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Pokémon: Kanto Reloaded is a non-profit fan remake of the original Red/Blue (or more specifically FireRed/LeafGreen), created in Pokémon Essentials v20.1, with updated mechanics, extra maps, and a massively expanded roster of Pokémon, wrapped in a pseudo-random presentation to make no two playthroughs exactly the same.
If you’ve played a Kanto game before, it’s a near-guarantee that you’ve faced down Brock with a Mankey and your starter, after wading through hordes of Caterpie and Weedle in Viridian Forest. Perhaps you chose Bulbasaur for the type advantage over the first three gyms. And you’ve definitely braced yourself for an onslaught of Zubat in Mt. Moon. That predictability is what Reloaded seeks to eliminate, instead presenting you with a game in which you’ll never quite know what’s around each corner - and in which every single playthrough is unique. You’ll still get all that nostalgic Gen 1 goodness (in GBA graphics style), but you might run into Starly, Wurmple, and Weedle in the Forest, while another player is catching Pidgey, Blipbug, and Scatterbug, and while yet another sees Pikipek, Weedle, and Caterpie (and so on). Trainers and Gym Leaders are similarly randomized: any one of 18 different Leaders might call Pewter City their home!
Traditional randomizers are fun in their own right, but they often destroy the difficulty curve when you can pick up, for example, a Snorlax on Route 1. Here, you’ll still go from catching birds and bugs early to encountering sea monsters late, preserving the game’s natural arc. But rather than a set roster of Pokémon species available to you, the ‘mons you come across will be a unique combination of creatures that fit each route. Each Reload aims to present you with a different experience while still retaining the feel and the spirit of the familiar game we all know and love.
Kanto Reloaded uses remixed/remastered music tracks. If you would prefer the original GBA & DS music, download this file and follow the instructions in the readme.
Randomized wild Pokémon encounters in each playthrough!
Essentially, each wild Pokémon “slot” features one Pokémon randomly selected from a set list, which is rolled upon starting a new game and then stays constant, resulting in quite literally millions of possible combinations while retaining the overall curve of the game. You’ll always find a bird and a critter on Route 1, but which ones they’ll be is anyone’s guess. Every non-legendary Pokémon through Gen IX is potentially available, but only ~250 will be catchable in any one game.
(Semi-)Random trainers with (semi-)random teams!
Trainers are no longer completely static, but will appear and disappear from routes based on a hidden variable that will change as you play the game. There is no VS Seeker or phone, so each can still only be challenged once, even if they appear to “reset,” but the world will feel a bit more alive as they rotate in and out. In addition, each individual trainer will randomly choose their team from a hand-crafted set of Pokémon, no longer limited by region or generation.
Mystery Gyms and a new Elite Four!
A grand total of 18 Gym Leaders are programmed into the game, one for each Pokémon type. Seven of these will be randomly selected to populate the first seven Gyms (Giovanni, for story purposes, will always be the 8th Leader - though he’s been given a type-neutral team to compensate). To complement this, you’ll also face some combination of 8 different, custom Elite Four members, each of which follows a theme instead of a single type, so you’d better come prepared with a versatile team of your own! Each Leader will scale based on when they appear - Brock won’t just be using Geodude and Onix if he’s running Cinnabar Island - and all Gym Leaders, as well as your Rival, are subject to the same pseudo-random team selection as regular trainers.
A revamped Kanto with new areas to explore!
All maps have been recreated from scratch; some have only minor variations from their official counterparts, but others have undergone major redesigns. In addition, expect to see a couple of completely new areas of Kanto along the way, including the snowy top of Mt. Moon and the swampy Fuschia Moor. The story has also been expanded upon: you’ll take part in a series of events loosely following the canon of the Kanto region. Mewtwo has escaped from Team Rocket, and has a terrible plan to retaliate against his tormentors. A race between Oak, Giovanni, and Mewtwo to capture the three legendary birds ensues, and provides the backdrop for your journey through the region.
Following Pokémon, Gameplay Modes, and other QoL Adjustments!
Your Pokémon will follow you around outside of its Pokéball, just like in HeartGold/SoulSilver. You'll also have the option to play in different modes, like Double Battles, Level Cap, and Limited (where you can only use as many Pokémon as your opponent). HMs are replaced with new "Pokémon Techs" (and an unlockable Fast Travel system to replace Fly), TMs can be duplicated at PokéMarts, and breeding has been replaced with a much more accessible "cloning" system. This is all on top of multiple save files, a speed-up switch, Unreal Time, and a whole host of other balance changes!
Additional Notes & Screenshots
Randomized wild Pokémon encounters in each playthrough!
Essentially, each wild Pokémon “slot” features one Pokémon randomly selected from a set list, which is rolled upon starting a new game and then stays constant, resulting in quite literally millions of possible combinations while retaining the overall curve of the game. You’ll always find a bird and a critter on Route 1, but which ones they’ll be is anyone’s guess. Every non-legendary Pokémon through Gen IX is potentially available, but only ~250 will be catchable in any one game.
(Semi-)Random trainers with (semi-)random teams!
Trainers are no longer completely static, but will appear and disappear from routes based on a hidden variable that will change as you play the game. There is no VS Seeker or phone, so each can still only be challenged once, even if they appear to “reset,” but the world will feel a bit more alive as they rotate in and out. In addition, each individual trainer will randomly choose their team from a hand-crafted set of Pokémon, no longer limited by region or generation.
Mystery Gyms and a new Elite Four!
A grand total of 18 Gym Leaders are programmed into the game, one for each Pokémon type. Seven of these will be randomly selected to populate the first seven Gyms (Giovanni, for story purposes, will always be the 8th Leader - though he’s been given a type-neutral team to compensate). To complement this, you’ll also face some combination of 8 different, custom Elite Four members, each of which follows a theme instead of a single type, so you’d better come prepared with a versatile team of your own! Each Leader will scale based on when they appear - Brock won’t just be using Geodude and Onix if he’s running Cinnabar Island - and all Gym Leaders, as well as your Rival, are subject to the same pseudo-random team selection as regular trainers.
A revamped Kanto with new areas to explore!
All maps have been recreated from scratch; some have only minor variations from their official counterparts, but others have undergone major redesigns. In addition, expect to see a couple of completely new areas of Kanto along the way, including the snowy top of Mt. Moon and the swampy Fuschia Moor. The story has also been expanded upon: you’ll take part in a series of events loosely following the canon of the Kanto region. Mewtwo has escaped from Team Rocket, and has a terrible plan to retaliate against his tormentors. A race between Oak, Giovanni, and Mewtwo to capture the three legendary birds ensues, and provides the backdrop for your journey through the region.
Following Pokémon, Gameplay Modes, and other QoL Adjustments!
Your Pokémon will follow you around outside of its Pokéball, just like in HeartGold/SoulSilver. You'll also have the option to play in different modes, like Double Battles, Level Cap, and Limited (where you can only use as many Pokémon as your opponent). HMs are replaced with new "Pokémon Techs" (and an unlockable Fast Travel system to replace Fly), TMs can be duplicated at PokéMarts, and breeding has been replaced with a much more accessible "cloning" system. This is all on top of multiple save files, a speed-up switch, Unreal Time, and a whole host of other balance changes!
Additional Notes & Screenshots
- Many evolution mechanics have been changed. Pokémon who evolve via trading or any non-standard method (Inkay, for example), have had their evolution methods normalized. Most Pokémon have also seen moveset or ability tweaks, for balance, or to make ‘mons that occupy the same role more “equal” to each other. The in-game Pokedex screen will list all of these details; no guesswork will be needed. All Pokémon will also have minor gender differences, just for funsies.
NOTE: Movesets are being worked on piecemeal over the course of the Beta. Not every species has had their details finalized yet. - The very nature of the game is to promote replayability, so many of the minmax team-building features from current official games have been excluded. There is limited access to Ability Capsules and Mints, no Super Training, no way to reliably max out IVs or EVs - what you catch is what you get, and if you don’t like it, catch something else, or breed a new one. Hidden Abilities also now spawn rarely on wild Pokémon, and using Honey will give you a better chance for higher stats.
- The team-building options that ARE included are focused on movesets and team composition. The new variation on breeding involves duplicating your Pokémon as though it had been left at the daycare with a Ditto, while also giving you much easier access to egg moves. Move Tutors for many common moves have been scattered across the map. And you’ll have the ability to transfer up to 12 Pokémon per save file for use on another playthrough - allowing you to, for example, use both Krabby and Corphish on your team, even though the two occupy the same encounter slot and are normally mutually-exclusive.
NOTE: Most Pokémon currently only have placeholder egg moves, as this is a fully-custom system. They will be updated as their movesets are finalized. - There are new encounter methods for caves and surfing! Chalk this one up to personal preference, but I’ve always hated having to pop repels while surfing or else run into 20 Tentacool just trying to get through a route. There are now “shallow water” and “rocky ground” tiles that function just like the “tall grass” tiles on standard routes, and no Pokémon will be found outside of those tiles. This also completely replaces fishing.
- Despite the whole National Dex being used, very few legendaries/mythics/Ultra Beasts will make any appearance in-game (you won’t be able to complete the National Dex in any given playthrough anyway, so this is not a huge loss). Lugia and the three Legendary Birds play a large role in the expanded story, as do Mew and Mewtwo. But as story-important characters, not to mention Legendary Pokémon, they don’t occupy the same role as they usually would. The usual National Dex, with all numbers intact, is available in-game despite the voids that the Legendaries will leave. In addition, however, is a modified National Dex that skips the Legendaries and places evolutionary lines together. You are free to use whichever you like.
- Every non-Legendary Pokémon, however, is potentially encounterable in-game, from Gen 1 through Gen 9. Gigantamaxing/Dynamaxing and Z-moves are not included; Mega Evolutions may be included at a later date, but are currently not available. Pokémon Centers include a tracker system to let you see which Pokémon are available on nearby routes, as well as which ones you’ve already caught.
- To compensate for the fact that you might wind up with a roster of encounters without a single Moon Stone evolution, or perhaps one with many Moon Stone evos, evolution stones have been condensed into a new Prism Shard item. You will unlock the ability to convert Prism Shards to whatever evolution stone you desire over the course of the game. TMs, similarly, are able to be duplicated through a new Blank CD item, giving them reusability without being infinite.
- Shiny rate has been increased, to make it a bit more likely you’ll find one.
Wild Pokémon: When a new game is started, along with the initial boot sequence, a long list of variables are generated for that particular save file. Each Pokémon that is encounterable in the wild is assigned one of these variables. Encounter tables in-game are still technically static; when the game determines that you’ve encountered a wild Pokémon, it uses which Pokémon you would have encountered to determine which one you actually encounter.
For example, let’s say you get into an encounter that the game determines will be with a Pidgey. Once it knows you’re going to face a Pidgey, it then checks Pidgey’s encounter variable, and based on that number, it will then send you into an encounter with either a Pidgey, Starly, Fletchling, Pikipek, Rookidee, or Pidove. Every Pidgey that you encounter in the wild will use the same variable, thus effectively “replacing” Pidgey with whichever Pokémon is rolled.
Trainers: Trainers are randomized in multiple ways. First, which trainers you actually see in the Overworld are controlled by a hidden set of variables. These variables change at various points throughout the game, thus “re-rolling” the trainers. Each trainer event is tied to one of these variables, usually paired with one or two other trainers. Based on the variable, sometimes Trainer A will appear, sometimes Trainer B, and sometimes both or neither. This means that if you go back to a route you’ve previously completed, for training or what have you, you may very well find new trainers to face.
In addition, each individual trainer's team is randomized by selecting a set number of Pokémon from a list of candidates for that trainer. For details on how this works, see Kotaro's Randomized Trainer Teams plugin. This is the only randomization some trainers get, but many are given further variation by the game randomly selecting one of multiple versions of the trainer before battle, and important trainers, such as Gym Leaders, have a set of hand-crafted teams the game chooses from. This is the biggest reason why the VS Seeker is not implemented; making the game “remember” which team each trainer used would be too much work for too little payoff. The game DOES, however, remember the team of the trainer you last lost to, preventing any changes to their team if you re-challenge them (unless, of course, you lose to another trainer before doing so).
Gym Leaders: Alongside the wild Pokémon variables, 7 Gym variables are also rolled when creating a new game, each one corresponding to one of the 18 Gym Leaders. This means that there are 7 different variations of 18 different Gyms programmed into the game, with the trainers and Leader inside each having level-appropriate Pokémon for whichever city you encounter them in.
Between Kanto and Johto, most of the 18 types were covered by pre-existing Leaders, but alterations did have to be made:
Items: There’s some minor randomization of Item Ball items on every map, as well; using a third set of variables, certain item balls can appear in multiple spots, and others may have random contents. Just enough to make sure that everything isn’t in the same place twice.
For example, let’s say you get into an encounter that the game determines will be with a Pidgey. Once it knows you’re going to face a Pidgey, it then checks Pidgey’s encounter variable, and based on that number, it will then send you into an encounter with either a Pidgey, Starly, Fletchling, Pikipek, Rookidee, or Pidove. Every Pidgey that you encounter in the wild will use the same variable, thus effectively “replacing” Pidgey with whichever Pokémon is rolled.
Trainers: Trainers are randomized in multiple ways. First, which trainers you actually see in the Overworld are controlled by a hidden set of variables. These variables change at various points throughout the game, thus “re-rolling” the trainers. Each trainer event is tied to one of these variables, usually paired with one or two other trainers. Based on the variable, sometimes Trainer A will appear, sometimes Trainer B, and sometimes both or neither. This means that if you go back to a route you’ve previously completed, for training or what have you, you may very well find new trainers to face.
In addition, each individual trainer's team is randomized by selecting a set number of Pokémon from a list of candidates for that trainer. For details on how this works, see Kotaro's Randomized Trainer Teams plugin. This is the only randomization some trainers get, but many are given further variation by the game randomly selecting one of multiple versions of the trainer before battle, and important trainers, such as Gym Leaders, have a set of hand-crafted teams the game chooses from. This is the biggest reason why the VS Seeker is not implemented; making the game “remember” which team each trainer used would be too much work for too little payoff. The game DOES, however, remember the team of the trainer you last lost to, preventing any changes to their team if you re-challenge them (unless, of course, you lose to another trainer before doing so).
Gym Leaders: Alongside the wild Pokémon variables, 7 Gym variables are also rolled when creating a new game, each one corresponding to one of the 18 Gym Leaders. This means that there are 7 different variations of 18 different Gyms programmed into the game, with the trainers and Leader inside each having level-appropriate Pokémon for whichever city you encounter them in.
Between Kanto and Johto, most of the 18 types were covered by pre-existing Leaders, but alterations did have to be made:
- Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Jasmine, and Pryce all retain their usual typings.
- Ghost is represented by Agatha from the Kanto E4, with Morty becoming the Dark-type Leader.
- The Dragon-type Leader is Lance, since he’s single-handedly more iconic than Claire.
- Bruno, also from the Kanto E4, is the Fighting Gym Leader; Chuck, another canon Fighting-type user, slides over to fill the Ground-type hole left by Giovanni.
- Fairy is represented by Janine from Gold/Silver.
Items: There’s some minor randomization of Item Ball items on every map, as well; using a third set of variables, certain item balls can appear in multiple spots, and others may have random contents. Just enough to make sure that everything isn’t in the same place twice.
Saves from the Alpha demo SHOULD be 100% compatible with the Beta version, however do note that all the Alpha features like re-rolling Gym Leaders, changing your character, and the free Bicycle have been removed. Make sure you're content with your gamestate before updating.
Two minor NPC rewards have been left unfinished: the Happiness Checker in Vermilion does not give out a prize for showing her a Pokémon with maxed-out happiness, and Oak's Pokedex rewards currently give you useful items like the EXP Share, that I'm not sure where exactly will be found in the final release. Similarly, Bill (way up in his house on Cerulean Cape) currently offers you the only method of converting Prism Shards to evolution stones. This is mostly just to have the option available during the Beta; things like this are subject to change as I continue development.
I am planning on "finalizing" a few species of Pokémon with every update during the Beta. This includes their sprites, moveset (including egg moves), abilities, and details like Pokédex entries and steps to hatch. As such, expect these things to change regularly over the course of the Beta.
Two minor NPC rewards have been left unfinished: the Happiness Checker in Vermilion does not give out a prize for showing her a Pokémon with maxed-out happiness, and Oak's Pokedex rewards currently give you useful items like the EXP Share, that I'm not sure where exactly will be found in the final release. Similarly, Bill (way up in his house on Cerulean Cape) currently offers you the only method of converting Prism Shards to evolution stones. This is mostly just to have the option available during the Beta; things like this are subject to change as I continue development.
I am planning on "finalizing" a few species of Pokémon with every update during the Beta. This includes their sprites, moveset (including egg moves), abilities, and details like Pokédex entries and steps to hatch. As such, expect these things to change regularly over the course of the Beta.

What's included in the Beta?
The game is fully playable up through Lavender Town, capped at the entrance to Pokémon Tower. There are currently only 8 Gym Leaders programmed in (Brock, Misty, Falkner, Erika, Bugsy, Lt. Surge, Whitney, and Morty), but the randomizer will work on those eight. More will be added as the Beta progresses. Other than minor details, such as item locations or Pokémon spawns, which are subject to change at any time, the game should essentially be in a finished state for every area you have access to. I plan on updating the game in play order, finishing each map and story beat in sequence, allowing saves to be continued seamlessly throughout the Beta.
Please note that I am currently the only one working on this project; I have a strong desire to see it through to completion, but it's a hobby I do in my free time, and it won’t happen overnight.
To update the game: Simply extract (or copy/paste) the new download into the same directory as the original. Replace all files if asked. Your saved games are stored elsewhere, so they will not be overwritten.
If you are updating from the Alpha demo: DELETE YOUR ENTIRE KANTO RELOADED FOLDER BEFORE UPDATING. Then extract the new download as normal. As above, this will not affect your saved games.
- Some custom moves don't have animations. I'll get around to that; the moves still work as intended.
- Following Pokémon don't like stairs. This is a known visual glitch with the plugin.
- The Location screen in the Pokédex will not work 100% correctly, due to the way I've randomized Pokémon. It currently displays the areas where a Pokémon COULD spawn, but does not take into account whether that Pokémon WILL spawn in your save file. I have a plan in place to fix this, but it is not implemented yet.
- On infrequent occasions, saving in an S.S. Anne cabin and re-loading the save will cause the background music to disappear. I have no idea what is causing this.
- In-battle sound effects are a little jarring right now. That is low on my to-do list, but it is on there.
- Quitting to the main menu and then loading another save file often causes some weird behavior from your following Pokémon. If this happens, shut down the game without saving and relaunch it.
Last 2 versions only. Full changelog for all versions included in the download.
Game is now playable through Pokémon Tower questline
Normalized EXP tracks for Pokémon with erratic growth rates
- All Pokémon now fall into Fast, Medium, or Slow growth rate categories
Added option to use Unreal Time (1 hour = 1 day)
- This is DISABLED by default to avoid compatibility issues, but will be ENABLED by default in the final release
Rebalanced levels of both wild and trainer Pokémon to compensate for above growth rate change
- Minor fixes to the EXP formula also implemented
Returned critical hit mechanics to modern standards (1.5x damage)
Slight changes made to Pokémon spawns:
- Gastly no longer appears in Pewter Cave; potential common encounter in Pokémon Tower instead
- Greavard replaces Gastly in rare Pewter Cave slot
- Maschiff replaces Greavard in Route 5 slot
Partner trainers will now revive your fainted Pokémon after each battle (putting them at 1/2 HP)
- Their Pokémon now also revive at 1/2 HP instead of full HP
Finalized Pokémon Movesets & Sprites:
(includes all evolutions, pre-evolutions, and alternate forms unless otherwise noted)
Litleo Kricketot Sobble
Diglett's Cave now displays properly in Vermilion's PokéCenter Scanner
Erika no longer appears in her Gym before completing the city's questline
Fixed typo in item ball on Route 10 causing crash
Fixed flag issue causing Diglett's cave to be inaccessible after defeating Foreman's Diggersby
Razz Berry can now be used properly from the menu in-battle
Fixed oversight causing player's location to not display on map when in Lavender Town houses
Fixed bug causing wild Caterpie to never randomize
Fixed oversight causing Flying-type followers to not sink into grass even if their sprite is walking
Fixed bug causing Bad Poison status to not display icon in battle
Fixed bug causing final trainer on Nugget Bridge to not have battle music
Occultists in Morty's gym now have trainer graphics
Receiving the Beak Fossil from Bill no longer crashes the game
Morty's battle intro animation now displays properly
Fixed bug where losing to Admin on Cerulean Cape could softlock the game
Prof. Oak no longer spins in place during cutscene in Vermilion, as funny as that was
Honey is no longer consumed when used in an area that does not contain Pokémon
Foreman in Vermilion no longer refers to Route 11 as Route 9 (this one's just embarrassing)
Removed HM Items
- HMs are now represented by Pokémon Techs, which don't take up a move slot, but do require a Pokémon capable of the Tech in your party
- Will be further expanded in future updates
Whitney and Morty added as potential Gym Leaders
Fully expanded Diglett's Cave
- Includes sidequest to earn construction materials for Phillipe
Added warp pad inside Falkner's Vermilion Gym to return to Gym entrance after battle
Added nameplates to dialogue during cutscenes
Tatsugiri can now appear as one of Prof. Oak's intro Pokémon
- (what? it's a MINOR change)
Finalized Pokémon Movesets & Sprites:
(includes all evolutions, pre-evolutions, and alternate forms unless otherwise noted)
Joltik Nidoran
Disabled ability for Rare Candies to bypass Level Caps
Gurdurr and Boldore now evolve properly using Link Stone
Fixed crash occurring when accessing options menu with no save data present
Fixed oversight causing characters to reset when exiting & re-entering Mt. Moon Cave
Fixed bug causing Mt. Moon background music to disappear after cutscene
Fixed bug causing wrong number of Pokémon to be selected in double battles during Limited Mode
Fixed crash that could potentially occur after losing to different trainers consecutively
Fixed bug causing puzzle in Lt. Surge's Vermilion Gym to reset number of save file transfers available (don't ask)
Fixed text error causing some item balls to display that player "received" item instead of "found"
Fixed collision issue with notes on tables in some houses
Fixed oversight causing location to display unnamed variables when saving in player's or rival's house
FULL LIST of Gameplay Changes & Tweaks:
Your choice of any of the canonical 24 starter Pokémon (your Rival starts with an Eevee)
Randomization of every playthrough:
- Wild Pokémon unique to each save file
- Variable trainers and trainer teams
- 18 possible Gym Leaders in each city (one for each type)
- 6 currently available in-game
- Gym Leaders, your Rival, and Giovanni all use one of six possible teams
- Item balls can appear in various locations
- Gift Pokémon (like the Mt. Moon Magikarp) and in-game trades give you one Pokémon from a set list
"Rocky Ground" and "Shallow Water" tiles replace Cave and Surf encounters
Wild Pokémon have a 1% chance to spawn with their hidden ability
Shiny rate increased to 1/400
Riding a bicycle reduces chance of wild Pokémon encounters
Three optional difficulty modifiers:
- Doubles Mode (all trainer battles are double battles)
- Level Cap Mode (caps EXP gain based on the number of badges you've obtained)
- Limited Mode (you are only allowed to use as many Pokémon as the enemy trainer uses)
A large roster of Move Tutors are scattered across the map
You select one of two TMs upon defeating each Gym
TMs are single-use BUT can be duplicated in Pokémarts by using a new "Blank CD" item (many can also be purchased in later Pokémarts as well)
Evolution stones are acquired via a new "Prism Shard" item, which can be turned into any stone of your choice
Overhauled list of berries with a few new effects:
- Oran Berry restores 1/8 max HP (minimum of 10)
- Figy Berry restores 1/3 max HP and automatically confuses the user
- Pomeg Berry increases friendship without lowering any EVs
- Razz Berry cures infatuation
- Pinap Berry restores niche abnormal statuses (same effect as Mental Herb)
- Nanab Berry raises a lowered stat (same effect as White Herb)
- Qualot Berry makes a 2-turn move ready on turn 1 (same effect as Power Herb)
- Bluk Berry makes a not-very-effective move deal 150% damage instead
- Removed all "restores HP but confuses" berries except Figy; removed all "raises friendship and lowers EVs" berries except Pomeg
- Removed all poffin-making berries and other outlier berries
"Rare Berry" sidequest to find 8 unique berries across Kanto (rewards include many hold items)
Hold Items occupy their own pocket in your bag
Enemy trainers use Pokémon of random genders
Pokémon acquired from in-game trades can be nicknamed, will not disobey commands, and will not gain boosted EXP
Almost all Pokémon evolve by either level-up, friendship, or evolution stone, with additional caveats (day/night, male/female, held item)
HMs are replaced with Key Items; obstacles like Cut Trees are permanently removed once dealt with
Smashing a rock has a small chance to award you one of the following items:
- Heart Scale
- Prism Shard
- Stardust/Star Piece
- A random EV item
Cutting down a tree has a small chance to award you one of the following items:
- Honey
- Tiny Mushroom
- A random Mint item
Sidequest to unlock a Fast-Travel system that replaces Fly
Breeding is simplified to Cloning, allowing Pokémon duplication for nature/IV rerolls
- Egg moves are teachable this way, for a price
- Steps needed to hatch eggs have been dramatically reduced
EXP Share functions as a hold item
Critical Hit mechanics use Gen V standards (2x damage instead of 1.5x)
Pokémon Centers include scanners to check which Pokémon appear in surrounding routes
Pokédex gives expanded information, including all learnable moves, abilities, and evolution methods
Expanded UI shows abstracted IV info in summary screen and detailed move info in battle
Notable map changes:
- Expanded Viridian Forest
- New Location: Pewter Cave
- 2F floor added on Mt. Moon
- Now possible to backtrack on Route 4 using Cut
- Route 25 changed to Cerulean Cape, given beach aesthetic
- Underground Path changed to Subway System, now has wild encounters
- Diglett's Cave moved to other end of Route 11
- Removed Route 11 gatehouse
Game is now playable through Pokémon Tower questline
Normalized EXP tracks for Pokémon with erratic growth rates
- All Pokémon now fall into Fast, Medium, or Slow growth rate categories
Added option to use Unreal Time (1 hour = 1 day)
- This is DISABLED by default to avoid compatibility issues, but will be ENABLED by default in the final release
Rebalanced levels of both wild and trainer Pokémon to compensate for above growth rate change
- Minor fixes to the EXP formula also implemented
Returned critical hit mechanics to modern standards (1.5x damage)
Slight changes made to Pokémon spawns:
- Gastly no longer appears in Pewter Cave; potential common encounter in Pokémon Tower instead
- Greavard replaces Gastly in rare Pewter Cave slot
- Maschiff replaces Greavard in Route 5 slot
Partner trainers will now revive your fainted Pokémon after each battle (putting them at 1/2 HP)
- Their Pokémon now also revive at 1/2 HP instead of full HP
Finalized Pokémon Movesets & Sprites:
(includes all evolutions, pre-evolutions, and alternate forms unless otherwise noted)
Litleo Kricketot Sobble
Diglett's Cave now displays properly in Vermilion's PokéCenter Scanner
Erika no longer appears in her Gym before completing the city's questline
Fixed typo in item ball on Route 10 causing crash
Fixed flag issue causing Diglett's cave to be inaccessible after defeating Foreman's Diggersby
Razz Berry can now be used properly from the menu in-battle
Fixed oversight causing player's location to not display on map when in Lavender Town houses
Fixed bug causing wild Caterpie to never randomize
Fixed oversight causing Flying-type followers to not sink into grass even if their sprite is walking
Fixed bug causing Bad Poison status to not display icon in battle
Fixed bug causing final trainer on Nugget Bridge to not have battle music
Occultists in Morty's gym now have trainer graphics
Receiving the Beak Fossil from Bill no longer crashes the game
Morty's battle intro animation now displays properly
Fixed bug where losing to Admin on Cerulean Cape could softlock the game
Prof. Oak no longer spins in place during cutscene in Vermilion, as funny as that was
Honey is no longer consumed when used in an area that does not contain Pokémon
Foreman in Vermilion no longer refers to Route 11 as Route 9 (this one's just embarrassing)
Removed HM Items
- HMs are now represented by Pokémon Techs, which don't take up a move slot, but do require a Pokémon capable of the Tech in your party
- Will be further expanded in future updates
Whitney and Morty added as potential Gym Leaders
Fully expanded Diglett's Cave
- Includes sidequest to earn construction materials for Phillipe
Added warp pad inside Falkner's Vermilion Gym to return to Gym entrance after battle
Added nameplates to dialogue during cutscenes
Tatsugiri can now appear as one of Prof. Oak's intro Pokémon
- (what? it's a MINOR change)
Finalized Pokémon Movesets & Sprites:
(includes all evolutions, pre-evolutions, and alternate forms unless otherwise noted)
Joltik Nidoran
Disabled ability for Rare Candies to bypass Level Caps
Gurdurr and Boldore now evolve properly using Link Stone
Fixed crash occurring when accessing options menu with no save data present
Fixed oversight causing characters to reset when exiting & re-entering Mt. Moon Cave
Fixed bug causing Mt. Moon background music to disappear after cutscene
Fixed bug causing wrong number of Pokémon to be selected in double battles during Limited Mode
Fixed crash that could potentially occur after losing to different trainers consecutively
Fixed bug causing puzzle in Lt. Surge's Vermilion Gym to reset number of save file transfers available (don't ask)
Fixed text error causing some item balls to display that player "received" item instead of "found"
Fixed collision issue with notes on tables in some houses
Fixed oversight causing location to display unnamed variables when saving in player's or rival's house
FULL LIST of Gameplay Changes & Tweaks:
Your choice of any of the canonical 24 starter Pokémon (your Rival starts with an Eevee)
Randomization of every playthrough:
- Wild Pokémon unique to each save file
- Variable trainers and trainer teams
- 18 possible Gym Leaders in each city (one for each type)
- 6 currently available in-game
- Gym Leaders, your Rival, and Giovanni all use one of six possible teams
- Item balls can appear in various locations
- Gift Pokémon (like the Mt. Moon Magikarp) and in-game trades give you one Pokémon from a set list
"Rocky Ground" and "Shallow Water" tiles replace Cave and Surf encounters
Wild Pokémon have a 1% chance to spawn with their hidden ability
Shiny rate increased to 1/400
Riding a bicycle reduces chance of wild Pokémon encounters
Three optional difficulty modifiers:
- Doubles Mode (all trainer battles are double battles)
- Level Cap Mode (caps EXP gain based on the number of badges you've obtained)
- Limited Mode (you are only allowed to use as many Pokémon as the enemy trainer uses)
A large roster of Move Tutors are scattered across the map
You select one of two TMs upon defeating each Gym
TMs are single-use BUT can be duplicated in Pokémarts by using a new "Blank CD" item (many can also be purchased in later Pokémarts as well)
Evolution stones are acquired via a new "Prism Shard" item, which can be turned into any stone of your choice
Overhauled list of berries with a few new effects:
- Oran Berry restores 1/8 max HP (minimum of 10)
- Figy Berry restores 1/3 max HP and automatically confuses the user
- Pomeg Berry increases friendship without lowering any EVs
- Razz Berry cures infatuation
- Pinap Berry restores niche abnormal statuses (same effect as Mental Herb)
- Nanab Berry raises a lowered stat (same effect as White Herb)
- Qualot Berry makes a 2-turn move ready on turn 1 (same effect as Power Herb)
- Bluk Berry makes a not-very-effective move deal 150% damage instead
- Removed all "restores HP but confuses" berries except Figy; removed all "raises friendship and lowers EVs" berries except Pomeg
- Removed all poffin-making berries and other outlier berries
"Rare Berry" sidequest to find 8 unique berries across Kanto (rewards include many hold items)
Hold Items occupy their own pocket in your bag
Enemy trainers use Pokémon of random genders
Pokémon acquired from in-game trades can be nicknamed, will not disobey commands, and will not gain boosted EXP
Almost all Pokémon evolve by either level-up, friendship, or evolution stone, with additional caveats (day/night, male/female, held item)
HMs are replaced with Key Items; obstacles like Cut Trees are permanently removed once dealt with
Smashing a rock has a small chance to award you one of the following items:
- Heart Scale
- Prism Shard
- Stardust/Star Piece
- A random EV item
Cutting down a tree has a small chance to award you one of the following items:
- Honey
- Tiny Mushroom
- A random Mint item
Sidequest to unlock a Fast-Travel system that replaces Fly
Breeding is simplified to Cloning, allowing Pokémon duplication for nature/IV rerolls
- Egg moves are teachable this way, for a price
- Steps needed to hatch eggs have been dramatically reduced
EXP Share functions as a hold item
Critical Hit mechanics use Gen V standards (2x damage instead of 1.5x)
Pokémon Centers include scanners to check which Pokémon appear in surrounding routes
Pokédex gives expanded information, including all learnable moves, abilities, and evolution methods
Expanded UI shows abstracted IV info in summary screen and detailed move info in battle
Notable map changes:
- Expanded Viridian Forest
- New Location: Pewter Cave
- 2F floor added on Mt. Moon
- Now possible to backtrack on Route 4 using Cut
- Route 25 changed to Cerulean Cape, given beach aesthetic
- Underground Path changed to Subway System, now has wild encounters
- Diglett's Cave moved to other end of Route 11
- Removed Route 11 gatehouse
(See Credits text file in download for more detailed breakdown and links to resources)
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on "mkxp" by Ancurio et al.
Generation 8 Pack v20.1:
JohtoBlaziken's Bootleg FireRed
Essentials Deluxe 20.1 & Enhanced UI by Lucidious89
Modular Title Screen by Luka S.J.
Following Pokémon EX by Golisopod User
Fluid Badges script by TechSkylander1518
Trade With Friends plugin by drdoom76
Advanced HM Items & Field Moves by Bergium
Improved Battle AI by KRLW890
Auto Multisave by http404error & thatonekriegerwriter
Speed Up 2.0 by phantombass
Dialogue Mugshots by LorisC
Logo Font: "Adventure" by Neale Davidson
Character Customization Resources from Poltergeist
Puddle Animation by Boonzeet
HGSS Overworld sprites in GBA style by aveontrainer
Red, Blue & Leaf sprites by Flamejow
Professor Ivy sprite by Daman
Brendan sprite by hyo-oppa
Ethan sprites by Marnic & RichardPT
May backsprite by StreakOfSprites
Red, Leaf, and all Gym Leader backsprites by mid117
Snowy Tileset by Fanking Omega, Magiscarf, and Dawn Bronze
Lavender Town tree modified from tileset by Ace-Trainer-Arcane
Legendary Bird drawings by Knust-Seier-VI
Armored Mewtwo sprites by Othienka
Official game sprite rips from:
Ekat's Public Tileset
"Fall on foam splash" sound effect by Envato Elements
"Rumbling Rocky Sound" sound effect by Opsaaaaa
"Industrial Drilling" sound effect by Fronbondi_Skegs
"Sucked into Classroom," "Wet Steps on Liquid & Dirt," and "Diesel Truck Idling Front" sound effects from Pixabay
"Awkward Meeting" by Kevin MacLeod
Remixed/remastered music courtesy of
RPG Maker XP by Enterbrain
Adobe Photoshop CS6
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
- Flameguru
- Poccil (Peter O.)
- Maruno
- AvatarMonkeyKirby
- Marin
- Boushy
- MiDas Mike
- Brother1440
- Near Fantastica
- FL.
- PinkMan
- Genzai Kawakami
- Popper
- Golisopod User
- Rataime
- help-14
- Savordez
- IceGod64
- SoundSpawn
- Jacob O. Wobbrock
- the__end
- KitsuneKouta
- Venom12
- Lisa Anthony
- Wachunga
- Luka S.J.
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on "mkxp" by Ancurio et al.
Generation 8 Pack v20.1:
- Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
- Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
- Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
- Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
- Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
- Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
- Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
- Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
- Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia
- Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
- Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
- Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
- Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464
- Golisopod User, Luka S.J., UberDunsparce
- Scripts and Adaptation - Caruban, Lucidious89, Eskiss
- PBS for Gen 9 - Caruban, PorousMist, DJChaos, Futuresushi
- Gen 9 Battler Sprites - KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura, JordanosArt, Abnayami, Katten, Divaruta 666, Clara, Skyflyer, AshnixsLaw, Scept, NanaelJustice, SoyChim, KRLW890, AnonAlpaca, PokeJminer, Red7246, Carmanekko, Eduar, Lykeron, GriloKapu10, Mesayas, Erkey830, QDylm, PorousMist, OldSoulja, AlexandreV2.0, Z-nogyroP, lennybitao, Ruben1986, Blaquaza, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite
- PLA & Gen 9 icons - ezerart, JordanosArt, Vent, Katten, leParagon, Cesare_CBass, AlexandreV2.0, Carmanekko, LuigiTKO, Pikafan2000, MultiDiegoDani, JWNutz
- Gen 9 followers - Azria, DarkusShadow, EduarPokeN, Carmanekko, StarWolff, Caruban
- PLA & Gen 9 footprints - Caruban
- Gen 9 Cries - Lightblade Absol, HeroLinik
- Gen 9 Item icons - Caruban, lichenprincess
JohtoBlaziken's Bootleg FireRed
Essentials Deluxe 20.1 & Enhanced UI by Lucidious89
Modular Title Screen by Luka S.J.
Following Pokémon EX by Golisopod User
- Help-14
- zingzags
- Rayd12smitty
- mej71
- PurpleZaffre
- Akizakura16
- Thundaga
- Armin (Fairies Resource Pack)
- Maruno
- Titania318
- Kleinstudio
- derFischae
Fluid Badges script by TechSkylander1518
Trade With Friends plugin by drdoom76
Advanced HM Items & Field Moves by Bergium
Improved Battle AI by KRLW890
Auto Multisave by http404error & thatonekriegerwriter
Speed Up 2.0 by phantombass
Dialogue Mugshots by LorisC
Logo Font: "Adventure" by Neale Davidson
Character Customization Resources from Poltergeist
Puddle Animation by Boonzeet
HGSS Overworld sprites in GBA style by aveontrainer
Red, Blue & Leaf sprites by Flamejow
Professor Ivy sprite by Daman
Brendan sprite by hyo-oppa
Ethan sprites by Marnic & RichardPT
May backsprite by StreakOfSprites
Red, Leaf, and all Gym Leader backsprites by mid117
Snowy Tileset by Fanking Omega, Magiscarf, and Dawn Bronze
Lavender Town tree modified from tileset by Ace-Trainer-Arcane
Legendary Bird drawings by Knust-Seier-VI
Armored Mewtwo sprites by Othienka
Official game sprite rips from:
- Sapphire_Dragon
- Omegafire
- Eevee, Zhen Lin, Pika, Pipian
- Lan
- Nx-Kun
- Barubary
- KyogreMaster (compiled)
- PoffinCase
- art-56
- A.J.Nitro
- NickAlert
- MufasaKong
Ekat's Public Tileset
- Ekat
- Heartlessdragon
- Vurtax
- The entire Pokemon Reborn team
- StCooler, DarrylBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree
- BellBlitzKing
- KRLW890 Nut0066, Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp, Shashu-Greninja
"Fall on foam splash" sound effect by Envato Elements
"Rumbling Rocky Sound" sound effect by Opsaaaaa
"Industrial Drilling" sound effect by Fronbondi_Skegs
"Sucked into Classroom," "Wet Steps on Liquid & Dirt," and "Diesel Truck Idling Front" sound effects from Pixabay
"Awkward Meeting" by Kevin MacLeod
Remixed/remastered music courtesy of
- Zame
- KunningFox
- The Noble Demon
- Pokestir
- Wurtzel
- Pokeli
- PokeRemixStudio
RPG Maker XP by Enterbrain
Adobe Photoshop CS6
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
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