- Views: 3,977
- Replies: 25
Welcome to the Shinju Region! You are one of our foreign exchange students, and you'll be exploring the region at your own leisure - find as many Pokemon as you like, train to be the very best, or take on the Gym Challenge and the Elite Four! The Shinju Region is a vast and expansive region with lots of biodiversity, which has a much higher rate of the elusive shiny pokemon (1/128) plus you can meet and make friends with other exchange students throughout the region.
Team Sunset:
Meanwhile, the mysterious Team Sunset is attempting to make a good public image... while some members are unintentionally giving them a bad look. They intend to be heroes... no matter what the cost. Little is known about them, though the leader of the team goes by the name Orion, and has made numerous public and even televised appearances, touting his team as a place to help the "bad eggs" of society to reform and be productive members of society. Though many say they've seen members doing strange things that contradict these claims.
Pokemon Shinju Adventures is made with Pokemon Essentials (V21.1) and is actively being updated as the game is released but still needs bug fixes. Future updates planned to be released approximately biweekly.
The game is currently on Version 1.99 (Released 3/4/25 and features the entire game. DLC Included!
The game has a built-in nuzlocke feature (optional), pronoun choices, multiple plugins for quality of life (such as built in Party IV checker, Move Relearner, Hidden Power type viewer, etc), a speed modifier (Press Q) for ease of grinding/distance covering, Mystery Gift, EXP All being optional, High EXP gains to minimize grinding, following pokemon, mega evolution, a (pseudo) Wondertrade, animated sprites, no-trade evolutions, Rare Candies at the start of nuzlockes, and multiple save slots.
Known Bugs/Problems/Errors:
The following issues are currently being fixed but have no estimated time to fix - some NPC pathfinding needs work, and custom sprites for flying are missing.
The discord for this game features information such as Mystery Gift Events, update logs, bug reporting, and more. It can be joined with the following link: DISCORD
Download the Version at the link below and use the PokeUpdater.exe inside to update to the latest version.
This makes it so you can get the latest version easily without needing to manually download the files and patch it.
Please join the discord below to know when a new version is released so you can be up to date!
Download the Version at the link below and use the PokeUpdater.exe inside to update to the latest version.
This makes it so you can get the latest version easily without needing to manually download the files and patch it.
Please join the discord below to know when a new version is released so you can be up to date!
Be who fits you best!
Meet the new Professor, Professor Douglas!
Find shiny Pokemon! Can you beat the odds?
Battle against and catch Legendary Pokemon!
Meet the new Professor, Professor Douglas!
Find shiny Pokemon! Can you beat the odds?
Battle against and catch Legendary Pokemon!
Credits for Plugins, Sprites, and Music:
Made with Pokemon Essentials for RPGMakerXP -
"AvatarMonkeyKirby", "Boushy", "Brother1440", "FL.", "Genzai Kawakami", "Golisopod User", "help-14", "IceGod64", "Jacob O. Wobbrock", "KitsuneKouta", "Lisa Ann", "Luka S.J.", "Marin", "MiDas Mike", "Near Fantastica", "PinkMan", "Popper", "Rataime", "Savordez", "SoundSpawn", "the__end", "Venom12", "Wachunga"

ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
Gone are the days of searching for and annoyingly looping audio for your fangames. Every single audio file in this library has already been looped for you, and is in the recommended .ogg format.
Game Updating Plugin - PokeUpdater
Choose Starter Plugin - DiegoWT's Starter Selection
UI Plugin - MUI Modular UI
Pokemon UI Plugin - MUI Enhanced Pokemon UI
Pokemon Sprite Plugin - Generation 9 Pack Plugin
Item Sprite Plugin - Scarlet/Violet Item Sprites
Viewable Encounter Plugin - Encounter List UI
Following Pokemon Plugin - Following Pokemon EX
Generation 5 Bag Plugin - B2W2 Bag
Game Speed Plugin - Delta Speed Up
Multiple Save Slot Plugin - Auto Multi Save
Badge List Plugin - Badgecase
Nuzlocke Features Plugin - Nuzlocke X
Fly Animation Plugin - Overworld Fly Animation
Display Key Item Plugin - BW Get Key Item
Battle UI Plugin - NPB's Battle UI
Customized Type Icon Plugin - Sonicover's Type Plugin
Voltseon's Pause Menu Miror B Overworld Sprite - RedSmeargle
Miror B Trainer Sprite - Pisxel
Miror B VS Sprite - backburner26
Archie Overworld Sprite - DiegoWT Maxie Overworld Sprite - aveontrainer Archie/Maxie/Lysandre trainer sprite - Sugar and Spice, Guzma Sprite - [URLunfurl="true"]https://www.deviantart.com/bombbity/art/Guzma-Sprite-First-Pass-701541367[/URL] Free to Use Custom Badges - icycatelf
Olivia Sprite - mid117
Misc. Sprites - Public Halcyon Assets
Thundaga's Guides
Intro Notice Art -
Deluxe Battle Kit
Enhanced Battle UI
Pokedex Evolution Page https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1543/ Battle Animation Plugin - Gen 9 Move Animation Project -
Animated Pokemon System https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1544/ Evelyn Sprite https://www.deviantart.com/gnomowladny/art/Evelyn-Sprite-427589814 Evelyn overworld https://www.deviantart.com/spinda94/art/Pokemon-Trainer-Evelyn-OW-Overworld-861972136 Valerie Sprite

v21.1 - PokéUpdater
Pokémon Essentials Game Updater (PokéUpdater) is a Plugin for Pokemon Essentials in charge of checking the current game version and notifying players that a new version is available, paired with a lightweight interface developed in Python in...

v21.1 - DiegoWT's Starter Selection
Hey there, how are you all? Give a brand new look for your starter selection with this plugin! (The gifs do not reflect quite well the in-game quality) Features: Choose between HGSS or BW/B2W2 graphics style; Two options of background for...

v21.1 - Modular UI Scenes [v21.1]
Modular UI Scenes for v21.1 Makes the Summary & Pokedex UI's modular, enabling you to easily add, remove, and/or reorder the pages in these screens. Overview Have you ever wanted to add a new page to the Summary or Pokedex screens, but found...

v21.1 - Enhanced Pokemon UI [v21.1]
Enhanced Pokemon UI for v21.1 Adds various small improvements to several Pokemon UI's, such as the Party, Summary, and Storage screens. Overview This plugin enhances several of the base UI screens in Essentials that deal with displaying...

v21.1 - Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)
Generation 9 Resource Pack Finally, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet officially release on November 18th. Even a week after it released, many people, including me, want to try to implement some of the newest mechanics. So, I tried to implement some of...

Icons - Scarlet/Violet item sprites (+ DLC!)
Pixel-style icons for all the items introduced in Scarlet/Violet. Excludes: -picnic items -ingredients -ogerpon's masks -sinistcha's teapots The latter two will be added in another update someday. Some of these are also included in Caruban's...

v21.1 - Encounter list UI (v19+)
With permission from raZ, this is a reworked version of the simple encounter list UI script, now available for v21/21.1! Here's the original resource from raZ and friends: https://reliccastle.com/resources/401/ That resource works with v18/v18.1...

v20.1 - Following Pokemon EX
Mod edit: Without removing the v20.1 for those that are using v20, I've noticed that it's difficult for users to find the proper v21.1 port in the replies of the discussion thread. Here is a shortcut to download the v21.1 port...

v21.1 - B2W2 Bag (Updated)
I present presented you an updated version of LackDejurane's B2W2 Bag resource for v16-v19. But, the original one has been updated by LackDejurane already for v21.1. So use that folks. (https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/661/)

v21.1 - Delta Speed Up
We all know about speed up. It's been a staple of the fan game community for at least a good 6 or so years now. Wars have been fought over whether or not including it makes your game good or bad... ...But who cares about that?! We just want...

v21.1 - Auto Multi Save
Description: Adds multiple save slots and the ability to auto-save. On the Load screen you can use the left and right buttons while "Continue" is selected to cycle through files. When saving, you can quickly save to the same slot you loaded...

v21.1 - Badgecase
Are you tired of the old fashion badge case inside your trainer card? This plugin is for you! Sorry for the mess, it's my first time sharing a plugin. Features: New and better-looking UI for badge case including two pages: The badge case with...

v21.1 - Nuzlocke X (v20+ port)
Nuzlocke X by Luka S.J. updated for Essentials v20+ by A.I.R To start your nuzlocke session, simply run the following command: Nuzlocke.start The nuzlocke is user configurable to customize the level of difficulty within the game, here is a...

v21.1 - (v19+)Fly animation
Fly animation by KleinStudio, Updated for v19+ by me. Gen 3 style:(With Default Animation time) Gen 4 Style:(With Default Animation time) Download Installtion Notes for v19 only: Replace [003]HM Handlers.rb with...

v21.1 - BW Get Key Item + Bonus Icons
Introduction Howdy comrades. This resource is the result of my personal quest to update to most recent version Essentials or to create as many Gen V resources as possible. This time, I've managed to update to v18 the script Get Key Item by...

GUI - NPB's Battle UI and even MORE more
Dark and slick UI to go with BW Summary UIs Just drag and drop the folder into your game directory NOTE : Install this UI after you install ZUD plugin/Tera Plugin if you do plan on installing them or make sure to overwrite them FOR V20.1...

GUI - Fancy looking type icons
A simple edit of the "Type" icons of the game, just because I was bored of the classic ones, so I've tried to give them my own twist. They are a bit noisy (specially the ??? one) but I liked them in the end so i just wanted to share them.

Miror. B's Army by RedSmeargle on DeviantArt

Pixelationaire's Pixelations
Woah look I made some sprites very cool! Also take this devamp! You'll need it on your adventure ~ Upsized Enjoy ~

Miror B spritesheet by backburner26 on DeviantArt

Free-To-Use Custom Pokemon Gym Badges by icycatelf on DeviantArt

Pokemon Sun and Moon Trainer Moon Sprite by mid117 on DeviantArt

Pokémon Halcyon Resource Pack
These are the resources I made for Pokémon Halcyon! See the screenshots below for examples of what the game looks like:

The Spriters Resource - Full Sheet View - Pokémon Black / White - Downloadable Content
Full view of Pokémon Black / White - Downloadable Content.

v21.1 - Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]
Deluxe Battle Kit for v21.1 A battle expansion kit which adds a ton of new features and allows you to completely customize your battles! Overview This plugin is the spiritual successor to the Essentials Deluxe plugin, which previously...

v21.1 - Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]
Enhanced Battle UI for v21.1 An expansion plugin for the Deluxe Battle Kit to improve your battle UI! Overview This plugin adds new windows to the battle scene which you can toggle in order to view detailed information about your Pokemon's...

Animations - The Gen 9 Move Animation Project
This project is a successor to the discontinued Gen 8 Move Animation Project led by St. Cooler, which itself was an extension of Pokemon Reborn's animations. However, this isn't just the Gen 8 project with Gen 9 moves added! The Gen 8 project had...

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