- Views: 9,187
- Replies: 17
- Story
This story is basically a normal Pokemon game which changes depending if you choose Pokemon Control or Freedom. In the story you have to stop team blood with their plans and catch hundreds of completely new and regional Pokemon, defeat the Pokemon league and catch the legendarys in the end.
This Region is based on the Region I´ve created with my little brother when I was in the First grade of School, so some things are a bit unusual.
You can also visit some other fakemon regions of other Projects (currently 2). Depending on how well this Game does, I might add more but don´t count on it since I´m tired after over 5 years of Solo Dev work.
- Choosable Editions, that being either Pokémon Control or Freedom
- Gyms depending if you have chosen Pokemon Control or Freedom
- Version exclusive Forms, Encounters and Evolutions
- Overworld encounters and Version exclusive encounters
- Day night events
- New Fakemon
- New Abilities
- New Moves
- New Megas
- New Region
- New Trainer and Rivals
- A new Story based on the FUTURE of my childhood region
- Custom Tilesets
- A new Evil Team known as Team Blood with custom Theme songs made by lmzproduction
- 2 visitable regions from other Fangames (we did a collab) so check them out!
- OW Encounters
- The Mountain of Legends that offers OW battles where YOU have to avoid and fight the Pokemon
- 4 Paradox Pokémon
- Some Fakemon also have custom cries
- High Shiny Encounter chance
- Wild Fakemon with hidden Abilities
- Some Pokémon might have secret ability, a powerful 4th ability that you some Fakemon have receivable through sidequests
- Cool Flying method inspired on the Latios/Latias Flying in ORAS
Bad humor
- Discord Server has been deleted due to the lack of Players.
The Discord Server will shut down in October so I´ll just post the codes for the Gift Pokemon here:
- 1312: Porygon with it´s hidden Ability and an Upgrade
- 1050: Greelien with it´s hidden ability and the Item Space data (A fakemon created by my youngest brother)
- 2508: Scorbunny called Bunbun (Reference to a Youtuber called Spatial Gum) with really high stats, a new sprite, Jolly and a Focussash
- 2017: This Code is based on the date when I´ve started to make this game so you´ll receive all starters with their hidden ability, set nature and some IV´s
- 1111: Amongus
- 7353: A shiny Scarabit with its secret ability Shining Luck (which is a build in Shiny charm on a Pokémon) and a Masterball
- 4060: A incredibly strong Gengar based on a member of Spatial Gum´s channel
- 3110: Triggers a Halloween Event that can be played in Simose Town (The Town of the First Gym) In that Event you can receive a Regional Form of a Fakemon from Pokemon Plasma and a Legendary in Route 4 during night time
- 5034: 2 of the rarest and normally hardest receivable Fossils that contain the 2nd stage of two pseudo-legendary Fakemon
- 2112: Buff Tandemaus
- Credits:
- Pokemon Control and Freedom by Me
Pokemon Spriter Me
Map Designer Me
Scripting by Me
Story by Me
Pokemon design Concepts mostly made by Me
Cubleaf line made by Vanillish499
Randomized Pokemon Script By Umbreon
Pokémon Selection - by FL
Wonder Trade Script by Black Eternity
Scripting Utilities/Fancy Badges by Luka S.J.
EV/IV Screen by Zardae
Deember Line by Smiley Zerkro and Dark Ray aka Light rayquaza (Heatstrom slightly edited by me as well)
Mega Rabbicks design inspired by DrCrafty's Gloronor Artwork
Hisuian Growlithe Ow Sprite by Boonzeet
Hisuian Growlithe line by Lennybitao
Custom Trainer Themes by lmzproduction
Santerra Region made by AshKetchum2080 (Resprited into the Gen 5 style by Me)
Sperial Region (of Pokemon Plasma) made by Madrit Pawmot (Resprited into the Gen 5 style by Me)
Beta Testers:
AshKetchum2080 (Biggest Shoutout to him for helping me by far the most in this Project)
I´ve used Pokémon Essentials for this one
- Pokemon Essentials BW by Klein Studio: https://www.deviantart.com/kleinstudio/art/UPDATE-Pokemon-Essentials-BW-V3-1-1-539043910
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Golisopod User
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on "mkxp" by Ancurio et al.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
I´ve originally Planned more but after years of Solo Dev this Project without receiving any attention at all, I´ll just release it for good now.
Unfortunately my only Beta tester that did something couldn´t do anything the last few months so if there are any bugs left, please tell me.
But besides that, thanks for your attention! I hope you have fun playing this game after I put so much hard work into it! ^^
- Download Link: Pokemon Control and Freedom
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