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Completed Pokémon Azume

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.


A game for the Relic Castle Winter Game Jam 2

Made by:
Tomix9tomix/CloonieKing: Lead dev, mapper, eventer, and just putting everything together
Monika: Head Artist and co. dev. Trainer sprites, overworlds, animations, and titlescreen
Papurika: Protagonist designer and the best emotional support I could ask for
AceGamerAndy: overworld and tileset artist

Made using:
Pokemon Essentials for RPGMakerXP

Download: WARNING

This game uses Looping music so that the BGM smoothly continues, however this means that the fast forward script cannot be used. It will cause the game to crash randomly. If you insist on editing the game and importing the fast forward script. Please save very often as fast forwarding will cause frequent crashes.

Resource Pack Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/krlkevtnrz3o6hc/Azume_Resource_pack.rar/file

One day, you are visited in your dreams by a voice telling you to meet it at the Sacred Grounds.
This is the beginning of your fate, your fate to save the world.

-An exciting 2-3 hours main story, taking you to many different locales.
-A new pokeball called the "Reverseball" It calculates catch rate using your pokemon instead of the opposing pokemon!
-HM items for Cut, Surf, Strength and Waterfall!
-Many places to explore and secrets to discover.
-All the Sinnoh Legendary and Mythical Pokemon available for use, can you find them all?


First off, any questions or anything, feel free to message me on relic castle or on discord @Tomix9tomix#8625.
If you want clues for how to find certain legendarys, I'm happy to give hints.

Now some more personal notes:
Making this game has really been a journey for me, I've never felt so pressured in a game jam before, and that's saying something considering this is my 5th game jam! This game really took a lot out of me, but I'd like to think that's because I put a lot into it. I really think I can be happy with this game, looking at it right now, I'm happy with how it has turned out, I got to make the vision I wanted without cutting any corners. I say this every jam, but I think I mean it this time, unless I suddenly become dissatisfied with this game (which is totally possible), I think this will be my last fan game. I did sort of make this game a "best of", by incorporating parts of my other fan games that I like.

I hope you enjoy this game, it's been a ride.

Pokemon Essentials 1.8.1:

Made by:
Poccil (Peter O.)

With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.

RPG Maker XP by:

Misc resources from Vanishing Point Resource Pack
-papurikagakusyu (Papurika)

Misc resources from Pokemon Gratia Resource Pack

Tiles from Pokemon Umber
-Dawn Bronze
-Calis Projects

Tiles taken from Pokemon Castaway Resource Pack
-Ramiro Maldini
-Dawn Bronze
-Sires J Black
-Cali & Alistair

Offical Pokeon Music
-Junichi Masuda
-Go Ichinos
-Morikazu Aoki
-Minako Adachi
-Hitomi Sato

Fmodex script:
-Enterbrain - RGSS
-Nuri Yuri - RGSS Linker, RGSS FmodEx, Audio (FmodEx)
-GiraPrimal - LOOP_TABLE

SM Wild theme, Maile theme, Tapu theme, Elite 4 theme, Ultra Beast theme

Japanese Interior tiles, and misc overworlds

Snowy Tileset:
-Fanking Omega

Misc building tiles:

Gen 6 Sprites:
-Zerokid for compiling
-Basic Vanillite
-Legitimate Username
-Luigi Player

Sweet Panoramas:

Smokey Fog:

Gen 7 Sprites:
-kaji atsu
-The cynical poet
-Falgaia of the Smogon S/M sprite project

Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds

Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds

Name window Script
-Mr. Gela (Teo)

HM Item Script

Invalid tile Eraser script

Where I used the graphics:
-Doing the Looker sidequest gives you "Looker Tickets" which use the envelope graphic
-In Torpe City there is a challenge to battle the 3 brothers, they are the trainer sprites with the hats
-weird pokeball is used as a "Reverse Ball"
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Why Do People Call Me A GOAT
Expo Team
Sep 4, 2020
Definitely having a look at this, one of my team members worked on it and it seems like something I'd be into
I have edited the main thread with this info, but in case anyone misses it. An issue has been raised because someone edited the game to import a fast forward script
This game uses Looping music so that the BGM smoothly continues, however this means that the fast forward script cannot be used. It will cause the game to crash randomly. If you insist on editing the game and importing the fast forward script. Please save very often as fast forwarding will cause frequent crashes.​


Hello there! I've just finished the main story and a bit of post-game exploration. I really enjoyed this game. You and the rest of the team should be very proud. 🙂
I don't have much in terms of feedback. Overall, I thought it was very well written. I particularly liked the ending who left that bowl of onions next to me. The mapping was good. I thought connecting everything together via the cave area was smart. Lots to see and explore, and many characters to meet. As I'm writing this, I've found (not caught, I'll get onto that) maybe half of the legends, but still missing those that might be based on the time of day? The battles were challenging enough to keep it interesting, although I did get cleanly swept by a single Lilligant along the way.

A few minor things I spotted (possible spoilers ahead):
1. No music in the gatehouse leading to Torpe City.
2. No music in the gatehouse leading to God's Climb.
3. No battle bases in the Mesprit fight.
In Torpe City, this is the building with the young dude who trades you a Ditto. The stair transfer event needs to be set to "player touch".
Near the south exit in Gracidea Forest. You can't walk left here. You can't move right from the other side either.

One suggestion would be to consider adding a money farm, unless there's one already and I just missed it. Going after lots of low capture rate legends, I've run out of money already buying Pokéballs and I've still got half of the legends to catch.

Anyway, great game! Looking forward to what you guys work on next, either separately or together.
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Hello there! I've just finished the main story and a bit of post-game exploration. I really enjoyed this game. You and the rest of the team should be very proud. 🙂
I don't have much in terms of feedback. Overall, I thought it was very well written. I particularly liked the ending who left that bowl of onions next to me. The mapping was good. I thought connecting everything together via the cave area was smart. Lots to see and explore, and many characters to meet. As I'm writing this, I've found (not caught, I'll get onto that) maybe half of the legends, but still missing a those that might be based on the time of day? The battles were challenging enough to keep it interesting, although I did get cleanly swept by a single Lilligant along the way.

~snip snip~

Wow, I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it! You're the first person to leave a forum reply after playing so it means a lot to me. I'm also happy to see that you're enjoying the legendary hunting. Sorry but there is no money farm, that is an oversight on my part.

But on that note, the bugs mentioned above have been fixed, along with some other bugs I was sent. So please download the new 1.2 version! Most importantly it makes it so you can't get locked out of side content if you do things is a specific order.

Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the game!


Mar 20, 2021
I had this whole review document set up, but then realized it would probably just be skimmed lol. Pm me for more info on specifics if you're curious
Also, SPOILERS to people who haven't played the game yet. Please do!

Instead I'm going to say my overall thoughts on the game, critiques for the devs assuming their work based on desc in this thread, then post my rating and then some bugs at the bottom

Overall: It was fun! A good break from the badge crawl with a focus on exploration. The aesthetics of the three main areas with the starting village as a focal point was well delivered and each place was relatively well established. Soft and Hard barriers got me to where I needed to go, but allowed me sneak peeks into other areas. Areas of improvement going forward are in lieu of mapping and plot in this game. While tilesets look fine, and I like the more Gen 3 aesthetic the mapping leaves something to be desired. The chosen one trope is a little overdone and there's also leaps in common sense through the game. I'd also like to note in this section that I think the cultures were too distinct in relation to geographic location. Mayyybe Valor village can get away with this due to isolationism, but I don't buy that for the other ones. Other than that, it was all pretty cohesive. I would love some more backstory for Tris btw. Haven't finished finding all the legendaries just yet, but its fun looking around more :)

Tomix - As I mentioned in the Overall, my too main issues were with mapping and plot. As per mapping, I think you were improving as the game went on, especially in "towns". Acuity Village is probably my favorite because I love the desert aesthetic, Valor village shows the progress through the process, and then Torpe city and the starting village are a little boring to walk around it. I think for both it's because there's just so much space to walk around without doing anything exciting and the buildings don't really flow together in an interesting way. I'd suggest more events, side quests, and taking inspiration from layouts in your own neighborhood or city. Your routes were really good though, in particular I really enjoyed going through Cogno Valley. As per plot, this is specifically talking about overall story. I think you excel at small points, because the dialogue itself was genuinely well written. However, considering the overarching storyline, why the player starts their adventure, the scope and magnitude of what's happening, and all of that combined it feels like an improv sketch. We should've probably had an introduction to Tris earlier than we did, and honestly I'm not sure if legendaries or mythicals really had to be involved to make this work, (ex: What if his soul was trapped inside an Odd Keystone?). I feel like the real story you wanted to tell was Tris's, and that would've been an interesting game. Also wanted to mention that I really love the crime mini-games
Pan - I think going forward for future games you should work more on sprite animation. I was definitely impressed when Tris crumpled to the ground like she did. I'd love to see more of that. In general I would also want to see more custom sprites and art in this game. I understand the time restriction, but besides a few characters in particular I didn't see much of what you can do. Titlescreen is overall pretty, but little details like more shading or outlining the trio would also be cool.
Papurika and AceGamerAndy: The custom art for the trainers and the tilesets look good. Would like to see more contributions in future projects and games from both of you.

Screenshot (13).png

Bugs: Almost forgot about this section!
1. Fountains aren't animated
2. When reopening a save some party sprites aren't animated. The only one I had moving on my team was Chimecho
3. The assumably UB event in Torpe City doesn't work. It appears above my pc and doesn't transport me anywhere
I had this whole review document set up, but then realized it would probably just be skimmed lol. Pm me for more info on specifics if you're curious
Also, SPOILERS to people who haven't played the game yet. Please do!

~snippity snipity snip~
Wow! What a review, I've already DMed you to give you my thanks but here is a proper one! First of all, thank you for playing, it means a lot to me!

But a bigger thank you for your feedback, it is all really good feedback that I agree with. I really think the plot is one of the flaws of this game, or maybe how the plot was executed, and yeah, town/village maps are a struggle for me. I wish I could've included more side content in the towns but I guess the time limit got to me and I focused too much on making sure I had every sinnoh legendary in the game. I'm glad to hear that you liked the route maps a lot though, that means a lot to me! But yeah, amazing feedback! Thank you!

(on a side note, I really like your review/rating format :P )


Oct 9, 2020
Hello! I played your game yesterday; it was 5 hours of fun and exploration! Here are some thoughts on it.

Designs, aesthetics
It's a gen 3-styled game, but because of your efforts to add on to the default Essentials tilesets by introducing many new tiles, recoloring some old ones, and making custom sprites for important characters, the region doesn't feel generic at all; rather, it's a pleasure to traverse through it and explore what it has to offer. Particularly, the protagonist's running sprite is super-cute. ^^ It'd be nice if the Bag UI matches the cloth bag (?) the protagonist has, since that's what makes their design distinct, but I understand if there's not a lot of time to make it that way. The new UBs gave me quite the surprise at first, since I wasn't expecting the game to have Fakemon, but their designs were cool (cute, even?), and their sprites well-done. Although, perhaps the world on the other side of the Ultra Wormhole can be made more distinct from the "real world", for I had some trouble telling which side of the wormhole I was on -- unless, of course, if a "parallel" universe is what you're going for rather than an "alien" one, which makes sense, considering the main plot of the game.

What I really, really, really love is the way you implemented the Distortion World. From the way the player's sprite floats ever so slightly while jumping onto the platforms, as if jumping in space, to the entirety of the upside-down portion (where I was like, holy shit I'm actually upside down!!!) -- it's literally everything I want a Distortion World to be in my game, if my game were to have a Distortion World. It must've been a pain eventing that portion (creating what was supposed to be a 3D portion using the limits of a 2D game is no easy feat!), but I would say your efforts paid off in the best possible way. If there's anything to improve on, I would say adding some clouds / swirling mist in the background to give it more variety, rather than making it plain dark blue all the way, but that's honestly just a nitpick, and might be rather difficult to implement.

Writing, plot, characters
It is apparent that quite a lot of thought have been put into coming up with the concept and themes of the game, with each of the 3 major towns embodying the 3 "values" of the lake guardians, as well as the bits of lore scattered throughout the land, to sort of integrate the Legendaries into the region rather than making them mere boss battles with no reason to be where they are. I liked that you gave the protagonist a background as a thief, and capitalized on that by including the really fun sneaking puzzles. One thing I would really like to see expanded on is the relationship between the protagonist and Tris, to give their battles even more weight -- some further interactions between the two of them perhaps, before the final backstory reveal in the Distortion World, given their similar professions and the fact that the protagonist, of all people, was chosen by Uxie to stop her. But I can understand if you want to leave these aspects open for the player's interpretation too. ^^

While there were lapses in spelling and grammar here and there, they didn't really detract me from the overall enjoyment of the game. However, I feel that many longer sentences can be better of being broken up into shorter ones with a change in punctuation, and new sentences/points can be separated in new messages, rather than being lumped in with what's been said previously, if that makes any sense. In other words, what's a comma can be better replaced with a period or a semicolon. For example,

might be written as "Take this. You have certainly showed me your power today.", followed by a new message, "I think you could use..." I am not a grammar expert in any way, so please take it with a pinch of salt!

Pokémon, gameplay, balance
Final team, if you need it for research purposes:

The starting was rather tough, with Makuhita and Cherubi up against the Grass-types and Salandit in Cogno Valley, which is why I appreciated the existence of Sombre Springs to grind a little. Other than that, I would say that the game's in a pretty good spot in terms of balance, with the major boss battles being challenging but not impossible. I especially liked the time-specific minibosses like Darumaka and Frogadier; they were a pleasant surprise when I spotted them in the overworld, good challenges to fight and capture, and great additions to my team. Like what ThatWelshOne_ has already stated, there's not enough money to buy the many, many Ultra Balls needed to capture the Legendaries... but for me at least, finding them at the end of an exploration is satisfying enough. ^^ I'm glad you took the extra effort to include them (plus, all the mini side quests that are available); it makes the game and the region feel that much more complete!
Spelling errors:

Missing words:

Missing shelf tile, unaligned Darumaka:

Player flying on the panorama:

(Also, the UB doesn't disappear after it's being caught)

To you and your team, thank you so much for making this game, and all the fun it has given me! If this truly is your last fangame (hopefully not, for I'm sure a lot of players would want to see more from you, including me!), I would think it makes for a lovely swan song.


Mar 20, 2021
Wow! What a review, I've already DMed you to give you my thanks but here is a proper one! First of all, thank you for playing, it means a lot to me!

But a bigger thank you for your feedback, it is all really good feedback that I agree with. I really think the plot is one of the flaws of this game, or maybe how the plot was executed, and yeah, town/village maps are a struggle for me. I wish I could've included more side content in the towns but I guess the time limit got to me and I focused too much on making sure I had every sinnoh legendary in the game. I'm glad to hear that you liked the route maps a lot though, that means a lot to me! But yeah, amazing feedback! Thank you!

(on a side note, I really like your review/rating format :P )
Thank you! And you're welcome :)
I just finished Azume and I enjoyed it!
This was my team!

  • I thought the gameplay was pretty solid! The story was also quite interesting. I agree with what the others said above.
  • The mapping was good for the most part! The villages were beautiful, the routes were also well made. I also liked how you did lots of world building. I did think the Cave of Rituals map was kinda disappointing though, seeing the legendaries confined in small rooms.
  • The game was quite challenging at the beginning. I had a lot of trouble with Arisanna, especially since I chose Vulpix. I thought there were too many trainers at some areas, like at Gracidea Woods for example. The rest of the game was fine though!
  • The Reverse Ball was very useful for catching Dialga! Great design.
  • Custom character sprites and art were very nice too.
Overall, I had a good time playing your game! Great job with this!


Mar 3, 2019
So I found this from youtube but am having an issue opening the file to play once its extracted I'm getting an RGSS104E.dll error does anyone know a fix? EDIT redownloading fixed it
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Woo, finally managed to find all the legendaries!

I really like the scenes with Grandpa sending the player off- I felt like there was a lot more fondness and support than there usually is in those kinds of scenes!

I appreciate the running shoes at the start! It's so simple but I always want to point it out so someday we can live in a world where everyone does it lol.

The Reverse Ball is a super fun idea, definitely the most creative use I've seen of the Jam ball! It feels like the first time a Poke Ball actually comes with risk to it, rather than just using it at the right time, so it felt very satisfying getting to use it!

The setup to getting the player's starter was really fun!

There's a lot of great little nooks to explore in the game and find rewards, I had a lot of fun going through everywhere!

I love that reward for checking back with Grandpa! I always feel bad at the thought that you could just leave your family without saying bye, and I like that it gives us a little more detail about the player's family!

Am I misremembering things or did you speed up the move learning in battle? (No more 1... 2.... poof!) If you did, that's a really nice touch I wish more games would do!

The custom tiles are all really great! I think Cogno Valley has my favorite aesthetic, especially with the cacti Pokemon hanging out!

I really love how much flavor text was put into the overworld- not even just flavor text on every object, but even naming every NPC, and creating little stories like the birthday girl having a cake in the fridge- it's a really nice touch!

That library was really sweet! And that Choose Your Own Adventure book was great, lol.

I really like Elder Arisanna's sprite!

I'm a big fan of those crossover wormholes! It's really fun to have those callbacks (and be reminded I still need to finish those games 😅), and your Fakemon have such fun designs, so I'm really glad they get to be in another game!

The Distortion World came out great, especially the upside down effect!

Being able to hunt down so many legendaries was a lot of fun! I think the compactness of the region and gameplay really helped combine to get this effect of feeling surrounded by legends, which I really enjoyed!
  • There's kind of this fun symmetry of Shaymin and Manaphy having obstacles for each other's type- Shaymin needs Surf, Manaphy needs Cut- and Heatran rounding out the HM Legendary/Mythicals with Strength. I dunno, I liked it!
  • I really liked Mesprit's dialogue as you interacted with it!
  • I love how Manaphy's location referenced that little legend in the library!
  • And of course, the central story was really great! I'm a big fan of stories that have high stakes but an emotional conflict at the center of them, and I think Tris' story made really great use of Giratina's established lore!
There's this thing that you do with maps that I really like, where you have these items out of reach but still visible on the main path, like placemarkers? It was so helpful when I was going back through to find all the secrets- instead of trying to remember where I saw that waterfall or boulder, I'd notice the item and realize I could make my way to it now!

It feels a little odd to me that the title screen still just plays a random cry. I know there's not any real cover Pokemon for the game, but the legends are definitely more relevant than the random Pokemon cries that did play for me- maybe you could set it up to just play a random legendary's cry? (I could set that up for you in a postjam update if you need help!)

As much as I loved the concept of Reverse Balls, I'd often pass up buying them in favor of Poke Balls. Reverse Balls cost more than twice as much as Poke Balls, and if I'm not mistaken, they don't have any upgraded counterparts like Great Balls and Ultra Balls. And while it is really useful if you're travelling on low health, or while fighting a high level foe, it's really hard to set up a chance to use the Reverse Ball. There's not many moves out there with recoil or anything to damage your own HP, unless I'm missing something and there's no Toxic/Flame Orb to set up any status conditions. Keeping a Pokemon low on health is really hard, too- the PMC and PC heal all Pokemon, so there's no way to keep just one Pokemon low on health. So when you become too strong for the Pokemon in a wild area to do much to you, you kind of lose the ability to use a Reverse Ball effectively, too.

That might've just been your intention, though; to have them as a new ball used less frequently rather than as a ball to outshine the Poke Ball, and I might just have been too greedy to play with my new toy, haha.

The save screen still displays badges, even though they're not relevant to the game at all. Minor detail, though, lol.

The dialogue saying "The sign reads" for every sign felt a little awkward- after all, I did just go up to read the sign, so I'd expect the text to be what the sign reads.

The Drought theme (or whatever the sneak music was) was still playing as I got my starter Pokemon from the elder, which felt a little out of place for the scene. At that point, there's no real threat to being caught, so it seems like the music should be less tense.

I loved getting Chingling from the sea, but I imagine people who picked Chingling as a starter would feel cheated to see it was available so soon.

The unreal time system was a cool feature, and using it for timed overworld encounters was really nice, but sometimes the transition between screen tones was a bit jarring at times. (I wish I remembered what time change stuck out to me- I think it was going to the daytime tone?)

Elder Ishi and Kokoro Town's elder (forgot his name) seem to be in RSE style, so they look a bit out of place with the FRLG sprites.

One boulder in Cogno Valley (by the hiker and camper) felt really at odds with the style of the map.

The Slowpoke event is super cute, but Slowpoke stayed facing away from me even as I handed it the berry, which was a little odd.

While I definitely appreciate their usefulness, the PMC and Mart in Acuity Village felt out of place with the aesthetic of the rest of the town- I think it'd be better to have stuff like vendors, a resting area, and a student with a PC, to give the functions while still looking similar and keeping to the lore that it's a remote village.

There was no puddle splash effect on the water in the legendary caves, which I know is a really minor thing, but since they were meant to recreate how they felt in Gen 4, I kind of felt their absence a little more- I liked splashing through the puddles to see the legendaries, lol.

The Uxie cutscene felt a little anticlimatic- she sort of just stays still and talks to you, like any other NPC.

I think Tris' trainer class should just be "Thief", not "The Thief", it's a little awkward.

In an odd way, it sort of felt like the lore around Shaymin made it feel more like an endangered species than like a figure of legends and myths? Like, with all the talk about the flowers being there and then being cut down, Shaymin feels more like a last of its species Pokemon than something in the category of Manaphy or Heatran. Which I don't necessarily mind- it's not like Shaymin's lore is really all that significant anyways- but it did sort of feel odd.

I was kind of confused by the Ditto trade. When I first saw it, I was excited to trade- the guy's haughtiness about appearances made me think he would trade a shiny Ditto and say it was "too gaudy" or something, so the player could Transform into shiny versions of the Pokemon they see! But then it was just a normal Ditto, which can be caught right outside the city anyways. (Is it maybe something about its IVs that's special? Or is it just a regular Ditto lol)

I think it would have been helpful to clarify that Vulpix doesn't evolve from a Fire Stone anymore- I took a Fire Stone from the guy in Tore City and realized I missed my chance to get anything else when I realized it didn't work. (Although to be fair I didn't use any evo sones)

This is probably just default essentials animations, but I noticed that battles while surfing had the water graphics play, but all other battles used typical black/Poke Ball animations that didn't reflect the environment.

I wish there was a PC in Kokoro Town, or the option to swap out party members for new Pokemon. If you pick up Manaphy before getting Waterfall, for example, it's kind of a trek to get back to a PC to put it on your team.

As much fun as I had collecting the legendaries, it felt like they lined up a little too well with some of the overworld encounter/gift Pokemon you can get at times. Like, I got Shaymin, and then I reluctantly boxed my Cherubi, because even though I wanted to keep the gift from Grandpa, Shaymin was a higher level and knew a lot of the same moves as Cherubi. Then I got Manaphy, and I boxed the Frogadier I caught early on in the game because they were both Water-types with Water Pulse, and Manaphy was a higher level. Then I got Heatran and boxed Darumaka. And later I saw Jolteon for the first time, but it went right to the box, because I already had Zeusu.

I totally get using default animations, but it felt like some default animations were missing, and that lead to almost misleading animations? For example, Ice and Electric moves both default to their punch animations, which can imply contact even for a move that doesn't make contact, like Ice Shard. And Grass defaulted to Mega Drain, so a move like Magical Leaf would look like it should heal, too. Of course, the dialogue box is there so you're not just relying on animations lol, but I did have to catch myself often.

While they obviously have important functions, it feels really strange to me lore-wise to have Looker and a standardized Pokemon Center/Mart in Valor Village, which forbids outsiders. It feels like they'd have their own counterpart to those buildings, like a little rest area or vendor like Kokoro Town has, and like Looker should have been hiding on God's Climb rather than in the village.

I noticed that the player lost the habit of commenting on things that they had at the start of the game. I totally get why, of course, adding in the player character's commentary would add more work for the time period, and it's not like Azume is really lacking by having a blank NPC, I just noticed because I remembered liking it at the start.

Kind of my fault for not playing Vanishing Point sooner, but it seems like Eyre can't learn Shadow Ball? That's also the only Ghost TM in Azume IIRC, and Eyre comes knowing Night Shade, so it's not immediately clear how to get a Ghost STAB move for Eyre. (I only found out it got Ominous Wind after levelling it up in the postgame!)

The water in the Cave of Answers didn't have any shading or anything. I get that it was supposed to be still, but I honestly thought it was like the sky or something at first with its lighter tone.

After encountering the Ultra Wormholes, the Distortion World portal is a little unimpressive by comparison. (But like... jump in and the Distortion World itself is a slam dunk so who cares lol)

I felt like Tris repeated similar lines about the parallel world a few too many times in her speech before entering the portal.

While I did definitely appreciate the reward from the Elder for checking back in with him, it wasn't really clear that was how you got Azelf- I was actually convinced I had missed it somehow before I checked to make sure the dialogue changed after beating the game, haha. Maybe some NPCs could tell the player they should check back in with the Elders and the people they met on their journey, so the player is encouraged to go there?

It felt a little easy having the Lustrous Orb in the same room as Mesprit, like a two for one deal. I don't know what I'd suggest to do instead, though... Mesprit's cutscene would lose its feeling if you made it appear in the shrine, and there's not really many locations that suit Palkia...

(Also it was a little weird having the Strength boulder blocking the orb, since you need Waterfall to get there anyways, which you get after Strength)

Anabel's AI seems a little low- I had to go a couple tries battling her, and it wasn't until the third or fourth battle that I realized Alakazam had Focus Blast, even though it'd been facing Zeusu every time. Of course, her team being so high-levelled means that you probably don't want the AI to be too high, so... I dunno.
(Also can I pretty please ask that Fissure be taken off Snorlax lol, it feels brutal to be OHKOed)

It was a little odd that I had to beat a level 40 team to catch Shimayge, which is only level 30. (Although, given how annoying Regigigas was to catch at level 35, maybe that's for the best lol)

I was surprised we never got a name for the storage PC, I thought it was gonna be you after I saw "Timmy"'s house!

Grandpa doesn't say anything new to the player in the postgame, which I thought was a shame!

Regigigas was really hard to find- the grass tiles are a clue about the location, but the entrance to Giant's Slumber just looks like a wall of rock, so I thought they were just decorative. There's no clues for it in the library, either. I only found it because I was stubborn and put the map data in a vanilla kit so I could find it lol.

Similarly, Cresslia doesn't really have any indication of its location, except for the one NPC in Valor Village that talks about a mythical Pokemon appearing at night. Cresselia only appears in the evening, though, not at night. (Also it's technically a legendary and not a mythical, which is really splitting hairs, but it might confuse someone who thought it was meant in the technical sense, because they'd think she literally meant a capital M Mythical Pokemon, and not a Legendary like Cresslia) It's also a bit frustrating getting to her, because even when you know where she spawns and when she'll appear, you can't easily change the time without knowing how the unreal time system works, so you have to just wait around a bit. Maybe there could be a bed or something that set the time to night temporarily?
Pokemon Gen 6+ are missing cries (including your fakemon, although IIRC they didn't have them to begin with)

Camper Aiden says "I've found so many cool Pokemon! Check them out!", but has only one in his party

A wild Chingling I caught evolved into a Chimecho with the ability Aerialate- sick, but I don't think it was intentional, since that's not how it is in canon?

The book about the Distortion World mentions the counterpart theory twice in a row.

A few Pokemon that are usually in midair have their sprites pretty low:

Some other Pokemon are off-centered from their shadow:

Turtonator's sprite was actually elevated, weirdly.

The overworld Pokemon I encountered didn't play their cries when interacting with them.

Heatran and Rhyhorn's sprite were actually a little elevated

Spiritomb's encounter used the indoor battleback and bases

Argh my tab refreshed and I lost all my screencaps so I'm just gonna try to describe the error's locations on some of these

The ledges just before the actual water are reflective, too

A bookshelf in the Acuity Village (right by the book about Aki) is missing the top:.

Grey border in the mayor's office between the different tiles stops at that left tile

(top and bottom floor)

The shadows at the exit out from Gracidia Forest are flipped upside down.

Not sure if this is just a lack of a corner piece for the tileset, but the lines on the roar feel like they should merge into a corner instead of just staying straight.

Road seems to go under the rocks to the east of the city.

Bit of reflection void at the bottom of the room where you can trade for a Ditto

Maybe it's just me, but it feels weird that the Ultra Wormhole is always on top

Think you're missing a panorama in Genro Village, there's just void past the edges.

I've had this happen all the dang time setting up water borders too, so I feel this, but just so you know, the little water effect on the player's surf base can kind of leak over to the land if they're near it.

There's one tile of black at the bottom as the player leaves the Distortion world

Lot of void in the Cave of Rituals

Arceus isn't really centered
The top of the Reverse Ball is dark, like a shadow, when it should be lighter, because of the lighting. (You probably just flipped the Poke Ball animation and forgot to consider the lighting, which is exactly what I would have done lol)

The guy who gives you Exp Share changes sprites.

Eyre doesn't disappear after being caught.

Lilligant is a little off compared to the player, its feet are a couple pixels above the player's.

After completing the Zeusu sidequest, Un can be interacted with repeatedly for infinite Big Nuggets.

A few bits of dialogue have this little indent, likely from adding a space after the name window.
Timmy's mom in Tore City
Looker's "despite my disguise"
The fisherman saying "There is a rumor that a rare creature"
The man saying "I love these trees, their color" in Kokoro Town
Rekool saying "I'm going to be leaving this place soon", and each new box after that
Tris saying "You saw it right?"

No SFX leaving any room in the Cave of Rituals
Well it is clear what you need- comma after Well
Good luck \PN, I'm not sure- comma after luck
It was a long time ago but I grew up in- comma after ago
Apparently this small shrine existed- comma after Apparently
Oh welcome \PN. - Oh, welcome, \PN
Yes, everything is understood don't worry- comma after understood
I'm sorry but you must understand- comma after sorry
But if we want to be able to get you there, You'll need- you'll shouldn't be capitalized
But at this point I believe- comma after point
Well it is time to get back- comma after Well
Well \PN, we are here- comma after Well
What are you doing here!- should end in ? or ?!
didn't expect to see me here did you?- comma after here
and meet your mysterious messenger in the Sacred Grounds- there's an extra space between "messenger" and "in"
I'm not certain but I suspect- comma after certain
Good luck \PN- comma after luck
Elder Shinzou caught you in the night but he ended up- comma after night
In that case you should take this- comma after case
Why don't you rest here for a bit before you go. - should end in ?
You're one of a kind kid- comma after kind
It is crazy how the area around here as so many different climates!- has
Some people think that it may be due to the pokemon shaping the environment! - Pokémon
I've found some cool rocks, wanna see! - should be ?
from an underground lake! How cool is that! - second ! should be ?
"As you enter the forest you notice" - comma after forest
"Suddenly you accidentally" - comma after suddenly
"Quickly she thanked the guardian" - comma after quickly
Oh it is quite funny!- comma after Oh
seems to be deticated to an author- dedicated
"It is said that many many years ago" - comma after the first many and ago
" It is said that those who hold the wing - delete the space after the "
It became famous and many travelers- comma after famous
There is a book called, "The Rituals of the Gods"- delete comma
A book here is seems to list- delete "is" (this is the case in Acuity Village, Toure City, and Valor Village)
Tell me child, why do you- comma after me
Well \PN, I have to admit- comma after Well
However you can also get to the woods- comma after However
Before you leave you should visit- comma after leave
In that case I must teach you something- comma after case
To get to Tourpe City you should go- comma after City
Otherwise you can go back - comma after Otherwise
I hope you're journey is going well- your
But now there are no flowers and Tourpe CIty- comma after flowers
Hey these are our camp grounds!- comma after Hey
he keeps to himself so I keep to myself- comma after himself
the guardian of what was one Verity Village- once
I can't help but feel like it is pointless, I can't say with certainty but it sure feels like - I'd change that first comma to a period, comma after certainty,
Its quite sad isn't it.- comma after sad, should end in ?
A special item of display called- on display, not of
Well don't worry about that- comma after Well
Now come on child.- Now, come on, child.
if that is all then you should be on your way- comma after all
I'm Fry, the mayor assistant- should be mayor's
I have a brother in Acuity Village and he told me- comma after Village
A one time fee of 500- one-time
Rocks huh? - comma after Rocks
I would love to see it properly but they keep it in a Pokeball- comma after properly, Poké Ball
Well, are you down for it.- should end in ?
Okay now that we are in here- comma after Okay
past all the guards huh?- comma after guards
Well it sucks to be you bud- comma after Well, comma after you
And you thief, don't think-comma after you
Oh please, what are you- comma after oh
take it back huh.- comma after back
nothing will get inbetween me and my love- in between is two words
unlike you I actually know a few moves- comma after you
Nice to meet you \PN- comma after you
Using the Sinnoh charm she would be able to- comma after charm
Getting there isn't exactly easy, well first of all, you'll need this. - Feels like a run-on- I'd change it to "Getting there isn't exactly easy. Well, first of all, you'll need this."
With this you'll be able to surf- comma after this
After that you need to go to - comma after that
Sadly to do this you will require- Sadly, to do this, you will require
I'm not certain but I've heard- comma after certain
You're a trainer right?- comma after trainer
It doesn't seem from this world...- "seem to be from this world"
But you're brave kid- comma after brave
how to make an entrance huh?- comma after entrance
Well you seem like a special challenger- comma after well
Well I promised you a reward- comma after well
You really went in huh?- comma after in
Bucker up land lubber- comma after up
Well that's a shipwreck- comma after Well
There is strange box on the table- "a strange box"
Despite my disguise you somehow found me- comma after disguise
I'll be off now then- comma after now
Did you know that right now, we stand underneath the center of this island. - should end in ?
how to move boulders correct?- comma after boulders
However the trick is not easy to learn- comma after however
Well luckily for you- comma after Well
You're will shall fall!- Your
It's \PN right?- comma after \PN
You have an important task \PN- comma after task
lucky to get in here outsider- comma after here
Welcome to Valor Village outsider- comma after Village
if it isn't too hard could you try to- comma after hard
to meet someone from outsider!- from outside
People will give into their desires without a second.- missing "thought"
at something call "Relic Castle Winter Jam"- called
You appear out of no where and beat me- nowhere
remember what happened last time right?- comma after time
You too came too late- first "too" should be "two"
you're coming too \PN- comma after too
It's Tris right?- comma after Tris
Actually I did have one question- comma after actually
Oh you're a bit of a - comma after Oh
Well Tris- comma after Well
No I love it! I mean just look at it all!- comma after No, comma after mean
Oh what's that?- comma after Oh
Let's take it home then! We can look at it everyday!- comma after home, every day should be two words there
You can't do that Tris!- comma after that
Of course not silly!- comma after not
I was scared- missing punctuation
You really thought i was just going to up and leave you.- i should be capitalized, should end in ?
Give me more credit than that Tris- comma after that
That sounds amazing Tris!- comma after amazing
What are you doing here Elder Shinozu?- comma after here
Sit down Tris- comma after down
Why Fin...- comma after Why
I'm coming for you Fin- comma after you
Well I'm sorry too- comma after Well
It's over now Tris- comma after now
It's you Finn! It really is isn't it!- comma after you, comma after is
I've missed you so much Finn- comma after much
Excuse me lady- comma after me
Please Finn- comma after Please
I really thought I had you Finn- comma after you
is really gone huh- comma after gone
"Here take this as a parting gift" - comma after Here
Stay safe out there kid- comma after there

I mean I felt something strange today- comma after mean
didn't go easy on me huh?- comma after me
Well I suppose you deserve some sort of reward or something yeah?- comma after Well and something
Look after it okay?- comma after it

Don't worry I'm not mad at you- comma after worry
You saw it right?- comma after it

As my thanks please take this- comma after thanks

So there was an Ultra Beast there is some strange smoky forest- "is" should be "in", comma after strange

Wait is that a Lunar Wing- comma after Wait

The Reverse Ball's description is missing an apostrophe in opponent's, and doesn't have a period at the end.

I'm sad to see you're stopping fan game development, but Azume is definitely closing out on a high note! I had a lot of fun!
Last edited:
Woo, finally managed to find all the legendaries!

I really like the scenes with Grandpa sending the player off- I felt like there was a lot more fondness and support than there usually is in those kinds of scenes!

I appreciate the running shoes at the start! It's so simple but I always want to point it out so someday we can live in a world where everyone does it lol.

The Reverse Ball is a super fun idea, definitely the most creative use I've seen of the Jam ball! It feels like the first time a Poke Ball actually comes with risk to it, rather than just using it at the right time, so it felt very satisfying getting to use it!

The setup to getting the player's starter was really fun!

There's a lot of great little nooks to explore in the game and find rewards, I had a lot of fun going through everywhere!

I love that reward for checking back with Grandpa! I always feel bad at the thought that you could just leave your family without saying bye, and I like that it gives us a little more detail about the player's family!

Am I misremembering things or did you speed up the move learning in battle? (No more 1... 2.... poof!) If you did, that's a really nice touch I wish more games would do!

The custom tiles are all really great! I think Cogno Valley has my favorite aesthetic, especially with the cacti Pokemon hanging out!

I really love how much flavor text was put into the overworld- not even just flavor text on every object, but even naming every NPC, and creating little stories like the birthday girl having a cake in the fridge- it's a really nice touch!

That library was really sweet! And that Choose Your Own Adventure book was great, lol.

I really like Elder Arisanna's sprite!

I'm a big fan of those crossover wormholes! It's really fun to have those callbacks (and be reminded I still need to finish those games 😅), and your Fakemon have such fun designs, so I'm really glad they get to be in another game!

The Distortion World came out great, especially the upside down effect!

Being able to hunt down so many legendaries was a lot of fun! I think the compactness of the region and gameplay really helped combine to get this effect of feeling surrounded by legends, which I really enjoyed!
  • There's kind of this fun symmetry of Shaymin and Manaphy having obstacles for each other's type- Shaymin needs Surf, Manaphy needs Cut- and Heatran rounding out the HM Legendary/Mythicals with Strength. I dunno, I liked it!
  • I really liked Mesprit's dialogue as you interacted with it!
  • I love how Manaphy's location referenced that little legend in the library!
  • And of course, the central story was really great! I'm a big fan of stories that have high stakes but an emotional conflict at the center of them, and I think Tris' story made really great use of Giratina's established lore!
There's this thing that you do with maps that I really like, where you have these items out of reach but still visible on the main path, like placemarkers? It was so helpful when I was going back through to find all the secrets- instead of trying to remember where I saw that waterfall or boulder, I'd notice the item and realize I could make my way to it now!

It feels a little odd to me that the title screen still just plays a random cry. I know there's not any real cover Pokemon for the game, but the legends are definitely more relevant than the random Pokemon cries that did play for me- maybe you could set it up to just play a random legendary's cry? (I could set that up for you in a postjam update if you need help!)

As much as I loved the concept of Reverse Balls, I'd often pass up buying them in favor of Poke Balls. Reverse Balls cost more than twice as much as Poke Balls, and if I'm not mistaken, they don't have any upgraded counterparts like Great Balls and Ultra Balls. And while it is really useful if you're travelling on low health, or while fighting a high level foe, it's really hard to set up a chance to use the Reverse Ball. There's not many moves out there with recoil or anything to damage your own HP, unless I'm missing something and there's no Toxic/Flame Orb to set up any status conditions. Keeping a Pokemon low on health is really hard, too- the PMC and PC heal all Pokemon, so there's no way to keep just one Pokemon low on health. So when you become too strong for the Pokemon in a wild area to do much to you, you kind of lose the ability to use a Reverse Ball effectively, too.

That might've just been your intention, though; to have them as a new ball used less frequently rather than as a ball to outshine the Poke Ball, and I might just have been too greedy to play with my new toy, haha.

The save screen still displays badges, even though they're not relevant to the game at all. Minor detail, though, lol.

The dialogue saying "The sign reads" for every sign felt a little awkward- after all, I did just go up to read the sign, so I'd expect the text to be what the sign reads.

The Drought theme (or whatever the sneak music was) was still playing as I got my starter Pokemon from the elder, which felt a little out of place for the scene. At that point, there's no real threat to being caught, so it seems like the music should be less tense.

I loved getting Chingling from the sea, but I imagine people who picked Chingling as a starter would feel cheated to see it was available so soon.

The unreal time system was a cool feature, and using it for timed overworld encounters was really nice, but sometimes the transition between screen tones was a bit jarring at times. (I wish I remembered what time change stuck out to me- I think it was going to the daytime tone?)

Elder Ishi and Kokoro Town's elder (forgot his name) seem to be in RSE style, so they look a bit out of place with the FRLG sprites.

One boulder in Cogno Valley (by the hiker and camper) felt really at odds with the style of the map.

The Slowpoke event is super cute, but Slowpoke stayed facing away from me even as I handed it the berry, which was a little odd.

While I definitely appreciate their usefulness, the PMC and Mart in Acuity Village felt out of place with the aesthetic of the rest of the town- I think it'd be better to have stuff like vendors, a resting area, and a student with a PC, to give the functions while still looking similar and keeping to the lore that it's a remote village.

There was no puddle splash effect on the water in the legendary caves, which I know is a really minor thing, but since they were meant to recreate how they felt in Gen 4, I kind of felt their absence a little more- I liked splashing through the puddles to see the legendaries, lol.

The Uxie cutscene felt a little anticlimatic- she sort of just stays still and talks to you, like any other NPC.

I think Tris' trainer class should just be "Thief", not "The Thief", it's a little awkward.

In an odd way, it sort of felt like the lore around Shaymin made it feel more like an endangered species than like a figure of legends and myths? Like, with all the talk about the flowers being there and then being cut down, Shaymin feels more like a last of its species Pokemon than something in the category of Manaphy or Heatran. Which I don't necessarily mind- it's not like Shaymin's lore is really all that significant anyways- but it did sort of feel odd.

I was kind of confused by the Ditto trade. When I first saw it, I was excited to trade- the guy's haughtiness about appearances made me think he would trade a shiny Ditto and say it was "too gaudy" or something, so the player could Transform into shiny versions of the Pokemon they see! But then it was just a normal Ditto, which can be caught right outside the city anyways. (Is it maybe something about its IVs that's special? Or is it just a regular Ditto lol)

I think it would have been helpful to clarify that Vulpix doesn't evolve from a Fire Stone anymore- I took a Fire Stone from the guy in Tore City and realized I missed my chance to get anything else when I realized it didn't work. (Although to be fair I didn't use any evo sones)

This is probably just default essentials animations, but I noticed that battles while surfing had the water graphics play, but all other battles used typical black/Poke Ball animations that didn't reflect the environment.

I wish there was a PC in Kokoro Town, or the option to swap out party members for new Pokemon. If you pick up Manaphy before getting Waterfall, for example, it's kind of a trek to get back to a PC to put it on your team.

As much fun as I had collecting the legendaries, it felt like they lined up a little too well with some of the overworld encounter/gift Pokemon you can get at times. Like, I got Shaymin, and then I reluctantly boxed my Cherubi, because even though I wanted to keep the gift from Grandpa, Shaymin was a higher level and knew a lot of the same moves as Cherubi. Then I got Manaphy, and I boxed the Frogadier I caught early on in the game because they were both Water-types with Water Pulse, and Manaphy was a higher level. Then I got Heatran and boxed Darumaka. And later I saw Jolteon for the first time, but it went right to the box, because I already had Zeusu.

I totally get using default animations, but it felt like some default animations were missing, and that lead to almost misleading animations? For example, Ice and Electric moves both default to their punch animations, which can imply contact even for a move that doesn't make contact, like Ice Shard. And Grass defaulted to Mega Drain, so a move like Magical Leaf would look like it should heal, too. Of course, the dialogue box is there so you're not just relying on animations lol, but I did have to catch myself often.

While they obviously have important functions, it feels really strange to me lore-wise to have Looker and a standardized Pokemon Center/Mart in Valor Village, which forbids outsiders. It feels like they'd have their own counterpart to those buildings, like a little rest area or vendor like Kokoro Town has, and like Looker should have been hiding on God's Climb rather than in the village.

I noticed that the player lost the habit of commenting on things that they had at the start of the game. I totally get why, of course, adding in the player character's commentary would add more work for the time period, and it's not like Azume is really lacking by having a blank NPC, I just noticed because I remembered liking it at the start.

Kind of my fault for not playing Vanishing Point sooner, but it seems like Eyre can't learn Shadow Ball? That's also the only Ghost TM in Azume IIRC, and Eyre comes knowing Night Shade, so it's not immediately clear how to get a Ghost STAB move for Eyre. (I only found out it got Ominous Wind after levelling it up in the postgame!)

The water in the Cave of Answers didn't have any shading or anything. I get that it was supposed to be still, but I honestly thought it was like the sky or something at first with its lighter tone.

After encountering the Ultra Wormholes, the Distortion World portal is a little unimpressive by comparison. (But like... jump in and the Distortion World itself is a slam dunk so who cares lol)

I felt like Tris repeated similar lines about the parallel world a few too many times in her speech before entering the portal.

While I did definitely appreciate the reward from the Elder for checking back in with him, it wasn't really clear that was how you got Azelf- I was actually convinced I had missed it somehow before I checked to make sure the dialogue changed after beating the game, haha. Maybe some NPCs could tell the player they should check back in with the Elders and the people they met on their journey, so the player is encouraged to go there?

It felt a little easy having the Lustrous Orb in the same room as Mesprit, like a two for one deal. I don't know what I'd suggest to do instead, though... Mesprit's cutscene would lose its feeling if you made it appear in the shrine, and there's not really many locations that suit Palkia...

(Also it was a little weird having the Strength boulder blocking the orb, since you need Waterfall to get there anyways, which you get after Strength)

Anabel's AI seems a little low- I had to go a couple tries battling her, and it wasn't until the third or fourth battle that I realized Alakazam had Focus Blast, even though it'd been facing Zeusu every time. Of course, her team being so high-levelled means that you probably don't want the AI to be too high, so... I dunno.
(Also can I pretty please ask that Fissure be taken off Snorlax lol, it feels brutal to be OHKOed)

It was a little odd that I had to beat a level 40 team to catch Shimayge, which is only level 30. (Although, given how annoying Regigigas was to catch at level 35, maybe that's for the best lol)

I was surprised we never got a name for the storage PC, I thought it was gonna be you after I saw "Timmy"'s house!

Grandpa doesn't say anything new to the player in the postgame, which I thought was a shame!

Regigigas was really hard to find- the grass tiles are a clue about the location, but the entrance to Giant's Slumber just looks like a wall of rock, so I thought they were just decorative. There's no clues for it in the library, either. I only found it because I was stubborn and put the map data in a vanilla kit so I could find it lol.

Similarly, Cresslia doesn't really have any indication of its location, except for the one NPC in Valor Village that talks about a mythical Pokemon appearing at night. Cresselia only appears in the evening, though, not at night. (Also it's technically a legendary and not a mythical, which is really splitting hairs, but it might confuse someone who thought it was meant in the technical sense, because they'd think she literally meant a capital M Mythical Pokemon, and not a Legendary like Cresslia) It's also a bit frustrating getting to her, because even when you know where she spawns and when she'll appear, you can't easily change the time without knowing how the unreal time system works, so you have to just wait around a bit. Maybe there could be a bed or something that set the time to night temporarily?
Pokemon Gen 6+ are missing cries (including your fakemon, although IIRC they didn't have them to begin with)

Camper Aiden says "I've found so many cool Pokemon! Check them out!", but has only one in his party

A wild Chingling I caught evolved into a Chimecho with the ability Aerialate- sick, but I don't think it was intentional, since that's not how it is in canon?

The book about the Distortion World mentions the counterpart theory twice in a row.

A few Pokemon that are usually in midair have their sprites pretty low:

Some other Pokemon are off-centered from their shadow:

Turtonator's sprite was actually elevated, weirdly.

The overworld Pokemon I encountered didn't play their cries when interacting with them.

Heatran and Rhyhorn's sprite were actually a little elevated

Spiritomb's encounter used the indoor battleback and bases

Argh my tab refreshed and I lost all my screencaps so I'm just gonna try to describe the error's locations on some of these

The ledges just before the actual water are reflective, too

A bookshelf in the Acuity Village (right by the book about Aki) is missing the top:.
View attachment 3465
Grey border in the mayor's office between the different tiles stops at that left tile
View attachment 3459
(top and bottom floor)

The shadows at the exit out from Gracidia Forest are flipped upside down.
View attachment 3464
Not sure if this is just a lack of a corner piece for the tileset, but the lines on the roar feel like they should merge into a corner instead of just staying straight.
View attachment 3460
Road seems to go under the rocks to the east of the city.
View attachment 3461
Bit of reflection void at the bottom of the room where you can trade for a Ditto
View attachment 3462
Maybe it's just me, but it feels weird that the Ultra Wormhole is always on top

Think you're missing a panorama in Genro Village, there's just void past the edges.
View attachment 3463

I've had this happen all the dang time setting up water borders too, so I feel this, but just so you know, the little water effect on the player's surf base can kind of leak over to the land if they're near it.

There's one tile of black at the bottom as the player leaves the Distortion world

Lot of void in the Cave of Rituals
View attachment 3457

Arceus isn't really centered
View attachment 3458
The top of the Reverse Ball is dark, like a shadow, when it should be lighter, because of the lighting. (You probably just flipped the Poke Ball animation and forgot to consider the lighting, which is exactly what I would have done lol)

The guy who gives you Exp Share changes sprites.

Eyre doesn't disappear after being caught.

Lilligant is a little off compared to the player, its feet are a couple pixels above the player's.

After completing the Zeusu sidequest, Un can be interacted with repeatedly for infinite Big Nuggets.

A few bits of dialogue have this little indent, likely from adding a space after the name window.
Timmy's mom in Tore City
Looker's "despite my disguise"
The fisherman saying "There is a rumor that a rare creature"
The man saying "I love these trees, their color" in Kokoro Town
Rekool saying "I'm going to be leaving this place soon", and each new box after that
Tris saying "You saw it right?"

No SFX leaving any room in the Cave of Rituals
Well it is clear what you need- comma after Well
Good luck \PN, I'm not sure- comma after luck
It was a long time ago but I grew up in- comma after ago
Apparently this small shrine existed- comma after Apparently
Oh welcome \PN. - Oh, welcome, \PN
Yes, everything is understood don't worry- comma after understood
I'm sorry but you must understand- comma after sorry
But if we want to be able to get you there, You'll need- you'll shouldn't be capitalized
But at this point I believe- comma after point
Well it is time to get back- comma after Well
Well \PN, we are here- comma after Well
What are you doing here!- should end in ? or ?!
didn't expect to see me here did you?- comma after here
and meet your mysterious messenger in the Sacred Grounds- there's an extra space between "messenger" and "in"
I'm not certain but I suspect- comma after certain
Good luck \PN- comma after luck
Elder Shinzou caught you in the night but he ended up- comma after night
In that case you should take this- comma after case
Why don't you rest here for a bit before you go. - should end in ?
You're one of a kind kid- comma after kind
It is crazy how the area around here as so many different climates!- has
Some people think that it may be due to the pokemon shaping the environment! - Pokémon
I've found some cool rocks, wanna see! - should be ?
from an underground lake! How cool is that! - second ! should be ?
"As you enter the forest you notice" - comma after forest
"Suddenly you accidentally" - comma after suddenly
"Quickly she thanked the guardian" - comma after quickly
Oh it is quite funny!- comma after Oh
seems to be deticated to an author- dedicated
"It is said that many many years ago" - comma after the first many and ago
" It is said that those who hold the wing - delete the space after the "
It became famous and many travelers- comma after famous
There is a book called, "The Rituals of the Gods"- delete comma
A book here is seems to list- delete "is" (this is the case in Acuity Village, Toure City, and Valor Village)
Tell me child, why do you- comma after me
Well \PN, I have to admit- comma after Well
However you can also get to the woods- comma after However
Before you leave you should visit- comma after leave
In that case I must teach you something- comma after case
To get to Tourpe City you should go- comma after City
Otherwise you can go back - comma after Otherwise
I hope you're journey is going well- your
But now there are no flowers and Tourpe CIty- comma after flowers
Hey these are our camp grounds!- comma after Hey
he keeps to himself so I keep to myself- comma after himself
the guardian of what was one Verity Village- once
I can't help but feel like it is pointless, I can't say with certainty but it sure feels like - I'd change that first comma to a period, comma after certainty,
Its quite sad isn't it.- comma after sad, should end in ?
A special item of display called- on display, not of
Well don't worry about that- comma after Well
Now come on child.- Now, come on, child.
if that is all then you should be on your way- comma after all
I'm Fry, the mayor assistant- should be mayor's
I have a brother in Acuity Village and he told me- comma after Village
A one time fee of 500- one-time
Rocks huh? - comma after Rocks
I would love to see it properly but they keep it in a Pokeball- comma after properly, Poké Ball
Well, are you down for it.- should end in ?
Okay now that we are in here- comma after Okay
past all the guards huh?- comma after guards
Well it sucks to be you bud- comma after Well, comma after you
And you thief, don't think-comma after you
Oh please, what are you- comma after oh
take it back huh.- comma after back
nothing will get inbetween me and my love- in between is two words
unlike you I actually know a few moves- comma after you
Nice to meet you \PN- comma after you
Using the Sinnoh charm she would be able to- comma after charm
Getting there isn't exactly easy, well first of all, you'll need this. - Feels like a run-on- I'd change it to "Getting there isn't exactly easy. Well, first of all, you'll need this."
With this you'll be able to surf- comma after this
After that you need to go to - comma after that
Sadly to do this you will require- Sadly, to do this, you will require
I'm not certain but I've heard- comma after certain
You're a trainer right?- comma after trainer
It doesn't seem from this world...- "seem to be from this world"
But you're brave kid- comma after brave
how to make an entrance huh?- comma after entrance
Well you seem like a special challenger- comma after well
Well I promised you a reward- comma after well
You really went in huh?- comma after in
Bucker up land lubber- comma after up
Well that's a shipwreck- comma after Well
There is strange box on the table- "a strange box"
Despite my disguise you somehow found me- comma after disguise
I'll be off now then- comma after now
Did you know that right now, we stand underneath the center of this island. - should end in ?
how to move boulders correct?- comma after boulders
However the trick is not easy to learn- comma after however
Well luckily for you- comma after Well
You're will shall fall!- Your
It's \PN right?- comma after \PN
You have an important task \PN- comma after task
lucky to get in here outsider- comma after here
Welcome to Valor Village outsider- comma after Village
if it isn't too hard could you try to- comma after hard
to meet someone from outsider!- from outside
People will give into their desires without a second.- missing "thought"
at something call "Relic Castle Winter Jam"- called
You appear out of no where and beat me- nowhere
remember what happened last time right?- comma after time
You too came too late- first "too" should be "two"
you're coming too \PN- comma after too
It's Tris right?- comma after Tris
Actually I did have one question- comma after actually
Oh you're a bit of a - comma after Oh
Well Tris- comma after Well
No I love it! I mean just look at it all!- comma after No, comma after mean
Oh what's that?- comma after Oh
Let's take it home then! We can look at it everyday!- comma after home, every day should be two words there
You can't do that Tris!- comma after that
Of course not silly!- comma after not
I was scared- missing punctuation
You really thought i was just going to up and leave you.- i should be capitalized, should end in ?
Give me more credit than that Tris- comma after that
That sounds amazing Tris!- comma after amazing
What are you doing here Elder Shinozu?- comma after here
Sit down Tris- comma after down
Why Fin...- comma after Why
I'm coming for you Fin- comma after you
Well I'm sorry too- comma after Well
It's over now Tris- comma after now
It's you Finn! It really is isn't it!- comma after you, comma after is
I've missed you so much Finn- comma after much
Excuse me lady- comma after me
Please Finn- comma after Please
I really thought I had you Finn- comma after you
is really gone huh- comma after gone
"Here take this as a parting gift" - comma after Here
Stay safe out there kid- comma after there

I mean I felt something strange today- comma after mean
didn't go easy on me huh?- comma after me
Well I suppose you deserve some sort of reward or something yeah?- comma after Well and something
Look after it okay?- comma after it

Don't worry I'm not mad at you- comma after worry
You saw it right?- comma after it

As my thanks please take this- comma after thanks

So there was an Ultra Beast there is some strange smoky forest- "is" should be "in", comma after strange

Wait is that a Lunar Wing- comma after Wait

The Reverse Ball's description is missing an apostrophe in opponent's, and doesn't have a period at the end.

I'm sad to see you're stopping fan game development, but Azume is definitely closing out on a high note! I had a lot of fun!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sorry this has taken my so long to get to, life has been really just ruining everything but I've got a moment to myself now.

Thank you so much for the feedback, my god, you've got no idea how much this means to me, thank you so much. I'll go into more details in spoilers:

The fact that you caught every legendary is bonkers to me, like what the hell man, but thank you so much. You really seemed to have gone deep into this game, you even read the silly choose your own adventure book! I'll work through a lot of what you said and reply/comment on it, but first of all since it is kinda relevant, Regigigas being so obscure and insanely impossible to find is more just a personal preference of how I wanted to do things. In my head I like the idea of having secrets that hardly hardly anybody will be able to find, but if 1/1000 people are able to find it themselves by accident, I feel like it will feel so much more special to them, even if it is just one person. That's why there are so many just straight up hard legendaries to find. People have proved me wrong about some of them, but I expected the insanely hard ones to find to be Arceus, Eyre, Darkrai, and Regigigas. To me, those were considered my "ultra secrets". Anyway onto some of the stuff you said, I pretty much agree with all of this, this isn't supposed to be me making excuses, I just want to comment on some stuff and explain what went on behind it.

"I'm a big fan of those crossover wormholes! It's really fun to have those callbacks (and be reminded I still need to finish those games 😅), and your Fakemon have such fun designs, so I'm really glad they get to be in another game!"

-I'm glad you enjoyed this stuff, there was a lot of a mental mess behind this game but part of me really wanted it to be the sum of everything that came before it, the result of everything I've learnt, hence why I included these references and secrets. In hindsight it probably didn't work too well because I've seen it just confuse a lot of people who don't get it/know it, but in the end, I guess this game was made for mostly my enjoyment.

"As much as I loved the concept of Reverse Balls, I'd often pass up buying them in favor of Poke Balls. Reverse Balls cost more than twice as much as Poke Balls, and if I'm not mistaken, they don't have any upgraded counterparts like Great Balls and Ultra Balls. And while it is really useful if you're travelling on low health, or while fighting a high level foe, it's really hard to set up a chance to use the Reverse Ball. There's not many moves out there with recoil or anything to damage your own HP, unless I'm missing something and there's no Toxic/Flame Orb to set up any status conditions. Keeping a Pokemon low on health is really hard, too- the PMC and PC heal all Pokemon, so there's no way to keep just one Pokemon low on health. So when you become too strong for the Pokemon in a wild area to do much to you, you kind of lose the ability to use a Reverse Ball effectively, too."

-I explain this a bit too poorly in game, although I'd like to think I'm exempt a little from blame because it is kind of hard to blame without breaking the 4th wall. How Reverse Balls work is that they calculate whether the catch is successful or not by using your pokemon as the target pokemon. As it would seem, this means if your pokemon is lower on health, the catch rate will be higher, HOWEVER, these balls can be abused the heck out of. It also means that if your pokemon is a catapie, it will use your catapie's catchrate instead of, or example, the arceus' catchrate. Making it a pretty much instant capture for an arceus. I did this more because there are SO MANY legendaries in the game, and I think it gets to the point where catching them all by spamming pokeballs gets annoying, so these Reverse Balls make it a lot easier. Also just a common misconception with catch rate and stuff, but the Pokemon's level doesn't actually affect it. A level 1 mew and a level 100 mew have the same chance of being caught. It uses the % of hp remaining in the calcualtions, but never the level of the pokemon. I actually didn't know this either until I looked up the formulas.

"While I definitely appreciate their usefulness, the PMC and Mart in Acuity Village felt out of place with the aesthetic of the rest of the town- I think it'd be better to have stuff like vendors, a resting area, and a student with a PC, to give the functions while still looking similar and keeping to the lore that it's a remote village."

-Yeah, I feel so so about this with Acuity Village but god I really regret it for Valor Village which is supposed to just not let outsiders in at all. I think I'll comment on this later too, but it probably has to do with how drained and lazy I became as I got to the 2nd half of game dev.

"I wish there was a PC in Kokoro Town, or the option to swap out party members for new Pokemon. If you pick up Manaphy before getting Waterfall, for example, it's kind of a trek to get back to a PC to put it on your team."

-God yeah, I regret this oversight so much, I didn't even do this on purpose I just forgot to have a PC there.

"I was kind of confused by the Ditto trade. When I first saw it, I was excited to trade- the guy's haughtiness about appearances made me think he would trade a shiny Ditto and say it was "too gaudy" or something, so the player could Transform into shiny versions of the Pokemon they see! But then it was just a normal Ditto, which can be caught right outside the city anyways. (Is it maybe something about its IVs that's special? Or is it just a regular Ditto lol)"

-You're completely right, this sort of just ties into me kinda losing it at the 2nd half of the dev period, but it is just a Ditto. I wanted to include Ditto so that it could be used at a daycare to get Phione, but I also thought that Ditto's encounter was kinda in a place that not that many people would spend too much time, so I wanted it to have a trade. But then I just went and made it so that the pokemon you have to trade for ditto is also pretty hard to encounter ????? Having the Ditto be somewhat special would make it so much more interesting of an event, but yeah, it really is just a plain ditto.

"I noticed that the player lost the habit of commenting on things that they had at the start of the game. I totally get why, of course, adding in the player character's commentary would add more work for the time period, and it's not like Azume is really lacking by having a blank NPC, I just noticed because I remembered liking it at the start."

-Yeah I think this really shows how much I just lost it in the 2nd half of the dev period, I just stopped caring about making the flavour text interesting.

"Kind of my fault for not playing Vanishing Point sooner, but it seems like Eyre can't learn Shadow Ball? That's also the only Ghost TM in Azume IIRC, and Eyre comes knowing Night Shade, so it's not immediately clear how to get a Ghost STAB move for Eyre. (I only found out it got Ominous Wind after levelling it up in the postgame!)"

-Yeahhhhhhh I pulled a dummy and just straight up forgot to edit the TMs PBS, big mistake on my part.

"It felt a little easy having the Lustrous Orb in the same room as Mesprit, like a two for one deal. I don't know what I'd suggest to do instead, though... Mesprit's cutscene would lose its feeling if you made it appear in the shrine, and there's not really many locations that suit Palkia...

(Also it was a little weird having the Strength boulder blocking the orb, since you need Waterfall to get there anyways, which you get after Strength)"

-I can't believe I never noticed that the Strength boulder was pointless, that just hit me.

You also made a few comments on the unreal time system, just thought I would comment on that because god, I really handled the time system badly. The lack of an ingame clock is a big flaw, especially with something so sensitive as the Cresselia event. I also couldn't figure out how to iron out a bug where the screen tones wouldn't update consistently, you kinda mentioned noticing it, but sometimes the screentone wouldn't update, and so when it suddenly does, it looks really odd. Also there was no good way of controlling the time, talking to your grandpa and resting with him skips forward 8 hours, but there is no indication of that mechanic at all, and only having it in 1 place sucks.

I think that is all I want to directly comment on, but I love all the feedback you've given, it is all 100% valid, and thank you for putting so much thought into it. And thank you for the typo corrections and the bug catches too. It really does make me glad to hear to enjoyed the game, that you enjoyed the distortion world, the flavour text, the legendary hunting. It is all amazing to hear. Thank you so much.
Heyo, first off I just want to say, what an amazing game! I really enjoyed playing through it!

I really liked how unique the little minigames were! It was defenitely refreshing to see something like that in a fangame!
Also all the different overworld encounters were really fun and I liked going around to see all the flavor text and little easter eggs!

I kept notes during my recording sessions of the game (which you can find here)

The notes I wrote were just small parts that I noticed while playing, some are bugs and some are just little suggestions I had while playing.
I'll leave my notes in the spoiler tag below!

Thanks again for making this amazing game! Amazing art and story and it was a fun time playing through!

The starters were a bit inbalanced in the sense that some were stronger than the others.

Passability error in the first town

I could grab this super repel from over the ledge, you can fix this by checking the player direction in a conditional branch

The reverse ball shading is a bit off here, the little gray circle in the top left should be brighter

The player is given a bit too much free space to wander making it difficult to find where you're supposed to go. Perhaps a town map should help with that.

The reverse ball is missing an icon to show in the summary screen next to the Pokémon's name

I personally had some issues with accuracy, it might just have been bad luck or perhaps a bug in essentials? Slightly adjusting the values worked fine for me in order to continue.

Missing cry files for gen 5+ pokémon making the titlescreen play no cry sometimes.

Solrock and Lunatone in the first 'boss battle' were a bit OP, though in all fairness I did miss out on the Frogadier which wouldve made it much easier.

I had to force myself to use mew less because it was much higher level than my opponents, unfortunately. I did like the little easter egg but making it level 20 instead wouldve made the game more balanced in a sense. I also wrote giving it a forced moveset without transform would've been great for the battle, but I guess having transform is fine.

Vulpix evolving through levelup is a bit weird considering evolution stones aren't that rare in the game. It could go without the levelup evolution.

IDK what to call them, but these guys were a bit random to find, since they had no introduction and had a pretty empty conclusion. Would've liked to see more of them or at least know what they were about.

I wrote down that I felt lost in most of the routes but looking back at it, it wasn't too bad. I feel like at the end I could navigate all of the routes just fine. Might just have been me monkey braining while playing.

The ultra wormholes and the fakemon were a bit out of place, having no introduction or buildup to them. I was really confused at first but a neat little addition none the less.

The cutscene with Mayor Torpe had me stuck in the elevator, this might just have been because of an autorun event playing before I could even get out of the elevator, you could fix this by making the autorun a parallel process (not recommended as it allows the player to walk during non text actions) or you could include the 'walk out of elevator' event during the autorun. Or even have the elevator event include the autorun event stuff.

Lastly I wrote down that the guards in the museum infiltration minigame don't reset after you get caught, making some of them very easy to beat a 2nd time. It's nothing really because you'd have to get caught for this to happen. But you can fix this by refreshing the map.

I apparently didn't write down anything else after this point so good job! I really enjoyed playing this! Thanks for making an amazing game, I really had fun playing Azume!
-I'm glad you enjoyed this stuff, there was a lot of a mental mess behind this game but part of me really wanted it to be the sum of everything that came before it, the result of everything I've learnt, hence why I included these references and secrets. In hindsight it probably didn't work too well because I've seen it just confuse a lot of people who don't get it/know it, but in the end, I guess this game was made for mostly my enjoyment.
Huh, that's kind of surprising to me! I guess it makes sense, but I kind of expected the type of people to be interested in a Jam to also be the sort to be interested in past Jams? But of course, there's new people coming in all the time!
-I explain this a bit too poorly in game, although I'd like to think I'm exempt a little from blame because it is kind of hard to blame without breaking the 4th wall. How Reverse Balls work is that they calculate whether the catch is successful or not by using your pokemon as the target pokemon. As it would seem, this means if your pokemon is lower on health, the catch rate will be higher, HOWEVER, these balls can be abused the heck out of. It also means that if your pokemon is a catapie, it will use your catapie's catchrate instead of, or example, the arceus' catchrate. Making it a pretty much instant capture for an arceus. I did this more because there are SO MANY legendaries in the game, and I think it gets to the point where catching them all by spamming pokeballs gets annoying, so these Reverse Balls make it a lot easier. Also just a common misconception with catch rate and stuff, but the Pokemon's level doesn't actually affect it. A level 1 mew and a level 100 mew have the same chance of being caught. It uses the % of hp remaining in the calcualtions, but never the level of the pokemon. I actually didn't know this either until I looked up the formulas.
Ohhhh, I see! I kind of suspected that rereading the description, but I wasn't sure.

I think you could do it without breaking the 4th wall, though! An NPC could just say what you said- "Even the mighty Arceus becomes as easy to catch as a mere Caterpie with a Reverse Ball!"
-Yeahhhhhhh I pulled a dummy and just straight up forgot to edit the TMs PBS, big mistake on my part.
Oh nooo
I honestly see the TM PBS getting forgotten all the time so don't feel too bad about that lol
You also made a few comments on the unreal time system, just thought I would comment on that because god, I really handled the time system badly. The lack of an ingame clock is a big flaw, especially with something so sensitive as the Cresselia event. I also couldn't figure out how to iron out a bug where the screen tones wouldn't update consistently, you kinda mentioned noticing it, but sometimes the screentone wouldn't update, and so when it suddenly does, it looks really odd. Also there was no good way of controlling the time, talking to your grandpa and resting with him skips forward 8 hours, but there is no indication of that mechanic at all, and only having it in 1 place sucks.
Honestly, I didn't notice these flaws most of the time- the progression's at a nice pace to where I encountered a lot of OW encounters just by doubling back, because it was usually a different time! And the tones are distinct enough that I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of a clock, it's usually pretty clear which half of the day it is!

Maybe you could add a few beds in the other towns to speed up the time, and include a little bit of text about "waking up in the morning"? That would allow for a bit more control and maybe clue players in more!

I'm sorry that you ended up with that time crunch affecting those other elements! But it definitely doesn't detract from all the other high-quality aspects of the game!


Mar 20, 2021
Just wanted to say that this was an enjoyable experience for such a short fangame like this. I noticed that this was your last fangame, so I felt like making a post since I enjoyed your game enough. Sorry if you have issues understanding me; my English isn't my first language.

I loved the unique add-ons such as reverse balls, the ultra wormhole, and the graphics were also very pleasing to look at except for Sombre Streams I suppose. Sombre Streams just had those tiles that I couldn't vibe with and it just looked off out of everything, especially with the bridges. Otherwise, I don't have much to bring criticism on Graphics since I believe Joiplay(mobile emulator tl;dr) may have just ruined some part. Everything else was pleasing to look at, no more complaints on me. Probably the best thing I feel like with this game.

For the story itself, I really liked how you build it up. Giving a background before it starts so we understand what's going on, using those sneaking puzzles to add some intensity and you tried to make the story entertaining with the relationship between protagonist and thief, Tris. I saw you were being considerate of using your characters, especially Tris as I saw you wanted to make the player feel some sympathy. While you tried to do so, I felt like the gap from the museum to the ice village went too fast for my tea. Even with the flashbacks, I didn't enjoy the story. I'll give you the excuse as it's shorts, but I can't say it held well. There are also those cliches like "you saved the world" to some NPCs that didn't feel like it should be said it even if does makes sense. I'll give you credit that the dialogues made the game feel genuinely realistic, and gave life to NPCs overall. I was liking it at the beginning, but it fell apart somewhere in the middle for me.

I think the gameplay was your second best side. I loved the focus on exploration over the usual gym badge stuff. I was definitely going back and forth to just find if there was anything I missed, and I really enjoyed doing that. Those overworld pokeballs helped a little, although they were somewhat weirdly placed sometimes like at the village where protag lives. I had fun catching legendaries, and loved you gave some of them a little backstory. Though the Shaymin made me question a little if catching it made me ruin the forest's chance to bloom flowers(thinking too much there lmao). The difficulty was somewhat weird overall. It has difficult at the start, but then you're getting all these tms and then everything became progressively easy, The final boss was also lower than the wormholes, and in-process I was higher than her. I didn't really like how the difficulty was handled. I enjoyed it even with the flaws I mentioned above.

For a short game, I enjoyed it. I think the game was strong at the start and was much stronger around in the middle gameplay-wise, but then it became a little rushed at the end and I couldn't feel completely satisfied. Still thank you for making the game, wouldn't have made this post without playing this game anyway. Good luck with whatever you're going to do. I wish you the best =)

Deleted member 9706

I begun pokemon Azume and I already love it.
My question is: how to have a Gliscor and a Slowking?