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Atomic Reactor
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  • Hi, could I use some Pokémon sprites for my game? Giving credits, of course. I'm interested in Gorochu, Nidorook, Egho Meganium, Blissey, Fearow line and Hoothoot line.
    Hi, love the game, Pokémon Infinity, would you be willing to share the city and sewer tileset? Credit will of course be given.

    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    No, those are meant to be exclusive to infinity.
    @Atomic Reactor: I loved playing your game! Are your custom battle bases self-made? If yes, am I allowed to use them in my own fangame with your permission? If no, could you tell me who made them?
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    I just edited the bases from HgSs/DPPt. I'd like to keep them private.
    @Atomic Reactor hi i just have one quick question about this fan game are you and your team going to port it over to later pokemon essentials updates like the most updated one and give your game controller support as well buddy?
    Hi! I haven't played many Pokemon fan-games, but am several hours into Infinity and have been really impressed with the Fakemon designs - especially the evolutions to older species and regional variants. I wondered if it's permissible to use some of them with credit, or if you'd prefer to keep those private. Either way, thanks for your time!
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    Thank you, glad you're enjoying it!
    I would like to keep those private, exclusive to Infinity.
    Hello, sorry to bother you, but I would like to know if I could use these tiles on my project?

    Also, congrats on the amazing game.

    Hey, I wanted to tell you that i started to work on a french translation for your game (Exported the intl.txt and started working on it). It will probably take some time to complete (haha) but I wanted to know your take on this.
    Thanks for the great game BTW 😄.
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    Awesome! Keep me posted and let me know if there's anything me or the team can do to help.
    I know you have mentioned you don't want people using full tilesets, would it be alright if I paid to use the full tileset and autotiles for my own pokemon fan game?
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    "or for shorter jam game-esque projects"
    If you're in such a time crunch that you can't make a unique look, then maybe having a unique aesthetic should not be your focus??
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    "Making yours public wouldn't "make everything all looks the same" but instead increase variety overall."
    This is such backwards logic I don't really have the energy or time to respond to it.
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    As I've publicly stated before (and in Infinity's README.txt) I am open to allowing use of specific/individual tiles upon request, and within reason, but I refuse to allow entire tilesets to be fully public. Make your own style.
    Hey just wanted to pop in and say thanks for making the HTMAPG series. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be posted online anymore but I did snag the first eight episodes and have them saved on my PC. Been watching them on and off since the series went unlisted and I wish I had downloaded them all. Trying to get myself back in the mindset to make a game again
    My own project though is going to be tough to start. Once I get it to the point where I can just define a space with an array from a file and then get my code to display it with the drawing functions, it should be much easier to make progress. But if you want a game to have multiplayer functions, it seems like you have to code them from the start
    Currently trying to wrap my head around sockets and keeping track of each individual user with their own logins. Can't even really start game code yet
    Made this years ago after seeing your videos. I believe you were putting them up still at this time but I don't recall

    Nevermind the junk on my desk (which was made of a pallet stacked on a box at the time), the important part is the drawing of tiles and character movement
    Hello! Really enjoying the game so far. I was wondering, do you still have the clean version of the novelty cover you posted on your Twitter? Specifically that cover with Arkhaos and the game logo without the ESRB or Nintendo icons. I'd really like to add it as a cover in my game launcher, but I can't find that art of Arkhaos anywhere else either. Others would sure enjoy having it too.
    Hey ! I saw you posting that you are open to discuss whether we can use your stuff or not.
    Me and my team are working towards a project where in one of the theme is to create evolution for all pokemon.
    I was wondering If you could allow us to use some of your sprites.
    I am more inclined towards using Joliebird and Sorcerice.(No eeveelutions)
    I have attached some of the fakemons I made.


    • Erraticate2big.png
      6.6 KB · Views: 166
    • Zanthera_big.png
      8.4 KB · Views: 163
    • Adargarna.png
      3 KB · Views: 124
    • Aegilana - Copy.png
      Aegilana - Copy.png
      8.7 KB · Views: 167
    • big - Copy.png
      big - Copy.png
      5.4 KB · Views: 168
    I would obviously give you credit , but since I am doing a non-profit project , the most I can do is to dedicate some characters after the name of your choices. (Or let you be one of the playable characters or I can give mystery gift to those using your user name)
    Again , it's totally fine , if you don't want me to use your work.
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    Those are some cool designs!
    We would like to keep infinity designs private, sorry.
    No Issues. Thanks for the reply though.
    Also I started playing Pokemon Infinite. Don't know why it didn't gain that much traction. It was great honestly.
    Hi there, came across pokemon infinity and I was curious if you would allow me to use the regional Hoothoot & Oddish line, Alternate Shellder line, Eeveelutions bar Vareon, the Arctusk and Iceros fossil lines and Wereyena? All of them look awesome and fit inside the ideas I've been having for the region I've been making, but wanted to ask first.
    Hi. I read the FAQ, and I'm wondering if I could use the Gargon line in my own fangame. It's okay if you don't want to, and I will give credit if you are ok with it.
    Hey @Atomic Reactor , My team is doing up a concept for a pokemon mystery dungeon inspired RPG game, I've been looking at some of your designs for infinity and I love them. Would you like to come on board our project? Please send me a dm and we can discuss this in detail; my instagram is "jngulawita" or discord me at Jhonnan#1001
    Atomic Reactor
    Atomic Reactor
    No thank you, I am done working on games.
    would I be able to pay you for your experience as a mentor?
    Hey, I've been playing Pokemon Infinity, and I've been loving it so far! I like to pay special attention to maps in fangames, and yours are some of the best Ive seen!
    I know you dont like whole tilesets being used, but I wanted to ask if I could use the brown part of the cave tilesets? If not, totally understand.
    Related to the maps, any tips you could give on how to design them? Thanks!
    Hey, is it possible for me to use the tilesets and doors in your fangame? I have watched aDrive's series on it and it looks really cool. I am making a fangame myself and I was just wondering if I could use some of your tilesets! If you let me I will credit you and all others you want me to credit, and I'm only looking for tilesets, doors, and autotiles.
    Hi. Sorry to bother you, but do you still have Pokémon Obsidian anywhere? I remember playing it years ago, and now I'm nostalgic for it and can't find it anywhere.
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