- Views: 1,645
- Replies: 5
Hello together,
i wanna show you the first version of my project im working on since October last year.
Introducing: Pokémon Safari
made with the Pokémon Essentials Pack V20.1
The Story:
You play as the child of the Safari Zone Owner, but business is not going well.
You get asked to help expand the Safari Zone, while you explore the Goshima Region, discover new Pokémon
and unveil mysteries about a weird organisation and the missing Champ.
You get to catch your first Pokémon in the Safari Zone from a good range of options.
Includes Pokemon up to Gen 9
40 new Fakemon/Regional Variants (Some selfmade, some adopted)
(so far) 5 Challenging Gym Leaders with a rather free choice of order.
Some Hints and Event to upcoming mysteries
An expandable Safari Zone.
A wondertrade System
Cool places like Caves with limited heals or the Cyberspace.
Wild Pokémon Bossbattles
Different Quests and NPCs
Unreal In-Game Time
New Pokemon Type "Digital"
Download Link:
Version 1.1.1 (Updated 21.07.23)
I really hope i got everyone and if I forgot something i will add it in immideatly,
while working on this project i developed some minor skills in sprite editing,
but im not at the point where i could make massive sprites and tilesets myself.
Thats why i want to give a really really big thanks for everyone who is is giving the option
to use their Graphics, Sounds, plugins and more. Coulnd't do it without you.
If you find any bugs, problems or errors feel free to write me here or on Discord @dershining
i wanna show you the first version of my project im working on since October last year.
Introducing: Pokémon Safari
made with the Pokémon Essentials Pack V20.1
The Story:
You play as the child of the Safari Zone Owner, but business is not going well.
You get asked to help expand the Safari Zone, while you explore the Goshima Region, discover new Pokémon
and unveil mysteries about a weird organisation and the missing Champ.
You get to catch your first Pokémon in the Safari Zone from a good range of options.
Includes Pokemon up to Gen 9
40 new Fakemon/Regional Variants (Some selfmade, some adopted)
(so far) 5 Challenging Gym Leaders with a rather free choice of order.
Some Hints and Event to upcoming mysteries
An expandable Safari Zone.
A wondertrade System
Cool places like Caves with limited heals or the Cyberspace.
Wild Pokémon Bossbattles
Different Quests and NPCs
Unreal In-Game Time
New Pokemon Type "Digital"
Download Link:
Version 1.1.1 (Updated 21.07.23)
-Pokémon Essentials was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Golisopod User
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on "mkxp" by Ancurio et al.
-Tileset Rearranger & V20.1 Hotfixes by Maruno
- Essentials Deluxe V1.2.6 by Lucidious89
-Generation 8 Pack Scripts V1.0.3 by Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
-Genration 9 Pack V2.0 by Caruban & Lucidious89
-Modern Quest System + UI V1.0.2 by ThatWelshOne_ & mej71 & derFischae & Marin
-Wondertrade script by Sploopo
-ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library by ENLS
-Unreal Time System by FL & valahraban
Graphics and Concepts:
-DrProfessorJam_Resources by SpartaLazor
-Pokemon Distortion Ressource Pack 1.0 by Coyleep & Nick H.
Pokemon Long Lost Ressource Pack by GVolt
-Gen 3 Cultist Grunt Sprites by Lord Lucario 35
-Gen 5 Characters in Gen 4 OW style by DiegoWT
-Animated Item Container 1.0 by rhaidor
Poke Kid Costumes by joey-and-rattata
virtual tournament room tileset by princess phoenix
Character Customization Resources (Gen 4) by Coffee Cup/ Poltergeist
Custom Pokemon Trainer Sprites ThatRandomSpriter
Gym Leader Garret Sprite by eduardo muller
-Overworld Item's Pack by Wergan & ImZero
-4th gen outdoor tileset by akizakura16
Trainer type Wizard sprite by Robemon3689
-alternative dp tileset by kagenosensei
bunch o free tiles by magiscarf
-bw citrine tileset resized by chimcharsfireworkd
-colegio by degel by gamezop10
-traditional japanese home tileset, Sewers Tileset, Bar Tileset, Zygarde Lab, Crane sprite, Bank Tileset
by aveontrainer, Carmenmcs, Monteso, Hojichas, Bildresultat, Dsurion, SDV
Fear town tileset by Phyromatical, zetavares852 TyranitarDark
-ultimate hgss tileset by lightbulb15
Fakemon Festival Pack:
Chajill, Chalance, Challex, Quignis, Coafire, Flarezael, Ninmin, Shijami, Lanternim
Front and Concept by Altaira, Backsprites & Icons made by me
-Alternate Noctowl (used as Enchantowl) & Dunspear by Atsui
-Rotom Data Form and Porygon Neo (Mega Porygon-Z) by BiggusWeeabus
-Tormine, Regional forms of Hoothoot, Noctowl and Enchantowl by Lumio
-alt. Uxie form by AnonAlpaca
-Kanga by Splice team. I.e. Thundaga, Voltseon, TristantineTheGreat, Kristiano100 and tarantulito_df3vko0
-Warwolf, Wolfum, Amacorala, Solacor, Dunrago, Dunymph, Titaneon, Nimbeon by PansyGum
Hissiorite, Cobarett, Pythonova by PrincessPhoenix
-Niessa, Nieseen, Nissodon concept by miranjii, sprites by me
Ryuneon concept art by K.Kotarou, sprite by me
Pixieon used Deepeon from Eeveelution Fusions by StarWolff as base
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Golisopod User
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out
"mkxp-z" by:
Based on "mkxp" by Ancurio et al.
-Tileset Rearranger & V20.1 Hotfixes by Maruno
- Essentials Deluxe V1.2.6 by Lucidious89
-Generation 8 Pack Scripts V1.0.3 by Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
-Genration 9 Pack V2.0 by Caruban & Lucidious89
-Modern Quest System + UI V1.0.2 by ThatWelshOne_ & mej71 & derFischae & Marin
-Wondertrade script by Sploopo
-ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library by ENLS
-Unreal Time System by FL & valahraban
Graphics and Concepts:
-DrProfessorJam_Resources by SpartaLazor
-Pokemon Distortion Ressource Pack 1.0 by Coyleep & Nick H.
Pokemon Long Lost Ressource Pack by GVolt
-Gen 3 Cultist Grunt Sprites by Lord Lucario 35
-Gen 5 Characters in Gen 4 OW style by DiegoWT
-Animated Item Container 1.0 by rhaidor
Poke Kid Costumes by joey-and-rattata
virtual tournament room tileset by princess phoenix
Character Customization Resources (Gen 4) by Coffee Cup/ Poltergeist
Custom Pokemon Trainer Sprites ThatRandomSpriter
Gym Leader Garret Sprite by eduardo muller
-Overworld Item's Pack by Wergan & ImZero
-4th gen outdoor tileset by akizakura16
Trainer type Wizard sprite by Robemon3689
-alternative dp tileset by kagenosensei
bunch o free tiles by magiscarf
-bw citrine tileset resized by chimcharsfireworkd
-colegio by degel by gamezop10
-traditional japanese home tileset, Sewers Tileset, Bar Tileset, Zygarde Lab, Crane sprite, Bank Tileset
by aveontrainer, Carmenmcs, Monteso, Hojichas, Bildresultat, Dsurion, SDV
Fear town tileset by Phyromatical, zetavares852 TyranitarDark
-ultimate hgss tileset by lightbulb15
Fakemon Festival Pack:
Chajill, Chalance, Challex, Quignis, Coafire, Flarezael, Ninmin, Shijami, Lanternim
Front and Concept by Altaira, Backsprites & Icons made by me
-Alternate Noctowl (used as Enchantowl) & Dunspear by Atsui
-Rotom Data Form and Porygon Neo (Mega Porygon-Z) by BiggusWeeabus
-Tormine, Regional forms of Hoothoot, Noctowl and Enchantowl by Lumio
-alt. Uxie form by AnonAlpaca
-Kanga by Splice team. I.e. Thundaga, Voltseon, TristantineTheGreat, Kristiano100 and tarantulito_df3vko0
-Warwolf, Wolfum, Amacorala, Solacor, Dunrago, Dunymph, Titaneon, Nimbeon by PansyGum
Hissiorite, Cobarett, Pythonova by PrincessPhoenix
-Niessa, Nieseen, Nissodon concept by miranjii, sprites by me
Ryuneon concept art by K.Kotarou, sprite by me
Pixieon used Deepeon from Eeveelution Fusions by StarWolff as base
I really hope i got everyone and if I forgot something i will add it in immideatly,
while working on this project i developed some minor skills in sprite editing,
but im not at the point where i could make massive sprites and tilesets myself.
Thats why i want to give a really really big thanks for everyone who is is giving the option
to use their Graphics, Sounds, plugins and more. Coulnd't do it without you.
If you find any bugs, problems or errors feel free to write me here or on Discord @dershining
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