- Views: 16,450
- Replies: 20
– Mega Greninja (Mega Greninja GR#4949 on Discord),
– bombastik (bombastik#1883 on Discord),
– karthi (karthi#0653 on Discord),
– Hystrucgon (Hystrucgon#0877 on Discord).
Made using:
RPG Maker XP & Pokémon Essentials v20.1
Challenge settings:
– Nocturnal Forest,
– Ominous Cave,
– Ruined City.
– Nocturnal Forest,
– Ominous Cave,
– Ruined City.
Game description:
The game is set 5 years before the events of Pokémon Platinum. A 20-year-old prodigy gets a taste of how unfair the world can be after his professors pass off his research about the origins of Sinnoh’s Legends as their own. Faced with this injustice, the student receives an offer from a mysterious sender, aligned with the well-known Team Galactic. Feeling like he has nothing to lose, he accepts… but he couldn’t have predicted what he was signing up for.
– around 3-4 hours of gameplay,
– single and double battles,
– visible EVs and IVs in the summary screen,
– relearning moves from the party screen,
– almost whole Sinnoh Dex compressed in 20 maps,
– following Pokémon,
– randomized trainer teams and items (so each playthrough is different!),
– level scaling,
– access to Boxes via an item,
– IV increasing Vitamins.
-Evolution Changes
Resource Pack
– Eevee > Espeon (evolution by Sun Stone),
– Eevee > Umbreon (evolution by Moon Stone),
– Eevee > Sylveon (evolution by Shiny Stone),
– Machoke > Machamp (level 40),
– Golbat > Crobat (level 40),
– Graveler > Golem (level 40),
– Onix > Steelix (level up when holding Metal Coat),
– Kadabra > Alakazam (level 40),
– Haunter > Gengar (level 40),
– Buneary > Lopunny (level 36),
– Dusclops > Dusknoir (level up when holding Reaper Cloth),
– Scyther > Scizzor (level up when holding Metal Coat),
– Riolu > Lucario (level 36),
– Togepi > Togetic (level 30),
– Munchlax > Snorlax (level 40),
– Porygon2 > Porygon-Z (level up when holding Dubious Disc).
– Eevee > Umbreon (evolution by Moon Stone),
– Eevee > Sylveon (evolution by Shiny Stone),
– Machoke > Machamp (level 40),
– Golbat > Crobat (level 40),
– Graveler > Golem (level 40),
– Onix > Steelix (level up when holding Metal Coat),
– Kadabra > Alakazam (level 40),
– Haunter > Gengar (level 40),
– Buneary > Lopunny (level 36),
– Dusclops > Dusknoir (level up when holding Reaper Cloth),
– Scyther > Scizzor (level up when holding Metal Coat),
– Riolu > Lucario (level 36),
– Togepi > Togetic (level 30),
– Munchlax > Snorlax (level 40),
– Porygon2 > Porygon-Z (level up when holding Dubious Disc).
Known bugs:
– game crashes when using HM items manually if there is no obstacle,
– an error occurs when trying to withdraw Pokémon using Box Link (exchanging Pokémon from the box for one from the party using works fine though!).
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin
Boushy, MiDas Mike
Brother1440, Near Fantastica
FL., PinkMan
Genzai Kawakami, Popper
Golisopod User, Rataime
help-14, Savordez
IceGod64, SoundSpawn
Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end
KitsuneKouta, Venom12
Lisa Anthony, Wachunga
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out
v20.1 Hotfixes
Generation 8 Pack for Essentials v20.1
Following Pokemon EX
Golisopod User, Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, mej71, PurpleZaffre, Akizakura16, Thundaga, Armin (Fairies Resource Pack), Maruno
Bag Screen with interactable Party
Relearning moves from party menu
IndianAnimator, eriedaberrie#1569, Kotaro
Hidden Abilities by Percentage
Mashirosakura (me) for putting out the script?
Scyl, NettoHikari and Marin for help initially setting this up.
Maq47 for Gift Pokémon in older versions, and the base for the v20.1 version
StarWolff for his slight modifications for v20.1
Kotaro for his help making this a plugin with me.
Voltseon's Pause Menu
Voltseon, Golisopod User, ENLS
[v12+] Game Over
Advanced HM Items
Moyo, Marin
Gen V Summary Pack DX
Modified by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Special thanks to Shashu-Greninja, that help with the implementation of the ZUD Compatibility Patch, and Golisopod User, that implement the Plug & Play code for Gen 8 v19/ZUD Plugin v19.
Graphics Ripped by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Summary Screen BW Style
Modified by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Special thanks to Shashu-Greninja, that help with the implementation of the ZUD Compatibility Patch, and Golisopod User, that implement the Plug & Play code for Gen 8 v19/ZUD Plugin v19.
Scrolling Background inspired by Mr. Gela's HGSS Trainer Card Scene
IV Ratings on Summary Screen
Adapted from Lucidious89's IV star script by Tommaniacal
Stat Screen Upgrade (EVs and IVs in Summary)
By Weibrot, Kobi2604 and dirkriptide
Converted to BW Summary Pack
by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Graphics Ripped
by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Font Ripped
by Ploaj
Stat Change Overlay
Randomized Trainer Teams (RTT)
Random ID from GameData
TechSkylander1518, Luka S.J.
Automatic Level Scaling
Benitex, Joltik, Umbreon
Taiga´s Trainer Collection (X/Y)
Main Artist:
Some sprites use assets/colours/inspiration from:
Gen 4 Overworld pack made by:
Vanilla Sunshine
izzyvivious + Mademoiselle--Serena - Grant,Olympia,
Sprites used:
PizzaSun + tebited15 - Lysandre,Calem,Serena
izzyvicious - AZ
Wolfgang62 - Viola, Diantha
Somersault - Ramos
ALL Official Gen 4 Overworld Sprites
Neo-Spriteman, VanillaSunshine, PurpleZaffre & Maicerochico, AtomicReactor
Pokémon Gen 5 Characters in Gen 4 OW style
ULTIMATE Gen 4 Overworlds Pack
Animated Item Container
Banished Platinum Outdoor Tileset
Wesley FG, BiggusWeeabus, LotusKing
SWSH Trainer Class Sprites
XY Trainer Class Sprites
Character Customization Resources (Gen 4)
Coffee Cup/ Poltergeist
Autotile hierba Alta Zeo
New public nature tiles
Pokemon Tileset From Public Tiles
Kyle-Dove, Heavy-Metal-Lover, WesleyFG, Dewitty,Zetavares852, XDinky,Newtiteuf, Alucus, Erma96, Hydrargirium, Poison-Master, Thedeadheroalistair,: Shutwig,Asdsimone, Xxdevil, Steinnaples,Hek-el-grande, sylver1984, NikNak93, TeaAddiction, Cuddlesthefatcat, Magiscarf, Gigatom, The-Red-eX, ChaoticCherryCake
ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
ENLS, YTKrakerwat & Thundaga
#2 NATURALEZA #Tilember2019
Taiga´s Trainer Collection (Other)
Taiga, DiegoWT, Neo-Spriteman, Vanilla Sunshine, AtomicReactor, PizzaSun, Tebited
ORAS Trainer Class Sprites
Everything except Male Ace Trainer - Kyledove
Male Ace Trainer - Hyo
Mew's Gen 4 Interior Tiles
MewTheMega, Kyle-Dove, Magiscarf, Pablus94, Princess Phoenix, Zeo254
4th gen Indoor Tileset
Pokémon Platinum - Backgrounds - Box Backgrounds
Pokémon Platinum - Miscellaneous - Intro Movie
Fog like in Pokemon Fire Red Game
If we missed someone, please let us know! We will gladly correct our mistake :)
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin
Boushy, MiDas Mike
Brother1440, Near Fantastica
FL., PinkMan
Genzai Kawakami, Popper
Golisopod User, Rataime
help-14, Savordez
IceGod64, SoundSpawn
Jacob O. Wobbrock, the__end
KitsuneKouta, Venom12
Lisa Anthony, Wachunga
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out
v20.1 Hotfixes
Generation 8 Pack for Essentials v20.1
- Battler Sprites:
- Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
- Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
- Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
- Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
- Overworld Sprites
- Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
- Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
- Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
- Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
- Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo
- Icon Sprites
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia
- Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
- Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon
- Cry Credits:
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
- Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
- Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464
- Script Credits:
- Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
- Compilation of Resources:
- Golisopod User, UberDunsparce
Following Pokemon EX
Golisopod User, Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, mej71, PurpleZaffre, Akizakura16, Thundaga, Armin (Fairies Resource Pack), Maruno
Bag Screen with interactable Party
Relearning moves from party menu
IndianAnimator, eriedaberrie#1569, Kotaro
Hidden Abilities by Percentage
Mashirosakura (me) for putting out the script?
Scyl, NettoHikari and Marin for help initially setting this up.
Maq47 for Gift Pokémon in older versions, and the base for the v20.1 version
StarWolff for his slight modifications for v20.1
Kotaro for his help making this a plugin with me.
Voltseon's Pause Menu
Voltseon, Golisopod User, ENLS
[v12+] Game Over
Advanced HM Items
Moyo, Marin
Gen V Summary Pack DX
Modified by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Special thanks to Shashu-Greninja, that help with the implementation of the ZUD Compatibility Patch, and Golisopod User, that implement the Plug & Play code for Gen 8 v19/ZUD Plugin v19.
Graphics Ripped by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Summary Screen BW Style
Modified by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Special thanks to Shashu-Greninja, that help with the implementation of the ZUD Compatibility Patch, and Golisopod User, that implement the Plug & Play code for Gen 8 v19/ZUD Plugin v19.
Scrolling Background inspired by Mr. Gela's HGSS Trainer Card Scene
IV Ratings on Summary Screen
Adapted from Lucidious89's IV star script by Tommaniacal
Stat Screen Upgrade (EVs and IVs in Summary)
By Weibrot, Kobi2604 and dirkriptide
Converted to BW Summary Pack
by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Graphics Ripped
by DeepBlue PacificWaves
Font Ripped
by Ploaj
Stat Change Overlay
Randomized Trainer Teams (RTT)
Random ID from GameData
TechSkylander1518, Luka S.J.
Automatic Level Scaling
Benitex, Joltik, Umbreon
Taiga´s Trainer Collection (X/Y)
Main Artist:
Some sprites use assets/colours/inspiration from:
Gen 4 Overworld pack made by:
Vanilla Sunshine
izzyvivious + Mademoiselle--Serena - Grant,Olympia,
Sprites used:
PizzaSun + tebited15 - Lysandre,Calem,Serena
izzyvicious - AZ
Wolfgang62 - Viola, Diantha
Somersault - Ramos
ALL Official Gen 4 Overworld Sprites
Neo-Spriteman, VanillaSunshine, PurpleZaffre & Maicerochico, AtomicReactor
Pokémon Gen 5 Characters in Gen 4 OW style
ULTIMATE Gen 4 Overworlds Pack
Animated Item Container
Banished Platinum Outdoor Tileset
Wesley FG, BiggusWeeabus, LotusKing
SWSH Trainer Class Sprites
XY Trainer Class Sprites
Character Customization Resources (Gen 4)
Coffee Cup/ Poltergeist
Autotile hierba Alta Zeo
New public nature tiles
Pokemon Tileset From Public Tiles
Kyle-Dove, Heavy-Metal-Lover, WesleyFG, Dewitty,Zetavares852, XDinky,Newtiteuf, Alucus, Erma96, Hydrargirium, Poison-Master, Thedeadheroalistair,: Shutwig,Asdsimone, Xxdevil, Steinnaples,Hek-el-grande, sylver1984, NikNak93, TeaAddiction, Cuddlesthefatcat, Magiscarf, Gigatom, The-Red-eX, ChaoticCherryCake
ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
ENLS, YTKrakerwat & Thundaga
#2 NATURALEZA #Tilember2019
Taiga´s Trainer Collection (Other)
Taiga, DiegoWT, Neo-Spriteman, Vanilla Sunshine, AtomicReactor, PizzaSun, Tebited
ORAS Trainer Class Sprites
Everything except Male Ace Trainer - Kyledove
Male Ace Trainer - Hyo
Mew's Gen 4 Interior Tiles
MewTheMega, Kyle-Dove, Magiscarf, Pablus94, Princess Phoenix, Zeo254
4th gen Indoor Tileset
Pokémon Platinum - Backgrounds - Box Backgrounds
Pokémon Platinum - Miscellaneous - Intro Movie
Fog like in Pokemon Fire Red Game
If we missed someone, please let us know! We will gladly correct our mistake :)
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