- Views: 2,660
- Replies: 13
Hey, folks! Following the last fangames I've been making, I bring today a compilation of them in my new fangame: Pokémon Stadium Club (PSC).
Plot and features:
PSC acts as a "hub" to select the minigame to play. All the minigames were made from scratch in Unity Engine supporting PvP (1 vs 1, 2, or 3 players), PvE (player against AI) and EvE (AI vs AI). There are 4 difficulties available: Easy, Normal, Hard and Hyper Hard. Every playthrough ends winning either 1 coin if the player loses, or 1 * difficulty coins if the player wins. These coins can be spent in the Gachapon machine to obtain a Pokémon-toy. There are +700 collectible Pokémon toys available in PSC in regular and shiny forms, so filling the Toy-Dex won't be easy. There are more than 1500 collectibles! If you are only interest in throwing to the gacha machine, you can use the code "I WANT GACHA" to gain 2 throws for free. In addition, you get 10 coins every day!
Minigames already included:
Platforms and languages:
The game runs on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS and Nintendo Switch; and it is available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese. The language is automatically detected from your device.
The minigames are meant to be played within a gamepad controller, but they have support for keyboard and touchscreen. If your device is not powerful enough for max quality, you can reduce the quality settings and the usage of ambient occlusion and post-processing through settings menu.
Download: Zelda

Plot and features:
PSC acts as a "hub" to select the minigame to play. All the minigames were made from scratch in Unity Engine supporting PvP (1 vs 1, 2, or 3 players), PvE (player against AI) and EvE (AI vs AI). There are 4 difficulties available: Easy, Normal, Hard and Hyper Hard. Every playthrough ends winning either 1 coin if the player loses, or 1 * difficulty coins if the player wins. These coins can be spent in the Gachapon machine to obtain a Pokémon-toy. There are +700 collectible Pokémon toys available in PSC in regular and shiny forms, so filling the Toy-Dex won't be easy. There are more than 1500 collectibles! If you are only interest in throwing to the gacha machine, you can use the code "I WANT GACHA" to gain 2 throws for free. In addition, you get 10 coins every day!
Minigames already included:
- Pokémon Rock Harden (Metapod vs Kakuna)
- Pokémon Snore War (Drowzee)
- Pokémon Magikarp Splash (Magikarp)
- Pokémon Sushi-Go-Round (Lickitung)
- Pokémon Clefairy Says (Clefairy)
- Pokémon Dig! Dig! Dig! (Sandshrew)
- Pokémon Thundering Dynamo (Voltorb vs Pikachu)
- Pokémon Ekans' Hoop Hurl (Ekans)
- Pokémon Run Rattata Run (Rattata)
Platforms and languages:
The game runs on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS and Nintendo Switch; and it is available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese. The language is automatically detected from your device.
The minigames are meant to be played within a gamepad controller, but they have support for keyboard and touchscreen. If your device is not powerful enough for max quality, you can reduce the quality settings and the usage of ambient occlusion and post-processing through settings menu.

Download: Zelda
- The Pokémon Company
- Creatures Inc
- Game Freak
- Jackster (UI rips from Pokémon Stadium and uploaded to VGResources)
- Jormxdos (N64 Pokémon Stadium logo remastered for 1024x1024)
- Mario10071 (trophy icons)
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