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Released Pokémon Electric Pikachu Beta

This project has a release available. The full version is still a work in progress.
Project Status
Project Version
Pokémon Electric Pikachu

Download Link:
Welcome! Just a little background, this story is loosely based off of the Toshihiro Ono manga, the Electric Tale Of Pikachu. I saw that a lot of people made Fangames on the anime, but personally I like the manga better, so I took it as a challenge to create a wonderful DEMO version for the game, and I'm proud of what I created. Eventually, it updated to the Beta version on Pokecommunity, but it didn't get too many downloads or even suggestions, so I'm hoping that uploading on Relic Castle would be better. Of course, this is a work in progress, so it will occasionally be updated. Mostly bug fixes though, because the main storyline is hard to create.

Made Using:
Engine: Pokemon Essentials v16.2 - RPG Maker XP
(Working on updating to v17)
Image Editing: GIMP
Audio: Audacity

Author: CaiGuyCrafter/TheGamerCailo

Plot Summary/Notes:
Based off of the not-so-well known Manga, Pokémon Electric Tale of Pikachu, which was based on the original Pokémon Indigo League anime, and because it didn't get much popularity, and because I also thought it was better than the anime, I wanted to make a fangame out of it. So, essentially, you are playing as an Alternate Ash Ketchum, who finds a Pikachu inside of his house, eating at his wires, and attempts to beat his rival Gary Oak at becoming the best Pokémon master ever.

Unique Features:
  • Pikachu, otherwise known as "Jon Luc Pikachu" as stated in the manga, has actually good stats.
  • Custom Tilesets (Wesley's FRLG Tileset, go check it out)
  • Storyline based off of the Pokemon Electric Pikachu Manga
  • Classic Fire Red Leaf Green Look.


-Obviously Pokemon Essentials (They are the best and what allowed me to create this game-
-Peter O.
-Luka S.J.
-MiDas Mike
-Near Fantastica
-Genzai Kawakami
-Jacob O. Wobbrock
-Lisa Anthony
-and everyone else who helped out


-The Pokemon Comunity-
Gamefreak and Nintendo

-The Pokemon Comunity

-TheGamerCailo, creator (My name here is CaiGuyCrafter, but I'm not able to change it.
-Golisopod User
-Luka S.J
-Richard PT Lavender Town Ghost Battle

-Sprites from Reborn, with permission.
-Wesley's FRLG tilesets.

-Overworld Sprites-
-Gamefreak Pokemon Gen 3-

-Sound Effects-
-Pokemon Gen 3: Pokemon FRLG and RSE

YouTube Video:
The Electric Pikachu Demo Gameplay
Last edited:


Just a wolf that loves the shadows on a hot day :)
Jun 29, 2018
Interesting. Didn't even know about the manga! I will definitely try this game out

Invincible Greninja

Aug 14, 2020
Dude this game has so much potential. I love how you adapted the manga. I wonder if you're still working on it..