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Released Pokémon Ashen Frost [Case 20 + Revamp]

This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Project Status
Project Version


A Game By @Michael And @Ekat
Pokémon Ashen Frost, formerly Pokémon Present, revolves around Sylvester, a kind, albeit surly, officer-turned-detective in Riverview City. Sylvester works alongside his not-quite-canine unit, Swinub, to solve minor cases. Tracking down missing cheques and ice sculpture vandals doesn't come without risks, however; the frigid metropolis is home to ordinary people and criminals alike. To uncover the truth, Sylvester steps on the toes of some of the city's most important figureheads... as well as the mafia's.

  • A Story-Focused Detective Game
  • A story-driven game currently consisting of 20 cases, involving searching for clues, presenting evidence and solving mysteries.
  • A fully-fledged case system, complete with its own UI and features.
  • The option to have dialogue with information important to the case highlighted.
  • A continuously expanding city to explore, complete with tons of side content
  • Over 200 quests to find and complete
  • Battles, Battles, Battles
  • Pokémon from Gen 1-9 available.
  • Significantly improved AI, thanks to @DemICE.
  • Choose between three difficulty modes to set the tone for your adventure.
  • The option of a soft or hard level cap.
  • Dynamic usage of Mid-Battle dialogue to set the tone… And to throw the occasional curveball in battle!
  • An optimization area to allow any party member to become battle-ready in no time!
  • An overworld encounter system, with areas involving wild grass being very far and few between.
  • A unique Battle Tower area, with an effect similar to the Battle Arcade and Battle Factory.

The current version of the game is at 1.4.0. If you downloaded any previous version of the game, you must do a full redownload. This is due to an issue with the executable file for both the MacOS and Linux versions of the game.

Please ensure that you run the updater if you are playing on the Windows, Mac, or Linux build. If you are playing on Joiplay, please download and apply the associated two patch files below. Apply patch.rga first, followed by tilesets.rga.

A full set of the available guides can be found in the game's Walkthrough and Guides folder.

Q: Is Ashen Frost a romhack or a fangame?
A: Ashen Frost is a fangame, developed in RPG Maker XP using Pokémon Essentials v20.1.
Q: How far along is Ashen Frost?
A: Pretty far! We anticipate that the finale of the game will be Case 24. We also intend to have a post-game to wrap up loose ends.
Q: How long is Ashen Frost?
A: On average, we see playtimes of anywhere between 40 to 60 hours!
Q: How do I play?
A: See the guides.
Q: What are the controls?
A: See the guides.

Progress can be followed in a number of places. Some notable options include joining our Discord Server and following our Twitter. If you've read through this far, thanks for checking out the game! Hopefully you'll hear back from us soon with the next release! Cheers!

A full list of credits can be found in the Master Documentation Sheet. If we've missed anyone or information is inaccurate, please let us know so we can amend it.


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I have a question:

Did Sly and the police chef Leo used to date or not? It's kinda unclear lol It gives a feeling that they are friends but used to be something more?

Simple answer, like Meeks said, is no. The shortest accurate answer I can give is "it's complicated." (Especially because how the two viewed their relationship don't exactly line up. Syl spends a lot of energy not thinking about it, post case-6-friendship-breakup, because he'd probably have a complete meltdown. Plus, you can't build an army of Swinub and also solve crime if you're having one of those.)

Spoilers for unreleased content, he does finally start to acknowledge it a little more going into these next segments of the game:


This game is FANTASTIC. This game has a better story and plot than most multi-dollar companies I seen, really impressive!

My favorite part is how Sly finally snaps and pushes Hart down the stairs. I never felt more satisfied than watching him kick that pompous annoyence XD

Is the next update's release determined? I can't wait lol

Thank you!

Syl going from "I'm never having kids" to "I will destroy anyone who even considers hurting these 16 kids I have somehow accumulated" is probably my favourite arc of the game.

Again, like Michael said, no set date! We've got our work cut out for us redoing the game's graphics, code, etc. On my end, there's ~80 tilesets, ~800 maps, probably ~300 NPCs, aaaahhhh. It'll get done, though. I've made good progress through them so far.

In terms of story planning, the game's ending/final cases are planned out. Even some post-game quest ideas to tie up loose ends are hanging around my the planning docs.

Ty again!


Queen of out-dated memes
Woah... it actually does make sense when you think back to older cases, damn, the signs are subtle but amazing my man

This is definitely the best arc XD This game is really gigantic, take your time!

I checked out your Twitter to see your progress and your cat is adorable! Just wanted to say that since I don't have an account there XD


Feb 20, 2021
Heya! I've heard that the game's next update would force you to start over.
Is that true?


That One Guy
Heya! I've heard that the game's next update would force you to start over.
Is that true?
Yes and no. The game is doing a big overhaul so saves from the current version will be incompatible. However, we will be debugging saves for those who aren't interested in replaying, restoring progress to the best of our ability.


Feb 20, 2021
Yes and no. The game is doing a big overhaul so saves from the current version will be incompatible. However, we will be debugging saves for those who aren't interested in replaying, restoring progress to the best of our ability.
Thanks for the reply! I am just in case 2, so I don't mind waiting. Any sort of insight on how long i will take? I've heard it might take several months


Nov 25, 2022
hey i've played this game in 2020-2021 and this is by far my most favorite pokemon game been visiting my game files recently just wanna ask if there's a way to either see or view the game development updates cause the only thing that showed are the twitter


That One Guy
The game is now up on the site! If you encounter any bugs while playing, feel free to either let us know here or in our Discord Server!

Please note that old saves will not be compatible with this new version. As a result, a save file containing some of the most popular Pokemon on player teams has been provided.

We hope you enjoy Ashen Frost!
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That One Guy
Ashen Frost has received a myriad of updates since the last post, and we are now at version 1.1.1. Apologies to those who check the thread, I keep forgetting to update it!

If you are not on version 1.1.0, please redownload the game (to be on version 1.1.0, you must have downloaded the game on January 10th or later). If you are on version 1.1.1, you can just apply the provided patch file.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed possible sequence break during Lafayette party in Case 19
  • Fixed possible sequence break from reading the inscriptions during Case 17
  • Fixed exploit allowing Mordecai to rejoin with Arturo after reaching the vault in Case 20
  • Fixed freeze caused by the bank call when you have run out of time on your loan
  • Fixed possible softlock while trying to enter Thistle Valley from Thistle Cavern
  • Fixed occasional crash when attempting to swap maps
  • (Once again) fixed crash with honey tree encounters
  • Fixed battle UI correction by punk mid-battle dialogue
  • Fixed AI error caused by having an egg in the party when it tries to simulate a fake battle
  • Fixed error caused by liquid ooze interaction with Leeching Root
  • Fixed exploit allowing for unlimited prizes to be collected from the lottery
  • Fixed Kadabra in Wintergreen Park not respawning
  • Fixed flying sprite inconsistency with Mordecai
  • Fixed being able to increase above max EV count in certain scenarios
  • Pizza Guy now has his own pizza-themed team

  • Frozen Thunderstorm now strikes in a consistent pattern and warns the player which side is being struck by lightning on the previous turn
  • Forfeiting now resets all battle items that may have been used up during the fight
  • Decreased all EXP candy prices in the training center
  • Fainting from the level grinder no longer reduces happiness
  • Added an instant egg hatcher to the training center and daycares
  • Lowered encounter rates everywhere

  • Fixed all reported typos
  • Fixed all reported collision errors
  • Fixed all general eventing errors
  • Fixed all reported AI errors
  • Fixed all reported tileset errors
  • Updated/improved some item/evidence sprites
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That One Guy

Ashen Frost 1.2.0 is now out! This is a large release containing many fixes and technical improvements, not limited to:
  • The game now supports four platforms natively - Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Joiplay. Each platform has its own respective build. Currently the game is only offered via Google Drive due to problems with uploading, however, I will try and support more upload methods in the future
  • The Windows, MacOS, and Linux builds now all have an updater included in the game folder. Any future releases should be as simple as running the program. Due to the nature of the Joiplay build, it will still receive patches manually if/when they come
  • MKXP-z has been updated to v2.0.0, bringing faster speeds as well as new controller bindings in the F1 menu
  • The game now supports a fully functional text log. Just click the a/scroll up to view recent conversations
  • All instances of royalty free music have been removed to avoid future copyright claims on YouTube uploads of the game
  • Several GUIs including Tutor.net, Poker, and Blackjack have been updated to be easier to use
  • New Pokémon have appeared across Riverview. See if you can find them all!
  • New TMs have also been made available and some quest rewards have been updated. If you have already completed a quest with a TM reward, you can receive it at Garbodor's Grotto in the Factory Outskirts
  • Several team/AI adjustments have been made to the battle system. Additionally, a new setting has been added Ban Bag In Battle which bans item use for both the player and their opponents
  • Several controls have been rebound. As well, controls for KB/M on the Windows, Linux, and Mac builds can now be edited in the controls menu in the pause menu, instead of through the F1 menu
  • Several characters have now received their own custom text colours as opposed to the standard red and blue.
  • I've tried to fix as many bugs as I could find across the entire game. Here's hoping there are every few left now!
  • There's probably some other stuff I'm forgetting - that should cover the majority though!
Please Note
  1. If you are playing on the Joiplay build using a Google phone (like I do), the game will freeze unless you downgrade the RPG Maker plugin to v1.20.53 and Joiplay version to v1.20.53 as well as switch the RPG Maker plugin to use ANGLE instead of OpenGL. This is currently a fangame-wide issue.
  2. If you were playing on one of the previous test versions of 1.2.0, you will likely need to enter the controls menu and reset to default to ensure everything works correctly!
  3. To utilize the MacOS build, you will need to drag the game file into the Applications window and install. To utilize the Joiplay build, you will need to use Joiplay's "install packages" function.
We hope you all continue to enjoy Pokémon Ashen Frost!

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Oct 8, 2023
Hello, creator! Do you mind if I translate your game into Chinese? I like this game very much, and Chinese players will also like it.


Mar 7, 2025
Dear Creator... Wow, what a fantastic game. I just wanted to go over why it is an amazing game:
  • The music. It has to come first. The battle scenes with the gangsters are my favourite
  • The pixel art. Its so warm and genuine; the smoke from chimneys, the light that is cast by lanterns, winks bij some anti-heroes...
  • The difficulty. Its HARD! I have to teambuild against fricking DONDOZO and TATSUGIRI... hate this but love it
  • The training center; its so nice to quickly build up a new team, also considering later in the game money is no longer an issue due to some very nice exploits, which should be there! I highly needed them
  • The guides; apparently I missed SO MUCH content, even though i'm a completionist
  • The story; omg the story... I was swept. Its so involved with factions, connections between characters that you almost forgot about, and the HUMOUR OF IT AL!!!! So funny!

There are only very limited things in which I think could be approved on
  • Maybe, while waiting for the next update, can you allow the player to switch protagonists so both sections can be explored? Like have a Mordecai spirit waiting at the dinner table of Syl's house, or something. I missed so freaking much in his story... (Wait, there is a severn cactus pokemon?)
  • Money in the early game is really really hard to come by, especially considering there are no repeatable trainer battles. Maybe let the level raiser in the training house pay out just a small amount, so you still have to work for it.
  • The completionist in me would love a dex or a list of the pokemon available, with area's of where to grind to capture them. This seems maybe too much work, I know. But a list/catalogue (or sidequest to make a catalogue) of delta species/Severn pokemon would be fun i think.

I will now wait for episode 21... My first playthrough was nearly 60 hours of pure joy. Thank you.


That One Guy
Dear Creator... Wow, what a fantastic game. I just wanted to go over why it is an amazing game:
  • The music. It has to come first. The battle scenes with the gangsters are my favourite
  • The pixel art. Its so warm and genuine; the smoke from chimneys, the light that is cast by lanterns, winks bij some anti-heroes...
  • The difficulty. Its HARD! I have to teambuild against fricking DONDOZO and TATSUGIRI... hate this but love it
  • The training center; its so nice to quickly build up a new team, also considering later in the game money is no longer an issue due to some very nice exploits, which should be there! I highly needed them
  • The guides; apparently I missed SO MUCH content, even though i'm a completionist
  • The story; omg the story... I was swept. Its so involved with factions, connections between characters that you almost forgot about, and the HUMOUR OF IT AL!!!! So funny!

There are only very limited things in which I think could be approved on
  • Maybe, while waiting for the next update, can you allow the player to switch protagonists so both sections can be explored? Like have a Mordecai spirit waiting at the dinner table of Syl's house, or something. I missed so freaking much in his story... (Wait, there is a severn cactus pokemon?)
  • Money in the early game is really really hard to come by, especially considering there are no repeatable trainer battles. Maybe let the level raiser in the training house pay out just a small amount, so you still have to work for it.
  • The completionist in me would love a dex or a list of the pokemon available, with area's of where to grind to capture them. This seems maybe too much work, I know. But a list/catalogue (or sidequest to make a catalogue) of delta species/Severn pokemon would be fun i think.

I will now wait for episode 21... My first playthrough was nearly 60 hours of pure joy. Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed the game!

You can swap between Mordecai and Syl in Syl's bedroom after you beat the demo.