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Completed Pokemon Parallax

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
Project Version

Not everything is what it seems.

◈ Pokèmon Parallax ◈
Welcome to Pokèmon Parallax, a fangame made for the Relic Castle Game Jam #6!
This game takes place in the world of Pokèmon, where you get to play as Looker, A.K.A 100kr, a renowned and famous officer of Interpol!

The Kimlik Islands, called the land of a thousand identities and ages, stranded in the middle of the ocean. The region's leauge is blossoming, tourism is booming - but under the surface, a strange and fashionable troupe are threatening to undo all that progress.

Those who come to Team Masque's famous masked balls, held for every occasion from the conductor in white's birthday, to the end of the world as we know it - would call them escapists. Harmless, perhaps, just wanting to recapture a bygone age where the worthy told the rest eat cake.

Those who've watched them take whole cruise ships hostage would sing a different tune. They might well call them hedonists, and the admin with the fiery hair might well agree with you. (Just - ironically.)

And those who heard the leading lady with the golden microphone singing to her audience, about how the world outside's a bit of a sham, how they're all free as birds, about stories of daring-do and divorce played to the grunt's mocking laughter, might call them or her...a cynic.

Still...what's the point of being escapist, if everyone else seems hell bent on ruining your fun?

No-one even knew just how many Team Masque members there were until a short while ago. They have no plan, at least not one the leader's letting on about...and also no restraint.

Far, far away, new Interpol recruit Looker only has one, very simple mission: stop crime. When he's sent to the Kimlik Islands on an inside job, with zero leads and zero idea what he's in for - Looker feels like he's finally in his element. His handler, Nanu, thinks he's gone in too deep.

But infiltrating the Masque should be easy. Put on the mask, put on a little nihilism too, fit in with the crowd, do a little eavesdropping here, a bit of espionage there. Then - be the hero and hopefully escape with your life.
...Will his gamble pay off and save Kimlik Island, or has Looker gone in too deep?

This game was made using RPG Maker XP, and the Pokèmon Essentials v17.2. This game was developed by LuxDiablo, AnonAlpaca, Maks, and ToxicStall. A variety of resources are used in this game, all of which are linked and listed in the "credits.txt" file in the game's download folder.

Notes: If you encounter a bug or would like to suggest an addition to the game, or if you would like to discuss the game and your progress, please join the public Discord server that we have set up for the game! Additionally, you're welcome to follow my Twitter, as I post updates on the game's progress there.

Heat Rush: Growlithe's new signature move!
Type: Fire
Category: Physical
PP: 15
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
Heat Rush is pretty much a Fire-type Extreme Speed, but it also provides the ability to burn the target.

Mega Arcanine
Type: Fire/Dragon
Stats: 115 HP/130 Atk/92 Def/105 Speed/120 SpAtk/93 SpDef
Ability: Intimidate

Mega Mismagius

Type: Ghost/Fairy
Stats: 70 HP/80 Atk/80 Def/125 Speed/135 SpAtk/135 SpDef
Ability: Levitate

Mega Scrafty

Type: Dark/Fighting
Stats: 85 HP/115 Atk/135 Def/78 Speed/50 SpAtk/135 SpDef
Ability: Moxie

Uxie (Abstract Forme)
Type: Psychic/Dark
Stats: 85 HP/85 Atk/140 Def/105 Speed/85 SpAtk/140 SpDef
Ability: Evocation

Stealth Missions
As an Interpol officer, you're gonna have to sneak around a bit to get what you want. To account for this, we're introducing Stealth Missions! They say that trainers must fight when their eyes meet, but what do two thieves do when their eyes meet while sneaking around? Stay away from police officers and criminals, and hide to your best ability to reach your end goal!

Battle 1: Flannery (Pokemon RSE/ORAS)
Location: Eruni City (Residential)

Upon the game's completion, Flannery will be available to battle, as she is looking for some training partners. You can find her in Eruni City's residential sector.
Torkoal (Lv. 60)
Camerupt (Lv. 60)
Chandelure (Lv. 60)
Blaziken (Lv. 60)
Houndoom (Lv. 60)
Magmortar (Lv. 60)

Battle 2: Blue (Pokemon RBY/FRLG)
Location: Route 304

Upon the game's completion, you can also battle Gym Leader Blue! Blue is outraged that no one can remember what a Champion is, due to the memory wipe caused by Uxie. He can be found in Route 304.
Aerodactyl (Lv. 60)
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)
Gyarados (Lv. 60)
Alakazam (Lv. 60)
Arcanine (Lv. 60)
Machamp (Lv. 60)

Battle 3: N (Pokemon BW/B2W2)
Location: Turnuva Castle

Upon the game's completion, you can also battle Plasma Heir N! As this game takes place before the events of Pokemon Black and White, N is still radicalized, and gets mad at you for failing to prevent the destruction of Kimlik. He can be found in the Turnuva Castle
Carracosta (Lv. 60)
Vanilluxe (Lv. 60)
Archeops (Lv. 60)
Zoroark (Lv. 60)
Klinklang (Lv. 60)

Battle 4: Wes (Pokemon Colosseum)
Location: Zafer City

Upon the game's completion, you can battle Wes in a double battle! However, Wes' battle isn't just a simple battle. Upon beating Wes, you are taken to the Aritma Forest, located on Kimlik Island's sister island, Bebek Island. Here, you help Wes take down some invasive Shadow Pokemon, before you encounter Celebi! Here, you can catch Celebi and return to Kimlik.
Plusle (Lv. 60)
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)
Tyranitar (Lv. 60)
Metagross (Lv. 60)
Espeon (Lv. 60)
Umbreon (Lv. 60)

Battle 5: The Dev Team
Location: Nihai Town
Pokemon Trainer Lux

Scolipede (Lv. 60)
Luxray (Lv. 60)
Lycanroc-Dusk (Lv. 60)
Reuniclus (Lv. 60)
Decidueye (Lv. 60)
Mega Houndoom (Lv. 62)
Pokemon Trainer Alpa

Porygon-Z (Lv. 60)
Arctozolt (Lv. 60)
Empoleon (Lv. 60)
Chatot (Lv. 60)
Archeops (Lv. 60)
Mimkyu (Lv. 62)
Pokemon Trainer Maks

Gigalith (Lv. 60)
Floatzel (Lv. 60)
Slaking (Lv. 60)
Heracross (Lv. 60)
Pidgeot (Lv. 60)
Mega Charizard X (Lv. 62)

Upon the game's completion, you can battle three of the dev team members! Lux will give you the Shiny Charm, Alpa will give you the Oval Charm, and Maks will give you the Master Ball. They can be found inside one of the houses in Nihai Town.

Postgame also opens Route 302 and connects Route 302 to Route 304. There are fast travel NPCs located in the Interpol HQ Lobby, Port Eruni, Route 302 and Route 303. You can travel from the Interpol Lobby HQ to Port Eruni and vice versa. You can travel from Route 302 to Route 303 and vice versa.


Download Here!
Latest Update: August 21st, 2020, 2:34 PM CST

Documentation For The Game

Development Team
Lead Developer
Pixel Artist

Pixel Artist



External Credits
Mr. Gela
Luka S.J.
Parabeetle X
Hooligan Sauce
Smogon XY Sprite Project
Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project

Resource Pack

Again, please join the Discord server to respond to this thread with any feedback or bugs with the game! Thank you for playing! : )

Last edited:


Aug 21, 2020
I was playing the game and then I saw the update, I tried to download the update and couldn't even see the start menu.


Aug 25, 2020
how to fix ".rar" cause when I download it , it just shows a piece of paper and titled pokemonparallax.rar...
Hey! I just finished the game and enjoyed it! This is my team after the main game:
Azumarill was MVP the whole game, mostly because there were so many Pokemon weak to fairy.
I have some thoughts below!
  • Overall gameplay was great, the game was pretty balanced! I did black out a couple of times so it was still a good challenge. One nitpick: I did feel like there were too many trainers near the beginning, especially since I only had growlithe so it got stale pretty quickly.
  • I really love the wide variety of pokemon you can catch, there were so many choices. Also, the wild pokemon were high leveled so I could add them to my team immediately without grinding.
  • The mega evo designs look awesome!
  • You did a great job mapping, they felt compact and concise. However, It looked like you used a lot of different tilesets because some of the tiles felt a little out of place (mostly the indoor furniture), hope you know which ones I'm talking about. But I loved how there were so many npcs you could interact with (great jokes too). Also, I've never seen a pokemon game that has so many overworld pokemon, the game actually felt like a pokemon world.
  • Music was also good, my favorite is the masque grunt theme. Is that an original piece? If not, can you tell me where its from?
  • I didn't really understand the horse race mini game. There were no instructions and it took a long time for the race to complete. (nevermind, is it a betting game? lmfao I was trying to control them this whole time, I do feel like it takes too long though).
  • The story was really well made. I really like the style of Team Masque and I like how you gave the player an important decision at the end. I chose to restore Peri's memories but it was a hard decision!
I'll try and do the post-game now but the trainers look pretty strong so I'm not sure if I can beat them lol.

Thanks for making the game! I had a great time playing it.


Berserk Inferno
Jun 21, 2019
Hey! I just finished the game and enjoyed it! This is my team after the main game:
Azumarill was MVP the whole game, mostly because there were so many Pokemon weak to fairy.
I have some thoughts below!
  • Overall gameplay was great, the game was pretty balanced! I did black out a couple of times so it was still a good challenge. One nitpick: I did feel like there were too many trainers near the beginning, especially since I only had growlithe so it got stale pretty quickly.
  • I really love the wide variety of pokemon you can catch, there were so many choices. Also, the wild pokemon were high leveled so I could add them to my team immediately without grinding.
  • The mega evo designs look awesome!
  • You did a great job mapping, they felt compact and concise. However, It looked like you used a lot of different tilesets because some of the tiles felt a little out of place (mostly the indoor furniture), hope you know which ones I'm talking about. But I loved how there were so many npcs you could interact with (great jokes too). Also, I've never seen a pokemon game that has so many overworld pokemon, the game actually felt like a pokemon world.
  • Music was also good, my favorite is the masque grunt theme. Is that an original piece? If not, can you tell me where its from?
  • I didn't really understand the horse race mini game. There were no instructions and it took a long time for the race to complete. (nevermind, is it a betting game? lmfao I was trying to control them this whole time, I do feel like it takes too long though).
  • The story was really well made. I really like the style of Team Masque and I like how you gave the player an important decision at the end. I chose to restore Peri's memories but it was a hard decision!
I'll try and do the post-game now but the trainers look pretty strong so I'm not sure if I can beat them lol.

Thanks for making the game! I had a great time playing it.

Hi! Thanks for playing!

The Masque Grunt Theme is the "Battle Villa Boss Theme" from Pokemon Masters. I do know what tiles you're referring to, and that's definitely something I'll fix in the future lol. The horse race minigame wasn't my script, and I'm probably not gonna use it in the future.

I'd recommend that you do the postgame, all of the Pokemon are level 50, so you should be able to take them on. I know that you gave your thoughts on the game, but I'd like to redirect you here. We have a Google Form to collectively gather the feedback on the game. Thanks again for playing!


TheGamingPaladin - Youtuber, Foodie, Gamer 4 Life
Apr 19, 2017
play as Looker? Stealth Missions? now THAT sounds interesting!
(Lux, you have my full bug notes/other thoughts for the game, so I'm just going to post my core summary here.)

1. The music choice: all the tracks you selected (and made) were fitting. I think my favourite songs were the title screen, and Peri's battle theme.
2. The custom graphics: Anon seriously outdid themselves with their art. The designs for Masque were really cool-looking. They were so freakin' stylish. I also loved the custom Pokémon sprites. They were really well-done, and looked authentic. I also enjoyed how they fit with the themes of Team Masque in terms of design. Uxie's abstract form in particular was my favourite. It was so creepy-looking. The way it glowed and just looked like it was sick or ill really hammered home how dangerous it was. The fact that you based its design around dementia (or so I assume, from the way the book in the Masque HQ talking about it) was also a cool concept.

The addition of pictures throughout the game made things more atmospheric. From the flight charts to the Masque App exchange, these were great details. The battle and summary UI were also very fitting.

3. Gameplay: everything was solid. The level curve was fine, and there was an abundance of items scattered across the world. I'm also happy that there was a large Pokémon selection, and that we got the ability to mega evolve around the halfway point. It meant I actually got to use and learn more about Mega Arcanine, instead of only getting to have it for one fight toward the end.

4. Writing: the game's dialogue was good. From the NPCs to the exchanges between the main characters, people usually had something funny to say. I also liked how there was really a strong sense of steaks toward the endgame. Seeing Uxie and watching the broadcast really built up the final moments before you got to fight Peri.

1. Polish: even though most of the major bugs are ironed out, this game still has a lot of tiny, amature-ish aspects that need to be corrected. As I played, a notable number of little things cropped up. It really takes away from the final product of the game when you take notice.
2. Tilesets: we went over this in more detail, but your tilesets aren't very consistent. There's a lot of different pixel densities, outline types, and clashing pallets going on. Which is a shame, because the custom stuff is really good-looking.
3. Gameplay: I have a couple issues with the gameplay/things you do in the game:
  • The empty/lack of houses issue, which we discussed. (Sort of a time thing, also falls under polish.)
  • I would have liked to do more actual policework as Looker. There was one real investigation scene, a few chases, and hiding from airport security. (But I'm the one making a fangame about a detective, so maybe I'm a little biased on that front.)
  • Sidequests: I think I encountered about three very short ones early on? I really would have liked if there was more side content in the game. Beyond trying to find bugs, I didn't have much of an incentive to explore around the world.(Also sort of a time thing that falls a bit under polish.)
4. Writing: we also went over this. Much like the mapping, Parallax's main story is solid. I like Team Masque, and I liked the interactions between Nanu and Looker. But I also would have liked to see more development. Parallax is a long game, with many different areas to explore. But no one really has anything deeper to say to expand on the world, or Team Masque itself. I'm going to cut out the rambling, though. In the end, what I would have liked to see from a game of this length is:
  • More world-building.
  • More fleshed out interactions between the main characters.
Overall, I really enjoyed Parallax! It needs some polish and tightening up in areas, but the game definitely held my attention. I was invested in the plot, and
the stuff that was good was very good. Great job with this!

Titan Atlas

Sep 20, 2020
Hi, I've recently started playing your game and was wondering if it was possible to get sylveon? ive been playing with this eevee for 2 hours now (it does have a fairy move) and it still wont evolve when i level it up. Am i doing something wrong?


Berserk Inferno
Jun 21, 2019
Hi, I've recently started playing your game and was wondering if it was possible to get sylveon? ive been playing with this eevee for 2 hours now (it does have a fairy move) and it still wont evolve when i level it up. Am i doing something wrong?
Hi there! Eevee evolves into Sylveon using the Shiny Stone, which you can buy in the Zafer City Department Store.
Although the beginning started off a little repetitive with the many battles, the plot of the game was introduced early on which gives direction and context as to what's happening in the world. With little distraction (and a lack of indoor cabins), the introductory phase of the game concludes early and drops you into the world.

The custom graphics are phenomenal and very suitable, but there were several instances where pixel density clashed, which I found very jarring - certainly in the overworld. It's also a little hard to see the selected move in the move-learning screen due to the little contrast with the background.

Furthermore, as for small bugs, the up and down stairs inside the boat behave very strangely and have weird passability. Several other tiles are also missing proper passability and/or priority settings.


May 17, 2020
Hi, really enjoyed playing through this game and I submitted feedback via the Google form but the Discord server link in the original post seems to be invalid. Any chance it could be refreshed?