• Do not use Discord to host any images you post, these links expire quickly! You can learn how to add images to your posts here.
  • Apologies if you've had troubles connecting to the site, you may need a VPN to access it. Staff are also facing issues connecting, so if it's urgent please message Cat on-site or through Discord directly.
  • Hey Guest, staff applications are open! If you are interested in becoming a forum staff member and/or Discord staff member, please apply through this Google Form before April 2! You can also message Cat with any questions.

Awarded Badges


    Picross Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who helped us realize Picross just wasn't the new route for Relic Castle to take on April 1st, 2023.

    Celebrations Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who shared a memory or two about their time at Relic Castle. Happy birthday, Relic Castle!

    TM #3 Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who participated in Relic Castle's third Team Mapper!

    Cryptocurrency Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who "tokenized" an item of their choosing as an NFT in 2021. Too bad the grass-type Pokémon had to unionize...

    TM #2 Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who participated in Relic Castle's second Team Mapper trial!

    Zee Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Ghosts of Knowledge by Ranko.

    Therian Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon DP: Therian Episode by Radical Raptr & Mr. Gela.

    Splice Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon Splice by Thundaga.

    Pocket Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pocket Moderators by Savordez.

    Parallax Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon Parallax by TheLuxDiablo.

    Dream Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Escape from Dream World by Vendily.

    Challenge Jam #6 Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who participated in Relic Castle Game Jam #6 and incorporated the optional theme challenge of ''Escape" into their entry!

    Conference Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who keep the discussions going by frequently participating in Weekly Discussions.

    Devoted Developer Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who have released the completed version of their game. Congratulations!

    Jam #6 Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who participated in Relic Castle Game Jam #6!

    Umber Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon Umber by Dawn Bronze.

    TM #1 Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who participated in Relic Castle's first-ever Team Mapper!

    Two-Player Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Hunter & Raymond by Cadeorade5.

    Latent Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Latent - Prologue by Ott.

    Tempo Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon Tempo Rising by Aki.

    Guilmon Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Banette & Guilmon by SmokedPaprika.

    Tutorial Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who have contributed quality tutorials to the community.

    Palette Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who spend that extra bit of time making sure their resources look top notch.

    Developer Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who have a playable release of their game out.

    Discord Badge

    . This badge was awarded to those who frequent or have frequented the Relic Castle Discord server. You're what makes the Discord a wonderful place!

    Silph Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon Attack on Silph Co. by NoodlesButt.

    Mew Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon: MewYou by Aki.

    Common Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who beat Pokémon Ethereal Gates by Perihelion Productions.

    Resource Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who have contributed quality resources to the community.

    Boolean Badge

    . This badge is awarded to those who show a good understanding of programming through their contributed resources.