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Search results

  1. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Hey y'all! I'm still around! I managed to find a download of v.0.6.2 of Helix a while back, and thus have gained access to a lot of the old project files. While I still don't have any of the work that followed the last demo version released, I have Helix files that have been repurposed into...
  2. TheSheikahScholar

    Resource Fame Checker [v19/v20]

    Have you tried deleting PluginScripts.rxdata from your data folder to force compile plugins?
  3. TheSheikahScholar

    Resource Mid battle dialogue for v20+

    I ran this script command in a trainer battle event BattleScripting.set("lastOpp","text"=>"So, it's come down to this...") and the dialogue and trainer sprite appeared as expected, but then after the trainer disappeared, this error popped up: After I clicked "OK", the battle continued, but...
  4. TheSheikahScholar

    Resource Boon's Phenomena: BW Style Grass Rustle, Cave Dust + More

    I've gotten this error a few times after exiting a phenomenon battle. Some battles end with no issues, but others cause this error.
  5. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Figured I should make an official announcement on this, rather than just leave it alone. This project has been discontinued. I updated the thread a while back to display that at the top, but I wanted to officially acknowledge it with a comment. Without going into a lot of details, I quit...
  6. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    It's just a byproduct of the EVs & IVs being displayed on what is normally the Ribbons screen. This won't be an issue in the next update, as EVs and IVs will be displayed along side the regular stats, and the Ribbons screen will be back.
  7. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    A little sidetracked playing Brilliant Diamond, but I'm loving the battlebacks in this game! Gonna be great inspiration for the custom battlebacks I'm working on for Helix! Since tomorrow in Thanksgiving (in the U.S.), I wanted to share two new items I'll be adding in the next update. Since I'm...
  8. TheSheikahScholar

    Resource Free to Use Mega Evolutions

    Are all of these in Pokemon Nimbus? I'd love to use some of them, but I use EBDX so I'd be looking for full body backsprites instead of partial. I poked through the Nimbus files but didn't see updated sprites for Mega Infernape or Empoleon. Super cool btw!
  9. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Here's a few visual sneak peeks at some of the stuff I'm working on for the next release of the game. Between updating from Essentials v18 to v19.1, waiting for plugins to get updated to v19, adding EBDX, adding a few new plugins, designing new abilities and a couple of new fakemon, as well as...
  10. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Still plugging along with work on the next update! Things are going slower than I'd like, but I have to prioritize work, paying bills and taking care of other things in life, so I can't devote as much time to dev work as I'd like. Just discovered an error in Poke Marts where Paralyze Heals...
  11. TheSheikahScholar

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Fixed these in my game, but I wanted to make you aware of a couple of minor text-based issues on rainy maps.
  12. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Hey y'all! Another quick update! I'm still working on the next release version! There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff I'm working on for this one, as well as some graphical changes (condensing tilesets, modifying events, setting up Sun/Moon style trainer intros using EBDX [which will include...
  13. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Still working on the next update! I've nearly finished updating to v19.1 and added some new plugins/features. I'm still combing through all of the already released content, updating some of events to work properly. I've also been condensing the size of my tilesets and re-mapping many of my maps...
  14. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Another update! Gonna be a longer delay before the next update, but the next version will be v.0.7.0, since I'll be making the jump from Essentials v18.1 to Essentials v19! I'm gonna need to take a little time to learn v19, port my game over, finish up the new content for the update (and wait...
  15. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Hey y'all! Quick update post! I'm still working on v.0.6.3, but it's a much slower process than it has been since launch. I've been super busy with work and other responsibilities, in preparation for a big transition in my life! It may be some time before the next update is out, but hopefully...
  16. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Pokemon Helix has been updated to v.0.6.2! This update opens up access to Hydrangea City Gym, Spruce Swamp, Ivyborough, and new story content!
  17. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokémon Splice

    Elaborate. Maybe if you say more than "it does not let me in" and "this is a rip off", you'll get actual help and might be able to play. Does it crash on the title screen? At the start menu? When opening the executable? Be specific instead of being rude. It'll get you further.
  18. TheSheikahScholar

    Game Jam Winter Game Jam 2: Discussion

  19. TheSheikahScholar

    In Development Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Beta 3.3 now out!)

    Been watching a playthrough of this on YouTube. Downloading it now, excited to play it!
  20. TheSheikahScholar

    Released Pokemon Helix

    Noticed a small error with one of my events that could results in small story spoilers, if interacted with under the right conditions. I've updated the zip file and fixed the event.