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Search results

  1. Dragonite

    Welcome to the Eevee Expo forum!

    I've been having a crummy day but the fact that you guys chose this name, of all names, put the biggest, dumbest smile on my face just now.
  2. Dragonite

    Hey cat, any chance I can update an old archived game thread? Google Drive changed the way they...

    Hey cat, any chance I can update an old archived game thread? Google Drive changed the way they share their links a while ago so anyone who clicks on this game has to request access individually, and it would probably be nice if I can just post an updated link.
  3. Dragonite

    Entertainment Pick a Pokémon to survive

    I tried thinking of an answer to this that didn't involve a fire type, but if you wanted something to keep you alive in a survival setting fire-types have a huge advantage over everything else. I'm also going to go with Arcanine or Houndoom because they're fire types that double as guard dogs...
  4. Dragonite

    What Makes A Great Pokemon Fangame?

    Truly, the next evolution in fan games is a Pokémon x Hitman crossover. How silly of us not to have realized!
  5. Dragonite

    Suggestions for a new computer

    RPG Maker XP games will run on pretty much any Windows computer newer than about 2009, so you might want to narrow your criteria a bit.
  6. Dragonite

    What Makes A Great Pokemon Fangame?

    I like games that don't force themselves to fit into the same standard model as all the other games. If a game features eight Gyms, an Elite Four, Team Something, a Rival, a starter trio whose types counterbalance each other, Missingno as canon, the complete National Dex, a Trainer School, six...
  7. Dragonite

    Fangame Footage With 3D and Animated Sprites!

    Huh, it's been a long while since I've seen someone playing with Mode 7 in RPG Maker (any version). Very interesting.
  8. Dragonite

    LEAST Favorite Features - Main Games and Fan Games

    It's apparently been four years since I answered this so I guess I'll try to add something with a bit more substance. +1 for everyone in this thread who said "edginess." Fortunately I think I'm seeing less of that these days, either that or I'm just not paying as much attention as I used to...
  9. Dragonite

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    i envy people who think the world is as simple as you do
  10. Dragonite

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    then dont play the game lmao, dont let the door hit you on your way out
  11. Dragonite

    Different Programs

    I've done it in GameMaker. GMS2 is a nice engine, especially with some of the recent updates. (The project itself is very old and I don't maintain it anymore though.)
  12. Dragonite

    Creative 48 states, 48 mons

    There are a billion jokes I could make about New Jersey but I'll keep it semi-reasonable this time. Deerling/Sawsbuck Joltik/Galvaltula We have far too many of those things around here.
  13. Dragonite

    Released The Elder Scrolls V: Pokémon

    Heh. I thought about it, but that was considerably more work than I wanted to spend on what was ultimately a side project.
  14. Dragonite

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    On top of the other complexities, Pokémon has the additional challenge of having to not only meet the deadlines for the game itself but also the deadlines of what the rest of the Pokémon trans-media empire has set. Other games can - and sometimes do - get delayed if they have to, but if a...
  15. Dragonite

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    The National Dex will inevitably be back eventually, either later in this generation or in whatever comes next. They won't all be obtainable in singleplayer though; no Pokémon game has ever had the entire roster available in singleplayer. I seriously doubt any fan games are going to at this...
  16. Dragonite

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    This is a terrible attitude to have, and is pretty dismissive about the amount of work that goes into games (fan or otherwise). Read the article again.
  17. Dragonite

    Pokemon fangames with all 898 mons and megas

    No, but I wrote a lengthy article about why you really, really should not do that. https://eeveeexpo.com/threads/2710/
  18. Dragonite

    How do you decide your Pokédex?

    I could have sworn there was a big thread a while ago about how people decide what to put in their dexes, but I don't see it, so I guess I'll just re(?)-write my answer. I like to go outside and think about what kind of wildlife one would expect to find. In the deciduous forests at temperate...
  19. Dragonite

    Use newest Pokémon on Johto/Kanto game?

    I wrote an article on this a while ago. I recommend not doing that unless you're prepared for a ton of work.
  20. Dragonite

    Relic Castle Anniversary

    Happy birthday, fellow nerds!