game. All mechanics have been replicated here, meaning that SOS chaining for shinies or perfect IV Pokemon is implemented, too. Totem Battles have also been implemented, allowing you to set up some unique wild boss encounters. In addition, this plugin also allows you to set up "rival" species, which allow you to have wild Pokemon that can attack each other in battle if they are of rivaling species (like Zangoose and Seviper). This plugin also fully utilizes the Deluxe Battle Kit's mid-battle scripting, allowing you to create scenarios where wild Pokemon or even trainers can join the battle at any point.

  • First, please install the latest version of the Deluxe Battle Kit. This plugin functions as an add-on to that kit.
  • Next, download this plugin using the link provided and extract its contents to your root Essentials folder so that both the PBS and Plugins folders in the download merge with their equivalent folders in your project.
  • Start your game in debug mode and make sure you recompile by holding down the CTRL key while the game is booting up. If the console says "Game data was not compiled", then you didn't hold down the key long enough, or don't have the game window in focus.

Plugin Tutorial
Please refer to the add-on page for this plugin in the Deluxe Battle Kit Tutorial.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

More resources from Lucidious89

Latest updates

  1. v1.0.9 Update

    Fixed an issue where new trainers who join the battle with "addTrainer" will only send out a...
  2. v1.0.8 Update

    Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when the "sosCall" midbattle command triggered by a wild...
  3. v1.0.7 Update

    Fixed an oversight that didn't properly set the new battle size on battler sprite objects when a...

Latest reviews

I find that SOS battles can be a good addition to wild Pokemon battles. And are useful for EV training and finding wild-held items. I plan to rework the Macho Brace to give +1 IVs to a Pokemon after defeating a Pokemon for my project's needs, so that rework highly benefits from this add-on to the Deluxe Battle Kit.

The expansion of allowing Pokemon trainers to be called into an SOS battle is also great. There are a lot of possibilities that are enabled by allowing trainers to be summoned into a battle via an SOS call. I still have yet to be thorough in testing how this plugin works alongside the Dynamax, Tera, Z-Moves, and the Deluxe Battle Kit itself. I have yet to encounter crashing or bug issues caused by the SOS add-on itself.