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Released Pokémon Twilight: Extended

This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.

A Great Darkness Awaits... AGAIN!

As some of you may know, Pokemon Twilight was my submission for the 2017 Game Jam! It was the first game I had ever released, so it had a LOT of problems... XD Anyway, Pokémon Twilight was a rather short game, and there was a lot I didn't get to add because of the time constraint of the jam. That being said, I now am making an extended version, Pokemon Twilight: Extended! Here is a summary of the Old Pokemon Twilight:
Pokemon Twilight is a game that takes place in the Isla Region, a region composed of four islands, three smaller islands surrounding one larger island. Each of the small islands have altars dedicated to one of the three Swords Of Justice (not counting Keldeo). Legend has it that at these altars, you will find the Swords of Justice who each guard an Ancient Relic. These Relics are said to open the gateway to the mysterious Realm of Shadows, an alternate reality that runs parallel to our world. You take control of a young kid from Lakebed Village, a small town in the center of the largest island, Kelda Island. The regional Professor, Professor Camphor, has asked you to go on a quest to collect all three Ancient Relics from the altars. Professor Camphor studies the relationship between our world and the Realm of Shadows, and so it has been his goal to visit the Realm of Shadows. He gives you one of three starter Pokémon, Spoink, Riolu, or Zorua. He sends you off on your mission, and along the way you meet the sinister Team Twilight, and organization who plans to open the gateway themselves, so they can merge our world with the Realm of Shadows. As you progress you take down Team Twilight in order to reach the three altars. Each altar has an admin of Team Twilight who was sent to capture one of the Swords of Justice. Defeating them forces them to leave with the Swords of Justice, who leave behind the Ancient Relic they were guarding. Will you be able to stop Team Twilight from merging the Realm of Shadows with our own, or will the world be plunged into an eternity of evil and chaos? Depending on the outcome of the two final battles, Pokémon Twilight has six possible endings! After defeating the game once you are taken to just before the battles, and can complete each ending, as well as complete multiple post-game events! In addition, there are multiple secrets that I have hidden to make the game a bit easier, but if you would like a challenge, feel free to stay away from the secret nerfs! Not all the secrets are nerfs however, some are hidden legendaries or items. Be sure to check places you've visited before, because after completing the game once there are a few hidden areas you can now reach! I would also like to point out that you can rematch the three Admins once you have defeated the final boss once, so if you would like to battle them with a full team of six Pokémon you can! I hope you enjoy Pokémon Twilight!

Now, Pokemon Twilight: Extended promises to be very different from the regular old Twilight, and so I'll give you a new summary!

Welcome to the Isla Region, a region that I certainly did not name in 3 seconds based off the fact that it is made up of a bunch of ISLAnds... (I was on a time constraint so my ideas were not the greatest, but the name stuck so it's making it into Twilight: Extended anyway lol) You play as a young child from Lakebed Village (again, I was on a time constraint and it stuck...) who has been chosen by Cresselia to help save the Realm of Shadows, a universe that runs parallel to our own, the Realm of Light. The Realm of Shadows is being threatened by a great calamity that has been named the Dark Shadow, a substance that drains all color from the world and threatens to destroy the Realm of Shadows and everything in it! Along with it this Dark Shadow brings forth terrifying beasts known as Twilight Pokemon, and since the Realm of Shadows had existed without any normal Pokemon in it, these are the Pokemon you will encounter in the Realm of Shadows, and they are all of the mysterious Twilight Type! Twilight Pokemon take very little damage from and do very little damage to any normal Pokemon, and they super effect on all Twilight Pokemon. (Mechanics subject to change) You soon meet Professor Camphor, who gives you your first Pokemon and explains that he wants you to help him gather three Ancient Relics so he can open a portal to the Realm of Shadows and complete his research. Little does he know that you have the ability to travel between the realms, but you decide to help him open the portal because you know he cannot travel along with you between realms. You meet up with either Jason or Skyla (depending on your gender), the Chosen One from the Realm of Shadows, who takes you to the Realm of Shadows to meet Professor Acacia, the regional professor of the Realm of Shadows' Isla Region. She gives you your first Twilight Pokemon, and then sets you and your rival off to help stop the spread of the Dark Shadow! She also explains that an evil organization known as Team Twilight has been wreaking havoc in both realms, and claims that Team Twilight is the source of the Dark Shadow. She knows that Team Twilight has been targeting the three Ancient Relics in the Realm of Shadows, and so she sends you off to go stop Team Twilight. As the story progresses you will discover many secrets, battle strong foes, and attempt to save both realms of existence. Whether you succeed or not is up to you, and the game will have a variety of endings, new and old, for you to attempt to achieve. If you played the old Twilight, forget everything you know about the plot, because there are new plot twists around every corner! Trust no one, or trust everyone, who knows what the outcome of this game will be?! I hope you guys enjoy this new rendition of Pokemon Twilight!

Game Screenshots:







Old Pokemon Twilight Game Download:

Made Using:
RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials GS.

Resource Pack:
(Direct Download, includes Graphics and Audio)

was created by:

Music ripped from:

(Modified by Fakemon123)

was created by:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby<s>MiDas Mike
Boushy<s>Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami<s>Rataime
Jacob O. Wobbrock<s>Wachunga
Lisa Anthony<s>
and everyone else who helped out
was created by:
3rd, 4rd &
5th generation
POKéMON devamped
sprites made by:
Neslug<s>NICKtendo DS
Mighty Jetters<s>Alpha Six
Special thanks to:
Pia Carrot
out written


Also, feel free to join the new Twilight Discord for updates, Beta Testing, concept art, and more! Here's the link!
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Aug 11, 2017
I just recently started this and it is absolutely amazing, thought I have to ask: is shiny rate increased or no? I ask because in the Cobalt Ruins a ran into one.


AKA Fakemon123
Apr 2, 2017
I just recently started this and it is absolutely amazing, thought I have to ask: is shiny rate increased or no? I ask because in the Cobalt Ruins a ran into one.
Yeah I increased it, I wanted people to be more likely to encounter a shiny in the short time they play through, but raised it a bit too much. When I played through I only ran into two so I thought that what I had was a good number but people are running into a ton lmao. Really glad you like it though, it means a lot!


A wild Minun appeared!
May 17, 2017
Hey I'm playing the game right now. It's good. There is just one thing that bugs me and that is level jumps. In the fire cave the wild pokemon level was around 18-20. Now that I've cleared it I come into the forest and find wild pokemon at the range of 27-31 while my own pokemon are all lvl 22-24. Going to the Pokecenter after like 2-3 wild battles really sucks. Plus the rain renders the two of my fire pokemon useless ... so an expall would have been nice.


AKA Fakemon123
Apr 2, 2017
Hey I'm playing the game right now. It's good. There is just one thing that bugs me and that is level jumps. In the fire cave the wild pokemon level was around 18-20. Now that I've cleared it I come into the forest and find wild pokemon at the range of 27-31 while my own pokemon are all lvl 22-24. Going to the Pokecenter after like 2-3 wild battles really sucks. Plus the rain renders the two of my fire pokemon useless ... so an expall would have been nice.
Yeah, a lot of people don't enjoy the level spikes, I was attempting to make you rely on strategy instead of brute strength, and also to capture lots of Pokémon to keep up with the levels, but people end up getting frustrated. I'm changing it in the extended version I plan to release, but I will say it helps to use status moves and moves that lower/raise stats and such. Also it is very helpful to capture lots of new Pokémon in each area since there are certain Pokémon I've placed in each area to help with the bosses. I was worried it would be too hard but I was able to make it through without too much trouble so I decided to leave it. I know now that it was a mistake and will change it for the extended version. Thanks for the feedback!
So I've been playing Pokemon Twilight for about 4 hours now. I've decided to stop for now and move on to other fan games, but I'll leave my thoughts here. I did enjoy what I played, a nice range of Pokemon and many of the objects had interesting messages when interacting. It also seemed like an interesting story was building up.

However I stopped because I just found it too difficult. My first trouble was with the first admin against the Honchcrow. I initially only had dark and physic Pokemon which made the battle pretty hard. I ended up looking for a geodude in the cave and catching it which made the battle a lot easier, I just wish that there were more non-dark/physic Pokemon in that cave and maybe one of the rock ones had a higher encounter rate. This took me awhile but I guess in the end it was fine because I did end up beating it.

Where I gave up was against the 2nd battle for the 2nd admin. In my first encounter my strongest Pokemon was a level 22 and they had a level 30. I tried assembling a decent team, I even used a shiny pampour I had found, but when I was close he ended up using a full restore. And this was around when I gave up, it just seemed too far out of my reach.

But I'm pretty sure you've already heard complaints about it being too hard, also it is worth noting that I did enjoy my time playing it, I just don't feel like grinding anymore and I want to try and get around to some more fan games. I might come back afterwards because it sounds like there are some really cool parts later.

Thanks for the cool game!


AKA Fakemon123
Apr 2, 2017
So I've been playing Pokemon Twilight for about 4 hours now. I've decided to stop for now and move on to other fan games, but I'll leave my thoughts here. I did enjoy what I played, a nice range of Pokemon and many of the objects had interesting messages when interacting. It also seemed like an interesting story was building up.

However I stopped because I just found it too difficult. My first trouble was with the first admin against the Honchcrow. I initially only had dark and physic Pokemon which made the battle pretty hard. I ended up looking for a geodude in the cave and catching it which made the battle a lot easier, I just wish that there were more non-dark/physic Pokemon in that cave and maybe one of the rock ones had a higher encounter rate. This took me awhile but I guess in the end it was fine because I did end up beating it.

Where I gave up was against the 2nd battle for the 2nd admin. In my first encounter my strongest Pokemon was a level 22 and they had a level 30. I tried assembling a decent team, I even used a shiny pampour I had found, but when I was close he ended up using a full restore. And this was around when I gave up, it just seemed too far out of my reach.

But I'm pretty sure you've already heard complaints about it being too hard, also it is worth noting that I did enjoy my time playing it, I just don't feel like grinding anymore and I want to try and get around to some more fan games. I might come back afterwards because it sounds like there are some really cool parts later.

Thanks for the cool game!
Thanks for the feedback! That seems to be the general consensus about Twilight, and I regret making the levels jump up like that, I've already explained my reasoning but again, I'm sorry for the difficulty, it takes away from all the positive aspects of the game. What I did to beat it was have a constantly flowing team and a little bit of grinding, but I wasn't worried about giving all the jam games a good playthrough since I played my game before any others were released. I've learned a lot from this and will make sure to make a much easier game for the next jam. Thank you so much for the feedback and I'm glad you at least enjoyed some of the other aspects of the game!

Hey, since everyone seems to be having such a hard time with the game I've decided to post a list of things that helped me get through the game, and hopefully these things will enable others to have a better, more enjoyable experience with the game. So, without further ado, here is a list of little hidden nerfs/tricks that I used to beat the game smoothly.

(Warning, some spoilers may be ahead, but if you are having a hard time please read these tips!)
1) Choosing Zorua as a starter allows you to pretty easily take down the first two grunts who have ghost types, however, it can have a hard time against the Swords of Justice, so if you choose Spoink or Riolu, make sure to catch another Pokemon before you reach the Ruins of Cobalt or at least in the first room in the Ruins of Cobalt.
2) Catch a Starly on Route One! They come in really handy as Staravia learns Endeavor, and when it evolves into Staraptor it can completely destroy Katherine's team. You can also catch a Staraptor in Viridis Forest, however it is the rarest Pokemon in the forest, so you may not get that lucky.
3) If you run into a Dwebble in the Ruins of Cobalt, CATCH IT! It is a rarer Pokemon, and not only that, but it learns Rock Blast, which can OHKO Honchkrow if used properly.
4) USE STATUS EFFECTS AND STAT CHANGING MOVES! This honestly helped me so much during the game, simple things like Double Team and Leer that I would never have used before came in very handy.
5) Look behind the boulder to the right in the Ruins of Cobalt after battling the first two grunts, you'll find Earthquake which can be taught to Dwebble, Geodude, or Nosepass to help destroy Cobalion. Similarly, behind a ladder is Psychic, teach that to a Woobat, Sigilyph (if you're lucky enough to find one, it's the rarest in the Ruins of Cobalt), or Spoink to deal some decent damage to Cobalion, and the other Swords of Justice for that matter!
6) Nosepass is one of the more common rock types in the Ruins of Cobalt, you will most likely run into it and Geodude before running into Dwebble, if you do, catch them and teach them Earthquake. Not only can their rock type moves defeat Honchkrow with some sort of ease, but their Earthquakes can do decent damage to Cobalion.
7) If you find a Gligar, catch it, there will be a Razor Fang in the Ruins of Cobalt and once it evolves it can tear through pretty much anything later on in the game!
8) ALWAYS have a full team. The game will give you plenty of Pokeballs and Potions, and even one Revive, but I would recommend buying more Revives before any boss battle. Having a full team of six allows you to have Pokemon that are used simply to revive stronger Pokemon, and sometimes they can even land a hit or two, and any amount of damage helps!
9) Grinding is always a good option, however not many people enjoy wasting time training, so I found that the Wild Pokemon can be used two ways. Either you can use them to grind your Pokemon to a higher level, or you can simply catch the Wild Pokemon and replace someone in your team. The Wild Pokemon are usually similar levels to the grunts, and usually there are Wild Pokemon in the area that can do some pretty decent damage to the bosses of their respective areas.
10) Check everywhere for items, I am usually pretty generous when I give items, such as five Ultraballs, or five Hyperpotions. I even give you five Revives and one Max Revive before the second Nenji battle, which come in extremely handy.
11) Usually you can use the Dwebble you caught in the Ruins of Cobalt to tear through Nenji's first team, but if you don't feel like using it, you can catch any of the fire Pokemon in the Shadow Ruins or Terra Volcano, as that place is riddled with them! Shedinja shouldn't be a problem, the only thing is that they may out speed you, so be careful.
12) One of the grunts have a Pawniard, it can be tricky, but the Earthquake you probably taught your Dwebble, Geodude, or Nosepass will come in very handy.
13) In Viridis Forest to keep from getting lost follow the small trees, I made it so that they show the path (for the most part.)
14) Katherine is by far the easiest boss, if you have a fighting type. Staraptor is honestly the best for her team.
15) After beating Katherine return to the Shadow Ruins and talk to the wall nearest the ladder and you will find Keldeo, there is a Masterball in the room so you practically get a free level 55 Keldeo to destroy the rest of your opponents.
16) The Pokemon in the upper Shadow Ruins are near level 40-50 so catching them will REALLY help you. I recommend getting a fighting type!
17) After Darkrai takes you to a small floating island, before talking to him to battle him, move down and you will discover a secret cave. This cave will give you Brick Break, Icebeam, 20 Revives, 20 Hyperpotions, and 20 Rarecandies! It also gives you a level 60 Scraggy and Weavile! This will make the final boss battle a breeze!
18) After beating the boss, talk to the female grunt who appears near the portal, she wasn't there before so she is pretty easy to notice. She tells you about many secrets that now can be obtained in the post-game!
19) Most of all, have fun! I really hope you guys can still enjoy the game even though the difficulty level is high. I know you don't have six hours to spend trying to beat this game while still trying all the other games, but I put a lot of work into the ending, so watching some Let's Plays may not be a bad idea if you want an idea of what the game turns out to be. I am working on an extended version that explores the Realm of Shadows more and fixes the difficulty, as well as adding a new kind of Pokemon! Hopefully that game will be a lot more enjoyable for everyone, and again, I am sorry for the difficult level spikes!
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What I did to beat it was have a constantly flowing team and a little bit of grinding, but I wasn't worried about giving all the jam games a good playthrough since I played my game before any others were released.

Hey, since everyone seems to be having such a hard time with the game I've decided to post a list of things that helped me get through the game, and hopefully these things will enable others to have a better, more enjoyable experience with the game.

I just wanna point out that as a dev, you allways have an advantage over the game that players don't. Even playing without debug features, just the knowledge of what wild pokemon and items are available is powerful (Plus more obvious stuff like what kind of team the Boss uses and where the next healing spot is).

So I think there is a flaw in the tips: There's no option to leave the Cobalt Ruins after getting there (I tried boarding the ship a couple times, but it says to talk to the sailor...?), but I think that letting the player come and go would help with some of the difficulty issues.
  • If I filled my team before getting to the Ruins, I could be locked into a bad team composition (Maybe just catching both Minun and Plusle instead of diversifying). Even if I catch a better Pokemon in the Ruins it would just go to the PC where I can't reach it.
  • That goes the other way too. If I can't resist catching that shiny Zubat but then realize I would've been better off using that party slot to catch a Dwebble or just bringing a Starly...well it's going to be a long grind.
  • In my playthrough I used the only revive I had just trying to get through the cave when it would've been much more helpful to have for the boss fight. Being able to go back to the Mart and buy healing items or repels so that my team was 100% when fighting Admin Raven would've made a difference.
Anyway, onto the stuff I wanted to say. I really like the mapping in this game, I noticed it a lot in the Cobalt ruins actually, since I spent the better part of 2 hours running around there. :P
There's several times where I saw a ladder or item that I couldn't get yet, but was quickly looped back to, especially that pair of ladders that are fairly deep in the cave but are on a ledge that easy to jump off and get to the beginning again.

I wanna say more but honestly I'm really burnt out after fighting Raven so much and I've gotta set the game aside for now.


AKA Fakemon123
Apr 2, 2017
I just wanna point out that as a dev, you allways have an advantage over the game that players don't. Even playing without debug features, just the knowledge of what wild pokemon and items are available is powerful (Plus more obvious stuff like what kind of team the Boss uses and where the next healing spot is).

So I think there is a flaw in the tips: There's no option to leave the Cobalt Ruins after getting there (I tried boarding the ship a couple times, but it says to talk to the sailor...?), but I think that letting the player come and go would help with some of the difficulty issues.
  • If I filled my team before getting to the Ruins, I could be locked into a bad team composition (Maybe just catching both Minun and Plusle instead of diversifying). Even if I catch a better Pokemon in the Ruins it would just go to the PC where I can't reach it.
  • That goes the other way too. If I can't resist catching that shiny Zubat but then realize I would've been better off using that party slot to catch a Dwebble or just bringing a Starly...well it's going to be a long grind.
  • In my playthrough I used the only revive I had just trying to get through the cave when it would've been much more helpful to have for the boss fight. Being able to go back to the Mart and buy healing items or repels so that my team was 100% when fighting Admin Raven would've made a difference.
Anyway, onto the stuff I wanted to say. I really like the mapping in this game, I noticed it a lot in the Cobalt ruins actually, since I spent the better part of 2 hours running around there. :P
There's several times where I saw a ladder or item that I couldn't get yet, but was quickly looped back to, especially that pair of ladders that are fairly deep in the cave but are on a ledge that easy to jump off and get to the beginning again.

I wanna say more but honestly I'm really burnt out after fighting Raven so much and I've gotta set the game aside for now.

Thank you so much for the feedback! I think I had planned to make you able to sail back but I figured that having the sailor heal your Pokemon would be enough so that you wouldn't have to go back to town to have your party healed, I completely disregarded items. The idea was that the sailor had said to prepare for the tough battles ahead so I figured that warning the players to stock up would get them to do so beforehand, but now I realize it would've been a better idea to let them travel back to the mainland to stock up. For now though if people are having a hard time if they black out they'll be sent back to Harbour Town and can stock up then. There are also various items around the ruins such as potions if needed. I will be sure to change it to allow you to go back to Harbour Town in the future though! And I didn't consider that I knew what Pokemon the boss had, so that is probably why the game wasn't so hard for me. In the future I will make sure to think more like a player and less like a developer! I'm glad you like the mapping, I tried making it interesting enough to the point where it wasn't super boring to travel through. Sorry that you're so burnt out after fighting Raven, and again, I will work on making the game easier for a re-release! Thanks again for the feedback, it means a lot!
  • Like
Reactions: Aki


Aug 12, 2017
I saw a play through on Youtube and thought I must play this! Sorry to be a pain but could you do a link via Googledrive or Dropbox as I can't use other sharing sites in my country and would love to give this a go :)


AKA Fakemon123
Apr 2, 2017
I saw a play through on Youtube and thought I must play this! Sorry to be a pain but could you do a link via Googledrive or Dropbox as I can't use other sharing sites in my country and would love to give this a go :)
Sure thing! I'll try uploading to Dropbox!


A wild Minun appeared!
May 17, 2017
So I have stopped playing for now since I want to takle other games as well ... so here's my feedback:

I had fun but there are also frustrating parts.

I started my journey with a shiny Spoink. On my way to the second town I found myself a Minun on route 1. I really love Minun(as you can tell from my profile pic) so I was pretty happy about that.

Arrving at the first town I spoke with all the NPCs because I just loved the gags.

After that Spoink, Minun and I sat sail to the first island. When I battled the second grunt there I had to realize that having only Psychic and Normal moves isn't good against a Sableye(Dark Gost type). So I went back to route 1 and trained my Minun until it leaned spark. It took quite a while but was worth it. Spacially since the first Island is full of Zubat and Woobat and those where easy to deal with like this.

At the end of the second room I encountered a Nosepass. I like Nosepass because of it's evolution. Although I didn't know whether I could evolve it or not(special reqirements). But having that many Zubats and Woobats around helped a lot in leveling my Nosepass and with those 3 Pokémon I challenged the first Twilight admin and closed the chapter on the first island. Also having taken Psychic with me I was confident that Spoink and I could sweep any opponent.

Beeing happy of having collected the first gem I challenged the route to the next town. It wasn't easy but with a few runs to the Pokécenter I managed to get to the third town.

There all beeing bulgars and little kids dreaming of entering team galaxy. I actually tried to click all the shelves to see whether I can steal something there. Sadly I couldn't. But I liked the third town the most I gotta say.

Then going to the ruin and trying to deciffer the statues text. Well I was too dumb to do it so walking and clicking across the room managed to get me to the next room.

Down there I was lucky enough to encounter a Growlithe and because I like the Pokémon I caught it right away. While trying to grind levels with Growlithe I encountered a Vulpix which I just had to catch because Ninetales is my favorite Pokémon. I grinded like a madman to get those two to the other Pokémons level. At that time I really wished I'd had an Exp Share.

Going on I found a fire stone which I used right away on my Vulpix. I regreted not waiting until Vulpix learns heatwave because now the only fire move ninetales could ever have was fire spin.

So I went on and with a few difficultlies(I was stupid enough to switch into my spoink which only knows psychic type moves during the boss battle and lost the first try) managed to clear the magma cave.

Beeing proud of my Pokémon team I went on to the next island. I really liked the looks of it. Plus the rain matched the mood perfectly. Beeing fired up by all this I went into the forest to encounter a wild Pokémon that was 10 level above me. To make matters worse it rained and my newly obtained Fire types were useless. That was pretty discouraging.

After a break a takled the game again and found out that the rain only started randomly. So starting from there I just reentered the map until it didn't rain anymore. Well from there I tried to clear the forest which wasn't easy because the forest is a maze. I also decided to catch a sixth Pokémon here. Shortly after I encountered a Roserade and decided to catch it. My team and I were often forced to go back to the Pokémoncenter because of the grunts beeing strong and the wild Pokémon throwing around with status. I also stopped leveling Minun and Nosepass because they had a type disadvantage. An Exp Share would have been great here, too. During the grunt battles they were of really favorable typing though so they weren't left behind too badly. Once I challenged the boss the first time my team was around level 30. Due to my team beeing weakend it ended in a devastating defeat.

After that I gave it another try with my Pokémon in good health. But realizing my spoink only did like a fifth of Virizions health with psychic I decided to train it to level 32 where it evolved. I also decided to replace my Roserade due to its bad moveset and ended up catching a Butterfree. And this was a really good choise.

Beeing a little pesimistic I went back to the boss and started with Butterfree which had learned the move silver wind. Hoping to get my stats buffed I started out with that attack. And I luckily got the buff. The second use buffed me as well and that's the story of Butterfree soloing the third boss.

Beeing hyped about finally managing to clear the forest I went back to the ruins. And then the first grunts Pokémon was level 40. That's when I stoped playing for now because I didn't want to spend the time to level my team up like that.

Well that was my story of the game for now.

Some more general feedback:
  • I really like you mapping. For the same reasons as Aki I guess. Plus I think the maps all look great.
  • I love those NPC dialouges.
  • The story is simple and easy to understand. So even I knew what's going on. This is exactly how you want it to be in a game like yours.
  • I didn't have any problems with finding Pokémon I like.
  • an Exp Share would have been really nice. An Exp All even nicer.
  • those jumps in levels ... they are way too much ... like how am I supposed to defeat Pokemon that are more than 10 levels above me(like the worst difference was 15 levels)
  • don't rely on the player changing up his team. Pokémon is all about training and getting attached to your team.
  • don't rely on the player finding hidden items/Pokémon/whatever. They aren't called hidden for nothing.(that's what I thought after reading your tips ... I even tried to get earthquake after the forest but the sailor wouldn't bring me to the island anymore)
some bugs I encountered:
  • The PC is kinda buggy:
    • The Pokémon I'm holding there suld be above the team box. You'll see if you try yourself. There is an Array to modify this somewhere in the storage screen script.
    • 5498e6tf.png
  • Virizion and the others of that line give linke no exp. I defeated that level 40 Virizion with a level 30 Pokémon and didn't even get 100 exp.

Well that's it for now.