- Views: 86,530
- Replies: 117

Starters: Kirlia, Absol, Riolu

Plot: Various things have been disappearing all over Orange Peak. Is it a Pokemon? A thief? Investigate with Yuki as one discovery leads to a never ending spiral of mystery.
- Partner's Pokemon party screen (Can use TMs and have them hold Items)
- Your Partner's Pokemon can level up
- Switch between multiple Partners
- Control your Partner's Pokemon in Battle
- Almost every trainer battle is Double Battle
- New experimental Fishing mechanic
- Skip certain long cutscenes by holding the down key (at the beginning of each cutscene)
- Gen 7 Pokemon and Abilities
- Adjusted multiple Pokemon to evolve normally by leveling without having to trade, happiness, etc.
To do's and Known bugs
- Can't use items on Partner's Pokemon in battle.
- Plan to further customize your Partner's Pokemon (Change name and Remember moves)
- Update various art assets (In battle Partner sprites, etc)
- Pokedex UI update and number adjustments
- Plan to add more NPCs
- Aquarin Town is under extreme construction (no content)
- Possible plan to disable use items in Battle and possibly focus on use of berries
- Plan to add more Partner content.
- Autosave and ways to back up trainer data.

This game is at its experimental stages. It is bound to have multiple bugs and not very much content. It's my first Pokemon game so I thought I'd post here and get some feedback before I advance my game further. Please save often and consistently check your Partner's Pokemon party to check for errors. Since I'm working on this game alone, I predict that my progress with this game won't be as fast as I would like... I would appreciate it if I can get some help from others in scripting, plot progression and battle balancing.
Hoenn sprites
kyle-dove - Sprites
Zeak - Formatting in RMXP
Elite Battler, Titles.
ORAS gen 6 icons
Citrine Tileset [Kymotonian, Rverah-duh, Speedialaga, Platnum Tyrant, Spacemotion, Alucus, Pokemon-Diamond, KagoNoSenpai, Anutter, Thurpok, UltimoSpriter, ForeverXShoddyBattle, Dewitty, TyranitarDark, PrinceLegendario, BoOmxBiG, Takaiofthefire, Chimcharsfireworks]
Dawn Tileset [By The-Red-eX]
Evolina Tileset [EVoLiNa]
Cafe tileset by Peekychew
ORAS cries
GEN 6 & 7 sprites
-Smogon XY Sprite Project
-Mega Lucario: iiHurricane,
Overworld sprites
-MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17.
Princess-Phoenix, Lunardusk6
Following Pokemon
-Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, Venom12, mej71
Partner System, Multiple Characters.
Gen 7 Resources
- Zeak6464
- Tapu Fini
- SpartaLazor
- leparagon
- BlackOutG5
- Rune
- M3rein
- Rigbycwts
- Rot8er_ConeX
- James Davy
- Luka S.J.
kyle-dove - Sprites
Zeak - Formatting in RMXP
Elite Battler, Titles.
ORAS gen 6 icons
Citrine Tileset [Kymotonian, Rverah-duh, Speedialaga, Platnum Tyrant, Spacemotion, Alucus, Pokemon-Diamond, KagoNoSenpai, Anutter, Thurpok, UltimoSpriter, ForeverXShoddyBattle, Dewitty, TyranitarDark, PrinceLegendario, BoOmxBiG, Takaiofthefire, Chimcharsfireworks]
Dawn Tileset [By The-Red-eX]
Evolina Tileset [EVoLiNa]
Cafe tileset by Peekychew
ORAS cries
GEN 6 & 7 sprites
-Smogon XY Sprite Project
-Mega Lucario: iiHurricane,
Overworld sprites
-MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17.
Princess-Phoenix, Lunardusk6
Following Pokemon
-Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, Venom12, mej71
Partner System, Multiple Characters.
Gen 7 Resources
- Zeak6464
- Tapu Fini
- SpartaLazor
- leparagon
- BlackOutG5
- Rune
- M3rein
- Rigbycwts
- Rot8er_ConeX
- James Davy
- Luka S.J.
Quick fixes for v0.1 (replace the files in their respective folders): Download folder
- Fixed SpriteResizer bug
- Fixed Battojutsu crashing battle
- Adjusted pokeball throwing in double battles (will properly end turn if you try to throw a second pokeball)
- Adjusted encounter rates and catch rates of starter pokemon
- Adjusted Trainer battles to be a little bit easier (lowered IV)
- Fixed various text errors
- Altered story a little bit post Spinel battle (will add npc that gives you option to rewatch later if you're past this stage)
- Added Skip cutscene function for beginning cutscenes (hold down)
- Added "move there immediately" option for various scenarios.
- Added NPC in Pokecenter that reminds Partner's Pokemon previously learned moves
- Fixed SpriteResizer bug
- Fixed Battojutsu crashing battle
- Adjusted pokeball throwing in double battles (will properly end turn if you try to throw a second pokeball)
- Adjusted encounter rates and catch rates of starter pokemon
- Adjusted Trainer battles to be a little bit easier (lowered IV)
- Fixed various text errors
- Altered story a little bit post Spinel battle (will add npc that gives you option to rewatch later if you're past this stage)
- Added Skip cutscene function for beginning cutscenes (hold down)
- Added "move there immediately" option for various scenarios.
- Added NPC in Pokecenter that reminds Partner's Pokemon previously learned moves
Some known bugs and possible fixes:
Q: In battle, the buttons get stuck and I can't move around
A: This game has an option to use the mouse cursor in battle to click on buttons. Try moving the mouse cursor away from the game screen (or at least away from the buttons)
Q: This game is laggy
A: There are some locations where the game slows down (notably Clary Town). Fix coming in the future.
v0.22 Update
Enter the Inn in Aquarin Town for a special quest~!
5 Tree Forest has an entrance to more Pokemon Maps
More Fishing in Aquarin Port

5 Tree Forest has an entrance to more Pokemon Maps

More Fishing in Aquarin Port

v0.3 Update
Most changes are related to art asset replacements.
Continuation to the Aquarin warehouse
Updated partner assets

Continuation to the Aquarin warehouse

Updated partner assets

v0.32 Minor game patch + mkxp Game port release:
mkxp Port using mkxp-z made by inori-z/zozo/57-1. Should make the game run smoother with significantly less lag, but prone to crashes and unexpected bugs.
Fixed bugs regarding Tsareena image corrupting, wrong doors, errors with receiving items, etc.
- Select PokemonSunset for mkxp (if your computer has the GPU to run it)
- Select game.exe for maximum compatibility
Download (840mbs)
Fixed bugs regarding Tsareena image corrupting, wrong doors, errors with receiving items, etc.
- Select PokemonSunset for mkxp (if your computer has the GPU to run it)
- Select game.exe for maximum compatibility
Download (840mbs)
[REMEMBER: Back-up your save before entering new content!]

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