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Completed Pokemon Recruitment

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
Project Version

Download links:
Download Here!

Mega Greninja (Mega Greninja GR#4949 on Discord),
bombastik (bombastik#1883 on Discord),
karthi (karthi#0653 on Discord),
Hystrucgon (Hystrucgon#0877 on Discord).

Made using:
RPG Maker XP & Pokémon Essentials v20.1

Challenge settings:
Nocturnal Forest,
Ominous Cave,
Ruined City.

Game description:
The game is set 5 years before the events of Pokémon Platinum. A 20-year-old prodigy gets a taste of how unfair the world can be after his professors pass off his research about the origins of Sinnoh’s Legends as their own. Faced with this injustice, the student receives an offer from a mysterious sender, aligned with the well-known Team Galactic. Feeling like he has nothing to lose, he accepts… but he couldn’t have predicted what he was signing up for.

– around 3-4 hours of gameplay,
– single and double battles,
– visible EVs and IVs in the summary screen,
– relearning moves from the party screen,
– almost whole Sinnoh Dex compressed in 20 maps,
– following Pokémon,
– randomized trainer teams and items (so each playthrough is different!),
– level scaling,
– access to Boxes via an item,
– IV increasing Vitamins.
-Evolution Changes

Resource Pack

– Eevee > Espeon (evolution by Sun Stone),
– Eevee > Umbreon (evolution by Moon Stone),
– Eevee > Sylveon (evolution by Shiny Stone),
– Machoke > Machamp (level 40),
– Golbat > Crobat (level 40),
– Graveler > Golem (level 40),
– Onix > Steelix (level up when holding Metal Coat),
– Kadabra > Alakazam (level 40),
– Haunter > Gengar (level 40),
– Buneary > Lopunny (level 36),
– Dusclops > Dusknoir (level up when holding Reaper Cloth),
– Scyther > Scizzor (level up when holding Metal Coat),
– Riolu > Lucario (level 36),
– Togepi > Togetic (level 30),
– Munchlax > Snorlax (level 40),
– Porygon2 > Porygon-Z (level up when holding Dubious Disc).



Known bugs:
– game crashes when using HM items manually if there is no obstacle,
– an error occurs when trying to withdraw Pokémon using Box Link (exchanging Pokémon from the box for one from the party using works fine though!).


"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)

With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin
Boushy, MiDas Mike
Brother1440, Near Fantastica
FL., PinkMan
Genzai Kawakami, Popper
Golisopod User, Rataime
help-14, Savordez
IceGod64, SoundSpawn
Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end
KitsuneKouta, Venom12
Lisa Anthony, Wachunga
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out

v20.1 Hotfixes

Generation 8 Pack for Essentials v20.1
  • Battler Sprites:​
    • Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun​
    • Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project​
    • Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project​
    • Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project​
  • Overworld Sprites​
    • Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil​
    • Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88​
    • Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix​
    • Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon​
    • Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo​
  • Icon Sprites​
    • Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia​
    • Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository​
    • Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon​
  • Cry Credits:​
    • Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden​
    • Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden​
    • Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464​
  • Script Credits:​
    • Golisopod User, Luka S.J.​
  • Compilation of Resources:​
    • Golisopod User, UberDunsparce​

Following Pokemon EX
Golisopod User, Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, mej71, PurpleZaffre, Akizakura16, Thundaga, Armin (Fairies Resource Pack), Maruno

Bag Screen with interactable Party

Relearning moves from party menu
IndianAnimator, eriedaberrie#1569, Kotaro

Hidden Abilities by Percentage
Mashirosakura (me) for putting out the script?
Scyl, NettoHikari and Marin for help initially setting this up.
Maq47 for Gift Pokémon in older versions, and the base for the v20.1 version
StarWolff for his slight modifications for v20.1
Kotaro for his help making this a plugin with me.

Voltseon's Pause Menu
Voltseon, Golisopod User, ENLS

[v12+] Game Over

Advanced HM Items
Moyo, Marin

Gen V Summary Pack DX
Modified by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Special thanks to Shashu-Greninja, that help with the implementation of the ZUD Compatibility Patch, and Golisopod User, that implement the Plug & Play code for Gen 8 v19/ZUD Plugin v19.
Graphics Ripped by DeepBlue PacificWaves

Summary Screen BW Style
Modified by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Special thanks to Shashu-Greninja, that help with the implementation of the ZUD Compatibility Patch, and Golisopod User, that implement the Plug & Play code for Gen 8 v19/ZUD Plugin v19.
Scrolling Background inspired by Mr. Gela's HGSS Trainer Card Scene
IV Ratings on Summary Screen
Adapted from Lucidious89's IV star script by Tommaniacal
Stat Screen Upgrade (EVs and IVs in Summary)
By Weibrot, Kobi2604 and dirkriptide
Converted to BW Summary Pack
by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Graphics Ripped
by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Font Ripped
by Ploaj

Stat Change Overlay

Randomized Trainer Teams (RTT)

Random ID from GameData
TechSkylander1518, Luka S.J.

Automatic Level Scaling
Benitex, Joltik, Umbreon


Taiga´s Trainer Collection (X/Y)
Main Artist:
Some sprites use assets/colours/inspiration from:
Gen 4 Overworld pack made by:
Vanilla Sunshine
izzyvivious + Mademoiselle--Serena - Grant,Olympia,
Sprites used:
PizzaSun + tebited15 - Lysandre,Calem,Serena
izzyvicious - AZ
Wolfgang62 - Viola, Diantha
Somersault - Ramos

ALL Official Gen 4 Overworld Sprites
Neo-Spriteman, VanillaSunshine, PurpleZaffre & Maicerochico, AtomicReactor

Pokémon Gen 5 Characters in Gen 4 OW style

ULTIMATE Gen 4 Overworlds Pack

Animated Item Container

Banished Platinum Outdoor Tileset
Wesley FG, BiggusWeeabus, LotusKing

SWSH Trainer Class Sprites

XY Trainer Class Sprites

Character Customization Resources (Gen 4)
Coffee Cup/ Poltergeist

Autotile hierba Alta Zeo

New public nature tiles

Pokemon Tileset From Public Tiles
Kyle-Dove, Heavy-Metal-Lover, WesleyFG, Dewitty,Zetavares852, XDinky,Newtiteuf, Alucus, Erma96, Hydrargirium, Poison-Master, Thedeadheroalistair,: Shutwig,Asdsimone, Xxdevil, Steinnaples,Hek-el-grande, sylver1984, NikNak93, TeaAddiction, Cuddlesthefatcat, Magiscarf, Gigatom, The-Red-eX, ChaoticCherryCake

ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
ENLS, YTKrakerwat & Thundaga

#2 NATURALEZA #Tilember2019

Taiga´s Trainer Collection (Other)
Taiga, DiegoWT, Neo-Spriteman, Vanilla Sunshine, AtomicReactor, PizzaSun, Tebited

ORAS Trainer Class Sprites
Everything except Male Ace Trainer - Kyledove
Male Ace Trainer - Hyo

Mew's Gen 4 Interior Tiles
MewTheMega, Kyle-Dove, Magiscarf, Pablus94, Princess Phoenix, Zeo254

4th gen Indoor Tileset

Pokémon Platinum - Backgrounds - Box Backgrounds

Pokémon Platinum - Miscellaneous - Intro Movie

Fog like in Pokemon Fire Red Game

If we missed someone, please let us know! We will gladly correct our mistake :)
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Senior Youngster
Aug 7, 2021
As a dev I wanted to remind you all to save frequently! Also I wanted to attach a list of encounters in our game and add one more thing, since it might not be obvious to a non-developer:
the little flashes scattered everywhere on the ground are hidden items (like in SwSh)."


Last edited:
Hey there! I've been playing your game and I've wanted to report a few bugs so far.

  • Staraptor's Back Sprite is too large. I think it's about twice the size it should be.
  • The game crashes for me when I try to load a save before the first trainer. However, I was playing beyond him and then I lost and went back to the first checkpoint. When I try to load after resetting, that's when the game crashes, and I get this error.
  • Voltseon's Pause Menu doesn't work. I think this is because you encrypted the graphics file so there is no graphics folder, while it is trying to read images within the graphics folder.

Thank you!

Mega Greninja

Professional Amateur Creator
Dec 1, 2020
Hey there! I've been playing your game and I've wanted to report a few bugs so far.

  • Staraptor's Back Sprite is too large. I think it's about twice the size it should be.
  • The game crashes for me when I try to load a save before the first trainer. However, I was playing beyond him and then I lost and went back to the first checkpoint. When I try to load after resetting, that's when the game crashes, and I get this error. View attachment 16261
  • Voltseon's Pause Menu doesn't work. I think this is because you encrypted the graphics file so there is no graphics folder, while it is trying to read images within the graphics folder.

Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to review! We'll definitely have a look and see what can be done!

Mega Greninja

Professional Amateur Creator
Dec 1, 2020
Version 1.0.1 up!
-fixed the VPM issue
more updates pending!
Last edited:


Arbiter of Doggos
Dec 12, 2017
Here’s my review of Recruitment! Good job on your first game!

Recruitment tells the story of a new recruit’s trial of initiation into the ranks of Team Galactic. The game is the perfect length for an experience of this sort. The quality of the writing is generally good, with some parts feeling better executed than others. The premise and setting of the game are refreshing to see.

Cyrus’ dialogue for the most part is believable, but sometimes his mannerisms don’t match his vanilla presentation. Most characters are done well, although it feels like there wasn’t enough time to flush out their backstories (given the nature of the jam, this isn’t a criticism by all means). Galactic's opening recruitment speech is very well portrayed, in a faithful to cult-like wording and expressions, manner. Enemy trainers are given Pokemon teams that match their characters and styles, which is a very nice detail.

There wasn’t any opening or prologue scene or gameplay segment that would give us a reason to feel the injustice caused to our player character. The motivations of this future member are given in a two-textbox exposition at the very end of the game. One such prologue segment, and some more time to familiarize ourselves with the characters participating in the trial would, be the best addition to this game.

The game’s strongest hand is the visuals. The spritework, consisting of modified vanilla sprites, is really great. Color choice almost always matches the general visuals of the game. The UI is inviting and sleek, and the presentation of the game feels very clean and professional. There’s a lot of great little details like custom trainer balls, and tiny portraits for every character. Mapping is very tight and compact, and your exploration doesn’t feel hindered by the obstacles that can be eventually overcome with item HMs. Transitions in some scenes like the initial letter scene are excellent. Tileset choices are a big plus, the game being colorful and a treat to go through, for the most part.

Cutscene flow is also of very good quality, with audio pauses where it matters, and visual accompaniment.

The gameplay offers a great selection of mons, and gives you access to all learnable moves, including egg moves, from the start. A lot of thought went into available mons, and their abilities etc compliment the choices well. The game has a lot of QoL features, whose implementation might feel a bit sudden, as you don't have to work to obtain them. That said, all the QoL features make the game almost devoid of grinding, which is an excellent thing, and generally assist with many playstyles. Battles aren’t too hard, but they aren’t easy either. Personally I found them balanced. It's very thoughtful of the devs to have made the game in such a way that it never feels like a drag, so kudos!

Overall, it’s a very sold, visually polished entry, that spares you the grinding. The writing adds to the experience, even though a little more time spent to reduce exposition and flesh out setting and characters, would be recommended.

- like that there's difficulty selection

- nice that the encounter rate isnt high - except for the tedious cave

- Tentacruel learned Surf but it asked me for a new badge... sad

- havent tested it, but what happens if you lose to a wild mon on either modes?

- nice, many hidden items

- you sure Dimitri is a youngster? xD he should be a rich guy

- Make the textbox less transparent, it might make it difficult to read for many people

- initial hideout map is a bit empty and large

- Better give all those starting items in the itemballs in a "silent" manner, it's possible to do with a script command. It feels very obtrusive having to listen and wait for the “item get” prompt 5 times in a row, in every map. Just give em silently and use one textbox.

- Mason feels kind of abrupt, both his "surprised to see me here", even if its implied he knew us, and the fast "get mons and lets battle". He should say something like "You! I saw you among the recruits! I am sorry, but I can't let you win!" Or something to show that Cyrus has pitched recruits against each other. Better yet, time to flesh out any backstory in a prologue, or other segment.

- I feel like you are showering the player with so many items it will make getting through the game trivial, and it feels too forced. However, this is subjective. Max Revives did help a lot, though. It feels like you can rework this in a way that feels less in-your-face and more organically implemented

- Mason telling you to have at least three pokemon felt forced

- It's nice that mason has random leading mons ,but you could make it so he checks the type of your first mon and sends one that beats it, if it exists

- It's better for Mason to say what he has to say upon loss automatically, rather than have no dialogue right after. Likewise with Aaron.

- perhaps add healing after every battle instead of going to your bag pc to heal mons. That process was a bit time-consuming for me.

- Some of the QoL features arent communicated that they exist e.g. bag PC

- wisps should have brighter and shinier sprite, you cant see them well. That said, I got 8 because I was too scared to backtrack through the cave – the encounters were exhausting

- the ledges that you can jump from should have a different texture to them, to indicate their behavior. That was unexpected since only small ledges do that in Pokemon games

- some rare candies would be good to bring up wild mons to bigger levels

- I guess some people might be caught off-guard if they are playing on hard mode, and they get jumped at various points by those trainers that appear out of nowhere

- more max repels for the cave, getting through it is insufferable

- keystone rock is way difficult to tell from the rest of the tileset

- "underpaid" isn't the best argument for Cyrus, not to mention this isn't his vanilla justification

- the fast transition to credits scene could be better

- Player name isnt shown in message box. It says “Player”

- Forest maps show as "Forest 1.1" etc, both in the map box and when saving - better name them to something more organic

- Sometimes it is possible to run away from Mason and go to the lake on the right - dunno if the same for other areas

- It is likely you can skip Eloise

- multiple tile errors and map edges in last map, playable after credits

- "I know all about you research" < should be yours


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    Bug4 potentially, this isnt reachable.PNG
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  • Bug5 Petrel still in the cave after going a bit further and coming back.PNG
    Bug5 Petrel still in the cave after going a bit further and coming back.PNG
    109 KB · Views: 121
  • Fell off this too many times by accident.PNG
    Fell off this too many times by accident.PNG
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    Map Border 2.PNG
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    Map Border 3, take a good look at bottom left.PNG
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    Map Border.PNG
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  • Name appears as Player rather than Your name.PNG
    Name appears as Player rather than Your name.PNG
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    Tile Error here too.PNG
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  • Tile Error here as well.PNG
    Tile Error here as well.PNG
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    Tile Error Broken Tiles.PNG
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    Tile error 1.PNG
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    Tile Error here.PNG
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    Tile Error passable.PNG
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    Tile Error step on this.PNG
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    Tile Error Top Left.PNG
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    Tile Errors visible bottom.PNG
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  • Typo 4 either goin' or going.PNG
    Typo 4 either goin' or going.PNG
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  • Typo 5 two commas needed.PNG
    Typo 5 two commas needed.PNG
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    Typo Comma.PNG
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    Typo, comma.PNG
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Mega Greninja

Professional Amateur Creator
Dec 1, 2020
Here’s my review of Recruitment! Good job on your first game!

Recruitment tells the story of a new recruit’s trial of initiation into the ranks of Team Galactic. The game is the perfect length for an experience of this sort. The quality of the writing is generally good, with some parts feeling better executed than others. The premise and setting of the game are refreshing to see.

Cyrus’ dialogue for the most part is believable, but sometimes his mannerisms don’t match his vanilla presentation. Most characters are done well, although it feels like there wasn’t enough time to flush out their backstories (given the nature of the jam, this isn’t a criticism by all means). Galactic's opening recruitment speech is very well portrayed, in a faithful to cult-like wording and expressions, manner. Enemy trainers are given Pokemon teams that match their characters and styles, which is a very nice detail.

There wasn’t any opening or prologue scene or gameplay segment that would give us a reason to feel the injustice caused to our player character. The motivations of this future member are given in a two-textbox exposition at the very end of the game. One such prologue segment, and some more time to familiarize ourselves with the characters participating in the trial would, be the best addition to this game.

The game’s strongest hand is the visuals. The spritework, consisting of modified vanilla sprites, is really great. Color choice almost always matches the general visuals of the game. The UI is inviting and sleek, and the presentation of the game feels very clean and professional. There’s a lot of great little details like custom trainer balls, and tiny portraits for every character. Mapping is very tight and compact, and your exploration doesn’t feel hindered by the obstacles that can be eventually overcome with item HMs. Transitions in some scenes like the initial letter scene are excellent. Tileset choices are a big plus, the game being colorful and a treat to go through, for the most part.

Cutscene flow is also of very good quality, with audio pauses where it matters, and visual accompaniment.

The gameplay offers a great selection of mons, and gives you access to all learnable moves, including egg moves, from the start. A lot of thought went into available mons, and their abilities etc compliment the choices well. The game has a lot of QoL features, whose implementation might feel a bit sudden, as you don't have to work to obtain them. That said, all the QoL features make the game almost devoid of grinding, which is an excellent thing, and generally assist with many playstyles. Battles aren’t too hard, but they aren’t easy either. Personally I found them balanced. It's very thoughtful of the devs to have made the game in such a way that it never feels like a drag, so kudos!

Overall, it’s a very sold, visually polished entry, that spares you the grinding. The writing adds to the experience, even though a little more time spent to reduce exposition and flesh out setting and characters, would be recommended.

- like that there's difficulty selection

- nice that the encounter rate isnt high - except for the tedious cave

- Tentacruel learned Surf but it asked me for a new badge... sad

- havent tested it, but what happens if you lose to a wild mon on either modes?

- nice, many hidden items

- you sure Dimitri is a youngster? xD he should be a rich guy

- Make the textbox less transparent, it might make it difficult to read for many people

- initial hideout map is a bit empty and large

- Better give all those starting items in the itemballs in a "silent" manner, it's possible to do with a script command. It feels very obtrusive having to listen and wait for the “item get” prompt 5 times in a row, in every map. Just give em silently and use one textbox.

- Mason feels kind of abrupt, both his "surprised to see me here", even if its implied he knew us, and the fast "get mons and lets battle". He should say something like "You! I saw you among the recruits! I am sorry, but I can't let you win!" Or something to show that Cyrus has pitched recruits against each other. Better yet, time to flesh out any backstory in a prologue, or other segment.

- I feel like you are showering the player with so many items it will make getting through the game trivial, and it feels too forced. However, this is subjective. Max Revives did help a lot, though. It feels like you can rework this in a way that feels less in-your-face and more organically implemented

- Mason telling you to have at least three pokemon felt forced

- It's nice that mason has random leading mons ,but you could make it so he checks the type of your first mon and sends one that beats it, if it exists

- It's better for Mason to say what he has to say upon loss automatically, rather than have no dialogue right after. Likewise with Aaron.

- perhaps add healing after every battle instead of going to your bag pc to heal mons. That process was a bit time-consuming for me.

- Some of the QoL features arent communicated that they exist e.g. bag PC

- wisps should have brighter and shinier sprite, you cant see them well. That said, I got 8 because I was too scared to backtrack through the cave – the encounters were exhausting

- the ledges that you can jump from should have a different texture to them, to indicate you can use them to jump. That was unexpected since only small ledges do that in Pokemon games

- some rare candies would be good to bring up wild mons to bigger levels

- I guess some people might be caught off-guard if they are playing on hard mode, and they get jumped at various points by those trainers that appear out of nowhere

- more max repels for the cave, getting through it is insufferable

- keystone rock is way difficult to tell from the other tileset

- "underpaid" isn't the best argument for Cyrus, not to mention this isn't his vanilla justification

- the fast transition to credits scene could be better

- Player name isnt shown in message box. It says “Player”

- Forest maps show as "Forest 1.1" etc, both in the map box and when saving - better name them to something more organic

- Sometimes it is possible to run away from Mason and go to the lake on the right - dunno if the same for other areas

- It is likely you can skip Eloise

- multiple tile errors and map edges in last map, playable after credits

- "I know all about you research" < should be yours
Thank you for the in depth and constructive review! I'm very glad you enjoyed our game. We'll take our time and try and improve on some of your suggestions!
Hey there! I played your game, and I made a video about it here! I'll go over a few things here, but the video will be more detailed.

Overall, I think this is a really solid game. You guys did a great job and I really enjoyed the gameplay loop and the ability to customize your Pokémon. I felt like I was in survival mode but still had enough comfortability to get through the trainers. For the story, I wish that you would've explored Saturn's character throughout the game a little more. I think it would have allowed for more pay off in the end and made the journey more satisfying. But I was pleased with how polished the game was despite a few nitpicks that I personally had.

Great job!
Hello! Just finished playing the game!
Some thoughts:
This game felt very well done, I enjoyed it a lot! I liked the game being framed in a narrative of team Galactic's origin story, it was a really fun story, and I love seeing the return of characters like Saturn and Cyrus. And touching on that a bit, I like how connected to both Platinum and PLA this game felt. The distortion world music, having collectable wisps, letting you relearn moves from your party menu. It all felt really good.

The game felt really well balanced and put together, I think the difficulty was perfect. I always struggle with these more battle focused games, but I never felt like giving up, it always felt possible. And I really appreciated all the accessible features for building a team, it really encouraged me to find pokemon I liked and buff them up.

Only point of critism I have is that it felt a bit weird not having healing spots, or not healing you after trainer battles or at checkpoints. But then the game also just floods you with healing items so that you can heal whenever you want. It felt a bit weird, but it is a very small thing.

Nice and fun game, perfect length, it was a good time!


Dec 2, 2019
Hey.I hope u make a female protagonist option too, bc I want to play it.

Mega Greninja

Professional Amateur Creator
Dec 1, 2020
Hey.I hope u make a female protagonist option too, bc I want to play it.
Hey Aurora! Unfortunately I don't think that there will be a femal protagonist option in this project, bacause the idea is that we see commander Saturn's backstory before he was Saturn.


Jan 26, 2023
What resource did you use to make the character head sprites appear above the text when that character is speaking? Or did you make it yourselves?


Elite 4
Jul 16, 2020
Sorry, I mean like the player portrait in this image:
We used this Resource:
Resource link, Resource 2
And then we customized the width and height and add a Sprite, download our Resource pack and see how we are used in pictures folder
Resource pack link on top of the page!


Feb 20, 2021
Ummm...how excatly one plays the game? the download was just a rar file incompatible with a 3ds emulator