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Search results

  1. WolfPP

    Resource [v17+] Roaming Icon on Map

    Hey, Enamorus guys! :) Credit me if used. Lemme know if we have more pokemons that use Roaming mechanic. Cya!
  2. WolfPP

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    PPL like me who love and use PSS Icons (from ORAS) in their fan-games seeing your script is just beautifull. Thanks for sharing!
  3. WolfPP

    Resource BerryPots for Essentials v21

    I really love HGSS and see this resource is amazing! Thank you so much to make it. Hope you bring back more resources from HGSS in future, like Pokeathlon...
  4. WolfPP

    Sprite animations

    If you mean battler sprites go https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/8/.
  5. WolfPP

    Recruiting Need Spriter to make Sprite Overworld (HGSS Style)

    Pokémon Legend Arceus Spoiler
  6. WolfPP

    Recruiting Pokemon Xenofallout

    Will you use gen 3 graphics with gen 4 overworld? If you don't, look forward to see the new maps!
  7. WolfPP

    Graphic HGSS Sea Tileset feedback

    Caso precise de ajuda, há pessoas (como eu) que gostaria de adaptar todos os gráficos da Gen. 4 para o Essentials, então, sinta-se a vontade de me mandar mensagem aqui ou via Discord.
  8. WolfPP

    Recruiting Need Spriter to make Sprite Overworld (HGSS Style)

    Oh, sure! Why not? Let's see what you can do! :) DM me, no problem!
  9. WolfPP

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    Oof. Thanks! We just need to add an outline like SWSH and all good :) Thanks again!
  10. WolfPP

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    Hopefully we will see the item's icon instead a generic hold item one. Parabéns pelo belíssimo script! Acredito que dê para ter mais espaço se vermos o item que contenha o maior nome, para assim otimizar ainda mais a tela. Great job!
  11. WolfPP

    Recruiting Need Spriter to make Sprite Overworld (HGSS Style)

    Guys! I started to do Backsprite like HGSS (80x80). Lemme know if you want help by spriting or helping with getting 3D models to do poses to sprite it. Here the WIP: https://www.deviantart.com/wolfang62/art/GenVIII-DS-style-HGSS-sprites-881654231
  12. WolfPP

    Resource Step On Spot OW Animation

    Above "Main" script I guess.
  13. WolfPP

    Graphic HGSS Sea Tileset feedback

    We can get them if we rip them from HGSS xD Notice that the sea itself moves in diagonal - top right side - while the waves is diagonal but bottom left side (also more quickly):
  14. WolfPP

    Graphic HGSS Sea Tileset feedback

    I think they're the pics for the sea effect.
  15. WolfPP

    Resource TM Case

    IDK if you have for Fairy-type. If not, you can use this one: Just give me credits if so. :)
  16. WolfPP

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    OMG You are the best! Thanks for sharing it and still trying to extract all tiles from HGSS! I feel we can't replicate water (sea, edge, beach, etc) autotiles on Essentials, right? :/
  17. WolfPP

    Recruiting Need Spriter to make Sprite Overworld (HGSS Style)

    I wanna do a game with them :) But NGL am thinking to do a demo just to show them in-game :) Also, bump: