- Views: 4,806
- Replies: 16
- Story
This story is basically a normal Pokemon game which changes depending if you choose Pokemon Control or Freedom (Some changes aren't made yet and need to be done yet). In the story you have to stop team blood with their plans and catch hundreds of completely new and regional Pokemon, defeat the Pokemon league (it only goes now to the 6th gym) and catch the legendarys in the end.
- Gyms depending if you have chosen Pokemon Control or Freedom
- Overworld encounters and Version exclusive encounters
- Day night events, New Fakemon, new region and much more...
This is for real this time the last update before the biggest update which will come next year. The update includes:
- Added new Pokemon, Moves, Abilities
- Added overworld encounters and the wild encounter method Pkmn Control
- Starting Screen has changed
- Some icons have been changed
- The signature moves of Hedgehorn and Golord has changed
- The signature moves and Hot Combat have received animations
- Stat changes and overall balancing to some Pokemon
- The secret starter has now the Hidden Ability Heroic Heart and it`s mega has now Unseen Fist
- Ninsquirrls moveset has changed a bit
- Mega Golords Ability has changed to Serene Grace
- Mega Hedgehorns ability has been buffed
- All gyms have now a version exclusive that being now Dragon/Fairy Electric/Sound Ghost/Dark Fire/Grass Water/Flying and Rock/Ground
- The Dragon gym has been completly changed
- Added new codes
- The game has been completly updated to Pokemon essentials V.18
- Added the speedup option
- Some new areas have been added or easier unlocked
- Made the game easier to understand where to go next
- Improved to story a bit
- Completly removed the switching after beating a Pokemon
- Removed the exp Share
- Traded Pokemon receive now LESS exp
- Gym battles are now slightly more difficult except the First gyms due the fact that they already hard enough for this early in the game
- There are currently over 520 catchable fakemon!
- Already 297 Abilities in total! With a LOT of new ones!
- Also already 1001 Moves are in the game!
- Some Bugfixes that caused the Helloween event or other codes to not work properly. Fixed moves like Howl that normally work on your side.
- Discord Server is now avaiable here: https://discord.gg/uJUAGwQ
- Credits:
- Pokemon Control and Freedom
- A Project by Shadowphil
- Title Screen by Shadowphil
Events By
Randomizer script By
Dialog By
Beta/Alpha Testers
Map Work By
Beta Tests By
- Pokemon Essentials BW by Klein Studio: https://www.deviantart.com/kleinstudio/art/UPDATE-Pokemon-Essentials-BW-V3-1-1-539043910
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
Maruno - Every other credit is in the game in the file Credits
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