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This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Project Status
Project Version
Whether by luck or by fate, you've encountered a mythical Pokemon and formed a psychic bond. Now you're on a journey with your Pokemon to find inspiration together and discover Meloetta's true potential.

Don't know what version you have? If your titlescreen looks different than the above image, or doesn't say version 2.3, please update!






Download Here!
If you've already played, get yourself a forum badge!

This game is designed to be free range. I guess I might mean "Open World" but it's not as if there's a large open field with infinite directions to travel in, so by calling it free range I mean that it's really chill and has features like these:​
You can completely ignore the story and what characters tell you to do
Wild Pokemon and trainers will scale with your party, so do things in any order you want
The region map isn't filled out, at least not with route markers. If a character mentions a certain area or asks you to travel somewhere, they'll try to mark the path for you.
Gyms have no strict order or type, so challenge them in any order! Or not at all! They'll also rematch with different teams.
Following Pokemon! The first Pokemon in your party can be toggled as a following partner, and they'll unique reactions or pick up items based on your surroundings.
Catching Mechanics Earn exp for catching Pokemon, and have the option of switching them into the party immediately.
Unreal Time Some Pokemon might only appear at night or might appear more often in the day, but time moves fast so you don't worry about resetting your system clock.
Elite Battle System Battles look great, thanks Luka!
Breeding Heck yeah the daycare is in get those egg moves and hidden abilities.

Known issues/bugs:
There's no credits sequence or clear ending yet
There's obvious content gates where stuff was cut for completion time
Playing with the game screensize set to "Large" causes some closeup pictures to be cutoff/not display correctly.
The prompt asking to sleep in a bed might appear twice in a row, and appear before interacting with an object/person in the bed
Using the PC and swapping two Pokemon may cause the game to crash. Withdrawing/Depositing and setting Pokemon in empty spaces should work fine.

Why did HeroVoltsy get a shiny Zorua and I didn't get a Pokemon?
A: It's an easter egg! If your character is named Voltsy, or Jasmine, you'll get a shiny Zorua.

Q: Are there other easter egg names?
A: Heck yeah. I love adding gifts for my friends so there's a bunch of names and you might even find something by accident.

Q: Why do I have to play as the boy character? Why do I have to play as the girl character?
A: The character is chosen at random, you can reset if it really bothers you. I prefer to write without using pronouns, but both protagonist's pronouns are they/them.

Q: What's the shiny rate?
A: Higher than normal. If you wanna have a giggle, there's also some names you can give your character (Glitter, Glimmer, Shimmer, Sparkle, or Shiny) that will make your whole game shiny. (some stuff is shiny locked though and won't be affected)

Q: Which Pokemon are available?
A: There's not a plan, I just add whatever suits the areas I design. At time of writing I can say that all the starters from generations 1-5 are available, and there's also some regional forms and split evolutions.

Q: How many badges are there?
A: Currently, 4 badges.

Q: Was that a reference to another fan game?
A: Probably, I like fan games and I'm not subtle about it.

Q: Why isn't this working with my emulator? What emulator do I need? Can I play this on mobile?
A: This game isn't played with an emulator, so if someone told you it was playable on mobile, they lied! The game should work fine on any Windows PC without any extra programs to run it. Macs should be able to run it through Wine(? Sorry I don't know the details on this one).

Q: How do I update to a new version? Can I keep my old save file?
A: Save files are stored on your computer separately from the game files, so it's safe to completely delete an old version of the game. The new/updated version of the game will recognize an old save file and use it with no problem.

Q: Is the game finished?
A: No, it's not complete. There's several areas that were blocked off (probably by rocks) because they're not finished. I don't know when the next big chunk of content will be done; I make games for fun so

Q: When will it be done?
A: I don't know! Making games like this is my idea of fun, so I'm not gonna like, recruit people to make parts of the game just to get it done faster. And some days I feel like playing games instead of making them :P

Note for devs: If you want something from the game please download the resource pack, but don't rip or take files directly from the game, most of this stuff is a public resource and not made by me.

Credits are linked to all the public resources I used if you want them for your own game!
This game was originally made for the Relic Castle Game Jam #5!
Dev team:
Lead design and development by Aki
Custom audio and music tracks by DogzNDogz113
Support both emotional and intellectual by Deo
Special thanks to all my friends who playtested through the bugs. Your support means everything to me and I'm so glad I can make games that put a smile on your face. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. ♥

Tempo Rising is only made possible by all the following resources!
Pokémon Essentials

Poccil (Peter O.)

With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby<s>Luka S.J.
Boushy<s>MiDas Mike
Brother1440<s>Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami<s>Popper
Jacob O. Wobbrock<s>the__end
Lisa Anthony<s>Wachunga
and everyone else who helped out

"RPG Maker XP" by:

Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak

Gen 4 Sound effects by Deo


Deo's custom Day & Night tones for Pokemon Essentials
Following Pokemon by mej71, based off of work by Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, and venom12
Party Switcher by Michael, Marcello (Reborn) and ZeroKid
Script Utilities and Common Tiles by Marin
Simple Exit Arrows by Tustin2121
Unreal Time System by FL
Ambient Pokémon Cries by Vendily
Name Windows by Mr Gela and mej71
Password Entry by Mr Gela
Simple Quest System by Mej71 with edits by derFischae
Always on bush by KleinStudio with edits by derFischae
MinigameDuel edited by ShadowFiendZX
Location signposts Updated by LostSoulsDev / carmaniac & PurpleZaffre

Elite Battle System

• GameFreak | Original sprites from B/W/2 games
• Pokecheck.org | Ripping the sprites from B2/W2 roms
• Luka S.J. | Indexing and formatting the sprites
• PinkCatDragon | GIF to PNG conversion
• Tebited15 | B/W styled trainer Red sprite
• Spriters-Resource (redblueyellow) | Gen 5 ball sprites

Battle Backgrounds:
• Eli | Ripping and compiling the backgrounds
• lilatraube | Some B2/W2 battle bases

Custom UI:
• Luka S.J. | Design, formatting and implementation

• Luka S.J. | Elite Battle System
• Maruno | General help and support
• PinkCatDragon | GIF to PNG converter
• Pokémon Essentials | Base system

Sound Effects:
• GameFreak | Original sound effects from B/W/2 games
• BadSamaritan | Ripping the sound effects


Gen 5 Overworlds by Radical Raptr
Tiles by Princess-Phoenix, Zeo254, Magiscarf, Kyledove, Hek-el-grande, Gallanty, PeekyChew, Morelockhater, LunaMaddalena, KingTapir
Pokemon icons by Pikachumazzinga

Gen 7 Overworlds

Gen VI Overworlds


-Formatted by Sparta
GenI-V Overworlds


Smogon XY Sprite Project

Gen 7 Sprite Pack
kaji atsu
The cynical poet
Falgaia of the Smogon S/M sprite project

A-Exeggutor Fix/Multiple Dex Forms scripts by Marcello
Last edited:


Nov 15, 2023
I spent the last 10 hrs playing this game. Im honestly am super impressed with everything.
With that being said idk how to access the Museum's other floors (if its even an available place yet)
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Jul 27, 2024
I'd like to help, but can you describe the issue in plain text?
(I have no idea what's in your post, it's asking me to sign into my Google account and then request access to... something.)
Well,as you can see I can't see any pokemon characters in that game even animation. (if that has animation pixel or something like that)

And when I look at the file battler fronts and battler backs it has only a Smeargles sprites with only difference colors on they tails. If I was right there are more pokemon sprites than that in that files right?
Last edited by a moderator:
Well,as you can see
I can't see, your post looks like this on my end:

And when I look at the file battler fronts and battler backs it has only a Smeargles sprites with only difference colors on they tails. If I was right there are more pokemon sprites than that in that files right?
But yeah you're right, there should be a lot more images in there. Can you try downloading the game again? This won't affect your save file if you already made one.
Last edited by a moderator:


Jul 27, 2024
I can't see, your post looks like this on my end:

But yeah you're right, there should be a lot more images in there. Can you try downloading the game again? This won't affect your save file if you already made one.
Alright,I try. Oh and do you have discord group? So I can send that picture again if you wanted to see it


I have good new and bad new. The good new is I got the file of all sprites pokemon, but the bad new is some of the sprites are don't have animation and some of them is smaller than regular (I guess) so I think it might effect on the game and when I go back to the game is still the same.
Last edited by a moderator:
Alright,I try. Oh and do you have discord group? So I can send that picture again if you wanted to see it


I have good new and bad new. The good new is I got the file of all sprites pokemon, but the bad new is some of the sprites are don't have animation and some of them is smaller than regular (I guess) so I think it might effect on the game and when I go back to the game is still the same.
Nah I don't have a Discord

Okay that's an odd one, I'm not sure how that would happen 🤔
Are you maybe playing through an emulator like Joiplay? In that case it's the emulator being weird, but I think the game will still function alright besides a few graphical glitches.


Jul 27, 2024
Nah I don't have a Discord

Okay that's an odd one, I'm not sure how that would happen 🤔
Are you maybe playing through an emulator like Joiplay? In that case it's the emulator being weird, but I think the game will still function alright besides a few graphical glitches.
Yeah,I do play Joiplay. So it does happened before to other players? And about the graphics is looks normal but not the sprites pokemon. Because when I check every single sprite, some of them have single animation and some of them be more smaller when I extract them.


And too bad you doesn't have discord because I can send a picture over there

So there are no other ways to fix this?
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Yeah,I do play Joiplay. So it does happened before to other players? And about the graphics is looks normal but not the sprites pokemon. Because when I check every single sprite, some of them have single animation and some of them be more smaller when I extract them.


And too bad you doesn't have discord because I can send a picture over there

So there are no other ways to fix this?

Sorry but I don't know how to help when it's an emulator causing issues. If it was on the game's end I'd try to do something, but I don't know the first thing about Joiplay and how it operates.


Jul 27, 2024
Sorry but I don't know how to help when it's an emulator causing issues. If it was on the game's end I'd try to do something, but I don't know the first thing about Joiplay and how it operates.
Oh is alright at least you try, but thanks for help,buddy 😁


Aug 13, 2024
Sorry Aki, the game Is completed? I would like to try it because it looks amazing😍


Aug 13, 2024
Ayy I hope you enjoy the game! I just checked the thread for Fable and it looks like the download link is still working fine? You can get there easy by clicking the lil Fable banner in my signature ↓
Thank you I love your games ❤️ I already tried Pokémon Mew you and I really liked it
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Reactions: Aki
Anyway why the heck not since this thread is active lately. Here's screenies of what my WIP version of Tempo Rising looks like, because I have sporadically (generous) been working on it since the last release.

It's really different and broken because I've been porting it from Essentials v17 up to v21.1, and because of the way I tend to make events, pretty much every single one of them needs to be rebuilt.

What's cool though is there's some updated graphics/mapping, and cool scripts like visible overworld encounters and a fresh level balancing system.
An animated gif of the player walking around Mythedge Village, which has an extensive hedge maze full of pokemon visisble in the overworld.

An animated gif of the player walking from Mambo Cliffs to Moombahton Island. It shows off trees that have transparency to reveal hidden items, but the palyer character and trainer character have graphical issues making them dissappear.
An animated gif of the player triggering several battle encounters in a row, each in a new location that shows off a unique battleback

There's graphical issues, I know, I took the .gifs lol but they're just a sample of many more bugs I've gotta work out and then I can really get into the new content someday. No spoilers rn.

There's also just been a ton of backend stuff, like I've never properly set up the regional dex in any of my games before and wow that was annoying. I've also really dove into editing the new script plugins like look at this block of color you can see in the preview on the right; absolutely no one is ever gonna notice that Pokemon sometimes move in different ways that reveals their nature or ability but I will know because I spent a weekend on Bulbapedia researching as many Pokemon as I could account for.


Dec 1, 2024
Is this game good with joiplay? Because when i run it on joiplay, Meloetta battle sprites/animations disappear
Don't worry that happens
After meloetta learns relic song her pirouette form will at least work