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Completed Games

Projects with a complete, playable release are located here! Playable demos and other works in progress should be posted in the other sections.
Hello, Welcome to the Fermia region. In this basic Pokemon story your partner will be chosen with intuition. Battle your way trough the gyms to challenge the Pokemon League, complete your pokedex, build your favorite team and face the consequences of power with a sinister intellectual organization. Start your journey and enjoy the calming simplicity and exciting encounters of this Pokemon adventure. *I'm currently playtesting this for Android mobile devices with JoiPlay. So far it seems to work well with the latest Joiplay update and RPG Maker plugin. There is only some minor graphic issues that doesn't affect gameplay. You can download JoiPlay and the plugin from searching it on google. The playstore version is probably not going to work. You have to install it as an outside of the store app. - I'm using JoiPlay version 1.20.023 Features: -New starter choosing system with 18 possibilities -Game continues after Pokemon League -All 1 & 2 Gen Pokemon and their evolutions plus special choises from other generations I have always wanted to make a Pokemon game and when I found about Pokemon Essentials last winter I knew I had to give it a try. The game is now finished. I set a deadline to finish making the game this year (2023) since I have other things to do in life. I have playtested it a few times but if you find major bugs feel free to speak and I will try try to fix them. Huge thanks for everyone that made this possible and I hope I got this right at first try. I would love to hear your comments on this game and I'm also open for critique. DOWNLOAD: Pokemon Deep Blue
Welcome to Pokémon: Giovanni Origins In this story, set roughly 20 years before the events of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue, you play as the childhood friend of Team Rocket Boss Giovanni. Growing up in Saffron City, you and Giovanni will traverse Kanto and Johto together, challenging for gym badges and championships along the way. You will witness first hand the backstory of Giovanni, watching from the sidelines as your friend ventures down a dark path, turning to a life of crime. As you explore Kanto and Johto, you will see the vast difference 20 years can make to a region. You will find characters and references to the future games hidden everywhere you look. Enjoy exploring the Pokémon world long before the stories of legendary Pokémon trainers such as Red and Blue. ... and if you are Team Rocket inclined yourself, you can now train your very own Dark Pokémon! >>>>>>>>>> Mediafire link v2.13 - Click here!<<<<<<<<<< ATTENTION JOIPLAY USERS if the game freezes when Giovanni attempts to battle you for the first time, you need to download the below file and put it into the same folder as game.exe >>>>> Joiplay Patch <<<<< >>>>>>>>>> Discord Server - Click here! <<<<<<<<<< Transfer your save to a newer version of the game: Transfer the following file your existing directory of the game into the same folder in your newly downloaded version of the game, and you should be able to carry on from where you left off! >>>>>>>>>> Game Documentation! Click here! <<<<<<<<<< Key features: Screenshots: Socials - let's talk Pokémon! I collect and play! Twitch - DaleFails TikTok - DaleFails Instagram - DaleFailsGaming Special thanks: General help, bug fixing and playtesting - Amallah! Amallah gaming on Twitch! Check him out! Essentials version and Plugins used: Credits:
Discord: Discord Invite Wiki: Wiki Link - - - INTRODUCTION - - - Pokémon Daybreak is a fangame made in Pokémon Essentials, and has been in the works for over 4 years by an extremely small development team. For incentive, we have explored: the Pokémon anime and games, real world locations, mythical legends and more. Recently as of Feburary 2023, we have released a huge overhaul update which was in the works for over 2 years! - - - TRAILER - - - - - - STORY - - - A meteor has struck, and you, the local professor's new assistant are assigned to the case. However, some mischievous individuals have beat you to it; and are inspecting the meteor for their own purposes. Who are they, and why is the meteor imperative? Pokémon Daybreak introduces the enigmatic region 'Armira', and is centralised around storytelling and challenging gameplay. The game is aesthetically beautiful and there are many unique locations you will encounter on your journey, such as a meteor crash site, a castle and a cherry blossom forest. Themes of exploitation, greed, and history are examined and lore is dotted all throughout the game. Take on the challenge of becoming Pokémon Champion in the all-embracing region of Armira! - - - FEATURES - - - A new and expansive region, 'Armira' and post game 'Armiran Isles' 10 Gyms, Elite Four + Champion At least 20 hours of gameplay A custom dex of 400 Pokémon from gens 1-9 (excluding 200 from post game) Difficulty Settings (Normal and Hard Mode) Classic GBA-Theme, with Gen 3 Styled textures, music and many new, custom remixes An intriguing, climactic story with new, original characters New custom regional forms/variants including: Water Arcanine, Fairy/Dragon Garchomp and more New custom mega evolutions, including those of Milotic, Heliolisk, Mega Venusaur and Blastoise X 'Dualeons' are a mix of two eeveelution types to create a new mon Quests (Including optional side-quests) The ability to see ALL encounters in that area from your menu The Battle Island! (Our version of the Battle Frontier) Complete Post Game with its own regional dex and a final act to the story! An active discord where you can interact with other players, the developers, find a FAQ, get updates immediately and more How to Download: There are 2 download methods 1. Classic Method: Go to this Download Link and then click Code > Download Zip this will download the newest version, but means to update the game you will have to patch 2. Better method: Go to this Download Link and then click Code > Open with Github Destkop. This will allow you to receive the newest updates with 0 need to patch. All you have to do is click Pull on Github Destkop. The README.txt in the game files has a FAQ Current Version: v1.7 [Updated 2nd Feburary 2023] CREDITS: Credits List In no way do we receive any profit for this fangame or anything related to such. We are protected under fair use laws and do not intend to breach those. Discord: Discord Invite
Pokemon - Wild Lands Made by the creator of Pokemon - Aether and Chaos About the Game: Wild Lands is an open world adventure with a level scaling system. A quest/task system guides the player through the story, however the player can play as they like with minimal restrictions. Once again, I created a new soundtrack for this game, following the style of Aether and Chaos. Wild Lands, however, is a very different style of game to Aether and Chaos. Features: A large world to explore with very little limitation Innate skills replace HMs Phantom Pokemon and Shrines (mini boss events) 286 Pokemon selected from generations 1 - 9 All Pokemon are catchable All Pokemon have been rebalanced All moves have been rebalanced + many added - 4 new natures Gyms are replaced by Clans of which you must assist to gain honor New and old mini-games Speed up A completely new soundtrack Lots more, check out the guide Screenshots: Potential Issues: I have play tested it enough that there should be no random crashes. However, as this is a one man show, please let me know if there is anything that occurs. Sorry in advance if there is anything that impedes your playthroughs. Additionally, avoid using the speed up button during events and especially mini-games. The ideal speed up speed is 2 (1 being normal, 2 being fast, 3 being very fast) Tools used: RPG Maker XP Pokemon Essentials v21.1 Ableton GIMP Installation Guide: Download the link provided below and extract the files to your desired destination. Run the Game.exe file. Enjoy the game. Discord Link: Discord Downloads: Mediafire Credits: Thanks to all the previous fan games and main creators of the essentials project for any work used within this game. Namely, sprites, tile sets and plugins. If you notice anything you have done which has not been credited and would like to be added, please let me know.
Pokemon Acceptance Awards: HeroVoltsy's top 10 fan games of 2021! We came in at #3! Talk to wild Pokemon, unleash fake megas and save the PokePark in this completed story-driven adventure! Download here! Introduction: Pokemon Acceptance is an rmxp fan game running on Pokemon Essentials 17.2 using a gen 5 style tileset. This game was solo developed by Tpick, a first time game developer who started development in May 2020. The first completed version launched on PokeCommunity in July 2021, but in March 2022 after adding in Hisui forms I've decided it's about time to share it with my friends here at Relic Castle! Plot: A mysterious barrier emerges around the PokePark, causing many people and Pokemon to go missing. Professor Rowan sends Gary Oak and his young assistant Grace (you) to investigate the disturbance. Once there, you discover a civil war has begun inside the PokePark! The sinister Ein has kidnapped Phione while all of the powerful Pokemon that usually protect the park are gone. Ein has even recruited trainers typically seen as heroes to his cause. It’s up to Grace to join the resistance and save the Park from the inside! Post-game story! Explore Parts of Orre, Kalos, Johto and Kanto as the story reaches it's final conclusion! Unique Features No gyms/league! A story driven adventure to save the PokePark. Fake mega evolutions! Current List: Frosslass, Delibird, Ludicolo, Dunsparce, Kecleon, Raichu, Sudowoodo. See one you wish I had? Let me know! I may still add more! Follower Pokemon like in HG/SS Talk to Pokemon! Interact with wild Pokemon, and see their reactions with portraits from Super Mystery Dungeon! Alternate currency system! Just like in PokePark, some vendors won't accept PokeDollars, but rather berries in exchange for goods and services. New Sound effects! From menu selections to getting items, almost every sound effect has been replaced by sounds from other games. Music Variety! Every single area has new battle music for both wild and trainer battles. Many event battles also have unique music, as well as changing music for cutscenes. There's also a large variety of victory and intro music for trainer battles. Move tutor/TM system. "Cove Town'' in the center of the map has an unprecedented number of move tutors and TM sellers, allowing you to reach the highest potential you can with your team! You can even unlock 2nd/hidden abilities or Perfect your IVs/EVs! Assuming you have the right berry currency, that is! "Starter Cave" An early game cave containing all 24 starters from gen 1-8! New way to train: Level up at special computers with simulation battles against over 90 trainers from the main series and anime! Gym Leaders, rivals, villains and Elite 4 from the first 7 regions await! Sewer mini game! Dodge teleporting Abras, bubble blowing Corphish, and wild poison types while you rebuild a bridge to get a reward of berries and other items! Mixture of both roaming wild encounters like the Wild Area, and random tall grass encounters. Progress: Version 3.0 onwards are completed versions! 3.8 adds in Hisui Forms. The only updates I do nowadays are to add in new forms/fake megas, or to fix bugs I missed. Hero Voltsy Let's Play: Want to talk to me about this game? reply here, or on PokeCommunity, or join my discord! I'll gladly talk to you about it! Really really! PokeCommunity Page https://discord.gg/XBsUYkmYMJ Awards: HeroVoltsy's top 10 fan games of 2021! Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cgtaeb54mwws2b5/Pokemon_Acceptance_v3.12.1.zip/file How to install/play: Simply download the zip file, unzip it, and click on the file called "game"
“Humans come to Hell to get punished?” ...What nonsense. I, for one... came to Hell to rule. ††††† A re-imagination of Pokémon Emerald’s Battle Pike! ††††† This summer, turn up the heat!!! † 5 Stages † 5 Bosses † 75 Randomized Rooms † † Easy&Hard Modes † Generations I-VIII † Mega Evolution † † Explosions † Fiery Battles † Monster Girls † Gothic Metal † In the depths of Hell!!! ††††† DOWNLOAD ††††† Game (v1.3) | Resource Pack
Welcome to The Hodgepodge Platoon! This is a small scale Pokemon Emerald Decompilation hack made by a community of Pokemon rom hackers, called "The Pebbler Platoon". In this game, you play as the old, wise protagonist Tawila, as they try to earn their reputation in the battle facility and discover all the Pokemon there are to see in this land. Speaking of, the main draw of this hack is the 80+ usable Fakemon, all lovingly designed and sprites by members of our team. Each of them has a fine-tuned set to use, with many moves, abilities, and held items spanning all generations. Not only that, but we have many tweaks and brand new moves, abilities, and items to play around with. Full feature list: Refined version of Pokemon Emerald's Battle Factory rental-and-swap ruleset 80+ usable Fakemon from 20+ different artists 60+ more Fakemon to be unlocked in the Pokedex A profusion of moves, abilities, items, and other battle features from every generation, along with newly crafted ones coded by us A better Battle AI that more appropriately reacts to the player's efforts Extended move, ability and item descriptions and all Pokemon related information available in-game, so you don't have to look at documentation so often Extended text limits for the Pokedex, allowing for in-depth lore for every Pokemon A small narrative throughline as Tawila completes their Pokedex, with them striking up a camaraderie with the facility's owner, Lanette Screenshots (No Spoilers): Current Version V1.4.0 Download: https://pebblerplatoon.miraheze.org/wiki/Hodgepodge_Platoon_Download Project Credits: Chairry, Livra & Sadfish - Project Leads Livra, Ogwon, SharkGuy, Yondi/FBI, Bepis, Lichen, Dahlia, EeVeeEe, Ty_Sprites, Dillsacke, BigBoiPablo, Enwaitea, Val, PurrfectDoodle, Plasto, Memelord, DahViper, GaboSwampert, BonzosBunker, Celadonk, Clove, Cuprite, Savannah, TardySoap - Art and Sprite Design Sadfish, Ghoulslash, Wiz1989, Shuckle Lord Mixone, SparkleButt/mcnomnom, BSBob, Mudskipper13 - Coding Chairry - Map Design and Scripting TrainerX493 - Extensive Tester Pret, RHH, and Pokemon Emerald Expansion - Decompilation & Code Base Special Thanks to the rest of the Pebbler Platoon for playing and supporting the hack before release!
Pokemon AlexSMRPG 2: Uma Nova Jornada !UPDATED! !NOW IN ENGLISH BY @SpaceyCrockett ! Thanks to his works, the game is now in English. But, keep in mind that may have some errors, since I'm not an English Speaker. "Keep in mind that i'm not a English speaker, I'm brazilian, but i'll try to translate the post using quotes." Um jogo completo com 8 ginásios e uma Elite dos 4! "A full game with 8 gyms and a Elite Four!" Game Screenshots: Nesse jogo você acompanha a história de Alexsandro Magalhães, um criador de conteúdo / youtuber na sua busca de se tornar um Mestre Pokémon! "In this game you will play as Alexsandro Magalhães, a streamer, on a quest to became a Pokémon Master!" O que há no jogo: (Features) -Exp. Share da sexta geração (Gen 6 Exp. Share); -1008 Pokémon para capturar, incluindo formas regionais (1008 Pokémons to catch, even Regional Forms); -8 Ginásios e uma Elite dos 4 (8 Gyms and an Elite Four); -Uma "Battle Frontier" que propõe batalhas bem mais desafiantes (A "Battle Frontier" for harder battles); -Treinadores especiais, sendo todos membros da comunidade do Alex e alguns convidados especiais (Special Guests as Trainers); -Gráficos no estilo da quarta e quinta geração (Graphics from Gen 4 and Gen 5); -Pokémons te seguindo, mesmo que alguns poucos não façam isso (Following Pokémon); -Músicas de vários jogos da série Pokémon, além de algumas de outros jogos (Music from Pokémon Series); -Você joga como Alexsandro Magalhães, embora seja possível escolher o próprio nome (You play as Alexsandro Magalhães, but can name yourself if you wish); -A possibilidade de dar Fast Foward, ao apertar a tecla "Q", tendo 3 modos de velocidade (Fast Foward); -História em PT-BR, mensagens de sistema em inglês (Texts in portuguese, menus in English); -E mais alguma coisa que eu devo estar esquecendo (And more, i guess). #PLOT: Você é encarregado de receber uma entrega para o professor local em outra cidade. Após receber seu parceiro Pokemon, Você deve viajar até a Cidade Pitanga para receber a encomenda, recebendo de presente do uma PokéDex e iniciando sua jornada, mas ao mesmo tempo, um grupo criminoso, conhecido como Equipe NAP, está invadindo um misterioso laboratório abandonado. Quais são os planos dessa tal Equipe NAP? Que segredos aguardam nosso protagonista? Será ele capaz de se tornar um Mestre Pokémon? "You have to deliver the Professor's Parcel from another city. After getting your own Pokemon, you have to go to Cidade Pitanga to receive the parcel, getting a PokéDex and starting the journey, but, at the same time, a mysterious team, named Team NAP, is in a abandoned laboratory. What's Team NAP plots? What secrets awaits? Can you become a Pokemon Master?" Made using: Pokemon Essentials v19.1 Download: Link
Game Title: Pokémon Edge Rising Game Screenshots: Description: Experience the dark, horrifying world of the Inferno Region, home to death, darkness, and lots of black and red. Follow the journey of Fang, a teenage boy who desires revenge, as he uncovers a dark truth in the world and the people around him. Also monologues. A lot of 'em. Features: - A deep, well-written plot A diverse region Extremely complex and thought provoking characters 45+ Fakemon Deep moral choices NPCs that say kinda useful stuff sometimes Characters portraits No TMs or HMs Use Alt to speed up your game. New To the Revengeance Update: 20+ new Fakemon Various rebalancing Ported game to Pokémon Essentials v20 An expanded Pokédex including Gen 8 Pokémon and more A new, expanded postgame with even more NPCs that say kinda useful stuff sometimes A new battle facility known as the Belltower! And most importantly, a new status condition! Game Download (Updated 8/16/23): https://www.mediafire.com/file/syzea6ei9nmdlns/Pokémon+Edge+Rising+-+Revengeance+1.6.7z/file If you like this game, I'd recommend playing another game from our writer (the one who wrote the funny jokes, aka not me). https://eeveeexpo.com/threads/501/ Made Using: Pokémon Essentials v20 Team: Makattack202 SmokedPaprika Mashirosakura Techskylander1518 Reintendo0 2022 Update FAQ: Resource Pack: https://mega.nz/#!FHhD0Q6I!XWSLXYj8stAVmT8PjmNEP_wwZ7EF_K_Ywp5bsYd2ncA Credits:
MewYou is a game where you get to play as Mew! Will you fight everyone you come across, or pick your battles carefully? Not sure which version you have? The newest one is 2.6 and it will say so on the titlescreen like above. →Here is the latest download of MewYou← Features: Play and battle as Mew All wild encounters are visible instead of random chance Pokemon will rematch multiple times, getting stronger and even evolving With timing and a healthy dose of luck, you can avoid almost every battle Opponents level up immediately after battle, and can also evolve (Usually stops at about level 50, but you can keep rematching them anyway) Buizel is your first partner, but your second is determined by what items you find during your journey! This game was made for Relic Castle's game jam #1 which ran from June 30th - August 10th 2015. It was my first time releasing a game, and there were a lot of bugs and dev errors that made the game unplayable and impossible to complete...but for some reason people liked it, and asked me to repost when the site moved. So it got some updates! If you beat the game already, here's how to get The Mew Badge! Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why won't my emulator run this game? What emulator do I need? A: This isn't a hacked game. It's made with RMXP, so no emulator needed! Q: What should I name Mew? Are there special codenames? A: There are a couple names that will have special effects! Q: Are you going to fix this bug I found? A: No. This was the first game I ever released, and my files got corrupted; basically it's a mess and it only gets messier if I did try to edit anything. I'm sorry about the level curve being too harsh in places. When I designed it I thought I was compensating for Mew's power and encouraging the more stealth aspect of the game, but if I wanted players to never battle I should have made the final battle optional somehow. Q: Is the game going to be made longer? A: No. I told the whole story I wanted to tell so making it longer would mean me shoving filler in somewhere...which I don't wanna do. Also see the answer about bugs. Q: What is Andante mode? Did Andante mode also get fixed/finished? A: When I made the game I was partially inspired by a friend's RP/Ask blog (ask-andante.tumblr), which focuses on a mew named Andante. If you name your character Andante when starting the game, you'll play as him (a poorly written OOC version) instead of the normal mew character. The differences are that Andante talks, some NPCs are replaced for cameo purposes, and he has different partners. It's still included in the game because he and his mun were part of the inspiration to make a mew game, and I still wanted to honor them with a nod even if I'm looking back and cringing at how poorly I actually did it. Note: This mode isn't supported anymore and probably contains game breaking bugs, such as being sent out of bounds. Q: Why do trainer's pokemon say they're wild? A: It's one part Mew doesn't really care about the trainer during battles, and one part having it be a wild battle avoids the awkwardness of "Mew sent out Mew!" that's programmed to happen during trainer battles. This also allows the trainers to actually use moves that end the battle (something like roar doesn't fail), which in a trainer battle would have no effect. Q: Why can't I run from battles?! A: Because you can see wild encounters, so the running should happen before the battle. That said I think some of them might be moving too fast to avoid, which was something I did because my old computer lagged so much that I needed that speed setting to tell that they were moving at all. I'm sorry but I think they've all been fixed in the latest updates. Q: Why is Celebi so annoying/confusing? A: A lot of your interactions with her happen when she is pretty young. She's excitable, and inexperienced, and bossy, and her older selves are sorry about that. Q: Was that Xerneas? A: Yes, that's what I was implying. I think the time-travelling guardian of the forest and the deer who spends years sleeping as a tree would make good friends. The use of "xe" was specifically placed in the sentence so it could be either a nickname for Xerneas, or as a genderless pronoun for Xerneas; interpret that in whichever way you prefer. Q: Why is Mewtwo in my party after beating the game? Is there more content? Can I use Mewtwo? Can I be Mewtwo in the sequel?! A: There is no hidden or extra content where you can use Mewtwo. I added it to the party at the end so it's immediately obvious when booting up the save file that the game has been completed. I'm lazy okay? As an admin checking save files to make sure some has earned a badge, I allways had to download and play that person's copy of the game. I open up the bag to check for key items, or walk myself to the nearest PC and scour the boxes for a certain endgame pokemon. For MewYou, boot up the game and I can see the person completed it. Easy. Lazy. Q: When is the sequel coming out? Will I get to play as Mewtwo? A: I never planned to make a sequel. Due to the insane amount of attention MewYou has gotten though...I did start experimenting with some abilities Mew has that were neglected in MewYou. Mew is still the main playable character though, not Mewtwo. Q: Can I rip or use something from this game? A: No. But this game was made for a jam, and one of the rules of the jam was that any resources I make for it become public. Here's what I made: some fogs! Q: How do I get a certain partner? What Pokemon does each item become? A: When Celebi asks you to offer an item, the list is different depending on what you have. This game was mostly developed by me, but there's a lot of people who helped to make this game possible.
Introduction: Step back in time to a world where Pokemon roam wild and free, and trainers rely on their bond with their creatures rather than technology. In Pokemon: Temple of Time, you'll embark on a thrilling adventure set before the era of Pokeballs and modern conveniences. Explore ancient Aztec temples, learn about their rich history and the value of time, and encounter trainers with intriguing Nahuatli names. Form unbreakable bonds with your Pokemon as they follow you around and navigate a world where survival depends on your skill, your courage, and your ability to connect with nature's most powerful creatures. This is my very first game so please be nice, be warned the game is quit challenging and you might have to grind on certain floors here and there. Above all i hope you will enjoy playing at as much as I have enjoyed developing my very first game. Thank you for playing. Story: Deep within the heart of the ancient Aztec empire, a towering temple stands as a testament to the gods' power. Every year, trainers from far and wide gather here to participate in the Gauntlet of Time, a grueling test of strength, skill, and courage. Those who emerge victorious will be granted a favor by the gods, a boon that few have ever dared to dream of. But the trials do not end there. The true test begins in the heart of the mystical forest, where the elusive Celebi resides. To unlock the secrets of time travel, you must understand the delicate balance between past, present, and future. Only then can you truly harness the power of the legendary Pokémon. As you venture through the Gauntlet, you'll encounter formidable foes, ancient guardians, and mind-bending puzzles. Each challenge is a step closer to your ultimate goal: to become the greatest time-traveling warrior the empire has ever known. But the journey is not without its dangers. The future is filled with powerful adversaries who will stop at nothing to prevent your rise. Can you overcome their challenges and prove yourself worthy of the gods' favor? The fate of the empire, and perhaps even the universe itself, hangs in the balance. Features: • New Region of Tecuba in the Old Aztec Empire, set centuries before the main series steeped with lore and history. • Roguelike Gauntlet containing chief Pokémon, trainers, boss battles, wild encounters and brain cracking puzzles. • A challenging world filled with treasures, secrets, sidequests and hundreds of ancient Pokémon ranging from Gen 1 - Gen 5 to collect and follow you on your quest. • Discover the regional variants as you travel through wild encounters within the temple of time. Screenshots: Made using: RPGXP Pokémon Essentials 17.2 Audacity Logic Pro X Paint.net Visual Studio 2022 Version: 1.5 HOTFIX UPDATED 06/09/2024 19:46 No future updates are planned. If there are any game breaking bugs I will do my best to see what I can do. DOWNLOAD HERE (Mediafire) Credits: EmpyrSW Elite Battle System by Luka S.J. PinkCatDragon BadSamaritan Tebited15 redblueyellow Eli Pokecheck.org lilatraube AceRidley406 Telemetius Modular Pause Menu by Luka S.J. Modular Title Screen by Luka S.J. YoshiCLONE Mario Gamer Scripting Utilities by Luka S.J. Graphics & Audio by Delamancha2 Poltergeist Coffecup Magicscarf PureAzuure Kyle-Dove Brandon Fiechter Heavy-Metal-Lover WesleyFG Dewitty Zetavares852 XDinky Newtiteuf Phantawalker Alucus Erma96 Kokiremix Hydrargirium Poison-Master Thedeadheroalistair Shutwig Asdsimone Xxdevil Steinnaples Hek-el-grande sylver1984 NikNak93 TeaAddiction Cuddlesthefatcat Magiscarf Gigatom The-Red-eX ChaoticCherryCake ShinyxMagic Sylv Luigigas "RPG Maker XP" by: Enterbrain "Pokémon Essentials" was created by: Flameguru Poccil (Peter O.) Maruno With contributions from: AvatarMonkeyKirby Luka S.J. Boushy MiDas Mike Brother1440 Near Fantastica FL. PinkMan Genzai Kawakami Popper help-14 Rataime IceGod64 SoundSpawn Jacob O. Wobbrock the__end KitsuneKouta Venom12 Lisa Anthony Wachunga and everyone else who helped out! Pokémon is owned by: The Pokémon Company Nintendo Affiliated with Game Freak This is a non-profit unoffical fan-made game. No copyright infringements intended. Please support the official games!
Pokémon Deserted 🏝️ made with Essentials v.19.1 About it Pokémon Deserted is a fangame made in partnership with PoryLeeks and RuffledRowlit, it's a short but great Pokémon Experience with a lot to explore and have fun with. Story You wake up on a Deserted Island you have no one with you but a Partner Pokémon, make your way through the Island, defeat Bosses and help the Pokémon that live on the island while also trying to find a way to leave! Features Besides Modern Pokémon QoL improvements the game offers a small but filled with content map, collectibles, puzzles, and a semi-non linear structure at some parts, and of course, some surprises. Screenshots DOWNLOAD LINK Pokémon Deserted Download Link (Base Game + v1.1 Update) [NEW] Update 1.4 Download Link To install the update, simply drag and drop the Data folder inside the Update Rar File into your game folder to replace the old one with the new one. obs: This game might still be buggy, please save often to avoid loss of progress. If you find any issues, bugs or crashes during gameplay please contact me via Discord (riquerique#4219), or this Relic Castle thread! Credits obs: If you weren't credited please let me know so I can add you in this list, contact me on Discord (riquerique#4219).
Pokémon Turtwig's Target Smash 3D (PTTS-3D) is a fangame that tries to recreate the experience of the Flash game that TPC published in pokemon.com back in 2010; applying changes and improvements to it. In PTTS-3D players take the role of a Turtwig on a wooden platform and must use an Energiball to break targets while avoiding blocks. The amount of points for each hit depends on the number of targets broken with an Energiball. When more targets are hit, the combo increases with which to get more points. If no target is hit in a shot, the combo is reset. During certain levels, additional targets appear next to the other targets in green and yellow colors, which give additional points. At the end of the game, Turtwig uses the Solar Beam move to destroy a target that grows according to the points obtained by the player. The game lasts 99 seconds and also has 3D support. Yes, if you use classic anaglyph (red-blue) glasses, you can see everything in 3 dimensions with a sense of depth! Just click on “3D” in the menu or switch using the keyboard or joystick controls. Languages: The game is fully in Spanish and available in English, French, Italian, German, Portuguese and Japanese. Even if you see the screenshots below in Spanish, the game is automatically localized depending on your device's language. How to play: First confirm Turwig's height. Then press and hold the launch button to give more out to the shot (see the predictive trajectory). Release the button to shoot. Destroy as many targets as you can before the time runs out. You will lose if you don't score any points. Controls: All control is intended for touch screen/mouse but a console controller can also be used: A: Confirm buttons/menus B: Exit/Close panel Start: Start X on Xbox type controllers or Y on Switch controllers and square on Playstation controller: Launch Energibola. Y on Xbox controllers or X on Switch controllers and Triangle on Playstation controller: Switch stereoscopic 3D mode. You can also use the number key “3” for this. Scores: Scoring is calculated by base points * combo. Red target: 30 base points Green target: 150 base points Yellow target: 300 base points Screenshots: Animated GIF: Video: Download: Zelda As the NX version was compiled with SDK, it will be keep in private but screenshots and images can be shown :) Credits: The Pokémon Company
1,2,3... Coco Flip! is a recreation of the Voltorb Flip game that appears in the Korean and Western editions of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver but without any Pokémon theme to be able to publish it without problem with Ninjas. For those who don't know it, the game is a mix between Minesweeper and Picture Cross (Picross) and the bomb placement is given for each row and column. The object of the game is to uncover all the 2 and 3 tiles on a given board and move to higher levels that have a greater number of coins. The numbers on the sides and at the bottom of the board indicate the sum of the tiles and how many bombs are in that row/column, respectively. Each tile you flip multiplies your collected coins by that value. When you uncover all tiles 2 and 3, all the coins you have collected in this level will be added to your total and you will go up one level to a maximum of 999. If you flip a coconut, you lose all your coins from the current level and risk dropping down to a lower level. Also, don't worry about running out of coins. Every day you can get enough to play a couple of games in the “daily reward”. Screenshots: You can play it online or download the game from my itch.io. Credits: - Pokémon Essentials team for the explision and point animations. Cheers!
Welcome to the Urseca region You start your journey as the child of The Pharaoh about to begin your Challenge to see if you have what it takes to lead the region. Every 40 years, the region holds a competition where they send out one youth from every town out to conquer the Gyms. The ones who defeat all 17 will be allowed to enter The Pyramid and face off against one another for a chance to face The Pharaoh and if they win, they will become the new unquestioned ruler for the next 40 years. Do you have what it takes to climb the Pyramid? FULLY COMPLETED (unless you guys find some bug I didn't) Gens 1-5 Pokémon All Pokemon available to catch outside of events Modern Moves Legendaries are breedable but Arceus acts as a Ditto Pokemon who evolve through trade and other non natural ways have level or stone evolutions Some uneventful Pokemon have new evolutions into older Legendaries, ex: Dunsparce evolves into Azelf, Uxie or Mesprit with the right evo stone Champion's team has Lvl 95-100 Pokemon 17 Gyms After 6th Gym, the rest can be done in any order 50-60 hours of gameplay No Mega, No Z moves, No Dyna/GigantoMax or terrastialization. All routes have unique Pokemon for nuzlocke and replayability IV/EV Screen in Summary HM Skills, so your Pokemon don't need to know cut, as long as the can learn it. Shiny rate ~1/100 Pokerus rate ~1/500 MULTIPLE Save Files Full of Pop Culture references from the 2000s-10s Filled with Pokemon Puns Took 3 years to build (on and off) Game was made by 1 person (me) with Pokemon Essentials and the help of their forums, Relic castle forums (R.I.P.) and the help of Thundaga videos Limited swearing, only in places where the story deserved it Normal mode, game as intended Hard mode, double battles for key battles, such as Gym Leaders, other NPC Challengers (Rivals) and The Pharaohs NO hidden items unless a tree or building is hiding the Pokeball icon. You don't need to run around clicking A everywhere. This game started being built to kill time during Covid lockdowns but eventually became something I loved to do and craved to finish. I hope you all enjoy everyone! KNOWN ISSUES: 1. Talk to the Nurse Joy after getting your starter to set your faint location. Just realized the issue but I am waiting to see what else people find before I fix. View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pbhtt2e9-MeSfGjzXcgIYllu7wNn9WLH/view?usp=drive_link , View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13NZi984cl-5w3hUNxCeq3wSN8K8JTuYp/view?usp=drive_link , View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EMI4bBF68TsH3noqEv9x_zA80ytPfjeS/view?usp=drive_link , View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z35WbIpH0Ef97YKJ9FymfpjXWfjZ-GvC/view?usp=drive_link , View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QqdXbVUeJKppdXtIqTaVdA0T0nBCuelL/view?usp=drive_link Normal Mode: View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EQSksFMHrYo7fDvj7HjfZQt-9L7J-kQU/view?usp=sharing Hard Mode: View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hM6UJ147yc1arbNA2LCqW4b86qh85zDg/view?usp=sharing
Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita 1.1.5 Playtime: 35-40 hrs -About German Version- Hello, I‘m a german fan game creator ready to release his third fan game. As a huge Pokémon fan I was always interested in creating cities or landscapes so when I discovered the RPG Maker XP and the Pokémon Essentials kit (V.17) my new obsession started. I'm doing everything on my own from mapping, writing, spriting and eventmaking. With the given material of many talented spriters and composers I was able to create a beautiful Pokémon game which kinda feels like an homage to our Nintendo childhood. I've been inspired by the release of brilliant diamond to take a step back and appreciate the wonderful memories these games gave us and to turn it into a new and colorful adventure. The game mainly focuses on the 6th gen Pokémon and features, very underrated in my opinion! Far away from every known continent is an island located in the deepest blues of coral oceans. So rich of Pokémon and nature, life has evolved into the most beautiful ways all around the region. From 'the lungs of Vesita' the Saltu Jungle to the highest peaks of Vesita Mountains Pokémon, nature and people lived in harmony and peace. No one knows how life on Vesita would have looked like if the shadow of chaos never striped the island. But it landed on here. Errupting into chaos, life on Vesita would never be the same again. Pokémon turn against human while a new ice age emerged killing everything coming its way. Hope is near, as two more shadows appear over the night sky of the fresh born chaos. Sent by the guardian of equality and balance they were able to defeat the chaos in a three year long war resulting into many innocent deaths. Dust has settled over Vesita and the story of the so called 'Savior-Pokémon' lives on to this day inspiring a whole new generation of people. Your adventure starts with a huge surprise! An organisation called PokéVentur is offering you an once in a lifetime, all-inclusive trainer experience. As one of three lucky winners of a starcard you will travel around the region accompanied by the diligent helpers of PokéVentur. However things take a dark turn very fast. Vesita is built on destruction, death, war but also hope. People from all over the region have gathered and formed another organisation called Team Duplica. Their leader is... one of a kind. He lost the presidental election to the admiring and charming Alexo. Team Duplica leader Master Ilan does everything in his power to get what he wants. Will you prevent him from birthing another chaos into the Vesita region? +Discover the completely new 'Vesita' region +A great cast of new characters +Dive into a new storyline +31 new Pokémon forms for Gen 6 Pokémon +1 new legendary Fakemon +16 Custom Mega Evolution for Gen 6 Pokémon +1 HM item for every Field Move +Speed Up button on Q-Key +Gen 6 Exp Share (Exp All) +Level Scaling (optional) +Move Relearner inside PokéCenter PC +Nature changing mints +Encounter signs +Nickname Pokémon from party +PokéVentur quest system +24/7 Gym +New UI +Casino, Triple Triad, Safari-Zone +Story-heavy post game The Starter Trio Many Regional Forms Custom Mega Evolutions The Vesita Region -Post Game Guide- -Videos/Playthroughs- PokeHax SacredAlmighty Simpistotle LEVELMAX! HeroVoltsy Thanks so much guys! -Discord- Join the community -Bugs- Please report any bugs/errors you find to this thread! Have fun! -Credits-
King_Waluigi presents... POKEMON NIMBUS! WELCOME TO THE ADYNE REGION! The Adyne Region is fairly new to hosting its own "Pokemon League." In fact, the introduction of Gyms in the region only happened about twenty or so years ago! The creation of the Elite Four happened only five years ago! You play as a young adult, preparing to begin your adventure by helping out as Professor Ilex's research assistant. Your old friend Layla is recruited as well, which sparks a rivalry between you two. Challenge Adyne's Pokemon League! The Gym Challenge consists of six balanced and difficult Gym Leaders, most of which don't have a specific type-specialty. Battle Team Cyclone! Adyne's criminal organization will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal... Calling forth the legendary "King of Storms," the ruler and protector of the Adyne Region! Discover the mysterious lore of the "King of Storms!" No one has seen their protector in hundreds of years... All that is left to suggest that he ever existed are two stones, the Heat and Cool Stone, and a worn name... "TH-ND-R-S..." FEATURES! -EBDX! Animated battlers and Mid-Battle Dialogue! -Custom Mega Evolutions! For Pokemon such as Emolga and Ludicolo! -A Quest System! Completing quests will reward you with some type of reward! -Harsh Level Caps! Pokemon Nimbus includes strict level caps, making it impossible to reach a level higher than a Gym Leader! -HM Items! No need for HMs anymore! Use items like the Surfboard to replace HMs! -Trainer Services at every Pokemon Center! Change your Pokemon's nickname, check it's friendship, relearn moves, or even check your Pokemon's Hidden Power power and type! SCREENSHOTS! CREDITS! Pokemon Essentials v18 was used to make this game! CURRENT DEX! THUNDAGA'S BETA TESTING LET'S PLAY! Join the Discord server for both Pokemon Nimbus AND Pokemon Guardians, Nimbus' SUPER UPDATED sequel! https://discord.gg/VEGgBu5uxs
Credit to "topher147" for the badge and credit to "xUMG" for the logo. Hey everyone. I started this project back in August 28th 2017 (exactly 7 years ago as of the time of posting this). I'm happy to say that the game is finally completed (excluding post game, but it still ends in a natural way, without seeming like there is more to play). In fact, the ending of the game is connected to the official games (ORAS). As the name suggests, you’ll play as your favorite officer of the law: Looker. You’ll begin your International Police Officer training, while a complex scheme involving Team Rocket and high ranking Kanto politicians is lurking in the shadows. Your future will be full of surprises and shocking twists that will shift the regional balance of power. Are you ready to jump in the adventure of a lifetime? Content Explore Kanto with new graphics and new locations Two starters (Growlithe & Croagunk) New dark storyline with elements of a political thriller No rival No mom Raised difficulty Pokemon from Gen-1 to Gen-5 Elite Officers Gym Leaders are optional Post-game in the new Namuki Region filled with legendary Pokemon [/FONT][/SPOILER] Playability: v1.0 is the complete game but it doeen't include post-game, that will come in a future release. There's about 9-10 hours of gameplay. Known Bugs/Glitches: -Evolution sound missing -Pokeballs don't align with the pokecenter healing machine and no healing sound -The game crashes after the end credits roll, this isn't an issue though considering how the game ends If you find any bugs that I haven't mentioned please report them to me. This Pokemon fan game was made with the essentials starter kit so here's the link to the essentials wiki: http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Pokémon_Essentials_Wiki Check out our Twitter account: Pokemon Looker (@LookerPokemon): https://twitter.com/LookerPokemon?s=09 Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/pvADVjDEfB PokéCommunity thread: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pokémon-looker-v1-0.531263/ Not affiliated with Nintendo or GameFreak
What is this? The living dream is a simple and short text based game about dreaming. It's made as both a concept to show what the forum is capable of, and as a way to tell a simple story. How do I play? On the bottom of the thread you will see a list of choices. Click on the spoiler to reveal the choices, and then click on the choice you want to make. The story will continue based on your choices. (Note: It does not work on strange resolutions like mobile) What is the goal? Since there is no obvious goal or ending, the goal is to explore and see what happens. Each choice will lead to a different outcome, and most choices will lead to a dead end. How is this possible? This was all made using BBCode magic (aka a lot of divs and images). Since there are no buttons, all choices are made using spoilers which contain more divs and images. It also means that restart buttons, which can't interact with the spoilers, simply reload the page. Credits Made by: @Voltseon With help from: @ENLS Using: The EeveeExpo forum engine version 1.0 Art made using: Paint.NET Game view [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/SPOILER] [/div] [/div]