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- Replies: 11

I have been working on this game periodically through out the last 2 years, mostly just spriting, mapping, and making tiles, trying to get a graphical style together. I've also been trying to put the engine together, using available scripts and stuff to tweak the game play mechanics.
The goal of this game is to deliver a realistic experience of what it would be like to live in the Pokemon World, in a more realistic setting. I am utilizing the 32x32 tile limitations of RPG Maker XP, and as of right now, using the Generation 6 Project (which will eventually be moved to Essentials V16). Instead of towns have 3 or 4 houses on average, the towns will be expanded to be much larger, and many towns will have unique NPC characters, each with a name, routine, and possible quests. Due to the scope of this project, I am not promising any sort of release. My personal goal is to release a demo of the game that goes up to Pewter City, and with the amount of content I hope and plan to put into each area, a demo up to Pewter would be enough for a small, full game. So please bare with me, I will work towards the biggest release I can, but as long as I make it up to Pewter, I will be happy.
Also, when this game does eventually get a release, all of the resources made for the game will be free to use by the public for projects of their own.
Progress: This game is currently in it's early development stages, the purpose I'm posting the thread is to get feedback on the content as I produce it. I hope to also recruit any help anyone has to offer.
You start off your journey after just finishing up a 3 month Training program at the school in Viridian City. You have earned your official Trainer License. Part of the final requirements of the program is that on the last day, the class takes a trip to Oak's Lab in Pallet Town. In Oak's Garden, each student is allowed to search for a Pokemon of their own to catch. The Pokemon you catch becomes you first partner Pokemon.
From there, the world is yours to explore. You are living in Kanto, 15 years after the events of Heartgold and Soulsilver. Blue has taken over the lab in Pallet Town for his grandfather. The variety of Pokemon in Kanto has increased over the years, new Gym Leaders have risen, old Gym Leaders have retired. New areas on familiar routes have opened up, new towns have been settled. The Elite Four has been dissolved, and now Kanto runs tournaments periodically through out the year.
You're on your own now, which means you need to provide funding and shelter for yourself. At the beginning of the game, you will receive a small shack from your distant uncle off of Route 1. You can use this plot to farm and earn a living, you will be able to upgrade your home in various ways as well. You can earn your living in other ways as well, by battling, breeding, crafting, and selling items. You will be able to obtain the badges in any order that you want, the leaders will adjust their teams based on how many badges you have. Once you leave Oak's Lab, you guide your own story. Interacting with different characters will unlock different stories and adventures across Kanto, it's your region to explore.
[/tab]From there, the world is yours to explore. You are living in Kanto, 15 years after the events of Heartgold and Soulsilver. Blue has taken over the lab in Pallet Town for his grandfather. The variety of Pokemon in Kanto has increased over the years, new Gym Leaders have risen, old Gym Leaders have retired. New areas on familiar routes have opened up, new towns have been settled. The Elite Four has been dissolved, and now Kanto runs tournaments periodically through out the year.
You're on your own now, which means you need to provide funding and shelter for yourself. At the beginning of the game, you will receive a small shack from your distant uncle off of Route 1. You can use this plot to farm and earn a living, you will be able to upgrade your home in various ways as well. You can earn your living in other ways as well, by battling, breeding, crafting, and selling items. You will be able to obtain the badges in any order that you want, the leaders will adjust their teams based on how many badges you have. Once you leave Oak's Lab, you guide your own story. Interacting with different characters will unlock different stories and adventures across Kanto, it's your region to explore.
[Complete]Unreal Time System: When you play for an hour in real life, 24 hours will pass in the game, meaning you get to experience Kanto at all times of the day on your own schedule.
[In-Progress] Character Customization: You'll be able to customize your character with a handful of different outfit and headgear combinations.
[In-Progress] Health/Stats System: In a realistic world, all that adventuring would take a toll on you. In this game, your character will have health, stamina, strength, intelligence, charisma, and dexterity stats, in order to make it more of an RPG. You'll have to sleep and eat to keep your health and stamina up!
[In-Progress] Crafting: Pokemon will drop more items in this game, such as feathers, fur, teeth, scales, materials, etc. You can use these items to craft other items to aid you on your journey.
[In-Progress] Cooking: Similar to crafting, you can cook different recipes using food materials in order to make tasty and helpful meals for you and your Pokemon.
[Not Started] 12 Move slots: Your Pokémon will be able to remember 12 moves at a time. You can only use 4 moves in battle still, but you can change up your move pools outside of battle.
[In-Progress] Farming: You will be able to own properties and use the land to farm in order to make more money and make items for you and your team to use.[/tab]
Screens blurred to prevent tile theft.

If you would like to join the team, please contact me with examples of past work/experience.
Atomic Reactor: Lead Developer
RadicalRaptr: Story/Events
Baaabuuu: Scripting
Shiney570: Scripting
akaDrimer: Scripting
MadDeodorant: Sprites
Apossium: Sprites
Poccil, Maruno, Mej, Luka SJ, Cilerba, FL, Kleinstudio
Tiles: Alistair, LTSerra, Burton-Kun
[tab= Download]
No download yet, and no estimate on a release either. We are still working on the game.
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