• Do not use Discord to host any images you post, these links expire quickly! You can learn how to add images to your posts here.
  • Eevee Expo's webhost has been having technical issues since Nov. 20th and you might be unable to connect to our site. Staff are also facing issues connecting, so please send a DM to Cat on-site or through Discord directly for faster service!
This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Project Status
Project Version
ETA Next Version
Apr 30, 2025
Summary and Plot:
Welcome to the Shinju Region! You are one of our foreign exchange students, and you'll be exploring the region at your own leisure - find as many Pokemon as you like, train to be the very best, or take on the Gym Challenge and the Elite Four! The Shinju Region is a vast and expansive region with lots of biodiversity, which has a much higher rate of the elusive shiny pokemon (1/128) plus you can meet and make friends with other exchange students throughout the region.

Team Sunset:
Meanwhile, the mysterious Team Sunset is attempting to make a good public image... while some members are unintentionally giving them a bad look. They intend to be heroes... no matter what the cost. Little is known about them, though the leader of the team goes by the name Orion, and has made numerous public and even televised appearances, touting his team as a place to help the "bad eggs" of society to reform and be productive members of society. Though many say they've seen members doing strange things that contradict these claims.
Version and Creation:
Pokemon Shinju Adventures is made with Pokemon Essentials (V21.1) and is actively being updated as the game is released but still needs bug fixes. Future updates planned to be released approximately biweekly.
The game is currently on Version 1.99 (Released 3/4/25 and features the entire game. DLC Included!

The game has a built-in nuzlocke feature (optional), pronoun choices, multiple plugins for quality of life (such as built in Party IV checker, Move Relearner, Hidden Power type viewer, etc), a speed modifier (Press Q) for ease of grinding/distance covering, Mystery Gift, EXP All being optional, High EXP gains to minimize grinding, following pokemon, mega evolution, a (pseudo) Wondertrade, animated sprites, no-trade evolutions, Rare Candies at the start of nuzlockes, and multiple save slots.

Known Bugs/Problems/Errors:
The following issues are currently being fixed but have no estimated time to fix - some NPC pathfinding needs work, and custom sprites for flying are missing.

The discord for this game features information such as Mystery Gift Events, update logs, bug reporting, and more. It can be joined with the following link: DISCORD

Download the Version at the link below and use the PokeUpdater.exe inside to update to the latest version.
This makes it so you can get the latest version easily without needing to manually download the files and patch it.

Please join the discord below to know when a new version is released so you can be up to date!



Be who fits you best!

Meet the new Professor, Professor Douglas!

Find shiny Pokemon! Can you beat the odds?

Battle against and catch Legendary Pokemon!

Credits for Plugins, Sprites, and Music:
Made with Pokemon Essentials for RPGMakerXP -
"AvatarMonkeyKirby", "Boushy", "Brother1440", "FL.", "Genzai Kawakami", "Golisopod User", "help-14", "IceGod64", "Jacob O. Wobbrock", "KitsuneKouta", "Lisa Ann", "Luka S.J.", "Marin", "MiDas Mike", "Near Fantastica", "PinkMan", "Popper", "Rataime", "Savordez", "SoundSpawn", "the__end", "Venom12", "Wachunga"
Pokemon Music - ENLS's Prelooped Music ~ featuring music from Gens 3-9 The Legend of Dragoon Music - Dennis Martin & Takeo Miratsu
Game Updating Plugin - PokeUpdater Choose Starter Plugin - DiegoWT's Starter Selection UI Plugin - MUI Modular UI Pokemon UI Plugin - MUI Enhanced Pokemon UI Pokemon Sprite Plugin - Generation 9 Pack Plugin Item Sprite Plugin - Scarlet/Violet Item Sprites Viewable Encounter Plugin - Encounter List UI Following Pokemon Plugin - Following Pokemon EX Generation 5 Bag Plugin - B2W2 Bag Game Speed Plugin - Delta Speed Up Multiple Save Slot Plugin - Auto Multi Save Badge List Plugin - Badgecase Nuzlocke Features Plugin - Nuzlocke X Fly Animation Plugin - Overworld Fly Animation Display Key Item Plugin - BW Get Key Item Battle UI Plugin - NPB's Battle UI Customized Type Icon Plugin - Sonicover's Type Plugin Voltseon's Pause Menu Miror B Overworld Sprite - RedSmeargle Miror B Trainer Sprite - Pisxel Miror B VS Sprite - backburner26 Archie Overworld Sprite - DiegoWT Maxie Overworld Sprite - aveontrainer Archie/Maxie/Lysandre trainer sprite - Sugar and Spice, Guzma Sprite - [URLunfurl="true"]https://www.deviantart.com/bombbity/art/Guzma-Sprite-First-Pass-701541367[/URL] Free to Use Custom Badges - icycatelf Olivia Sprite - mid117 Misc. Sprites - Public Halcyon Assets Thundaga's Guides Intro Notice Art - Deluxe Battle Kit Enhanced Battle UI Pokedex Evolution Page https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1543/ Battle Animation Plugin - Gen 9 Move Animation Project - Animated Pokemon System https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1544/ Evelyn Sprite https://www.deviantart.com/gnomowladny/art/Evelyn-Sprite-427589814 Evelyn overworld https://www.deviantart.com/spinda94/art/Pokemon-Trainer-Evelyn-OW-Overworld-861972136 Valerie Sprite
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Dec 11, 2020
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.5

Fixed a graphical error that caused the HM03 Surf icon in Blindheart's Casino to be missing.
Fixed a coding error that caused the encounters in the water of Blindheart to be missing.
Fixed a coding error that caused the evolution of Boldore to not work with a Linking Cord.
Fixed a coding error that caused Teleport to function improperly outside of battle.
Fixed a coding error in Hallowcurse that would sometimes cause the Mega Ring event to not complete properly.
Fixed a coding error in Route 9 that caused the trainers blocking your way to repeatedly battle you in some situations.
Fixed a coding error that caused Blissey Trainers to challenge you if you press "B" instead of saying "No thank you."
Fixed a coding error that caused every Elite Four Member to have Lum Berries when they shouldn't.

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here


Dec 11, 2020
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.6

Added a brand new location, requiring a DLC Ticket! All aboard in Blindheart Town!
Added a resident to Fogblossom Town explaining why nobody else is living there.
Added residents to Bitterblade City, including Julia's Grandmother and a local dancer.
Added residents to Crystaline City, and moved TM07 (Hail) to a new house and replaced the old TM07 with TM13 (Ice Beam).
Made changes to the Duplex in Blanco Town, the obnoxious neighbor now has you join in.
Made changes to the Pokemon UI, no longer using color coded stars to represent stats, but rankings of S,A,B,C,D, and F instead.
Made changes to the Elite Four Mart to sell Ability Patches and Ability Capsules, even before defeating the Elite Four.
Fixed a typo in the Badge Case for Valerie's badge.
Fixed a typo on the Former Champion's dialogue.
Fixed a coding error that prevented Roaming Pokemon from functioning properly (Beast Trio and Eon Duo, 5 badges and E4 defeated respectively).
Fixed a coding error in Blanco Town that would cause music to not play in houses in some situations.
Updated Type Icons Battle UI Plugin (fixing types not displaying properly in double battles).
Updated B2W2 Bag UI Plugin.
Updated Deluxe Battle Kit Plugin.
Updated Animated Pokemon Sprites Plugin (fixing several issues and much better sprites).
Updated Generation 9 Resource Pack Plugin.
Updated Enhanced Battle UI Plugin.
Updated Modular UI Scenes Plugin.
Updated Enhanced Pokemon UI Plugin.
Updated Badgecase (fixes the "Badges: 0" at main menu, load then save to fix existing saves).
Updated Gen 9 Move Animation Resource (fixing False Swipe, Psychic, and Ghost-Type Curse).

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here
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Dec 11, 2020
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.7

Fixed a coding error that prevented the sign from being read in Getaway Island.
Fixed a coding error that would allow the player to deny entering the Battle Mansion Brawl, but walk in anyways.
Fixed a coding error that would cause the player to get a duplicate Wondertrade Pokemon in Getaway Island's Pokemon Center.
Fixed a coding error that prevented the player from entering the houses on Getaway Island.
Fixed an audio error that prevented music from playing in houses under certain conditions.
Added a TM gift and a Trade in Getaway Island houses.
Added an experimental page for caught Pokemon in the Pokedex that display evolution conditions.

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here


Dec 11, 2020
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.8

Fixed a coding error that causes Collin's Pokemon "Primal" to be "Prim6C" on rematches after defeating the Elite Four.
Fixed a coding error that allowed you to get a Coin Case early in Getaway Game Corner by talking to the female clerk on the left.
Fixed a text error in the Getaway Game Corner that had mislabeled text for the Master Ball simply saying "5000" instead of "5000 coins".
Changed the name of the Yeen boss's Garchomp from "Kaiju" to "Gameshark" for comedic effect.
Introduced a new Menu screen that is much more intuitive and interesting to look at than the vanilla menu.
Started to introduce new Post Game famous NPCs on vacation on Getaway Island in the Game Corner!
It's your boy - Guzma's crashed the party! Look for him on Getaway Island!
Things are heating up with Lysandre here! Find him on Getaway Island!
Big boss Giovanni's here! Look alive! Watch out for him on Getaway Island!
A team from Hoenn has arrived! But is it Magma, or Aqua? Check it out on Getaway Island!

Please make sure you are NOT in the Getaway Game Corner when updating to avoid softlocks.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here


Dec 11, 2020
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.9

Due to changes in PokeUpdater, the new version of the updating software SHOULD be updated. Please download the software here and place it into the root of your Shinju install, overwriting if prompted.

Updated PokeUpdater to latest version, this should fix many problems with the software going forward.
Fixed the sprite positions of some Pokemon. (Arcanine, Absol, Houndoom, Arctibax, Ariados, Banette, Bidoof, Boldore, and more)
Fixed a coding error that caused Giovanni in the Getaway Game Corner to crash the game due to the trainer being improperly set.
Fixed a coding error that caused the Faith Rival fight after Gym 2 to repeat if you do not use the same trigger spot.
Fixed a coding error that caused Team Sunset Grunts in the Dewpoint Broadcast Station to not disappear after defeating Orion.
Added text to various trash cans confirming the player looked inside, and they were in fact empty.
Added text to the shrine of Hallowcurse City. Your prayers will go unanswered, for now at least.
Added clear paths on Getaway Island (and moved the fountain slightly - be careful when updating as it moved.)
Replaced the Hi-Speed Speedboats in Blindheart and Getaway Harbors with the proper cruise ships.

To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here


Dec 11, 2020
New Patch Released!

Pokemon Shinju Adventures V1.99

The chains of destiny pull in another member of Rainbow Rocket! Cyrus lingers on Getaway Island!
Perfection has arrived - and his name is Ghetsis! Team Plasma's leader lurks on Getaway Island!
Changed the desks in Getaway Game Corner to differentiate it from the one in Blindheart City.
Fixed a coding error that caused Archie to appear when your rival has Kyogre, and Maxie to appear when they have Groudon (It should be reversed.)
Fixed a coding error that caused Palkia and Dialga's event to bug if not visited before obtaining 8 badges.
Fixed a coding error that caused Sneasler's animation to be too slow when in battle.
Fixed a text error on the trash can in the Mint Diner not having the text suggesting the player checked it.

This will likely be the last update for a while, probably until the second DLC comes out (unless there is a serious bug before then.)

Please make sure you are on the latest version when reporting bugs.
To update to the latest version, please go into your Poke_Updater folder and run the exe inside - which will update the game to the latest version.
Please make sure you check out the discord for more information! Click Here