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Pokémon Afterworld
Your dream has come true! You just became the new Pokémon Champion!
You have big plans, but a terrible car accident changes everything!
In the Afterworld an another Pokémon Tournament is waiting for you. And the prize? A chance to be alive again.
But this tournament is nothing like the ones in real life.
The tournament grounds are created from your memories and you will need to relive the scenes and decisions of your life.
Did you make right choices?
Did you become the person you always wanted to be?
Maybe is there also a chance for a change? For a true rejuvenation?
Swap your Pokémons with the opponent after every battle.
A 11 battle long tournament.
Choose your next opponent.
Made Using:
RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials v19.1
Tarkamacska - story
PallasCat - story, translations
rhaidor - story, mapping, eventing, sprite editing, playtesting
Andrew - playtesting
Press Q to speed up the game!
Your Item Storage is full with Rare Candies... sorry... full with Giratina's Blood. Use them if you feel trapped by difficulty or just want to speedrun trough the game.
Luka's Scripting Utilities by Luka S.J.
Modular Title Screen by Luka S.J.
Better Speed Up by Marin for the original script and Phantombass for updating to 19.1
v19.1 Hotfixes by Maruno
Voltseon's Pause Menu by Voltseon, Golisopod User and ENLS
PurpleZaffre, zlolxd, Heartlessdragoon,
Phyromatical, Gamefreak, Cilerba,
Akizakura16, FloofyPanthar, Keh-Ven,
the red ex, 19dante19, Neo-Spriteman,
Calis, Alistair, flurmimon,
crocovyle, thegreatblaid, gigatom,
princelegendario, princessmagic, rayd12smitty,
leilou, Crazyninjaguy, WilsonScarloxy,
Aigue--Marine, Prince Legandario, Zeak6464,
yourii54, chimcharsfireworkd, Mr. Gela,
Thunderdove, EternalTakai, SpartaLazor,
Tsuka, Iametrine, Gamershow, Kymotonian,
Godofthesky, Light-PA ,LilaTraube,
Zeo, RedKnightX, WilliamGJ,
MrBlueOctober, DarkDragoon, EVoLiNa,
NSora-96, Heavy-Metal-Lover, Gallanty,
Minothreat0987, BoOmxBiG, Hek-el-grande,
ThatsSoWitty, sagaxxy, EpicDay,
warox1994, zerudez, Zeo254,
Kimotonian, help-14, thurpok,
Warpras, MoonTIK, spaceemotion,
Rayquaza-dot, Manuxd789, Rossay,
WesleyFG, xAlien95, LotusKing,
TyranitarDark, UltimoSpriter, DonLawride,
ChaoticCherryCake, Speedialga, CrimsonTakai,
Kizemaru-Kurunosuke, EpicDay, MinorThreat0987,
kaitoooo, UltimateTraveler, Magiscarf,
peekychew, CNickC,Alucus, Kyledove,
Dewitty, CNC, zetavares852, Lightbulb15,
JayLuxray, Ulithium_Dragon
Pokemon Overworlds:
MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X,
2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl,
Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H,
Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666,
kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude,
Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5,
Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer
Character Overworlds:
Trainer Sprites:
Mr.Gela, theo#7722, Nx-kun, Lemon,Sparta
Trainer Backsprites:
Tsuka, Sylvecario
Door Sprites:
Music and sound:
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Hall of Fame
Pokémon Colosseum - Pyrite Town
Sound Bible - Car crash sound effect
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Pokémon Center
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Battle! Gym Leader, Remix Cover by Vetrom
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Trainer Victory
Pokémon Colosseum - Trainer Scool
Pokémon Colosseum - Agate Village
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Viridian Forest
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Boutique
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Pokémon Mansion
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Vermilion City Theme
Pokemon Generations - Pokemon League Music, Remade by Pokeli
Spirit of the Law - Spirit of the Law Channel Intro Song
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
Boushy<s>MiDas Mike
Brother1440<s>Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami<s>Popper
Golisopod User<s>Rataime
Jacob O. Wobbrock<s>the__end
Lisa Anthony<s>Wachunga
Luka S.J.<s>
and everyone else who helped out
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
Luka's Scripting Utilities by Luka S.J.
Modular Title Screen by Luka S.J.
Better Speed Up by Marin for the original script and Phantombass for updating to 19.1
v19.1 Hotfixes by Maruno
Voltseon's Pause Menu by Voltseon, Golisopod User and ENLS
PurpleZaffre, zlolxd, Heartlessdragoon,
Phyromatical, Gamefreak, Cilerba,
Akizakura16, FloofyPanthar, Keh-Ven,
the red ex, 19dante19, Neo-Spriteman,
Calis, Alistair, flurmimon,
crocovyle, thegreatblaid, gigatom,
princelegendario, princessmagic, rayd12smitty,
leilou, Crazyninjaguy, WilsonScarloxy,
Aigue--Marine, Prince Legandario, Zeak6464,
yourii54, chimcharsfireworkd, Mr. Gela,
Thunderdove, EternalTakai, SpartaLazor,
Tsuka, Iametrine, Gamershow, Kymotonian,
Godofthesky, Light-PA ,LilaTraube,
Zeo, RedKnightX, WilliamGJ,
MrBlueOctober, DarkDragoon, EVoLiNa,
NSora-96, Heavy-Metal-Lover, Gallanty,
Minothreat0987, BoOmxBiG, Hek-el-grande,
ThatsSoWitty, sagaxxy, EpicDay,
warox1994, zerudez, Zeo254,
Kimotonian, help-14, thurpok,
Warpras, MoonTIK, spaceemotion,
Rayquaza-dot, Manuxd789, Rossay,
WesleyFG, xAlien95, LotusKing,
TyranitarDark, UltimoSpriter, DonLawride,
ChaoticCherryCake, Speedialga, CrimsonTakai,
Kizemaru-Kurunosuke, EpicDay, MinorThreat0987,
kaitoooo, UltimateTraveler, Magiscarf,
peekychew, CNickC,Alucus, Kyledove,
Dewitty, CNC, zetavares852, Lightbulb15,
JayLuxray, Ulithium_Dragon
Pokemon Overworlds:
MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X,
2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl,
Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H,
Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666,
kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude,
Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5,
Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer
Character Overworlds:
Trainer Sprites:
Mr.Gela, theo#7722, Nx-kun, Lemon,Sparta
Trainer Backsprites:
Tsuka, Sylvecario
Door Sprites:
Music and sound:
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Hall of Fame
Pokémon Colosseum - Pyrite Town
Sound Bible - Car crash sound effect
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Pokémon Center
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Battle! Gym Leader, Remix Cover by Vetrom
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Trainer Victory
Pokémon Colosseum - Trainer Scool
Pokémon Colosseum - Agate Village
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Viridian Forest
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Boutique
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Pokémon Mansion
Pokemon - Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! - Vermilion City Theme
Pokemon Generations - Pokemon League Music, Remade by Pokeli
Spirit of the Law - Spirit of the Law Channel Intro Song
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
Boushy<s>MiDas Mike
Brother1440<s>Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami<s>Popper
Golisopod User<s>Rataime
Jacob O. Wobbrock<s>the__end
Lisa Anthony<s>Wachunga
Luka S.J.<s>
and everyone else who helped out
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
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