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Search results

  1. J

    Resource Berry Planting Improvements

    Hi @wrigty12 for the compatibility with BerryPots it is necessary to add this in meta.txt. With this we ensure that PluginManager loads first BerryPots and the Patch overwrite the functions correctly. 😅 @Arcky i updated also your plugin, but I didn't realize BerryPlants was disabled, and I...
  2. J

    Resource Who's that Pokemon Mini-Game

    Ditto!!! 😅😅😅😅
  3. J

    Resource Berry Planting Improvements

    When load the save game and go to a map with Berry Plnts the charset change to watering, when go to another map withouth berrys the charset change to normal sprite but always animate even when not moving. Edit:1 Fixed it! Just add the condition used_can != nil The strange thing is why...
  4. J

    Resource Berry Planting Improvements

    Something weird happen when load the save game, the sprite charset is blocked in the watering animation.. 😅
  5. J

    Resource Berry Core and Dex

    Yes it is fine in V21. V1.4 tested, it works well!
  6. J

    Resource Berry Planting Improvements

    That's so nice!! Good Job! All works fine.
  7. J

    Resource Berry Planting Improvements

    Hi Wrigty, i'm trying to add the watering animation, and i guess that need to implement in your plugin. Before i go on with that task, are you planning in adding it ? This is the resource i found. https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/342/ Thx and good job ^^
  8. J

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    If you have installed Pokedex Size/Height Comparator, you need to change the Z value of icons to higher in Pokedex UI code.
  9. J

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests 2.0

    Hi, there is any guide or tutorial of Dungeon Generator. I'm looking for pbs file definition (dungeon_parameters and dungeon_tileset) but not luck. In V21.1 the system was upgraded also, so dont know if map example is showing all capabilities. Thx!! 😅
  10. J

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Would be great if you share it, i miss many moves and no idea where i can find them 😅😅😅
  11. J

    Resource v21.1 Hotfixes plugin

    Someone else having this error?? I'm waiting for a posible fix, but if no more report i'll update.
  12. J

    Resource More Pokédex Page : Size Comparison

    Ahhhh! Sorry sorry.. sometimes i go too quickly to investigate the code before read the "manual" XDDDD. My fault, i understand now!
  13. J

    Resource More Pokédex Page : Size Comparison

    Hi again! This function was never called in the code pbRegisterAllComparator, so only one character was avaiable for comparasion I call it in pbStartScene just before pbGetAvaiableComparators and for now it works fine. Note: For the users, Trainers sprites must be 128 px height (128x128...
  14. J

    Resource More Pokédex Page : Size Comparison

    Good Morning! Ty for the fix! I'm investigating this also, i guess is a .Z axis problem, but not sure if must fix in Data page or in your Plugin. Also! For some reason it take mega form by default.. Ty! and sorry for bringing this kind of things, i always check things thoroughly 😅 PD...
  15. J

    Resource More Pokédex Page : Size Comparison

    There is something weird with modular Page, i didnt have more time to investigate it. But if you use Action C a deep level error happen. I think it is a problem with alias but there is something with Comparator also, maybe because i dont have default trainers... but i think i configure the...
  16. J

    Resource More Pokédex Page : Size Comparison

    Same here, I think Lucidious89's UI Modular must compile before this plugin, but not sure how to change compilation order! Modular UI still not load, so didnt initializate Handlers. EDIT: FIXED Just Change "Optional" for "Requires" and Modular UI will load first Name = More Pokedex Page ...
  17. J

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    I think Moves, Items and abilities aren't added to Vanilla PBS Files. But the question is If the Vanilla Files have the old ones update.. i'm cheking it.. and it seems that are update, only left the new ones.. But it is a little confusing.. EDIT: Ok, i think we have to copy Vanilla Files and...
  18. J

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    I think your problems is with animations maybe? Check in the EBDX code if you have something like pbWait(2) or wait(). If you find it change the value to 0.05 or similar values. And try again.
  19. J

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    I think there is a scale option in configuration file.
  20. J

    Resource [20.1+] Weather System

    Hi Lin! i have 2 version of this files What are the good ones?