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Search results

  1. Samdeman123124

    Recruiting Swirling Seasons (Formerly Blazing Bloom and Frigid Fall) is Recruiting!

    Swirling Seasons Swirling Seasons is a large, ambitious fan game being worked on by a lot of talented individuals, but we're looking for some more people to help us on our journey to create the most enjoyable experience possible! SwSe is being crafted on v19.1 of Essentials at the moment, but...
  2. Samdeman123124

    Iron Mapper IRONMAPPER Season 6: Trial 3 Early Game Route

    Trial: 3: Early Game Route Map Name: Windward Way Map: Critique Requested: Sure! Notes: LOVED making this map! Didn't get quite as much time to make it as I would've liked, but irl does get in the way! This would come after gym 1, or maybe after the town after gym 1. First time making an...
  3. Samdeman123124

    Completed Pokémon: A Farfetch'd Story

    Wow! I really, really loved playing a Farfetch'd Story! This is easily in my top 3 fan games! Here are my thoughts: TLDR: Excellent game with extremely well-done and entertaining battles. Writing is very charming and has you wondering what's next. Graphics are generally simple, but work well...
  4. Samdeman123124

    Relic Castle Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Relic Castle! With the 7th anniversary of Relic Castle, my personal 1st anniversary at Relic Castle is fast approaching. Relic Castle has been so influential when it comes to me as a fan game dev, and honestly, me as a person. I can't imagine where I'd be without Relic Castle...
  5. Samdeman123124

    Game Jam Winter Game Jam 3: Recruitment

    Looking to recruit: Gen 3 general spriter (mainly for both overworld and in-battle trainers, though other talents such as tiling are very appreciated) Jam Entry Title: Pokemon Skyward Climb Team Name/Team Members: Samdeman123124, Asher Progress/Screenshots: Method Of Contact...
  6. Samdeman123124

    Completed Pokémon Infinity

  7. Samdeman123124

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Map 47: Beachside Bluff
  8. Samdeman123124

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    I'll take 47 37 29 please
  9. Samdeman123124

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    I'd like the 1. 1 map in the bottom left corner! 42 2. Map in the bottom right corner 48 3. Map at the top left corner 8
  10. Samdeman123124

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial II

    and that's plot 30
  11. Samdeman123124

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial II

    another plot please, perhaps
  12. Samdeman123124

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial II

    Plot #40 is complete
  13. Samdeman123124

    Pixel Slam Jam PIXEL SLAM JAM Season 4 Trial I: Glitz and Gore

    Title: Litwick's Revenge Litwick doesn't like the way you're training it... it may be cute, but Litwick isn't playing games any more... (Feedback please, I made this super quickly for a sprite.)
  14. Samdeman123124

    Creative If Relic Castle was a region

    We of course can't leave out any other amazing members, like Arma AnonAlpaca LuxDiablo He He TechSkylander Mew Pantastic/Monika ...and many others whom I've probably forgotten because they aren't online the Discord...
  15. Samdeman123124

    Iron Mapper IRONMAPPER Season 6: Trial 1

    Trial: 1: Future Verdanturf Town Map Name: The Beautiful Neighboorhood of Verdanturf Map: No NPCs Version: Critique Requested: Absolutely! Credits: Alistair Ekat99 Samdeman123124 Heartlessdragoon Vurtax Tileset: Notes: I had tons of fun making this map! I think I have a pretty...
  16. Samdeman123124

    How to Map Trees! - Multiple Tree Types Method

    Added the new Method.
  17. Samdeman123124

    Tutorial How to Map Trees!

    Samdeman123124 updated How to Map Trees! with a new update entry: Multiple Tree Types Method Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Samdeman123124

    Released Pokemon The Lost Jewels of Poke-Island

    Very, very much agreed
  19. Samdeman123124

    Completed Run Rattata Run (Godot)

    Aesthetic: 8/10 Charm: 9/10 Writing: N/A Graphics: 9/10 Music: 8/10 Mapping: N/A Overall: 8/10 (Recommended) Good job! You succeeded at making a good game! That's a big accomplishment, especially given you switched to a new engine for this jam.