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Animations The Gen 9 Move Animation Project 2024-08-09

This resource consists, or mainly consists, of animations to be added to Essentials.
This project is a successor to the discontinued Gen 8 Move Animation Project led by St. Cooler, which itself was an extension of Pokemon Reborn's animations.
However, this isn't just the Gen 8 project with Gen 9 moves added! The Gen 8 project had very little organization for how it ordered the move list, and since it was made for v18.1, some of the animations were broken when imported to more modern versions. Both of these have been fixed, with all moves grouped by generation and broken animations fixed so they work in versions 20.1 and 21.1 (yes, this project is compatible with both versions!).

~ Installation ~
To install all animations, first go into your project's Data folder and make a backup of the PkmnAnimations.rxdata file, especially if you've already made some custom animations (additionally, you might want to export any custom animations for easy importation later). Next, download the .zip file if you haven't already and unzip it into your project's root folder. To finish it off, you'll need to recompile your game, and after that, you should be good to go.

Important note: We've been having issues with some people getting errors. You must recompile your game when you add these. If problems continue after recompiling, try making these code edits (assuming you're in v21.1):
Go to the BattleAnimationPlayer script in the RMXP script editor (you can Ctrl+Shift+F for bgColor.opacity = oldbg[2] to find it easily), then add && oldbg[2]to the end of lines 482 and 491 of that file, then scroll down a little and add && oldfo[2]to the end of lines 500 and 509 of that same file.

The line numbers given here assumes that you have not already made edits to this file (which I feel is a fair assumption for most users). If you have, these four lines are the ones that handle opacity; the Ctrl+Shift+F above should bring you directly to the first of the four.

I haven't been able to recreate most of the issues, but based on the error messages, this should fix the issue in theory. It may remove some background / foreground effects for some attacks, but it should at least stop any errors and keep your game running smoothly.

If you're still getting problems after adding those edits, leave a reply. Or contact me on Discord @KRLW890 if you'd be open to helping me test out some fixes.

If you just want to import some specific animations, rather than overwriting your PkmnAnimations file, the easiest way to do that would be to follow the above instructions on a copy of your game / Essentials, export the animations you need, and then move and import them to your main project.

This kit also adds a common animation for Illusion wearing off, though Essentials won't use it without a slight code edit. If you're not interested in using this animation, you can go ahead and skip this. Otherwise, you'll want to make the following script edit to get it working:
Use ctrl+shift+F to search for "Battle::AbilityEffects::OnBeingHit.add(:ILLUSION," then replace the code block (10 lines) with this:

proc { |ability, user, target, move, battle|
# NOTE: This intentionally doesn't show the ability splash.
next if !target.effects[PBEffects::Illusion]
battle.pbCommonAnimation("Illusion", target)
target.effects[PBEffects::Illusion] = nil
battle.scene.pbChangePokemon(target, target.pokemon)
battle.pbCommonAnimation("Fade in", target)
battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1}'s illusion wore off!", target.pbThis))

This works in both v20.1 and v21.1

This project is incomplete. We've already made some great progress on Gen 9 moves, and the Gen 8 project left very few moves from Gens 1-8 without animations, but there's still a few left that need attention:

Hard Press
Ivy Cudgel x4, one for each type
Tera Blast

Different animation for Present healing

All shadow moves

All LGPE exclusive moves

All Dynamax and GMax moves

Starmobile moves:

Blazing Torque
Combat Torque
Magical Torque
Noxious Torque
Wicked Torque

If you'd like to contribute, just choose one of the moves above and then post a comment with the required files attached; this means the .anm file and any required graphics/audio if you're not just using assets already included in the project.
If you want to contribute but don't know how to make animations, please read the Essentials docs, make experiments by yourself to familiarize yourself with the tool before asking for help.
Thanks to the Reborn team for letting people use their resources. You are awesome.
Gen 8 Animation Project led by StCooler, with additional contributions by DarrylBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree, Drake Baku
Thanks to BellBlitzKing for his Pokemon Sound Effects Pack: Gen 1 to Gen 7 - All Attacks SFX.
Gen 9 Animation Project led by KRLW890 and Nut0066, with additional contributions by Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp, and Shashu-Greninja
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest reviews

This pack blows Essentials' default move animations out of the water! A must-have for anyone looking for traditional Pokemon animations.
Great animations and excellent organization, leaving room for placeholders and keeping moves in order.
Damn, this is an amazing features you tried to do
Thanks for that, you deserved a big thanks
This is a great quality of life to the battle animations of Pokemon battles in Essentials. I look forward to the progress made to have battle animations for all Pokemon moves.
OMG, this is so amazing!!! It's something I've wanted for my game for a long time. Thanks guys!
Simply, Magnificent. No more missing animation for ya.