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Beta 1.2 Changelog:
[x] Running sprites on the player charachter have been made. New Bug Catcher sprites!
[x] New custom tracks!
[x] Virtually every piece of custom music has been retouched
[x] You'll find new TMs scattered about Westorn...
[x] Wild Encounter levels pre-Olympian City have been rebalanced
[x] Funeral service in Fortuna City's Underground
[x] Gen 5 ui sounds, evolution theme, victory theme and capture jingles
[x] Zillions of map errors and typos have been fixed
[x] Removed Acid Rain because it caused some funky glitches
[x] The ability Battery somehow crashed the game; it has been hotfixed.
[x] Easy Mode radiation bug fixed.
[x] Maia's gym is fixed and operational...
[x] Deleted unused maps, including all default Pokemon Essentials maps, and Default essentials music and tilesets
[x] Deleted pre-installed minigames
[x] Removed Marin's OW Shadow scripts
[x] Butterfree and Metapod's cries have been fixed.
[x] Corrected the few, remaining maps and NPC sprites still in gen 3 style
[x] The Olympian Forest is now accessible with a custom tileset!
[x] Tireo has a new gym!
[x] Trainers have been added to Routes 5 and 6.
[x] New, custom dead tree sprites!
Planned Changes for Future Releases:
[x] Return of full-color Pokemon sprites
[x] Correcting fakemon weights/heights, ev yields, and pokedex descriptions.
[x] New Pokedex UI
[x] Bag Icons for the starters
[x] Fixing character name imput ui
[x] New inbattle and overworld trainer sprites
[x] Three more towns, 4 routes
[x] Eerie impluse error
[x] Running sprites on the player charachter have been made. New Bug Catcher sprites!
[x] New custom tracks!
[x] Virtually every piece of custom music has been retouched
[x] You'll find new TMs scattered about Westorn...
[x] Wild Encounter levels pre-Olympian City have been rebalanced
[x] Funeral service in Fortuna City's Underground
[x] Gen 5 ui sounds, evolution theme, victory theme and capture jingles
[x] Zillions of map errors and typos have been fixed
[x] Removed Acid Rain because it caused some funky glitches
[x] The ability Battery somehow crashed the game; it has been hotfixed.
[x] Easy Mode radiation bug fixed.
[x] Maia's gym is fixed and operational...
[x] Deleted unused maps, including all default Pokemon Essentials maps, and Default essentials music and tilesets
[x] Deleted pre-installed minigames
[x] Removed Marin's OW Shadow scripts
[x] Butterfree and Metapod's cries have been fixed.
[x] Corrected the few, remaining maps and NPC sprites still in gen 3 style
[x] The Olympian Forest is now accessible with a custom tileset!
[x] Tireo has a new gym!
[x] Trainers have been added to Routes 5 and 6.
[x] New, custom dead tree sprites!
Planned Changes for Future Releases:
[x] Return of full-color Pokemon sprites
[x] Correcting fakemon weights/heights, ev yields, and pokedex descriptions.
[x] New Pokedex UI
[x] Bag Icons for the starters
[x] Fixing character name imput ui
[x] New inbattle and overworld trainer sprites
[x] Three more towns, 4 routes
[x] Eerie impluse error
Patch #2:
Interior maps, Riverside City, and Route 1 were shifted right a few tiles. Meadow Town was shifted up 6. Please be sure to stand in a clear spot before installing, otherwise you could get permanently stuck!
Ever imagined the *Fallout* series crossed with the *Pokemon* series? Look no further! Pokemon Fission/Fusion (PFF) versions are here! PFF is set in the post apocalyptic region of Westorn two hundred years into the future! The world is under the threat of old threats reemerging while you try to work to make the overworld habitable again!
Westorn is based on the American state of Washington. The other "Washington" (Fallout reference ;) )

New Type and Ice Type Defensive Buff
Ever since these disasters, strange new irradiated pokemon never seen before emerged all over Westorn. Even old pokemon set Geiger counters off! having them being retyped into something completely new! Old moves like Explosion, Smokescreen, and Self-Destruct also set off nearby Geiger counters, which means they too are now Radioactive type!
Westorn is a cold region and therefor ice type have been blessed to receive new resistances due to living in such a favorable environment.
Updated Type Chat:

Basically to begin with you are a newbie trainer who just doesn't fit in with the run of the mill aspirational child. S/he always recieved bad grades for her creative thinking and thus had to spent a few extra years in trainer school. S/he certainly doesn't take answers and rules blindly and certainly when it comes to Pokemon. Rejecting the standard Bidoof that the Pokemon League hands out to trainers deemed "average" or "below average," a mysterious man named Tireo visiting Meadow Town gives him/her one of three starters for "advanced" trainers and tells him/her about something sinister happening within the Pokemon League....
- A pokedex of 406 pokemon (~250 capturable pokemon in Beta 1.0, ~150 in Beta 0.1)
- 10,000 collectible variants of each shiny pokemon, collectively making over 4 million sprites
- 32 pokemon that are mega-compatible, including new, mega eeveelutions.
- approximately 100 fakemon, including a new eeveelution, Fermeon
- A new Rotom Form who is part-Radioactive
- A new type, the Radioactive type, click here for the updated type chart. Ice type receives several defensive boosts as well.
- Radiation Sickness status condition
- Adjustments to standard pokemon detailed here.
- A new region to explore
- 8 Underground Bosses to defeat including the Westorn Council (Elite 4), and its champion, Oppenheimer
- Brand-new abilities, and moves
Changelog To Existing Pokemon as of version Beta 1.0. Beta 0.1 will be different.:
Type, Ability, BST, and Move Changes
Updated Evolution Methods
New Mega Evolutions
Grass type
90 BP 100 Acc 10-16 PP Physical
Effect: User takes recoil damage equal to 1/4 of the damage caused. If Harsh Sunlight is in effect, the move becomes Fire type.
Updated Evolution Methods
New Mega Evolutions
- All eeveelutions ca now mega evolve!
- Scrapping mega Spiritomb!

The three starters to the Westorn region! According to a recent demand the Westorn Council only hand them out to the students who recieve an "Advanced" on their PLEETS (Pokemon League Exit Examination for the Tranier School). For those who receive "average" will receive a Bidoof and for those who receive a "below average" will stay another year.
Sounds draconian, right? Yeah. Ever since the new Champion Oppenheimer has taken hold of the Pokemon League, he had instituted policies that have become increasing bureaucratic and utterly dreadful. Before Oppenheimer, all trainers were allowed to choose from the three. This will certainly affect your game. However, even you do score average, even the best trainers can overcome wherever standardized testing place you. In fact others who recognize your potential might be willing to invest in your success by giving you one of the three starters anyway...

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