I like the park, the cityscape section though if it weren't as boxy or zig-zaggy would look nicer. I would recommend using more pathway intersections that you'd see in a normal town, T-Junctions and 4-Way Intersections along with making small corner pockets for stores. Doign this could help divy up the atmosphere and also provide more places to put items into the map.Theme: Park in a city
Map: Name of map: Pokeball City
Tileset credits:
1. Ekat
2. Vurtax (FRLG Rips)
3. Heartlessdragoon (RSE Rips)
4. Alistar (tree bases and short grass patches)
5. Slimshady (mailboxes)
This map was a bit of a struggle and I'm not too proud of it but it was fun to mess around with tiles I haven't used before and try to make a map like this
Looking for feedback?: Yes
I really like your use of spacing in this map, makes everything connect together. Though I would say to work on making your mountain a bit more unique and lively, currently it looks a bit flat, now the player may not be able to see the full thing but allowing for time to make it look more natural is beneficial.Theme: Park in the city
Map name: Parkmap City
Comments: This turned out bigger than I wanted it to, but oh well.
This is my own private tileset
This map is wonderful, I don't have much to say about it other than having walkable grass in areas that aren't reachable is sometimes a bit weird looking, makes you think there is a way to arrive there in some fashion.Map: Cabin in the woods
Tileset credits: It's a private tileset done for pokémon Perseida, in this specific map it contains tiles made by me(Clara_Dragon), Magiscarf, Kyledove, hek-el-grande, and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, so just in case here's the full credit list of the game.
Comments: I've been stuck just doing events in my game for a while, so this is an ideal excuse to map random things. Spent around an hour and half making the map and adding extra details.
Looking for feedback?: Sure, feedback is always welcomed.
I like the use of multiple ways to get around here feels like a proper city, but the park section seems a bit bland without variation in the grass that you have, using multiple types of the grass adds contrast to a scene; along with changing up the river some to not be as linear and make it a bit more natural looking with bends and curves. Good job keeping the buildings in different spots and sizes makes the outside feel alive and not static.Name of map: Park District
Comments: This took longer than I wanted it to because I kept messing up the roof placement and I have no idea how to make the dark grass patches look natural but I like how it came out.1. Ekat
2. Vurtax (FRLG Rips)
3. Heartlessdragoon (RSE Rips)
4. Alistar (tree bases and short grass patches)
5. Slimshady (mailboxes)
Looking for feedback?: If you want :)
Yes, sorry about that. Back in September and again in maybe 3 weeks ago, staff members posted in the Discord server that people shouldn't expect another Winter Game Jam in January. I personally never viewed it as an annual tradition, and "the winter game jam isn't going to be every winter" sounds nicer than "we are canceling the winter game jam" but I do apologize for the radio silence from us!From the description: With the cancellation of the Relic Castle Winter Game Jam 2024, I saw it as an opportunity to do something I've been wanting to do for a while now. Make my own Game Jam.
Did the Winter Game Jam actually get canceled several months in advance with no notification of it on the forums?
I quite like the map, though one of my things for feedback is making your base layer grass not be straight lines of 2 grass types, try to make them varied by filling the map with a 3x3 spread of them placed a bit randomly. Other than that everything looks really nice, the cliffs flow well and the trees look nice, though i would add some to the bottom layer to add some contrast to the tree bases.Theme: Cabin in the Woods
Name of map: Overlook Hotel
Comments: And the award for latest entry goes to... anyway, I think this map is okay. I had the Overlook Hotel from The Shining when I made this, a winding mountain road leading to a solitary building. Kind of struggled with the tileset because I'm a little dumb and because it felt a tad limiting decoration-wise, but that's okay! We go again tomorrow.Suggested tileset - Haunted Woods
1. Ekat
2. Vurtax (FRLG Rips)
3. Heartlessdragoon (RSE Rips)
4. Zein (Trees & mushrooms)
Looking for feedback?: Sure
I love that it's a Shellos ranch! That's such a creative idea. The map looks great too.Map name: Attack at the Shellos Nursery!
Comments: New ride Pokemon available! In the lands West of Sinnoh, this town is an ecological preserve for a variety of Shellos not commonly found in this region.Tiles:
BW Citrine Tileset (used the flowers)
Feedback?: I'd love to hear your thoughts!
The map is too open in my opinion, having more trees and snow layering present could've helped, the dead space and rectangular cliffs also take away from what could be a nice map, especially that front section with the Tori and TreesTheme: East
Name of map: The East and West Towers
Tileset credits:
Background: Nightshade Resource Pack (Ekat)
Edited by Armin
Comments: This map went a lot more smoothly and was less frustrating, loved the tileset.
Looking for feedback?: Yes