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Search results

  1. kelsey

    the Open World Dilemma

    Also: A million switches. Common events are your best friend. EVERYTHING (yes- ALL wild pokemon and trainers) has to scale based on player progress in order to make levels feel balanced. see above comment about this being a ton of work. the basic plug and play dynamics that come with...
  2. kelsey

    the Open World Dilemma

    Open world games are my favorite, and I've posted some threads talking about the game I'm currently working on, which is an open world game (and also one which adapts to the player's choices). I'm not going to respond to everything you've prompted because I'm trying to only take a five minute...
  3. kelsey

    Mutually Exclusive Choices

    This is my number one goal in the game I'm working on right now. Comprehensive story-altering dynamic choices, but holy wow saying it's time consuming is an understatement. Stay tuned. For the next 10 years probably.
  4. kelsey

    Resource Following Pokemon

    Do you mean having an event where the follower pokemon moves in a specific way? You would do that with a trigger in an external event and then use the "set move route"
  5. kelsey

    Released The Elder Scrolls V: Pokémon

    this is the best thing I have ever seen.
  6. kelsey

    Resource Following Pokemon

    EDIT: NEVERMIND- I fixed the issue. I think it was a random game glitch and nothing to do with your script. :) sorry! Hey, so I've been using this script and once I got it going, it has worked perfectly for months. Today, as I'm playing my own game, all of a sudden my follow pokemon is...
  7. kelsey

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Awesome! Any idea if this includes the Pokeblock function?
  8. kelsey

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Pokemon Contests I'm sure people have discussed this before, but I don't think it's ever been implemented. I'm talking about the contests like in (I think) Emerald that were based on beauty/coolness/etc, as well as the whole Pokeblock making system. I know that a lot of people didn't like this...
  9. kelsey

    Sparta is my hero.

    Sparta is my hero.
  10. kelsey

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    I will happily make those myself in exchange for all the rest. Seriously, you just saved me hours of work.
  11. kelsey

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    You would be my hero forever.
  12. kelsey

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Modifying player character?? I think it would be really cool to implement player character design into a fan game (i.e. pick hair color, eye color, clothes, etc) and I think I've seen it in a game before so I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I have no idea where to begin. Does anyone have any...
  13. kelsey

    Completed Pokémon Gaia Version

    The sideways stairs alone are super cool. This looks amazing. I especially like that like olivey-toned grass area. It fits with the style of that gen but also adds a new vibe. Totally going to play as soon as I get a free second in my life.
  14. kelsey

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    Oh my, thanks! I guess I'm really struggling with brackets today....I copied the whole structure of the first quest thinking I needed it all and didn't realize that the ] wasn't a component of the individual quest. *sigh*. Anyway, I really appreciate your help!
  15. kelsey

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    Ok, I'm getting another Syntax Error and I have no idea why. I implemented a first quest, which works perfectly. When I put in a second one, it immediately gives me a syntax error at the line of the second. Am I supposed to be putting the script for the second quest somewhere else? Here is what...
  16. kelsey

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    Woops nevermind. It must've been something simple like that... I took all of the script changes out and then re-added them in and it works perfectly now. Thank you so much! This really is an amazing feature to add into a game!
  17. kelsey

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    I think that was just when I typed it out into the comment here- it was a [ in the script
  18. kelsey

    Resource Easy Questing Interface

    Hey this works really great as you've provided it. I love the interface, it makes adding quests so great. However, I'm attempting to integrate it into the pokegear and as a total novice when it comes to tinkering with scripts, I'm having some issues. Is there any way you could do a short...
  19. kelsey

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    Added arm/wings and some little legs. This has to be the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Also- just wanted to give a shout-out to Atomic Reactor- your tutorial series is the reason I started making games :D
  20. kelsey

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    Like a Pig/Hermit Crab thing? He looks serious. Maybe a ghost/ground type?