def ZamazentaBattle
WildBattle.dx_start([:ZAMAZENTA,$game_variables[26]], {
:noflee => true,
:nocapture => true,
:raidcapture => [nil, "RaidCapture", 100]
:shiny => $game_switches[31],
:ability => :MIRRORARMOR,
:nature => :JOLLY,
:evs => [0,252,0,252,4,0],
:ivs => 25
#Mid Battle Script
"turnCommand_1" => {
:battler => :Opposing,
:text => ["{1} is empowered by the ancient shield!"],
:stats => [:DEFENSE, 6, :SPECIAL_DEFENSE, 6],
:setchoice => "reaction",
:text_1 => ["Zamazenta is hesitating to attack - how do you react?", ["Hide","Curl in","Throw stone","Bulk up"]]
"choice_reaction_1" => {
:text => ["You hide behind a nearby statue!"],
:stats => [:EVASION, 2]
"choice_reaction_2" => {
:text => ["{1} curls in to prepare for an attack!"],
:stats => [:DEFENSE, 2]
"choice_reaction_3" => {
:text => ["You throw a stone at Zamazenta!"],
:animation => :ROCKTHROW,
:setvariable => 1
"choice_reaction_4" => {
:text => ["{1} bulks up to strenghten its own attacks!"],
:stats => [:ATTACK, 2, :SPECIAL_ATTACK, 2]
"variable_1_repeat" => {
:battler => :Opposing,
:status => :PARALYSIS,
:setvariable => [:mult, 0]
"turnCommand_3" => {
:battler => :Opposing,
:setchoice => "reaction2",
:text_1 => ["Zamazenta is exhausted and takes a break - how do you react?", ["Hide","Curl in","Throw stone","Bulk up"]]
"choice_reaction2_1" => {
:text => ["You hide behind a nearby statue!"],
:stats => [:EVASION, 2]
"choice_reaction2_2" => {
:text => ["{1} curls in to prepare for an attack!"],
:stats => [:DEFENSE, 2]
"choice_reaction2_3" => {
:text => ["You throw a stone at Zamazenta!"],
:animation => :ROCKTHROW,
:setvariable => 1
"choice_reaction2_4" => {
:text => ["{1} bulks up to strenghten its own attacks!"],
:stats => [:ATTACK, 2, :SPECIAL_ATTACK, 2]
"attackerDamaged_foe_repeat" => {
:battler => :Self,
:text => ["Zamazenta restores some HP from the attack!"],
:hp => 4
"defenderDamaged_foe_repeat" => {
:battler => :Self,
:text => ["{1}'s shield gets damaged!"],
:stats => [:DEFENSE, -1, :SPECIAL_DEFENSE, -1]
"turnCommand_every_4" => {
:battler => :Opposing,
:text => ["{1} removes all stat raises from your side!"],
:battler_1 => :Self,
:animation => :CLEARSMOG,
:stats => :Reset_Raised,
:battler_2 => :Opposing,
:text_1 => ["{1} removes all stat reductions from itself!"],
:animation_1 => :HAZE,
:stats_1 => :Reset_Lowered
"turnCommand_repeat" => {
:battler => :Opposing,
:ability => [:MIRRORARMOR, true],
"moveHAZE_repeat" => {
:battler => :Opposing,
:text => ["{1} creates White Smoke to protect itself from Haze!"],
:ability => [:WHITESMOKE, true]
"defenderSEdmg_foe_repeat" => {
:battler => :Self,
:text => ["{1} is getting angry after being hit super effective!"],
:stats => [:ATTACK, 2]