Good catch!Exciting to have it updated! I've noticed a teeny bug that presumably affects not just me; when crafting say, a sitrus berry, it said it was putting the item in the mail pocket; I'm not sure what caused this, perhaps my calling the crafting from Voltseon's Pause Menu affected it somehow, but to fix it- go toand find:Ruby:def pbCraftItem(stock)
After that, all you need to do is add a - 1 in [pocket]. I don't know if that makes sense but my 1 am brain says it's good enoughRuby:pbMessage(_INTL("You put the {1} away\\nin the <icon=bagPocket{2}>\\c[1]{3} Pocket\\c[0].", itemname,pocket,PokemonBag.pocket_names()[pocket]))
I've edited the script in the download. All should be fine now.