Game Jam Game Jam #10: Results + Community Choice Poll

Which entry do you think should win the Community Choice Spotlight? (choose up to 4)

  • Five Nights with Eevee's

  • Pokemon Saṃsāra

  • Pokémon Perilous Heights

  • Pokemon Legends: Apotheosis

  • Pokémon Mineral

  • Forgotten Saint

  • Pokémon Triad Master

  • Pokémon: Berserk


  • Pokémon Battle Citadel

  • Pokémon: A Star in the Desert

  • Pokémon: The Slowpoke Shack

  • Helio

  • All Things It Devours

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.


What a great group of games to come out from this game jam! I'm glad to see how many friends have joined in Eevee Expo's first game jam, despite everything that happened this year. We were able to make it to the community's tenth game jam after all! I hope everyone's been able to play through some (or all!) of the entries, because the announcement for the Judge's Spotlight winners are a go! Over the past couple of months, the judges have played the entries and now we can announce which games have been chosen to earn the coveted Judge's Spotlight title (and badge!).

Thank you to everyone who judged alongside me, @KennyCatches, @Saucecoie, @luxdiablo, @Foxowl, and @ENLS! At the bottom of the post, I'll have info on voting for the Community Spotlight winners, too! Now without further delay, here are the winners of the Judge's Spotlight:

A phoenix emoji.
Pokémon Covenant by @ValiantSoul, @ali760, @Pi25, and @TheFuzzz

A life of poor decisions has led you to this moment, the moment where you commit your greatest transgression. In the final moment, you are saved by a mysterious figure and given a chance at redemption. Can you, with your memories wiped and true goal unclear, fulfil the terms of your unbreakable covenant and be born anew?


Click here to view the thread!

A phoenix emoji.
Tower of Ashes by @Brawligator and @PikachuMazzinga

An ancient Tower seems to be burning down every night just to rise from its ashes brand new the following morning. Delve into a procedurally generated experience and uncover the past of an ancient civilization together with a fun set of characters!


Click here to view the thread!

Community Vote

Now is the time to vote! You can scroll back up to the top of the page and choose which game jam entries you believe are worthy of receiving the spotlight, too! You have one week from now to vote, and you can choose up to four entries to vote for if you'd like! And if you're still playing through, you're welcome to change your choices before the end of the voting period. See you again next week!
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World Traveller
Sep 12, 2020
Ecstatic to have been a part of this, even moreso for to be selected for the Spotlight! There were some brilliant games in Game Jam 10, and I think I speak for the whole team when I say we're overjoyed to stand amongst them :]