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- Replies: 30
Pokemon Elpis:
Days pass by slowly on your small island, in the sun-embraced Phaos Archipelago. When not graced by the presence of the irregular tourist, your only source of novelty becomes the monthly visit of mainland ships, bringing in goods, explorers, researchers, and the occasional new species of Pokémon you've never seen before. You often wonder what the mainland looks like, or what people eat, aside from Magikarp. Is it true that they eat apples that come from the earth, called "potatoes"? Silly rumors, one would assume, according to your grandparent, and only family. The peaceful and relaxing days give off a feeling that time has truly stopped. But that would soon prove to be wrong, since your savvy grandparent's tourist exploitation tricks, helped bring in enough dough to buy you a ticket for your 18th birthday. A ticket to Leukos Island, the Archipelago's biggest island. Overjoyed, you kiss them goodbye, and board the Jerry Ferry.
The fact that this game was made at all feels like a miracle. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Made Using:
Dogsky: Development, Character OW, Animation, Mapping
Epiphany: Audio mastering, pokemon ID insertion, testing
Mysmy: Custom tilesets, and Character OW
Manul: amazing and fast Mapping, Testing
- A seafaring, island-hopping, open-world adventure!
- A huge ocean featuring a dynamic npc-spawning eventing system, which includes Overworld Encounters on PSDK for the first time!
- The first fangame to feature actual zooming out when travelling in the overworld!
- The first fangame to feature pushing AND pulling boxes around!
- Actual naval battles!
- A wide variety of aquatic (and land) mons, whose spawnable levels and species scale with your progress
- My disappointment that I couldn't take a vacation this year, and some obscure childhood dreams of the sea, along with a poem that touched me, turned into a game
- Authentic music befitting the setting. I did a lot of work to dig up veeeery old folk MIDIs from the internet, and turn them into something new-ish that followed some of the franchise's musical conventions. Kudos to Epiphany for the audio mastering side
Theme Implementation:
Download Link:
Download here! Version 1.6
Resource Pack
Pay attention to what the NPCs in the starting island (where you get the boat) say. They will give you directions to get you started on a smooth early game. Since Wild Pokemon scale to the number of Sea Masters you have defeated, it's not recommended to make a team of six early on. You can catch a variety of types if you explore a lot, and can revisit older dungeons to catch mons of corresponding levels.
My time was very limited this jam, but I think I've managed to make a couple of very fun and unique systems. The game is complete, although not up to par with my original vision. I had to leave earlier than the deadline, so any issues you find please report. The inspiration behind this game has been Wind Waker, River King, and Link's Awakening, along the longing for the "island hopping" mood. I did a lot of work to scour the internet for old folk song midis that would suit the game's setting - you will see. Kudos to Epiphany for helping me with Audio Mastering, and testing, and Manul for the super fast mapping that saved this jam game.
Bug reports post-jam:
Jam Bugfixing History:
Days pass by slowly on your small island, in the sun-embraced Phaos Archipelago. When not graced by the presence of the irregular tourist, your only source of novelty becomes the monthly visit of mainland ships, bringing in goods, explorers, researchers, and the occasional new species of Pokémon you've never seen before. You often wonder what the mainland looks like, or what people eat, aside from Magikarp. Is it true that they eat apples that come from the earth, called "potatoes"? Silly rumors, one would assume, according to your grandparent, and only family. The peaceful and relaxing days give off a feeling that time has truly stopped. But that would soon prove to be wrong, since your savvy grandparent's tourist exploitation tricks, helped bring in enough dough to buy you a ticket for your 18th birthday. A ticket to Leukos Island, the Archipelago's biggest island. Overjoyed, you kiss them goodbye, and board the Jerry Ferry.
The fact that this game was made at all feels like a miracle. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Made Using:
Dogsky: Development, Character OW, Animation, Mapping
Epiphany: Audio mastering, pokemon ID insertion, testing
Mysmy: Custom tilesets, and Character OW
Manul: amazing and fast Mapping, Testing
- A seafaring, island-hopping, open-world adventure!
- A huge ocean featuring a dynamic npc-spawning eventing system, which includes Overworld Encounters on PSDK for the first time!
- The first fangame to feature actual zooming out when travelling in the overworld!
- The first fangame to feature pushing AND pulling boxes around!
- Actual naval battles!
- A wide variety of aquatic (and land) mons, whose spawnable levels and species scale with your progress
- My disappointment that I couldn't take a vacation this year, and some obscure childhood dreams of the sea, along with a poem that touched me, turned into a game
- Authentic music befitting the setting. I did a lot of work to dig up veeeery old folk MIDIs from the internet, and turn them into something new-ish that followed some of the franchise's musical conventions. Kudos to Epiphany for the audio mastering side
Theme Implementation:
Download Link:
Download here! Version 1.6
Resource Pack
Pay attention to what the NPCs in the starting island (where you get the boat) say. They will give you directions to get you started on a smooth early game. Since Wild Pokemon scale to the number of Sea Masters you have defeated, it's not recommended to make a team of six early on. You can catch a variety of types if you explore a lot, and can revisit older dungeons to catch mons of corresponding levels.
My time was very limited this jam, but I think I've managed to make a couple of very fun and unique systems. The game is complete, although not up to par with my original vision. I had to leave earlier than the deadline, so any issues you find please report. The inspiration behind this game has been Wind Waker, River King, and Link's Awakening, along the longing for the "island hopping" mood. I did a lot of work to scour the internet for old folk song midis that would suit the game's setting - you will see. Kudos to Epiphany for helping me with Audio Mastering, and testing, and Manul for the super fast mapping that saved this jam game.
PSDK Credits
PSDK Plugins:
Gen9 Held item Mechanics, Toggle EXP ALL - Invatorzen
The Amazing HGSS Sea Autotile:
Characters and Trainers:
Larryturbo - dhelmise OW
Very old Greek folk song MIDIs, heavily remastered and re-arranged by me, audio mastering by Epiphany
PSDK Plugins:
Gen9 Held item Mechanics, Toggle EXP ALL - Invatorzen
The Amazing HGSS Sea Autotile:
Characters and Trainers:
Larryturbo - dhelmise OW
Very old Greek folk song MIDIs, heavily remastered and re-arranged by me, audio mastering by Epiphany
Bug reports post-jam:
- Geoswag
- Cadeorade
- Kaffeine
- Ntc
Jam Bugfixing History:
- Fixed a Gamebreaking Bug, where entering the hotel after the prologue events, would return you back to said prologue events
- Fixed two of the boss mons abilities and movepools in White Cave, so that the possibility of getting stuck is almost inexistent
- Fixed Dungeon mons not disappearing after battle
- Made Pirate battle events a tad more difficult (but not overwhelming)
- The move relearner event has been implemented properly
- Fixed some boss battles missing their custom moveset
- Fixed Shop access crashing the game
- Fixed inaccessible small island paths
- Fixed some gen7 mon only using struggle (more might exist, please report)
- Fixed Researcher Blake's Grimer using Fling only
- Fixed Tourist Jake having no pre-battle dialogue
- Fixed dark spots in White Rock cave, added back the item that was supposed to be there in place of one of the shadows (poke ball)
- Fixed Volcano tiles in the second lava room
- Fixed TM101 Scald showing up in the "other" pocket, rather than "tm"
- Fixed small eastern island item pickup not functioning
- Fixed a gamebreaking bug where defeating the Sea Masters wouldn't activate their rewards and story progression. If you had defeated any master prior to version 1.2 it's necessary that you start a new game. Apologies for this issue - you may give me your savefile along with the number of Masters defeated, and I'll fix it for you. However, you must NOT talk to any of the previously defeated Masters, afterwards.
- Fixed a gamebreaking bug where the Manor dungeon couldn't be completed due to wrong warps
- Fixed watefall ledge tiles in the northeastern area preventing you from accessing the last cave, where the ending takes place
- Fixed encounter Spawns not taking Sea Master defeat into account
- Fixed canonball fire not dealing damage
- Fixed pirate cannonbal not spawning in the correct spot
- Fixed pirates being able to attack you while on shore
- Fixed game freezing when talking to the carpet grandma in Leukos from the right side
- Fixed invisible tiles messing up many maps
- Fixed ending cutscene transport spawning you in the wrong place
- Fixed and Underwater mon spawn sprite not adapting to the random array
- Fixed Trainer Card displaying the wrong sprite
- Fixed incorrect tileset graphic size
- Fixed passable golden pot
- Fixed incorrect fadeout when exiting Leukos houses
- Fixed boxes not being colored (PSDK wouldnt display hue change, so I had to fix the graphics)
- Fixed Sandcastle sidequest not rewarding you with money
- Fixed divers using THROUGH on to ... swim on land
- Fixed passable lighthouse exterior
- Fixed Tourist OW sprite not matching his trainer battle
- Fixed passable high cliff tiles
- Fixed being able to surf from elevated bridges and onto the sea below
- Fixed wrong lamp tile in player's room
- Fixed passable green-roofed houses
- Fixed passable pond
- Fixed a couple of OW ladder events needing "action button" instead of "touch" to trigger
- Fixed Popplio having Liquid Voice as a hidden ability, making voice moves water-type. Now it will have torrent till it evolves into 3rd stage
- Fixed Wailord sprite not showing during battle
- Fixed a couple of typos
- Fixed Familiar sprite not disappearing off-camera
- Fixed Helean saying she has 6 mons, instead of the actual 2
- Fixed boss mons turning around
- Fixed ladder priority
- Fixed Toxapex event not activating correctly
- Fixed minimap not showing eastern rocks
- Fixed early trainer wrong levels
- Fixed trainer defeat dialogue not being displayed post-defeat
- Fixed southern island bridge landing tile
- Fixed battle backgrounds not showing according to different maps
- Fixed Menu Blur showing black screen, however it still isn't centered on player
- Fixed last Master text post-defeat
- Fixed last pre-battle dialogue nameboxes not showing
- Fixed last cutscene Familiar namebox not showing
- Fixed game not reading the coordinates of the islands correctly
- Fixed Nighttime not activating after certain events
- Fixed upgraded boat speed BGM not playing
- Fixed sea gap near pirate lair
- Fixed waterfall spawning from nowhere in secret island
- Fixed sea map using wrong sprite
- Fixed plant lady not turning up to face plant
- Fixed first pirate cutscene taking place during the daytime, when it should have been nighttime
- finally actually fixed Popplio's ability
- Fixed registering pirate battles as won even if lost during the pirate attack phase on the island
- Fixed player direction respawn facing up, instead of down
- Fixed music playing for half a second when it shouldn't, during cutscene transitions
- Fixed many erroneous tiles
- Fixed using the non-custom tiles for the cutscene of Leukos' attack, when the normal map used the custom ones
- Fixed some minor grammar errors
- Fixed Helena wrong dialogue order
- Fixed pushing towards the ocean's edge enabling you to overcome the map's boundary detection
- Fixed tileset including duplicate tiles
- Fixed exiting various caves and dungeons, resulting in time tint being disabled
- Fixed second entrance to Leukos Sea Master Arena not registering your respawn coordinates
- Fixed a big cave not having BGM
- Fixed random Bellossom in the Volcano, and shadow OW instead of sprite
- Fixed Surf BGM not updating for third Boat upgrade
- Fixed wrong variable taken into account for Hull Strength and Boat Level(speed)
- Fixed starting boat position not being offset by a number of Y pixels, along with not having a box tile on the side, to signify where to interact with it
- Fixed shadow being displayed under boat, as if the player was on land
- Fixed incorrect BGM for the small island after pirate attack
- Fixed last cutscene transfer audio bug
- Fixed stray pixels in the ruins part of the Pelago tileset
- FINALLY fixed daynight cycle, if the game stops using the cycle at any point PLEASE notify me
- Fixed incorrect verse order during the poem scenes
- Fixed errors in first and last verse of poem
- Fixed attack scene house doors being walkable without pushing the player back
- Fixed Anthony's basement tint as if it were an exterior map
- Fixed incorrect tone setting by the sandcastle mom
- Fixed initial island tone being morning 8 instead of night 8
- Fixed time update after quest completion set to 2 instead of 3
- Fixed grammar in some events
- Fixed all dungeon and cave maps being tinted
- Fixed map itemball direction ON
- Fixed wrong Overworld respawn if you lost to the 2nd and 4th Sea Masters
- Fixed automatic messages post-battle if the battle was lost in the ovwerworld (if I have missed anyone please inform)
- Fixed Autosave not working
- Fixed Trainers not asking you for battle (it only worked for the first Trainer)
- Fixed last Cutscene fading in, much earlier than it should (this ruined what little atmoshpere I managed to make for the ending T_T)
- Fixed Tourist Jake having incorrect team levels
- Fixed canonball no4 incorrect detection value
- Fixed Sea Battle loss leading to gameover, erasing player progress
- Fixed Pirate Lair island tiles
- Fixed a couple of Underwater tiles
- Fixed Dive prompt not pointing to the correct tile
- Fixed chance of ships spawning while player is on land
- Fixed one mon OW spawn in the Abandoned Ship not disappearing after battle
- Fixed player canonball not shooting correctly, this is still a bit buggy but works much better now
- Fixed wrong waterfall length on secret island
- Fixed waterfall near Pirate Lair tile allowing you to walk through the ledges
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