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- Replies: 98
Pebbler Platoon

Pokémon - AlteRed Version
Pokémon AlteRed is a ROM hack of Pokémon FireRed that provides a completely unique type swap on nearly every Pokémon in the Gen 3 dex.

A Revamped Kanto - New areas
Modern Gen mechanics - Plenty of new moves
QOL Mechanics - Better level curve
411 Alter Pokémon!?

...But wait, there's more!???
Pokémon AlteRed Version... With A Gun
Pokémon AlteRed With a Gun version was our April Fool's '23 release, serving as a hard mode for AlteRed with a few exclusive Pokémon as a little bonus.
We're continuing to update Gun as well, just as an alternative way to play the game!

Download AlteRed
Download AlteRed with a Gun
AlteRed is distributed in .IPS patch form, which you must patch onto a clean FireRed 1.0 ROM (which we can't provide for obvious reasons.)
I suggest using Lunar IPS, which is very straightforward to use, but if you need help, here is a good video on how to use it.

consider Joining our Discord too! :)
We also have complete documentation on the game that can be found here.

Antikanto Pokédex

This game was made by PEBBLER PLATOON
Chairry - Project Lead; Mapper, Spriter, Balancing, Programmer, Promotion, Documentation, Testing
Brolunite - Original Remake Project Lead; Spriter, Documentation
Ayu - Spriter
Beespoon - Concept Artist
Bepis - Spriter
Big Snort - Spriter, Concept Artist
Cesare_CBass - Spriter, Testing
Dillsacke' - Spriter
EeVeeEe - Spriter, Concept Artist
FosterZ - Spriter
JPRM4 - Spriter, Concept Artist
Lazer Chicken - Concept Artist
Lichen - Spriter, Concept Artist, Promotion, Documentation, Testing
Livra - Spriter, Concept Artist
Ludi - Testing, Documentation
marrowbitezz - Spriter, Concept Artist, Testing
Ogwon - Spriter, Concept Artist, Testing
Pablo - Concept Artist
Sadfish - Programmer, Balancing, Documentation, Testing
SharkGuy - Spriter, Concept Artist
Splinxsh - Programmer
Ty Sprites - Spriter
Yondi/FBI - Concept Artist, Spriter
In addition, A small portion of this hack's graphics use resources from Chaos Rush's DS-style 64x64 Pokémon Sprite Resource over on Pokecommunity.
Chairry - Project Lead; Mapper, Spriter, Balancing, Programmer, Promotion, Documentation, Testing
Brolunite - Original Remake Project Lead; Spriter, Documentation
Ayu - Spriter
Beespoon - Concept Artist
Bepis - Spriter
Big Snort - Spriter, Concept Artist
Cesare_CBass - Spriter, Testing
Dillsacke' - Spriter
EeVeeEe - Spriter, Concept Artist
FosterZ - Spriter
JPRM4 - Spriter, Concept Artist
Lazer Chicken - Concept Artist
Lichen - Spriter, Concept Artist, Promotion, Documentation, Testing
Livra - Spriter, Concept Artist
Ludi - Testing, Documentation
marrowbitezz - Spriter, Concept Artist, Testing
Ogwon - Spriter, Concept Artist, Testing
Pablo - Concept Artist
Sadfish - Programmer, Balancing, Documentation, Testing
SharkGuy - Spriter, Concept Artist
Splinxsh - Programmer
Ty Sprites - Spriter
Yondi/FBI - Concept Artist, Spriter
In addition, A small portion of this hack's graphics use resources from Chaos Rush's DS-style 64x64 Pokémon Sprite Resource over on Pokecommunity.

- Entering a double battle with only 1 pokemon causes some very weird effects that ultimately softlocks the game.
- Rarely, a shiny pokemon will not sparkle and have no shiny mark.
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