- Views: 12,090
- Replies: 8
Game Title:
(It is a bad graphic I know)
Game Screenshots:
Game Download:
Download for Windows
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Download for Linux
Android and Apple support currently not available, I might consider building it for mobile devices in the future.
Other Links
Leaderboards - My site
I'd appreciate it if you check out these links!
If you find any bugs feel free to report them on the discord.
The speedrun.com link is currently inaccessable as the game is not on there 'yet'.
I'll gladly look at your speedruns on the discord though!
Made Using:
Unity3D - Game Engine
Paint.NET - Art Assets
Audacity - Audio
Visual Studio Code - IDE
@Voltseon (Me) - Developer
@Thundaga - Beta Tester
@ENLS - Beta Tester
Pressing the Escape Button will send you to the main menu
Only when not in play mode like in the win screen
Pressing escape in the main menu will close the game
It is possible to get out of bounds with some movement skills
Yes, that is a dare to get out of bounds
No, there is nothing hidden out of bounds ;)
You have to check the speedrun mode box to have a speedrun timer on during play mode
You have to re-enable this after a run
You'll still see your finishing time in the win screen even if you dont have speedrun mode enabled
Try to get a good time, current record is by @Thundaga with 19 seconds!
You can only use the Dash ability when you're in a 'falling state'
This means you can use your Dash after jumping
Or if you're 'falling' off a ledge/terrain imperfection
Dashing has a 2 second cooldown
A Dash will always be performed in the direction you're looking, but not in the Y-axis.
Spawn locations for the collectables are randomized for each run
The trainer AI will look for you in a wander state
After they spot you they check again whether you are in front of them
If you are they will throw their Pokéballs
No, you cannot enter buildings :)
Resource Pack:
Get the resource pack right here.
Team itself: @Voltseon @Thundaga @ENLS
Sprite assets: @Voltseon (Voltseon Sprite, UI Elements) Emdy (Thundaga Sprite) Relic Castle Staff & Judges @catwithnojob @Mashirosakura (Challenge Graphics) The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Affiliated with Game Freak (Official gen 3 sprites & gen 4 overworld sprites)
Music: The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Affiliated with Game Freak (Dewford Town RSE, Encounter PokéManiac RSE, Goldenrod City HGSS, Wild Battle Victory HGSS)
Sounds: The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Affiliated with Game Freak (RSE animation, battle & GUI sound effects, DPPT Mining Sound Effects, Swish Sound from OpenGameArt)
Fonts: Power Green
Scripts & Programming: @Voltseon (Unity C#)
Level design / building: @Voltseon (Unity 3D)
Here's where I used graphics:
Happy speedrunning and playing! :)
And again thanks to the Relic Castle Staff team for this Game Jam!
<3 Voltseon

(It is a bad graphic I know)
Game Screenshots:

Download for Windows
Download for Windows
Download for Mac
Download for Linux
Android and Apple support currently not available, I might consider building it for mobile devices in the future.
Other Links
Leaderboards - My site
I'd appreciate it if you check out these links!
If you find any bugs feel free to report them on the discord.
The speedrun.com link is currently inaccessable as the game is not on there 'yet'.
I'll gladly look at your speedruns on the discord though!
Made Using:
Unity3D - Game Engine
Paint.NET - Art Assets
Audacity - Audio
Visual Studio Code - IDE
@Voltseon (Me) - Developer
@Thundaga - Beta Tester
@ENLS - Beta Tester
Pressing the Escape Button will send you to the main menu
Only when not in play mode like in the win screen
Pressing escape in the main menu will close the game
It is possible to get out of bounds with some movement skills
Yes, that is a dare to get out of bounds
No, there is nothing hidden out of bounds ;)
You have to check the speedrun mode box to have a speedrun timer on during play mode
You have to re-enable this after a run
You'll still see your finishing time in the win screen even if you dont have speedrun mode enabled
Try to get a good time, current record is by @Thundaga with 19 seconds!
You can only use the Dash ability when you're in a 'falling state'
This means you can use your Dash after jumping
Or if you're 'falling' off a ledge/terrain imperfection
Dashing has a 2 second cooldown
A Dash will always be performed in the direction you're looking, but not in the Y-axis.
Spawn locations for the collectables are randomized for each run
The trainer AI will look for you in a wander state
After they spot you they check again whether you are in front of them
If you are they will throw their Pokéballs
No, you cannot enter buildings :)
Resource Pack:
Get the resource pack right here.
Team itself: @Voltseon @Thundaga @ENLS
Sprite assets: @Voltseon (Voltseon Sprite, UI Elements) Emdy (Thundaga Sprite) Relic Castle Staff & Judges @catwithnojob @Mashirosakura (Challenge Graphics) The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Affiliated with Game Freak (Official gen 3 sprites & gen 4 overworld sprites)
Music: The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Affiliated with Game Freak (Dewford Town RSE, Encounter PokéManiac RSE, Goldenrod City HGSS, Wild Battle Victory HGSS)
Sounds: The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, Affiliated with Game Freak (RSE animation, battle & GUI sound effects, DPPT Mining Sound Effects, Swish Sound from OpenGameArt)
Fonts: Power Green
Scripts & Programming: @Voltseon (Unity C#)
Level design / building: @Voltseon (Unity 3D)
Here's where I used graphics:
Jams - 10 spread out throughout the map at 'random' set locations. The kind of jam is randomly selected per spawn. These you collect as the main gameplay element / driving point.
Running Shoes - Used the golden ones that spawns somewhere at a 'random' set location as a collectable needed to progress the game. As it is the item you have to provide to get past a blocker (if you want to do it the intentional way that is)
Trainer in black / brown and red outfit - 2 of each wander around the city, trying to catch you, the obstacles you want to avoid.
Upside down Pokéballs - Trainers throw these Pokéballs, though hard to see, you can also see it in the 'caught' animation when you select the wrong move during battle or you wait too long during battle.
Maple leaves (all three of them) exists as a particle effect around trees, nothing but aesthetical.
Tables (all three of them) exist in the files but not used.
Running Shoes - Used the golden ones that spawns somewhere at a 'random' set location as a collectable needed to progress the game. As it is the item you have to provide to get past a blocker (if you want to do it the intentional way that is)
Trainer in black / brown and red outfit - 2 of each wander around the city, trying to catch you, the obstacles you want to avoid.
Upside down Pokéballs - Trainers throw these Pokéballs, though hard to see, you can also see it in the 'caught' animation when you select the wrong move during battle or you wait too long during battle.
Maple leaves (all three of them) exists as a particle effect around trees, nothing but aesthetical.
Tables (all three of them) exist in the files but not used.
Happy speedrunning and playing! :)
And again thanks to the Relic Castle Staff team for this Game Jam!
<3 Voltseon
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