- Views: 67,483
- Replies: 59
Pokémon Ashen Frost, formerly Pokémon Present, revolves around Sylvester, a kind, albeit surly, officer-turned-detective in Riverview City. Sylvester works alongside his not-quite-canine unit, Swinub, to solve minor cases. Tracking down missing cheques and ice sculpture vandals doesn't come without risks, however; the frigid metropolis is home to ordinary people and criminals alike. To uncover the truth, Sylvester steps on the toes of some of the city's most important figureheads... as well as the mafia's.
The current version of the game is at 1.4.0. If you downloaded any previous version of the game, you must do a full redownload. This is due to an issue with the executable file for both the MacOS and Linux versions of the game.
Please ensure that you run the updater if you are playing on the Windows, Mac, or Linux build. If you are playing on Joiplay, please download and apply the associated two patch files below. Apply patch.rga first, followed by tilesets.rga.
A full set of the available guides can be found in the game's Walkthrough and Guides folder.
Q: Is Ashen Frost a romhack or a fangame?
A: Ashen Frost is a fangame, developed in RPG Maker XP using Pokémon Essentials v20.1.
Q: How far along is Ashen Frost?
A: Pretty far! We anticipate that the finale of the game will be Case 24. We also intend to have a post-game to wrap up loose ends.
Q: How long is Ashen Frost?
A: On average, we see playtimes of anywhere between 40 to 60 hours!
Q: How do I play?
A: See the guides.
Q: What are the controls?
A: See the guides.
Progress can be followed in a number of places. Some notable options include joining our Discord Server and following our Twitter. If you've read through this far, thanks for checking out the game! Hopefully you'll hear back from us soon with the next release! Cheers!
A full list of credits can be found in the Master Documentation Sheet. If we've missed anyone or information is inaccurate, please let us know so we can amend it.

- A Story-Focused Detective Game
- A story-driven game currently consisting of 20 cases, involving searching for clues, presenting evidence and solving mysteries.
- A fully-fledged case system, complete with its own UI and features.
- The option to have dialogue with information important to the case highlighted.
- A continuously expanding city to explore, complete with tons of side content
- Over 200 quests to find and complete
- Battles, Battles, Battles
- Pokémon from Gen 1-9 available.
- Significantly improved AI, thanks to @DemICE.
- Choose between three difficulty modes to set the tone for your adventure.
- The option of a soft or hard level cap.
- Dynamic usage of Mid-Battle dialogue to set the tone… And to throw the occasional curveball in battle!
- An optimization area to allow any party member to become battle-ready in no time!
- An overworld encounter system, with areas involving wild grass being very far and few between.
- A unique Battle Tower area, with an effect similar to the Battle Arcade and Battle Factory.
The current version of the game is at 1.4.0. If you downloaded any previous version of the game, you must do a full redownload. This is due to an issue with the executable file for both the MacOS and Linux versions of the game.
Please ensure that you run the updater if you are playing on the Windows, Mac, or Linux build. If you are playing on Joiplay, please download and apply the associated two patch files below. Apply patch.rga first, followed by tilesets.rga.
A full set of the available guides can be found in the game's Walkthrough and Guides folder.

A: Ashen Frost is a fangame, developed in RPG Maker XP using Pokémon Essentials v20.1.
Q: How far along is Ashen Frost?
A: Pretty far! We anticipate that the finale of the game will be Case 24. We also intend to have a post-game to wrap up loose ends.
Q: How long is Ashen Frost?
A: On average, we see playtimes of anywhere between 40 to 60 hours!
Q: How do I play?
A: See the guides.
Q: What are the controls?
A: See the guides.

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