mew — 06/16/2021 5:00 PM
okay so i have quite a bit of experience doing dungeons, forests, and stuff like that. i'm gonna type up a couple little different things to consider:
tiles: i dunno what gen style you have, or tiles you use, but having different kind of trees, ground, or whatever helps set it apart from a regular route. (this is a bit more geared towards forests). maybe the trees are bigger, or stuff in general is more saturated green or dark. fogs can help accent features out. colors are an important thing as well. this is more of a general mapping thing, but if your trees and base ground, path, and grass are all the same shade of green then.. aaaa. breaking it up with different intensities, or other splashed of color goes a LONG way.
looking at reference pictures of what you're trying to accomplish (other maps, real world pictures, etc) can also help with figuring out what decorations would make sense, and that sorta stuff.
actual map design: depending on the size of your map, you'll want seperate distinct places within the map. if the entire map is practically copy-pasted (or at least looks like it) i'd consider that bad map design. maybe one section of the forest has mushrooms, another is more rocky. stuff like that.
more into this, having varying directions is a must. up, down, left, right, you'll want to incorporate all of this in. ledges, water, cliffs and elevation, all of this is also helpful breaking things up, and making the map SPICY. having looping segments, path breaks that eventually lead back together (maybe one path having wild battles, and another having trainer battles). ledges/hm roadblocks can help for an easy way back through the map, because who likes backtracking? dead ends help create a maze effect.
i would definitely draw out the map before you start. this can help prevent you getting half-way through and "what do i do now?" it can just be a simple paper-drawing, where you simply draw out lines of where the player will be able to go. it can also help save you time by not having to redo as much stuff
AnonAlpaca — 10/21/2022 12:22 AM
Ze-Fated Destiny/Twisted Fate — 10/19/2022 2:33 PM
Dev question of the day:
If there is any advice you can give to any new and up coming developer getting started on their first project, what would you advise ?
Σhronos — 10/07/2022 7:32 PM
Conmh — 09/18/2022 1:27 PM
1) balance is about finding the right game-feel or difficulty
2) playtest many times, with many different teams, while battling different numbers of trainers to find your game-feel
3) every battle you make available affects your level curve, especially trainers, both mandatory and optional
4) you can raise or lower your level curve by providing more or fewer trainers, raising or lowering trainer levels, or by providing pokemon to fight of higher or lower exp yields. evolved pokemon typically give more exp than unevolved ones, but there is still variance among them. dont feel the need to track this in detail
5) if you change something earlier in the game, expect it to have some ramifications down the line. it's possible you will need to rebalance later parts to account for it
6) balance is more than the level curve and experience. more important is the availability of relevant options for upcoming challenges. it's also important to consider the AI trainers' skill and the qualities of their pokemon, especially as they relate to the options the player has. generally, if the trainers have significantly more powerful options than the player, then you're doing it wrong (though that might be the point of your game) and it wont feel good to most players
LuxDiablo — 05/04/2022 10:20 PM
not intentionally, no
3dPƐ bonzairob — 03/03/2022 7:08 PM here you go, kids
A Pokédex builder and analyzer. Created by @tipsypastels and @misnina.
boon — 09/12/2021 3:40 PM
This could become more important going forward - RPG Maker XP doesn't run initially on Windows 11 ARM edition (used for lightweight devices or Macs with the M1 chip). But there's an easy change of settings to get it working - Setting the "ARM Emulation" settings to "Strict execution" lets it run. Right click the .exe, head to Properties > Compatibility and click "Change emulation settings"
boon — 07/04/2021 6:17 PM
Releases · mkxp-z / mkxp-z
RGSS on Steroids. With a ridiculous name.
Golisopod User — 04/30/2021 10:41 PM
The errors in v19 are ungodly long and basically unreadable. Maruno want's to fix this in a future update. But for now, a simple fix is this
In Technical, under MKXP_Compatibility add this snippet of code
class Object
alias full_inspect inspect
def inspect; to_s; end
It shouldn't magically fix your errors, but should make it less of a nightmare to read the error.
Σhronos — 04/07/2021 3:13 PM
Ik this channel has been super active, but sadly I cannot be following all of it as much as I'd like (irl, checking forum, checking thundaga and own lil hobbies), and fellow staff members may also be busy with their own things, so I expect if something is going down, that us staff will be pinged/called to check the situation
Sparta — 04/04/2021 7:29 PM
Some wise words from a wise individual:

(Zenos's Wife) — 03/25/2021 2:27 PM
i agree with this sentiment, but disagree with the importance a lot of devs put on it.
At the end of the day, this is a hobby; people can't make money off of it, it isn't a substitute for a proper job, it isn't something that anyone is relying on to pay their bills. it's just something that people do for fun, and there's no reason to discourage people from doing whatever they decide is fun.
the point i agree on is that i also think it's a bad idea to attempt to make this giant full-scale pokemon game as your very first fan game, and i agree with encouraging new devs to try out smaller projects to get familiar with Essentials/their kit.
however, i do think that the community puts a MASSIVE emphasis on the gate-keepy sentiment of "if you want to make a big game as your first game, you're doing it wrong and you should stop and make a smaller game". it's well meaning advice, but i often see it go way beyond advice and more into people telling devs what to do, discouraging them from working on their current project, and never taking them seriously in favor of just constantly repeating "dont do this big game, try a smaller game first"
i think the community overall needs to take a step back and remember that people can do whatever they want; once you give that initial "why not try a smaller project first to get yourself familiar with the kit?" advice, IMO you need to step back and let people do what they want. if their scope is truly too big for them, they'll figure it out; they aren't under any time-crunch that should stop them from being able to explore as much as they want and learn any mistakes they make over time
Nuri Yuri — 02/23/2021 5:40 PM
Absolutely Nobody:
Me trying to see if the long queue break on warp fix works:
Foxowl — 01/19/2021 4:21 PM @societal menace pippi

PokéCommunity Daily
Fangame Tutorials: Mapping Routes
A tutorial on the basics of Route mapping, with three in-depth examples to go along with it.
Fangame Tutorials: Mapping Routes
moca — 02/06/2020 12:54 AM
if only i can use trick room irl... i'd last way longer
Clay — 01/19/2020 1:09 PM
u cant be horny forever
Luka S.J. — 07/22/2019 5:04 AM
I think that splicing together packs is generally worse for everyone involved. This is further amplified if you’re splicing together scripts (eg. EBS, some of Klein’s, Shiney’s etc), where you’re not the creator of those scripts and don’t know how they actually work. Then when issues pop up, you’re forcing people to either go out of their way to find whose system is causing problems and whom to contact, or you’re directing them to the OG devs yourself, where they’ve made a script that works without hiccups in vanilla Essentials but might be broken due to improper implementation or incompatibility with the other bloat. At that point, imo, you’d have to man up and take the charge instead and fix all those issues. It adds more work for you and becomes a hassle for the end user or script dev. Then you have the issue of updating for new Essentials releases. V18 is going to drastically change how a bunch of things work. Can you port all those scripts to v18 yourself? Will you be able to retain compatibility? Or will you just give up on v18 and release and outdated kit that contains none of the bug-fixes and core features from the lates stable releases? Which is what happens to most of the “pack” releases out there. Nobody wants to use them then, and the cycle starts repeating itself where people want to use/make new packs again.
Parma — 07/14/2019 4:29 PM
How To Make a Pokemon Game in RPG Maker - Part 1: Getting Started
Dragonite — 07/06/2019 11:38 AM
it's mostly about game devs, but there are also some game devs in here
gravemaccrow — 05/21/2019 3:13 PM
also big important concept that will help you avoid burnout: you do not need to do things in order. a lot of people will work through stuff anticipating a demo release and work through routes and towns in sequence; i’d really advise working from the perspective of “i’m not releasing a demo”, and instead work on areas you want to
gravemaccrow — 04/09/2019 11:07 AM
just realised we don’t have the new wiki pinned, might be worth doing
Essentials Docs Wiki
Essentials Docs Wiki The home of useful Essentials documentation Essentials is a collection of gameplay-altering original code designed for use in an RPG Maker XP game. This wiki contains...
Spherical Ice — 08/16/2018 1:31 PM
Deleted User — 04/29/2018 7:02 PM
First, loss is not comedy, it's a lifestyle. And lastly, the stairs in a row kind of remind me of that one puzzle in the Team Magma/Aqua hideout, it's a shame you can just beat it by walking right or left all the time. I'd like to see some complex warp puzzle.