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This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
Project Version
MewYou is a game where you get to play as Mew! Will you fight everyone you come across, or pick your battles carefully?

Not sure which version you have? The newest one is 2.6 and it will say so on the titlescreen like above.
→Here is the latest download of MewYou←

  • Play and battle as Mew
  • All wild encounters are visible instead of random chance
  • Pokemon will rematch multiple times, getting stronger and even evolving
  • With timing and a healthy dose of luck, you can avoid almost every battle
  • Opponents level up immediately after battle, and can also evolve (Usually stops at about level 50, but you can keep rematching them anyway)
  • Buizel is your first partner, but your second is determined by what items you find during your journey!





This game was made for Relic Castle's game jam #1 which ran from June 30th - August 10th 2015. It was my first time releasing a game, and there were a lot of bugs and dev errors that made the game unplayable and impossible to complete...but for some reason people liked it, and asked me to repost when the site moved. So it got some updates!

If you beat the game already, here's how to get The Mew Badge!

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why won't my emulator run this game? What emulator do I need?
This isn't a hacked game. It's made with RMXP, so no emulator needed!

Q: What should I name Mew? Are there special codenames?
There are a couple names that will have special effects!
Mew = Changes your name to your computer's username. This is just a goof I put in to catch the occasional smartass
Blue = Makes Mew shiny
Mewtwo = Gives Mew a moveset and ability that would suit a Mewtwo instead of the default
Kied = Gives Mew a very special/nonsensical moveset instead of the default

Q: Are you going to fix this bug I found?
No. This was the first game I ever released, and my files got corrupted; basically it's a mess and it only gets messier if I did try to edit anything. I'm sorry about the level curve being too harsh in places. When I designed it I thought I was compensating for Mew's power and encouraging the more stealth aspect of the game, but if I wanted players to never battle I should have made the final battle optional somehow.

Q: Is the game going to be made longer?
No. I told the whole story I wanted to tell so making it longer would mean me shoving filler in somewhere...which I don't wanna do. Also see the answer about bugs.

Q: What is Andante mode? Did Andante mode also get fixed/finished?
When I made the game I was partially inspired by a friend's RP/Ask blog (ask-andante.tumblr), which focuses on a mew named Andante. If you name your character Andante when starting the game, you'll play as him (a poorly written OOC version) instead of the normal mew character. The differences are that Andante talks, some NPCs are replaced for cameo purposes, and he has different partners. It's still included in the game because he and his mun were part of the inspiration to make a mew game, and I still wanted to honor them with a nod even if I'm looking back and cringing at how poorly I actually did it. Note: This mode isn't supported anymore and probably contains game breaking bugs, such as being sent out of bounds.

Q: Why do trainer's pokemon say they're wild?
It's one part Mew doesn't really care about the trainer during battles, and one part having it be a wild battle avoids the awkwardness of "Mew sent out Mew!" that's programmed to happen during trainer battles. This also allows the trainers to actually use moves that end the battle (something like roar doesn't fail), which in a trainer battle would have no effect.

Q: Why can't I run from battles?!
Because you can see wild encounters, so the running should happen before the battle. That said I think some of them might be moving too fast to avoid, which was something I did because my old computer lagged so much that I needed that speed setting to tell that they were moving at all. I'm sorry but I think they've all been fixed in the latest updates.

Q: Why is Celebi so annoying/confusing?
A lot of your interactions with her happen when she is pretty young. She's excitable, and inexperienced, and bossy, and her older selves are sorry about that.

Q: Was that Xerneas?
Yes, that's what I was implying. I think the time-travelling guardian of the forest and the deer who spends years sleeping as a tree would make good friends. The use of "xe" was specifically placed in the sentence so it could be either a nickname for Xerneas, or as a genderless pronoun for Xerneas; interpret that in whichever way you prefer.

Q: Why is Mewtwo in my party after beating the game? Is there more content? Can I use Mewtwo? Can I be Mewtwo in the sequel?!
There is no hidden or extra content where you can use Mewtwo. I added it to the party at the end so it's immediately obvious when booting up the save file that the game has been completed.
I'm lazy okay? As an admin checking save files to make sure some has earned a badge, I allways had to download and play that person's copy of the game. I open up the bag to check for key items, or walk myself to the nearest PC and scour the boxes for a certain endgame pokemon. For MewYou, boot up the game and I can see the person completed it. Easy. Lazy.

Q: When is the sequel coming out? Will I get to play as Mewtwo?
A: I never planned to make a sequel. Due to the insane amount of attention MewYou has gotten though...I did start experimenting with some abilities Mew has that were neglected in MewYou. Mew is still the main playable character though, not Mewtwo.

Q: Can I rip or use something from this game?
No. But this game was made for a jam, and one of the rules of the jam was that any resources I make for it become public. Here's what I made: some fogs!



You're free to use/edit any of these, no credit required.

Q: How do I get a certain partner? What Pokemon does each item become?
When Celebi asks you to offer an item, the list is different depending on what you have.
If you have any of the items on this list, you get these "Normal Tier" choices:
  • Relic Crown = Volcarona
  • Heat rock = Magcargo
  • Damp Rock = Swampert
  • Smooth Rock = Flygon
  • Icy Rock = Cryogonal
  • Helix Fossil = Omanyte
  • Root Fossil = Lileep
  • Claw Fossil = Anorith
  • Plume Fossil = Archen
  • Dome Fossil = Kabuto
  • Moonstone = Lunatone
  • Sunstone = Solrock
If you have none of the items from the Normal Tier, you can choose a partner from this "Gold Tier" instead:
  • Flying Gem = Shiny Dragonair
  • Ground Gem =Sandslash
  • Dragon Gem = Deino
  • Rock Gem = Tyranitar
  • Ghost Gem = Shedinja
  • Water Gem = Keldo
  • Starpiece = Jirachi
  • Tiny Mushroom = Foongus
  • Big Mushroom = Breloom
  • Nugget = Ho-oh
After the first life wave, you can approach the tree and there's a few additional Pokemon in the Gold Tier:
  • Relic Gold = Meowth
  • Castelia cone = Vanillish
  • Pokedoll = Clefairy
  • Cheri Berry = Cherubi
  • Moomoo milk = Miltank
  • Electric Gem = Ampharos
  • Dark Gem = Absol
  • Psychic Gem = Espeon
  • Normal Gem = Porygon
If you're holding none of the items from either of those lists, there's a Special Tier Partner that you'll get automatically.

This game was mostly developed by me, but there's a lot of people who helped to make this game possible.​
Game Assets
RPG Maker XP
Pokemon Essentials Kit by Poccil, Flameguru, and Maruno.
Pokemon Essentials BW3 kit from KleinStudio
Radical Raptr
And thanks to
Nintendo, you know what you did! Thanks for Pokemon!
Kied, for not just bug testing but showing me so many ways to make the game better. Version 2.0 and up are as good as they are because of you.
Tat and Chu
For letting me look over your shoulder as you encountered all those bugs.
For letting me write Andante in (even if he's out of character sometimes, sorry!) and for inspiring me to make a game starring Mew!
The Relic Castle community
For all the support, encouragement, and feedback that everyone has given me so far-THANK YOU EVERYONE!
And thanks to you for playing!
Last edited:


Nov 15, 2023
Hi. How can I create a backup save file if I don't want to rewrite my previous run?

Oh, I want to say I like your game.
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Reactions: Aki
Hi. How can I create a backup save file if I don't want to rewrite my previous run?

Oh, I want to say I like your game.


Okay this isn't gonna be an elegant solution, but here's how you can mess around with your saves:
You're gonna want to go to This PC > Local Disk(C:) > Users > [Your Username, mine's Aki] > Saved Games. There should be a bunch of folders including one for MewYou. Inside the MewYou folder is probably just one or two files, a Game data and maybe an Error text. You can take that game data file and put it somewhere else, even rename it if it helps you keep track, and MewYou will only ever pull the save that's currently in the folder. Just swap it back into the MewYou folder and rename it if you wanna play that save again.

You can save and mess around with any Essentials game like this, but it probably won't ever get you a game advantage to swap save files around between games. It could be funny in a couple cases but I'd guess not playable most of the time.


Nov 15, 2023

Okay this isn't gonna be an elegant solution, but here's how you can mess around with your saves:
You're gonna want to go to This PC > Local Disk(C:) > Users > [Your Username, mine's Aki] > Saved Games. There should be a bunch of folders including one for MewYou. Inside the MewYou folder is probably just one or two files, a Game data and maybe an Error text. You can take that game data file and put it somewhere else, even rename it if it helps you keep track, and MewYou will only ever pull the save that's currently in the folder. Just swap it back into the MewYou folder and rename it if you wanna play that save again.

You can save and mess around with any Essentials game like this, but it probably won't ever get you a game advantage to swap save files around between games. It could be funny in a couple cases but I'd guess not playable most of the time.
Ok thanks. I am an IT student so dealing with files and folders isn't new. I just want to save previous run cause overwriting my previous team is kind of brutal. (They'll disintegrate into the void...)
I actually wanted to write my previous comment longer, including my first experience with Pokémon (I think your game is my first attempt at Pokémon. I played Pokémon Go later and fire-red (pc) later later on) and how I finally beat it yesterday, but I figured it's kind of long.

At first I kind of expected more from the game... but after some time I think I can accept that it's just a story about Mew and Buizel's adventure to stop Mewtwo. It's just a simple concept. As much as I like to complicate the matter, maybe it's fine to reach a goal than to feel lost from the plot. (which I always did when trying to draw comics :") )

Thank you for making this game. Maybe I learnt something from it. ❤️
  • Love
Reactions: Aki


Dec 1, 2024
This game is absolutely great but the one thing I need to make everything perfect is the starpiece for Jirachi so how where do I get it?