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Completed Pokémon: RBGenesis+ - New Content! More Custom Shadow Pokemon + NPCs + Events - [Open to Community Updates]

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
Project Version

Re-experience Kanto in an all new light! Pokémon RBGenesis aims to recreate the feeling of playing Pokémon Red and Blue on your Gameboy for the first time. Using the colorful art style of the Gen 2 GSC games; Pokémon from gens 1-8, And all new events and characters, Kanto will feel nostalgic and fresh at the same time! RBG ups the expected difficulty of the Kanto region to bring a new challenge to returning players. Search the region for new wild Pokémon encounters based on the Day/Night cycle, or for the various Mega Stones and battle items scattered across the region! Discover all new areas, such as the River Valley, Deep Forest, or Mt. Moon Summit! Become the Champion of the Kanto region in a brand new way, and explore all new mysteries!

RBG+: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hhys4x2wkc0mq4p/Pokemon_RBGenesisPlus.zip/file
(OLD) Version 1.5.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/19b77zw9qkyumxz/Pokemon_RBGenesis.zip/file
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/j7fjQ6CBke

Pokemon RBGenesis has it's last official release, and I'm opening it up to the community to keep expanding it! RBG+ Is unfortunately, not a finished update like I had originally wanted. Due to changes in my personal life, I don't have any time to be able to work on the project like I used to. So I wanted to share the little bit that I had gotten to to at least get it out to the public. It includes a lot of fixes for issues you guys were having, as well as a lot of really fun new things to explore! The game is still complete from start to finish, it's really just the post game areas that were too ambitious for me to finalize.

However, if you like the project, and have access to RPG Maker XP, you're more than welcome to carry on the project from where I left off! I will open up some more Discord threads for project discussion and will be there to answer any questions you might have. Let's work together to create the ultimate Kanto experience we can!

RBG+ is still compatible with your old save, but I recommend backing up your old save and starting a new game, so you don't miss any of the new events or cause any unintentional soft locks. All the saved game information is stored in the save file "Game. rxdata", in the folder "C:\Users\ USERNAME \AppData\Roaming\ Pokemon RBGenesis ". Simply moving the save file to a folder will store it and the game will make a new save upon loading.

I hope you guys can forgive me for having to abandon the game, and I hope you enjoy the new update!​

RBG+ Changelog
  • Various Bug fixes and soft lock corrections
  • Added new story elements and characters [e.g. Yellow, Steven Stone, Norman, Prof. Elm]
  • Added (small) Johto post game areas and events
  • Added a menu option for changing controls
  • Included more custom shadow Pokemon to be obtained earlier in the game
  • Added (non-functional) Battle Frontier post game area that can be reached with the S.S. Anne
  • Added repeatable optional Boss fight for Exp Charm / Exp training

v1.5.1 Changes
  • Fixed an issue that would crash the game when playing the animation for certain moves (Needs verification)
  • Changed the Mewtwo encounter in Cerulean Cave to be a Shadow Armored Mewtwo
  • Adjusted the levels of wild Pokémon in late game areas to assist with leveling and team building
  • Fixed an issue that could potentially cause a crash when approaching a flyable location
  • Added a smashable rock in Rock Tunnel to assist with returning to Vermillion City
  • Fixed the HM badge requirement so it correctly checks for the right badge
  • Updated the included text file with information about changes to Pokémon evolutions

v1.4.2 Changes
  • Fixed an issue with the gift Mega Stones after defeating the E4 not giving the correct ones
  • Fixed the previous fix for the Giovanni fight where sometimes the executives rechallenged you to a fight again unintentionally
  • Rebalanced more Gen 1-3 Pokémon, added a text file that goes over all of the Pokémon changes in the game
  • Fixed Fly so it no longer crashes when selecting a location that hadn't been visited yet
  • Fixed a ledge on Route 4 that could get the player stuck out of bounds
  • Fixed Mr. Fuji dialogue so he correctly checks if the player has the Poke Flute
  • Fixed the Mr. Fuji rescue scene so the mega stone doesn't pop in during speech
  • Fixed the Modest Mint item to function correctly
  • Fixed a trainer in the Fuschia Gym that used the wrong dialogue and graphics when defeated
  • Added EV berries to the Safari Zone
  • Added NPC in Fuschia that will give the player an Oval Stone if they show her a member of the Chansey line
  • Added in the missing front sprites for the remaining Mega Evolutions [Back sprites still WIP]
  • Added a few more locations to encounter wild starters and Alolan Pokémon
v1.3 Changes
  • Fixed a soft lock from occurring if you lose the Giovanni fight in Silph Co.
  • Changed the script on the S.S. Anne to handle the Island event more consistently
  • Fixed the mint shop so the Modest Mint option gives the correct mint
  • Added the Snag Machine in the Rocket Hideout in Celadon City
  • Added the ability to purify shadow Pokémon in the Mt. Ember Spa once they open their heart
  • Added a sprite for Mega Camerupt
v1.2 Changes
    • Fixed the sign in Lazy Dayz Farm that had no text
    • Fixed the Dialogue on the S.S. Anne using the Rival's name instead of the Thief's
    • Fixed a ledge on Route 10 that let you jump out of bounds and get stuck
    • fixed the trainer in Vermilion Gym that could soft lock you if spoken to on the wrong side
    • Added a sprite for Mega Pinsir - [More on the way soon]

v1.1 Changes
    • Added Bottle caps and Gold Bottle caps around Kanto. 3 Bottle caps are awarded at the move counter after each Gym.
    • Hyper Trainer NPC in Cerulean City will exchange Bottle Caps to max out Pokémon IV stats.
    • Added new NPC in Lazy Dayz Farm north of Pewter City that sells Nature changing Mints.
    • Added in Gym Leader rematches after defeating the E4.
    • Added new Champion battle after completing all Gym rematches.
    • Fixed an issue with some moves getting an error message when loading the animation.


  • Gen 2 Sprites using Pokémon GSC Essentials in RPG Maker XP
  • Pokémon from Gens 1-8
  • Speed up modes that can be toggled with the Alt button
  • New playable female character (Based on Hilda from Black & White)
  • Additional female rival (Based on Green from the Pokémon Adventures manga)
  • Updated Gen 8 mechanics and items
  • Reusable TMs
  • New move counter in PokéCenters [TM shop, Move Relearner, Move Deleter]
  • Updated maps to a more natural style
  • Mega Evolutions, Shadow Pokémon, and Double Battles
  • Modern PC boxes
  • New events, NPCs, and Locations
  • Updated and expanded Safari Zone and new Bug Catching contest
  • Optional Nuzlocke friendly Key Item "Candy Bag" in Pallet Town
  • Increased difficulty and level caps for major battles
  • Stat buffs, ability changes, type changes to a small handful of Pokémon
  • Optional Gameboy Color window frames!



Overworld Screenshots





RBG Game Creation


Pokémon GSC Essentials
With the indispensable help of: Caruban, prankster20, Vendily, AwfullyWaffley, TechSkylander1518, James Davy.

Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out

"RPG Maker XP" by:
3rd, 4th and 5th generation Pokémon
devamped sprites made by:

NICKtendo DS
Alpha Six
Special thanks to:
The Spriters Resource
Pia Carrot
out written
Crystal GFX Files:
GBC Party Sprites
JF278 & Dani (from Pokémon Fierce Melody)
Sun/Moon Community Dex v2.0:
Pia Carrot
Sword/Shield Community Dex GSC style:
Meltan - ???, BloodlessNS
Melmetal - JuicyChickenThighs, PiaCarrot
Grookey, Jozzer26, PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
Scorbunny - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane, BloodlessNS
Sobble - EeVeeEe1999
Gossifleur - QuilChess, PiaCarrot, Copetin, JaceDeane
Eldegoss - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
Corviknight - LucasSevero
Dreadnaw - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Wooloo - Nuuk
Zacian - PiaCarrot, Copetin
Zamazenta - PiaCarrot
Impidimp - PiaCarrot
Yamper - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Rolycoly - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Duraldon - Enderific, JaceDeane
Alcremie - JaceDeane
Weezing - PiaCarrot
Menu - Toxel Dragapult Chewtle Cursola Coalossal Eiscue Dracozolt Arctozolt.
Hatterene Barraskewda, Mr Rime
Rookiedie - Pia Carrot
Morpeko - JaceDeane
Polteageist - EeVeeEe1999
Cramorant - EeVeeEe1999
Applin - Pia Carrot
Obstagoon - Copetin
Sirfetchd - Enderific, JaceDeane
Ponyta - JuicyChickenThighs
Zigzagoon & Linoone - EeVeeEe1999
Dracovish - Nuuk
Drizzile Inteleon - Pia Carrot
Runerigus - EeVeeEe1999
Blipbug line - Enderific (and resized by Pia Carrot)
Dreepy and evo - Enderific
Galarian Meowth - Enderific
Hattena - Cinnaboopa
Attack Animations:
The Spriters Resource
Pia Carrot
Gen 8 Project for Essentials 18 and 18.1:

Cry Credits:
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries- Rhyden
Gen 7 Pokemon Cries- Marin, Rhyden
Gen 8 Pokemon Cries- Zeak6464
PBS Credits:
Zerokid, TheToxic, Golisopod User, HM100, KyureJL, ErwanBeurier
Script Credits:
Gen 8 Scripts: Vendily, TheToxic, HM100, Golisopod User, Aioross, WolfPP, MFilice, lolface, KyureJL, DarrylBD99, Turn20Negate, TheKandinavian, ErwanBeurier
UberDunsparce - Compilation of Resources
Music and SFX:
Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal
Pokémon DPPT
Mario Tennis
Pokémon TCG GBC
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak

Gameboy Borders

Various Artwork


Known Fixes in Progress
    • Majority of Gen 8 Pokémon need sprites
    • Game crashes upon leveling up to lvl 100 in battle. [UI bug, can be bypassed with rare candies]
    • Battle Frontier battles crash upon trying to load the battle intro animations



RBG+: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hhys4x2wkc0mq4p/Pokemon_RBGenesisPlus.zip/file
Version 1.5.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/19b77zw9qkyumxz/Pokemon_RBGenesis.zip/file
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/j7fjQ6CBke

RBG+ Changelog
  • Various Bug fixes and soft lock corrections
  • Added new story elements and characters [e.g. Yellow, Steven Stone, Norman, Prof. Elm]
  • Added (small) Johto post game areas and events
  • Added a menu option for changing controls
  • Included more custom shadow Pokemon to be obtained earlier in the game
  • Added (non-functional) Battle Frontier post game area that can be reached with the S.S. Anne
  • Added repeatable optional Boss fight for Exp Charm / Exp training

v1.5.1 Changes
  • Fixed an issue that would crash the game when playing the animation for certain moves (Needs verification)
  • Changed the Mewtwo encounter in Cerulean Cave to be a Shadow Armored Mewtwo
  • Adjusted the levels of wild Pokémon in late game areas to assist with leveling and team building
  • Fixed an issue that could potentially cause a crash when approaching a flyable location
  • Added a smashable rock in Rock Tunnel to assist with returning to Vermillion City
  • Fixed the HM badge requirement so it correctly checks for the right badge
  • Updated the included text file with information about changes to Pokémon evolutions

v1.4.2 Changes
  • Fixed an issue with the gift Mega Stones after defeating the E4 not giving the correct ones
  • Fixed the previous fix for the Giovanni fight where sometimes the executives rechallenged you to a fight again unintentionally
  • Rebalanced more Gen 1-3 Pokémon, added a text file that goes over all of the Pokémon changes in the game
  • Fixed Fly so it no longer crashes when selecting a location that hadn't been visited yet
  • Fixed a ledge on Route 4 that could get the player stuck out of bounds
  • Fixed Mr. Fuji dialogue so he correctly checks if the player has the Poke Flute
  • Fixed the Mr. Fuji rescue scene so the mega stone doesn't pop in during speech
  • Fixed the Modest Mint item to function correctly
  • Fixed a trainer in the Fuschia Gym that used the wrong dialogue and graphics when defeated
  • Added EV berries to the Safari Zone
  • Added NPC in Fuschia that will give the player an Oval Stone if they show her a member of the Chansey line
  • Added in the missing front sprites for the remaining Mega Evolutions [Back sprites still WIP]
  • Added a few more locations to encounter wild starters and Alolan Pokémon

v1.3 Changes
    • Fixed a soft lock from occurring if you lose the Giovanni fight in Silph Co.
    • Changed the script on the S.S. Anne to handle the Island event more consistently
    • Fixed the mint shop so the Modest Mint option gives the correct mint
    • Added the Snag Machine in the Rocket Hideout in Celadon City
    • Added the ability to purify shadow Pokémon in the Mt. Ember Spa once they open their heart
    • Added a sprite for Mega Camerupt
v1.2 Changes
    • Fixed the sign in Lazy Dayz Farm that had no text
    • Fixed the Dialogue on the S.S. Anne using the Rival's name instead of the Thief's
    • Fixed a ledge on Route 10 that let you jump out of bounds and get stuck
    • fixed the trainer in Vermilion Gym that could soft lock you if spoken to on the wrong side
    • Added a sprite for Mega Pinsir - [More on the way soon]

v1.1 Changes
    • Added Bottle caps and Gold Bottle caps around Kanto. 3 Bottle caps are awarded at the move counter after each Gym.
    • Hyper Trainer NPC in Cerulean City will exchange Bottle Caps to max out Pokémon IV stats.
    • Added new NPC in Lazy Dayz Farm north of Pewter City that sells Nature changing Mints.
    • Added in Gym Leader rematches after defeating the E4.
    • Added new Champion battle after completing all Gym rematches.
    • Fixed an issue with some moves getting an error message when loading the animation.



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Oct 30, 2020
Yes there are nature mints! If you bring cut to Pewter City, north of the museum is Lazy Days Farm. There's NPCs there that sell them and other items.

And yes the crashing has been fixed, if you get the latest download from the link it should be good to go!
Thanks !

I'll try the 1.5, and refrain from testing the gen 1 bugs :D


Oct 30, 2020
So that's the exact crash I was having. on Rout 1 right? Lock said like 2 comments up that the new v1.5 dropped last night fixed that issue. Worked for me, just gotta re-download the client, and you keep your saved data
Nice, indeed route 1, I tried legit every tile before posting the screen^^
Will try htat after dinner for sure.


Mar 30, 2023
What floor is the players room supposed to be? in the entry floor the empty room you cant sleep in the bed. re: ss anne


Jun 13, 2020
This game would be soooo good with a battle factory. Love it regardless though


Dec 20, 2023
What floor is the players room supposed to be? in the entry floor the empty room you cant sleep in the bed. re: ss anne
It's the third floor, second room. The one next to the locked room.

This game would be soooo good with a battle factory. Love it regardless though
I agree! I've been having issues with crashes in the battle towers that were in the kit. When I get them working, I'll definitely add them in for some post game content for sure!


Jun 13, 2020
It's the third floor, second room. The one next to the locked room.

I agree! I've been having issues with crashes in the battle towers that were in the kit. When I get them working, I'll definitely add them in for some post game content for sure!
Dont know if its even possible, but a full battle frontier or something similar would be so great. Some rental mons with the factory, team synergy with battle tower, double battles, etc. I just love the graphics and this fan game in general. So amazing. Im hoping for the best.


Oct 30, 2020
I was confused a bit by certain logical aberrations in the movepools....
The 1st surprise came from mudkip / marshtomp on their leveling up (my team is lvl 25 atm, just arrived in cerulean city) compared to this poor charmander / charmeleon that has a disgustingly bad movepool (if you want to play it special ofc) compared to mudkip family. Then Gyarados learning waterfall lvl 21... makes life easy for sure ! But !!!! What really melted my brain isn't the ice fangs to relearn on gyarados? NOT The total lack of anything for charmeleon, it's the fact that my marshtomp could relearn........... earthquake and surf. At lvl 26. That's a huuuuuuuuuuge contrast with the TMs available at this point of the game ! I only took Charmeleon as exemple because well I have a team of 3 atm, charmeleon marshtomp and gyarados. I have seen many others with crazy moovepols and not much keeping a classic one that I was curious if those earthquake + surf on relearn was intended.
That being said, I'm still having alot of fun (except in Mt.Moon, the encounter rate is CRAZY and without repels it took me almost 20 min to clear that up^^ maybe put a pack of 5 repels near entrance :P) and really like the changes done so far.
There is also a tile somewhere east in the forest that is supposed to be a greass patch but it's not possible ot walk on it. Nothing gamebreaking it's basicaly irrelevent, no consequences, just happens to be there^^


Dec 20, 2023
I was confused a bit by certain logical aberrations in the movepools....
The 1st surprise came from mudkip / marshtomp on their leveling up (my team is lvl 25 atm, just arrived in cerulean city) compared to this poor charmander / charmeleon that has a disgustingly bad movepool (if you want to play it special ofc) compared to mudkip family. Then Gyarados learning waterfall lvl 21... makes life easy for sure ! But !!!! What really melted my brain isn't the ice fangs to relearn on gyarados? NOT The total lack of anything for charmeleon, it's the fact that my marshtomp could relearn........... earthquake and surf. At lvl 26. That's a huuuuuuuuuuge contrast with the TMs available at this point of the game ! I only took Charmeleon as exemple because well I have a team of 3 atm, charmeleon marshtomp and gyarados. I have seen many others with crazy moovepols and not much keeping a classic one that I was curious if those earthquake + surf on relearn was intended.
That being said, I'm still having alot of fun (except in Mt.Moon, the encounter rate is CRAZY and without repels it took me almost 20 min to clear that up^^ maybe put a pack of 5 repels near entrance :P) and really like the changes done so far.
There is also a tile somewhere east in the forest that is supposed to be a greass patch but it's not possible ot walk on it. Nothing gamebreaking it's basicaly irrelevent, no consequences, just happens to be there^^
I've noticed the move pool for the gen 3 Pokemon in general has a lot of really good relearn only moves. Maybe because the relearner NPC was a big thing in RSE? But it does make certain Pokemon a lot stronger for a playthrough than others for sure. For the most part all Pokemon just use their official learn sets from gen 8, aside from a few changes I made to a few weaker Pokemon. I could spend more time giving a lot more relearn moves to every Pokemon, but that could take a while considering how many there are.

As for the grass tile, it's intentional. I tried using the different tiles in ways that made the maps feel more organic and natural. I felt that tall grass would still grow in areas just out of reach as well.


Oct 30, 2020
I've noticed the move pool for the gen 3 Pokemon in general has a lot of really good relearn only moves. Maybe because the relearner NPC was a big thing in RSE? But it does make certain Pokemon a lot stronger for a playthrough than others for sure. For the most part all Pokemon just use their official learn sets from gen 8, aside from a few changes I made to a few weaker Pokemon. I could spend more time giving a lot more relearn moves to every Pokemon, but that could take a while considering how many there are.

As for the grass tile, it's intentional. I tried using the different tiles in ways that made the maps feel more organic and natural. I felt that tall grass would still grow in areas just out of reach as well.
I see ! I like the idea for the tile ^^
For movepools it's not the 1st time I see moves not supposed to be around, but hey it does help alot :P since there are many surprises in the gyms, it's another form of challenge for this generation than the gen 1 type of difficulty, nd even in the grass sometimes, I did get clapped entering forest with my little mons lvl 8 and 9 on the 1st wild x) Didn't happen for so long I laughed alot.


Jan 17, 2024
This has to be the best Gen 1 game I've played. better than anything Nintendo has made!
Makes me want to do a Nuzlock.. It would be cool to keep this original file and swap to a resetable nuzlock, any plans to make 2 save files possible? or is that something i can do on my end with moving a saved file out of a folder?


Dec 9, 2023
A buneary used Baby doll eyes and the game crashed
(I did not save at all and lost everything)


Dec 20, 2023
I see ! I like the idea for the tile ^^
For movepools it's not the 1st time I see moves not supposed to be around, but hey it does help alot :P since there are many surprises in the gyms, it's another form of challenge for this generation than the gen 1 type of difficulty, nd even in the grass sometimes, I did get clapped entering forest with my little mons lvl 8 and 9 on the 1st wild x) Didn't happen for so long I laughed alot.
I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far!

This has to be the best Gen 1 game I've played. better than anything Nintendo has made!
Makes me want to do a Nuzlock.. It would be cool to keep this original file and swap to a resetable nuzlock, any plans to make 2 save files possible? or is that something i can do on my end with moving a saved file out of a folder?
You can access the save files on your end in the path [C:>Users>YourName>SavedGames>Pokemon RBGenesis]
If you make a separate folder to backup the file in there and remove it, the game should make a new save file if one isn't in that location!

A buneary used Baby doll eyes and the game crashed
(I did not save at all and lost everything)
It's a known issue for some users atm. If you can check your graphics driver to make sure its up to date, that can help fix the issue. If not, disabling animations in the options temporarily until I can make a full fix for it will stop the crash


Jun 13, 2020
The updating the graphics drivers baffles me because mine are updated and im playing on my ROG Ally. Always gets the crash with Spinarak like others mentioned. Disabling animations did make the game work with no issues though. This game is scary addictive lol, can't give enough praise and excitement for whats to come with the post game.


Jan 17, 2024
Just had a crash while inspecting
"shadow pokemon moves. specifically the first empty space, and only inspected the Shadow Crobat."


Dec 20, 2023
Just had a crash while inspecting
"shadow pokemon moves. specifically the first empty space, and only inspected the Shadow Crobat."
I see. There was one shadow move I wasn't able to add in, but the file for the shadow pokemon movesets has Crobat learn that move is the reason. I've updated the list so that future shadow Crobats won't have the issue, however the one you've caught has already been created with the move so it will still have it. Thank you for letting me know!

Also big news! I believe I have found a potential fix for the battle animation crashes! Since I've never received any crashes on my end, I can't verify myself, but I am confident I figured out what was causing the issue. If you update to the v1.5.1 and still have the animation issues, please let me know so I can keep working on it.

I've changed the Mewtwo encounter in Cerulean cave to be a shadow armored Mewtwo encounter, and I adjusted the late game wild Pokemon levels. I hope you enjoy the update!


Jan 17, 2024
Just had Salazzle toxic my Steelix in Blane's Gym. Should be immune right?
Also, in the 8th gym, I fought a double battle with the guy in green and the girl in red, took a step back, using healing items, stepped forward and she initiated battle again, except this time it was a solo battle with the girl.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2020
Just beat the league !
On that note would be cool to have a display of all 6 mons in hall of fame or even when we beat it, to make a screen of all^^
I was also curious on how to reverse the shadow mons, maybe I skipped a few dialogue lines that said it, but fact is I got no idea where to go to do that !
Oh and also where to get waterfall & dive :D
Last edited:


Dec 20, 2023
Just had Salazzle toxic my Steelix in Blane's Gym. Should be immune right?
Also, in the 8th gym, I fought a double battle with the guy in green and the girl in red, took a step back, using healing items, stepped forward and she initiated battle again, except this time it was a solo battle with the girl.
Oh I thought I fixed that trainer lol thank you for the heads up!

Just beat the league !
On that note would be cool to have a display of all 6 mons in hall of fame or even when we beat it, to make a screen of all^^
I was also curious on how to reverse the shadow mons, maybe I skipped a few dialogue lines that said it, but fact is I got no idea where to go to do that !
Oh and also where to get waterfall & dive :D
You'll want to return to One Island on the S.S. Anne and head to Ember Spa. The spa owner will give you Dive, and you can use Dive outside the Seafoam Islands to find Waterfall!

Or if you already found some Pokemon that can learn waterfall by level up (Gyarados) that also works too.