- Views: 198,795
- Replies: 52
Pokémon Gaia Version - a hack of FireRed
The storied Orbtus region was once populated by a prosperous civilization. They created several monuments to their gods and guardians. Their untimely demise was brought about by a series of disastrous earthquakes; all that remains of their society are their temples, idols and story, as relics of the past.
In the present day, local archaeologist and Pokémon Professor, Professor Redwood, has noticed an increase in the region's seismic activity. Propelled by a growing concern for Orbtus' safety, he seeks the assistance of new Pokémon Trainers with a flair for adventure in the rural Celanto Town, a seaside town near the mysterious Totem Poles, and your home! Will you, along with the help of the Professor and your rival, be able to prevent the earth from consuming the region once more?
- The Physical / Special / Status split
- Pokémon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos
- New moves and updated move sets, accurate to OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, and with working effects and animations
- Modern competitive items like the Choice Specs, Assault Vest, Ability Pill, and more
- Modern abilities, ranging from Mega Launcher to Sheer Force
- An in-battle Mega Evolution system, with Mega Stones hidden throughout the region
- Fairy-type and the new type chart
- Updated Pokémon sprites
- Updated Trainer sprites and accurate over world sprites
- Original songs, like Windmist City's theme and the battle music for the Elder Knights
- Rock Climb and climbable walls
- Dive and underwater maps, fully ported from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
- Hidden Grottoes and Secret Temples, which reward exploration with rare items and Pokémon with unique move sets
- The Bug-Catching Contest
- The Battle Marsh, a Battle Maison-esque facility
- Sideways stairs
- Various quality of life changes:
- The player faces Trainers before battles
- Running Shoes can be used indoors
- Pokémon, item, location, etc. names are in title case
- A bonus Premier Ball is given for every purchase of ten or more Poké Balls
- Repellents give reuse prompts upon expiration
- Experience Points are gained upon Pokémon capture
- Technical Machine items are reusable
- Field moves have faster animations

- MrDollSteak - Battle-related work, pixel art, ideas, testing and feedback.
- Shinoya - Ideas, testing and feedback.
- FBI - ASM.
- Touched - ASM.
- daniilS - ASM.
- giradialkia - Music.
- Frysinger - Testing and feedback.
- Ijkee - Testing and feedback.
Special thanks and credits
- Cuddlesthefatcat - Tiles.
- Mateo - Tiles.
- Fangking Omega - Tiles.
- Kyle-Dove - Tiles.
- Neslug - Pixel art.
- Coronis - Pixel art.
- GeoIsEvil - Pixel art.
- DoesntKnowHowToPlay - The Generation 4 physical / special / status split patch, the Generation 6 capture experience hack, hazards code, abilities and inverse battle code.
- Darthatron - The Generation 4 physical / special / status split icon hack and the B2 / W2-styled Repel port.
- Jambo51 - The player-facing routine, the Rival-naming routine, the NPC gender routine, the Wild Battle music routine, the Trainer Class music routine, the Trainer Encounter music hack and abilities.
- karatekid552 - Abilities.
- JPAN - Parts of his hacked engine, number input box hack.
- knizz - Very tall grass, ashy grass and short grass fixes.
- HackMew - Running indoors hack and the Pokédex classification name bug fix.
- Chaos Rush - Battle backgrounds, battle code.
- Navenatox - The dynamic overworld palettes hack.
- Crazy_chu - Support banner.
- Terra - Support banner.
- RedPrime - Support banner.
- KLM_SpitFire - Fan art.
- Porto - Fan art.
- AllTimeIndie - Support banner.
- Contributors to the Ability Resource Thread - Abilities.
- Contributors to the Move Resource Thread - Move scripts and animations.
- Contributors to The DS-style 64x64 Pokémon Sprite Resource - Pixel art.
- Contributors to the Gen VI: DS-Style 64x64 Pokemon Sprite Resource - Pixel art.
- Contributors to The DS-Style 64x64 Trainer Sprite Resource - Pixel art.
- Contributors to The Accurate FireRed Overworld Sprite Resource - Pixel art.
Tools used
- AdvanceMap 1.9.2 - LU-HO
- eXtreme Script Editor - HackMew
- HxD - Maël Hörz
- VisualBoy Advance-M - VBA-M team
- Generation 3 Hacking Suite - karatekid552
- Hopeless Trainer Editor - Lost Heart
- GBA Graphics Editor - Nintenlord
- Nameless Tile Map Editor - D-Trogh
- Animation Editor - LU-HO
- Door Animation Editor - LU-HO
- Advanced Palette Editor - HackMew
- IrfanView - Irfan Skiljan
- Nameless Sprite Editor Classic - link12552
- Battle Script Pro - Jambo51
- Mass Compatibility Editor - Spherical Ice
- First Place, Overall Favourite, Best Mapping, Best Scripting, Best Storyline, Best Gameplay, Most Engaging Hack
Hack of the Year: 2015 - First Place
/r/PokemonROMHacks' Hack of the Month: October 2015 - Second Place, Best Mapping & Overall Favourite
Hack of the Year: 2014 - First Place
Hack of the Month: June 2014
Frequently Asked Questions
- Does this have 721 Pokémon?
Sort of. All Pokémon are in the game's code, but not all of them have fully working abilities, or sprites, or movesets, and as of the latest release they are not all capturable, either. That being said, nothing really rules out any Pokémon from appearing, and Pokémon from all six generations appear at some point. - Will you be re-adding the multiplayer / link battle capabilities?
For now, no. - Can I reuse my save from previous versions of Gaia for v2.5?
No. That being said, saves from v2.5 should be compatible with any future releases, but, of course, no promises, either. - How does this Pokémon evolve?
It either evolves as it evolves in the official games, or its new evolution method is listed in the README.txt. If neither is true, please inform me! It's likely a bug. - How do I patch this?
Use the included NUPS or tsukuyomi programs included in the download to apply the Pokémon Gaia v2.5.ups patch file to a clean FireRed ROM. I recommend the 1635 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels) ROM dump for the smoothest results. - I've found a bug! What do I do now?
First, make sure it's not already listed in the README.txt file. If it isn't there, then please tell me by posting here. In general, information such as the map you were in, the Pokémon in your team, the move / ability you were using (if applicable) and the version of the hack (and the date it was updated) listed in your README.txt should be included in your post. - When will v3 come out?
I wish I knew! Unfortunately real life commitments mean that sometimes I won't have all the time in the world to work on Gaia, so I really can't put a deadline on release dates. - Is there a list of which wild Pokémon / items can be found where?
I'm afraid not, but I do plan to make one in the future. - Are the HMs for Dive / Strength / Waterfall available?
No, v2.5 ends without any of these HMs being available. v3 of Gaia will essentially continue from where v2.5 ends by making Dive accessible, though, to allow for your journey to continue. - Where is the Move Relearner?
The Move Relearner is not currently in v2.5. I plan to add it in Beta 3, however. - Which Mega Stones can I get?
The following Mega Stones can be obtained in v2.5: Venusaurite, Charizite Y, Blastoisite, Pinsirite, Scizorite, Heracronite, Aggronite, Banettite, Absolite, Abomasite, Beedrillite, Pidgeotite, Slowbronite, Sharpedonite, Cameruptite, Altarianite and Lopunnite.
- Gaia Beta v3.1
Release date: 16th October, 2018
Mirror Download: http://sphericalice.com/romhacking/hacks/gaia/pokemon_gaia_v3.1.zip
Notes: v3.1 is a bugfix update for v3.0 (changelog). Saves from v3.0 ARE compatible with v3.1. However, as with v3.0, saves from versions v2.5 or before of Gaia are NOT compatible with v3.1. This beta ends after the credits roll in the Pokémon League, with all eight Gym battles, the full main story, and the Elite Four and Champion battles. Please read the included README.txt file for important information, or visit the Discord server in my signature. On top of the purely new content added to this release, a lot of content has also been added in between Gyms, as well as lots of bugfixes from Beta v2.5, balancing, and in general the hack has a greater degree of polish. Saves from previous versions are NOT compatible with this version. There is no postgame in this release; there is a v4 planned which will tie up the loose ends of the story, as well as feature two new islands-worth of content, and more items, Pokémon and legendary encounters.
Previous versions: v3.0: [dropbox] [mirror]
v3.0 Release date: 14th October, 2018 - Gaia Beta v2.5
Release date: 2nd November, 2015
Notes: This beta ends in Precimos Island, with a total of six Gym battles. Please read the included README.txt file for important information. Saves from previous versions are NOT compatible with this version.
Despite nominally still being Beta v2, this release introduces a whole host of new features, from Mega Evolution to The Bug-Catching Contest. A lot of content has also been added in between Gyms, as well as an additional sixth Gym. Lots of bugs from Beta v1 and v2 have been fixed, and in general the hack has a greater degree of polish. - Gaia Beta v2.0
Release date: 11th May, 2015
Notes: This beta ends in Telmurk City, with a total of five Gym battles. Please read the included README.txt file for important information. Saves from previous versions are NOT compatible with this version. - Gaia Beta v1.1
Release date: 18th October, 2014
Notes: This beta ends in Windmist City, after the second Gym battle. Please read the included text files for information on how to try and use older saves to play, as well as for important things to note, incomplete things, as well as information regarding the new Pokémon, moves, and much more. - Gaia Beta v1.0
Release date: 27th September, 2014
Notes: This beta ends at the three Strength boulders in Frostbite Cave. Please read the included README.txt file for information on important things to note, incomplete things, as well as information regarding the new Pokémon, moves, and much more.
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