Badges are collectible icons on Eevee Expo that are displayed on your profile and post bit. Badges can be obtained by participating in the community and completing certain objectives. We believe this should provide incentive to some people to collect them, but there's no actual benefit to doing so. Badges are completely cosmetic.
You can view the list of badges on Eevee Expo here and how to obtain them.
Please send your save files in a private message. Please keep in mind that badge distribution is not an automated process and is handled by the staff manually.
Game Badges
Badges aren't restricted just for things that happen on the forums, though. Eevee Expo has worked together with certain fan game developers in the past to provide game badges. Game badges are obtainable by beating the release of a fan game that has a game badge on Eevee Expo. They are based off of an in-game badge, or a badge that represents the fan game itself.
To do this, you send in your save file to a staff member (NOT the fan game developer) and we will review it to make sure it fits the criteria for a beaten save file. This is not an automatic process and will take a little bit of time. Patience is key.
If you're interested in working with the Eevee Expo staff towards having a game badge of your own, please know that we'll be the ones to contact you if we're interested. We're looking for well-polished games and or games that offer a unique experience. More will be added in the future!
Supported Game Badges
The Capsule Badge - Earthbound: Capsule Quest by @Atomic Reactor
Capture or defeat the Pink Starman.
The Cinnabar Badge - The Secret of Cinnabar Mansion by @Involuntary Twitch
Save in front of the experiment once you have the "Mysterious Package" item in your Bag.
The Common Badge - Pokémon Ethereal Gates by @Evan
Obtain the 2nd in-game badge.
The Desiderate Badge - Pokémon Desiderate by @Hukon
Defeat Don.
The Egg Badge - Pokémon Spectrum by @Kojo
Obtain the 2nd in-game badge.
The Gaia Badge - Pokémon Gaia Version by @Spherical Ice
Obtain the 6th in-game badge.
The Guilmon Badge - Banette & Guilmon by @SmokedPaprika
Save at Scene 6 "Let's Go Home".
The Hitmon Badge - Hitmon! Jam by @Rhyden
Defeat the Dragon Warrior.
The Jeff Badge - Pokémon Jeff by @Hukon
Defeat Robert.
The Mew Badge - Pokémon: MewYou by @Aki
Defeat Mewtwo.
The Rocket Badge - Pokémon: Attack on The Space Station by @NoodlesButt
Defeat the Pokémon infused with the asteroid.
The Rose Gold Badge - Pokémon Rose Gold by @Atomic Reactor
Capture or defeat either Suicune, Rayquaza, or Mew.
The Silph Badge - Pokémon Attack of Silph Co. by @NoodlesButt
Get to the rooftop of Silph Co. and be able to skip the cutscene.
The Thyme Badge - Pokémon Thyme by @Hukon
Have the "Blessed Charms" item in your Bag.
The Twilight Badge - Pokémon Twilight by @OrreMIDI
Defeat the final boss and get any ending.
The Umber Badge - Pokémon Umber by @Dawn Bronze
Have an Eevee/Eeveelution in the party.
The Birdcall Badge - Pokémon Birdcall by @Aki & @Deo
Obtain the Tidal Bell and Clear Bell.
The Castaway Badge - Pokémon Castaway by @Michael & @Ekat
Save after the events in the underground lab.
The Journey Badge - Pokémon Journey by @Tomix9tomix
Reach the Fin. after completing the game.
The Two-Player Badge - Hunter & Raymond by @Cadeorade5
Defeat the final trainer and save when the game fades to black.
The Latent Badge - Latent - Prologue by @Ott
Reach the Credits.
The Tempo Badge - Pokémon Tempo Rising by @Aki
Have at least three Charms in your bag.
The Apathy Badge - Pokémon Apathy by @Ekat
Reach the true ending and get Mikael to say he loves you.
The Pandora Badge - Pokémon Pandora by @Haunted Ditto
Defeat the Evil Force and rescue Psyduck.
The Violet Scarf Badge - White Rose by @Ott
Reach the Credits.
The Snowcrown Badge - Pokémon Gratia by @Tomix9tomix
Defeat or catch Lugia.
The Dream Badge - Escape from Dream World by @Vendily
Wake up Snorlax.
The Parallax Badge - Pokémon Parallax by @TheLuxDiablo
Complete the game.
The Pocket Badge - Pocket Moderators by @Savordez
Complete day 5.
The Splice Badge - Pokémon Splice by @Thundaga
Complete the game.
The Therian Badge - Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Therian Episode by @Radical Raptr & @Mr. Gela
Defeat the 3 beasts.
The Zee Badge - Pocket Monster Project: Ghosts of Knowledge by @Ranko
Complete the game.
The Unbound Badge - Pokémon Villain Jam by @PurpleZaffre
Have the "Prison Bottle" item in your bag.
The Beekeeper Badge - Pokémon Beekeeper by @Voltseon
Reach day 14.
The Perfect Jam Badge - Dr. Professor's Quest for the Perfect Jam by @Sparta
Complete the game and get the Professor to say your next adventure is going after the Valor Crown.
The Fairy Badge - Pokémon Fairies by @Armin
Have the "Mystic Mirror" item in your bag.
The Nightshade Badge - Pokémon Nightshade by @Ekat
Complete the game and get the Boss to say he threw Yew in the mines.
The Distortion Badge - Pokémon Azume by @Tomix9tomix
Complete the game and save inside the Cave of Rituals.
The Katana Badge - Pokémon Bushido by @TheLuxDiablo & @Thundaga
Reach Chapter 7.
The Ditto Badge - The Last Nurse Joy by @AnonAlpaca
Complete the game and have a total of at least 3 Silver, Gold or Perfect Rankings.
The Quantum Badge - Pokémon Quantum by @Voltseon & @ENLS
Complete the demo and arrive at Rowan Route.
The Fang Badge - I Wanna Be A Vampire!! by @trainer00002
Have the "Antique Ball" item in your bag and be able to watch the credits.
The SCALD Badge - Pokémon Containment by @lichenprincess
Reach the SCALD backrooms and save in front of the final containment chamber.
The Seafoam Badge - Pokémon Seafoam by @Ekat
Save before entering the room with the final boss.
The Tengai Badge - Pokémon Tengai by @Mashirosakura
Finish the demo.
The Lotad Badge - Littleroot Researchers by @KennyCatches
Finish episode 6.
The Blimp Badge - Pokémon Shikari by @MegaMew47
Finish the demo.
The [K]arma Badge - Pokémon [K]arma by @Vendily
Reach the Graveyard.
The Ethos Badge - Pokémon Ethos by @Voltseon, @ENLS, @Thundaga & @NocTurn
Beat the third gym.
The Battle Badge - Pokémon Battle Spotlight by @HollowGap, @Tabletpillowlamp & @Ranko
Beat everyone in the tournament.
The Super Scientist Badge - Super Scientist Mountain by @👵👵👵
Beat the game.
The Darkest Day Badge - Pokémon Legends: The Darkest Day by @King_Waluigi, @lichenprincess, @Vendily, and @Jelo
Beat the game.
The Leek Badge - Pokémon: A Farfetch'd Story by @KennyCatches
Beat the game.
The Solace Badge - Solace by @idilio, @Nomi, @Golisopod User, and @MikeJAJ
Beat the game.
The Mirror Badge - The Looker by @Tomix9tomix, @papurika, @MarcStuts08, and @NuclearOmega
Beat the game.
The Golisopod Badge - Go Go Golisopod 2! by @Thundaga
Beat the game.
The Ultimate Deoxys Badge - Pokémon and the Last Wish: Part II by @ENLS, @Voltseon, and @PurpleZaffre
Beat the game.
The Diamond Badge - Pokémon Ghosts of Knowledge: Kensho by @Ranko, @Ned, @Gray and @brysoonye
Obtain 7 diamonds.
The Hell Girl Badge - HELL†GIRL by @Armin
Beat the game.
The Taiseiyo Badge - Pokémon Taiseiyo by @CelestialFearow and @Haunted Ditto
Beat the game.
The Halcyon Badge - Pokémon Halcyon by @Ekat, @Foxowl, @Jeanot1000, and @Michael
Beat the game.
The Faerïs Badge - Faerïs by @Ott and @LJ_Ele118
Beat the game.
The Elements Badge - Pokémon of the Elements by @Cuprite (Kyu)
Beat the game.
The Shadow Necrozma Badge - Pokémon Shattered Light by @Voltseon, @ENLS and @Tristantine The Great
Beat the game.
The Lake Badge - Holly goes to the F*cking Lake by @Tomix9tomix, @Ranko, @Vendily and @lichenprincess
Beat the game.
The Don't Go, Badge - Don't Go, Pikachu! by @Sipondo, @Kaljis and @Ronsku
Beat the game.
Uploading your Save File
The file you're looking for is the Game.rxdata file, and it's located in your C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\GAMENAME folder, in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\GAMENAME, or the folder with your Game.exe in it. For a ROM hack, send us your .sav file. Now use a file storage service such as Mediafire, MEGA, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc, and send the link to a staff member for review. Be sure to mention what game it is! Let's plays on YouTube are also considered proof of completion.
You can view the list of badges on Eevee Expo here and how to obtain them.
Please send your save files in a private message. Please keep in mind that badge distribution is not an automated process and is handled by the staff manually.
Game Badges
Badges aren't restricted just for things that happen on the forums, though. Eevee Expo has worked together with certain fan game developers in the past to provide game badges. Game badges are obtainable by beating the release of a fan game that has a game badge on Eevee Expo. They are based off of an in-game badge, or a badge that represents the fan game itself.
To do this, you send in your save file to a staff member (NOT the fan game developer) and we will review it to make sure it fits the criteria for a beaten save file. This is not an automatic process and will take a little bit of time. Patience is key.
If you're interested in working with the Eevee Expo staff towards having a game badge of your own, please know that we'll be the ones to contact you if we're interested. We're looking for well-polished games and or games that offer a unique experience. More will be added in the future!
Supported Game Badges

Capture or defeat the Pink Starman.

Save in front of the experiment once you have the "Mysterious Package" item in your Bag.

Obtain the 2nd in-game badge.

Defeat Don.

Obtain the 2nd in-game badge.

Obtain the 6th in-game badge.

Save at Scene 6 "Let's Go Home".

Defeat the Dragon Warrior.

Defeat Robert.

Defeat Mewtwo.

Defeat the Pokémon infused with the asteroid.

Capture or defeat either Suicune, Rayquaza, or Mew.

Get to the rooftop of Silph Co. and be able to skip the cutscene.

Have the "Blessed Charms" item in your Bag.

Defeat the final boss and get any ending.

Have an Eevee/Eeveelution in the party.

Obtain the Tidal Bell and Clear Bell.

Save after the events in the underground lab.

Reach the Fin. after completing the game.

Defeat the final trainer and save when the game fades to black.

Reach the Credits.

Have at least three Charms in your bag.

Reach the true ending and get Mikael to say he loves you.

Defeat the Evil Force and rescue Psyduck.

Reach the Credits.

Defeat or catch Lugia.

Wake up Snorlax.

Complete the game.

Complete day 5.

Complete the game.

Defeat the 3 beasts.

Complete the game.

Have the "Prison Bottle" item in your bag.

Reach day 14.

Complete the game and get the Professor to say your next adventure is going after the Valor Crown.

Have the "Mystic Mirror" item in your bag.

Complete the game and get the Boss to say he threw Yew in the mines.

Complete the game and save inside the Cave of Rituals.

Reach Chapter 7.

Complete the game and have a total of at least 3 Silver, Gold or Perfect Rankings.

Complete the demo and arrive at Rowan Route.

Have the "Antique Ball" item in your bag and be able to watch the credits.

Reach the SCALD backrooms and save in front of the final containment chamber.

Save before entering the room with the final boss.

Finish the demo.

Finish episode 6.

Finish the demo.

Reach the Graveyard.

Beat the third gym.

Beat everyone in the tournament.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Obtain 7 diamonds.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.

Beat the game.
Uploading your Save File
The file you're looking for is the Game.rxdata file, and it's located in your C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\GAMENAME folder, in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\GAMENAME, or the folder with your Game.exe in it. For a ROM hack, send us your .sav file. Now use a file storage service such as Mediafire, MEGA, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc, and send the link to a staff member for review. Be sure to mention what game it is! Let's plays on YouTube are also considered proof of completion.