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Search results

  1. Neeka

    Map Region Map Help Please

    I wish you well. Have you looked in the team recruitment or commission sections of the game development section?
  2. Neeka

    Map Region Map Help Please

    yeah, the scripts are what i really struggle with.
  3. Neeka

    Map Region Map Help Please

    That's an pretty cool and unique way to do it.
  4. Neeka

    Map Region Map Help Please

    For the most part it's pretty cool looking. I would put a river going north east from the lake to the northern right art of the ocean, perhaps flowing close to the town with the forest around it (the one with a gym). Also, you have three start towns? Are there going to be three different...
  5. Neeka

    Which Map should i use?

    I like mapRegion2 bette, but both are pretty good looking. I would put more diveable water scattered throughout the ocean part instead of concentrated solely around the one island (at least that's what I interpret the dark blue as.. sorry if I'm wrong). Also, the rivers are rather skimpy.
  6. Neeka

    Graphic Gary recolored for "other" gender PC

    I like how the hair came out, but I messed up the pants for the intro picture. Any suggestions on how to make it better? I'm also including the recolored sprites which I think came out okay in spite of my limited experience, though the pants on the sprite isn't as good as I'd like it to be..
  7. Neeka

    Other Gym idea

    Thanks for the encouragement. :)
  8. Neeka

    Map Rough Draft of Kathou Region

    Thanks. I don't have the city map laid out yet. I'm trying to piece together a good tileset. I keep messing up and have had to restart several times.
  9. Neeka

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Not sure. Haven't had a chance to check yet.
  10. Neeka

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Oh geez, I didn't extract the wrong zip, I put this in the wrong thread! 😵‍💫
  11. Neeka

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Thing is, I never downloaded it before which is why I was so puzzled when I got that message.
  12. Neeka

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    When I go to unzip into my game, this message (see attached file) pops up. I'm not sure which to select.
  13. Neeka

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    I'm so stupid. I didn't even notice that go to download button in the top right corner. I'm so used to the download button being in the actual first post! Thank you for your response.
  14. Neeka

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    I think I'm being stupid again. I can't see the link to download this plugin!
  15. Neeka

    Other Gym idea

    I'm thinking of making a gym based on the troll meme. Instead of a particular type of Pokemon, all the gym trainers' and the gym leader's pokemon use taunt and/or torment combined with other annoying moves such as detect, protect, spiky shield, etc. Once the player beats the gym leader, they...
  16. Neeka

    Favorite First-Stage Pokémon? (Excluding Single-Stages)

    Psyduck has always been a favorite of mine. In one playthrough, I went through 7 gyms with Psyduck before evolving them. The most adorable first stage is teddyursa. How it has it's honey-dipped paw in it's mouth is way too adorable.
  17. Neeka

    Map Rough Draft of Kathou Region

    Now, this is a very rough draft, but it gives an idea of what I'm going for in my region. The red squares are cities/towns, the light blue dots are places of interest, the pink square is the Pokemon League. The light green is grasslands, the dark green is forest, the blue is of course water...
  18. Neeka

    Graphic Normal/Flying Porygon & Ground type Munchlax

    Ah... well I guess it's sort of a small change. I just took the "arm", rotated it, and placed it so that it's toward the top of the body so it looks like a wing. I also got rid of the small part of the arm that showed from behind the body, with the implication that the other wing is on the...
  19. Neeka

    Graphic Normal/Flying Porygon & Ground type Munchlax

    Why? It's retaining the normal typing it originally had. I just readjusted the arm so it's now a wing to signify the added typing, but it's still basically the same, hence the same color pallet. I may change the color pallet if you give me a sound reason. Now, another starter, Munchlax, which I...
  20. Neeka

    Graphic Normal/Flying Porygon & Ground type Munchlax

    I made Porygon, as one of the starters in my game, a normal/flying type. Tried making a little change to make the appendages look a little more like wings. I don't think I did a too awful job, but I want others' opinions. How can I improve it?