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Made Using: Pokemon Essentials
Team: Vendily
Notes: This is definitely more of a game made as an excuse to code something cool than to tell a story. Technically though, it was more planned out than any of my entries so far, but that doesn't really mean much haha. Went into it with just the Growlithe and Skiddo powers, and the intro. Oh and the fact it's all ghosts.
It's not very long admittedly. 10 minutes, give or take. The change in font broke basically every menu including the options menu, and I wasn't in the mood to fix it, so there are no menus.
The title has no specific relation to the Game itself. It's just named after Arma and Karma.

Pokemon [K]arma
By Vendily
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Flameguru, Poccil (Peter O.), Maruno
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy, MiDas Mike, Brother1440, Near Fantastica, FL., PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper, help-14, Rataime, IceGod64, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta, Venom12, Lisa Anthony, Wachunga, Luka S.J. and everyone else who helped out.
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.
===== TILES & GRAPHICS =====
Titlescreen Font Graphics by Piacarrot
All Human NPCs from Pokecrystal
Palettes are generally taken from either in-game screenshots of Crystal with bgb's GBC LCD Filter on, or from GBC LCD rips from the GBC Zelda Games (mostly the two Oracle games.)
The bottomless pit tiles are edited from Oracle of Season
The sign, house, grave stone, stone fence, well, bridge, key, and the torch tiles/event are from Link's Awakening (with some minor edits & recolouring)
The switch tiles in the bottom of the well are also from Link's Awakening, but edited to not only be based on colour for activation state.
The dead tree tiles is from the GS spaceworld 97 partial disassembly.
The other pokemon overworlds are from Escape from Dream World's Resource Pack.
But that was still me.
===== SCRIPTS =====
Gen 2 Style Dark Maps by Hollow_Ego
Bitmap Font by Poccil (Peter O.)
Edited to reuse as many methods shared with Essentials as possible
===== AUDIO =====
BGMs/SEs from both Default Essentials and the Standard RMXP RTP
I made:
I edited:
By Vendily
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Flameguru, Poccil (Peter O.), Maruno
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy, MiDas Mike, Brother1440, Near Fantastica, FL., PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami, Popper, help-14, Rataime, IceGod64, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end, KitsuneKouta, Venom12, Lisa Anthony, Wachunga, Luka S.J. and everyone else who helped out.
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on MKXP by Ancurio et al.
===== TILES & GRAPHICS =====
Titlescreen Font Graphics by Piacarrot

GSC Title Font by Piacarrot on DeviantArt

All Human NPCs from Pokecrystal
Palettes are generally taken from either in-game screenshots of Crystal with bgb's GBC LCD Filter on, or from GBC LCD rips from the GBC Zelda Games (mostly the two Oracle games.)
The bottomless pit tiles are edited from Oracle of Season
The sign, house, grave stone, stone fence, well, bridge, key, and the torch tiles/event are from Link's Awakening (with some minor edits & recolouring)
The switch tiles in the bottom of the well are also from Link's Awakening, but edited to not only be based on colour for activation state.
The dead tree tiles is from the GS spaceworld 97 partial disassembly.
pokegold-spaceworld/gfx/tilesets/tileset_04.common.png at master · pret/pokegold-spaceworld
Disassembly of the Pokémon Gold and Silver 1997 Space World demo - pret/pokegold-spaceworld
The other pokemon overworlds are from Escape from Dream World's Resource Pack.
But that was still me.
===== SCRIPTS =====
Gen 2 Style Dark Maps by Hollow_Ego
Bitmap Font by Poccil (Peter O.)
HBGames.ORG • View topic - Bitmap Fonts
Indie game development community and Discord server specialising in RPG Maker.
===== AUDIO =====
BGMs/SEs from both Default Essentials and the Standard RMXP RTP
I made:
- The player sprites (though the special forms are merged with pokemon overworlds from Escape from Dream World (which I did make in that case))
- The Octillary sprite
I edited:
- Basically every sprite involved had a palette adjustment of some sort
- The gate is edited from the fence tile though.
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